CHRIST His 9 LETTERS 16 ARTICLES 2007 MESSAGE 2014 MESSAGE as given to the ‘recorder’ plus additional resources 2017 Enhanced Edition This is a free book as per Christ’s instructions. If printed, it should be sold on a not-for-profit basis so that it may be made available at as low a cost as possible. Christ says… My BOUNDLESS CELESTIAL LOVE impels me to return again and again to write to mankind, with the intention that finally – as many of you who are ready to receive it – will possess the knowledge which will enable you to transcend your humanhood and merge into ‘Father Consciousness’ – the true ‘Love Consciousness’ in which are realised all things bountiful and beautiful." (Letter 3) Because of the wrong interpretation placed on my mission by Jewish teachers, my true message has been distorted out of recognition and the purpose of these Letters is to bring to the people of this New Age, the truth of what I really spoke to the crowds in Palestine." (Letter 2) MOVING BETWEEN DIFFERENT LEVELS OF ‘CONSCIOUSNESS’ is no easy or pleasant assignment. It is only because my mission on earth was not completed when I died in Palestine, that I now return to help you prepare to enter a new age, a new phase of individualised existence on earth." (Letter 3) These Letters offer the only true means by which people will find the path to the spiritual dimension in which all human error fades away and only love remains." (Letter 3) I repeat emphatically, whilst my persona on earth two thousand years ago was that of JESUS, the purpose of my presence, the CHRIST PRESENCE, within these Letters, is to reach sensitive and inspired souls to teach them how to draw on Divine Assistance during the future horror in which the world will ultimately be embroiled. For this reason, my powerful longing to rescue those who can receive me has been crystallised in the form of the TRUTH OF EXISTENCE within these Letters. Know this – heed it. (Letter 4) It is only those who will follow me in acceptance and faith into daily meditation, the cleansing of consciousness, and impassioned prayer for enlightenment, who will eventually gain ever deepening glimpses – then experiences – of what creation itself may access – Divine Consciousness. (Ltr.6) In my transcendent state, I can do more for you when you call upon me than I could if I were to return to earth in a physical body when you might see me with your eyes and hear me with your ears, but your understanding of Truth of Being might be limited. (Letter 7) In this mode of contact with your consciousness, you can receive me direct into your mind and heart when the preconditions to such contact have been fulfilled. (Letter 7) For I tell you truly, the more time and meditation you devote to these Letters, the more will it become possible for you to receive higher inspiration and instruction from me, personally, because with every reading of these Letters, the more will your own frequencies of consciousness be raised towards my spiritual consciousness frequencies – and eventually we will be able to reach a true meeting place of consciousness. Then – abundant will be the fruitage in your life. (Letter 7) Daily, sincere meditation and prayer will enable a mental cleansing to take place and gradually TRUTH and UNDERSTANDING will replace the old myths which once were so dear to you. ( Letter 5) ENLIGHTENMENT: These [letters] are offered free to all who have the will and courage to WALK my CHRIST WAY leading ultimately to enlightenment, freedom from ego and entry into the Kingdom of Heaven. (Article 1) Enlightenment can come in various ways – it can come as a mind-blowing experience which immediately transforms your perception of your SOURCE of BEING and your previous intellectual understanding of your world. True Enlightenment is an inflow of Divine Consciousness into your human consciousness which you will never lose and which permanently transforms your attitudes to your Creator and your life generally. Or – through persistent study of my Letters, little moments of extraordinary insight, little times of illumining shafts of LIGHT will enter your mind which will shift the focus of your inner sight – or clear the lens through which you see the world and judge the validity of all its opinions and beliefs. (Article 1) Gradually, you shed the illusions which previously blinded you and you find yourself gaining mastery of your mind and actions, leading to wholeness in every aspect of your individual being. (Article 1) Walking the CHRIST WAY – as set out in my Letters – is a lifetime work leading directly to freedom from anxiety and want. (Article 1) MEETING A MASTER: When a person’s soul begins to free itself of the Ego, it begins to impress within the person’s consciousness an urgent need to get rid of the barriers which shut one person off from another and to feel spiritually at peace with other people. This is an advanced state of the soul which will now meet a personal Master to lead him/her through the various stages of death of the Ego. (Article 5) HOW TO READ THESE LETTERS: Since these Letters take you into a spiritual-mental dimension transcending the human plane of activities and concerns, they will be best absorbed if preceded by a time of stillness and relaxation. Quieten your minds, if possible, going into a state of inner silence of thought. It is only when you are in this completely receptive state that these Letters will penetrate your human thought with their reality. (Letter 3) As you read, you will find in them both my Presence and my Love. Editor’s Note In compiling Christ’s Letters, Articles and 2007 and 2014 Messages into this book, the same format as the original transcripts has been followed re bolded text, italics, etc. and the same layout has also been followed in keeping with The Recorder’s original intent to bring across Christ’s message in the most meaningful way possible (explained in the Foreword). Minor typos in the originals have been fixed and minor adjustments made for readability, e.g., ‘2000 years ago’ is now ‘more than 2000 years ago’ to keep the information ‘current’ for the reader (regardless of when they are reading it in the future). I have also added topic headings in each Letter, as well as line numbering, for easier reference and study; these were not in the original transcripts. Other than adjustments for readability and easier study, the Letters, Articles and 2007 Message and 2014 Message are as The Recorder had originally transcribed the instructions and teachings given to her by Christ. To download the Recorder’s original transcripts (in pdf format) on which this book is based, you can click on the links below (or if this is a printed copy, go to): _a_higher_vision__original_.pdf PLEASE NOTE: While care has been taking in the making of this book and in the choosing of topic headings, because of the volume of information, errors are possible. If you believe an error has occurred, please reference the area in question in the Recorder’s original transcripts (provided above) as they are the final authority. With Deepest Love and Blessings to All Table of Contents Note: If using this document as a pdf file (versus a printed document), clicking on the centre of any page’s footer will return you to this Table of Contents. Foreword 1 Introduction 3 Christ’s Letter 1 5 Introduction 5 1. The Purpose Behind These Letters 6 2. My Message to all Churches 11 3. The True Spiritual Leader 12 4. Urgent Need for a Higher Vision 13 5. WHAT and WHO you are. 14 6. My Place in History 16 7. My Early Life and Experiences in the Desert 18 8. My Baptism 21 9. What I Felt When in the Desert 22 10. What I 'Saw', Realized, Perceived When in the Desert 22 11. The Word 25 12. Laws - Principles of Creation 26 13. Laws of Existence 33 14. Mindset 41 15. Emotional Patterns 43 Christ’s Letter 2 49 1. I am the Christ 49 2. When I Left the Desert 52 3. I Arrive in Capernum 59 4. Choosing My Disciples 67 5. My State of Consciousness after Illumination in the Desert 70 6. You Reap Exactly as you Sow 85 Go to Table of Contents i Christ’s Letter 3 93 Please Note: How to Read These Letters. 93 1. My Boundless Celestial Love Impels Me to Return 93 2. The Fundamental Impulses of Existence and Human Consciousness 94 3. Feeding the Multitudes 98 4. The Power of Faith and Belief 106 5. Walking on the Water 111 6. Events Prior to My Death 114 Christ’s Letter 4 128 1. One MIND, One LIFE, One LOVE 128 2. Man and Woman are Two Equal Halves of One Whole 148 3. Divine Intention of Universal Consciousness 156 4. Intention 157 5. Willpower 157 6. Purpose 158 7. The Two Basic Impulses Expressed as Male and Female 158 8. Human Beings Have Created Their Own Viruses! 162 Christ’s Letter 5 166 1. The New Testament is NOT to be Trusted, Accepted or Believed. 166 2. The True Purpose Behind Existence 173 3. The ‘Big Bang’ 177 4. The Ultimate Universal Dimension 187 5. My Purpose in Coming Through These Letters 189 6. Cause and Effect Made Visible 192 7. The Creation of Individual Form 199 8. IMPULSES - The REALITY Behind and Within All Creation 204 Christ’s Letter 6 213 1. Your Highest Spiritual Goal 213 2. Ego 215 Go to Table of Contents ii 3. Universal Consciousness and Divine Consciousness 226 4. Your True Purpose in Life 230 5. Cleansing the Consciousness 235 6. About ‘Christianity’ 242 7. The Origins of a Belief in a ‘Super Individual Godhead’ 244 8. The Truth Regarding ‘Sin’ 252 Christ’s Letter 7 259 Introduction: The Miracle Associated with Letter 7 259 1. The Meaning of the Parable of the Sower 260 2. Vibrational Frequencies of Consciousness 263 3. IMPERATIVE That Actions and Reactions be Brought into Alignment 267 4. Your True Source of Life and Being 272 5. Truth of Your Physicality 272 6. ALL Creation is Consciousness Made Visible 274 7. Consciousness Energies 279 8. The Difference Between the Soul and the Psyche 280 9. The Ego 281 10. Personal Life Force 285 11. The Soul-Psyche-Ego-Physical Development 287 Christ’s Letter 8 294 1. The True Nature of Existence 294 2. Your Human Personality 320 3. How to Meditate 333 Christ’s Letter 9 343 1. Why I Can No Longer Return in a Bodily Form 343 2. These Teachings are Relevant to Every Aspect of Your Earthly Lives and to All Nations 344 3. Laughter 364 4. Spiritual Exercises 367 Go to Table of Contents iii 5. Racism 367 6. Reincarnation 372 Christ’s Articles 375 1 - Cracks in Your Planet 376 2 - Create Wonderful Lives 379 3 - Is There Really a God? 383 4 - Chase the Bogeys 386 5 - Walking in Love 389 6 - You are NOT Alone! 392 7 - My TRUE Mission 395 8 - When are You Going to WAKE UP? 399 9 - Human Love Brings Disappointment 401 10 - Consciousness Energy 403 11 - Christ Consciousness 406 12 - Life More Abundant 409 13 - If You Believe... 415 14 - URGENT Message from Christ! 419 15 - The True Kingdom of Heaven on Earth 426 16 - The Latter Days 431 Christ’s October 20, 2007 Message 434 Introduction to the 20-10-2007 Message 435 1 - True Nature of Pure Love 436 2 - True Nature of Consciousness 438 3 - Evolution 441 4 - Your Belief in Your Own Self-Sufficiency 442 5 - Your Self-Will and Its Created Self-Delusions 443 6 - Healing and Sending Healing to Others 445 7 - The Era of Love and Peace 446 8 - The Vision 449 9 - Meditation 450 Go to Table of Contents iv 10 - Membership for the ‘Era of Love & Peace’ or ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ on Earth 451 Christ’s 2014 Message - A Higher Vision 457 QUICK REFERENCES 464 Laws of Existence 465 Laws - Principles of Creation 467 Cleansing Your Consciousness 473 Meditation Prayer 477 Rules to be Followed Daily 478 Affirmation 479 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES 480 The Great Invocation for Christ’s Way 481 The Recorder’s Short Prayer 482 The Recorder’s Long Prayer 483 General Guidelines for Group Discussion 485 Group Meeting Guidelines 486 Go to Table of Contents v Foreword First, I would like to explain why I have used the title of ‘Recorder’ in place of my real name. There was never the slightest doubt in my mind, whilst writing these Letters, that they emanated from Christ. I have described my reasons for being so sure of this, in my short biography. During the writing of the Letters, I was clearly told to leave myself out of the picture, that CHRIST’s Letters must stand entirely on their own. People must decide for themselves whether the Letters rang true or whether people felt they were fake. I had written down what I had received, I would try to get them out for public scrutiny, and whatever happened after that was strictly between the reader of the Letters and Christ Consciousness. Christ promised in the Letters that they would form a link between the reader’s mind and Christ Mind and help would be given in understanding the deep meaning hidden behind the words. Many people have reported experiencing that contact. Many people have been aware of an inflow of insight. Therefore, just as a secretary’s name is unimportant in a business transaction, so is my name and my identity unimportant. What is truly important is whether the reader can feel this is the authentic Christ who has risen in spiritual consciousness to the very portals of the Equilibrium whilst still retaining individuality in order to remain in contact with the world of individuality. Secondly, there has been division in opinion regarding the sometimes strange formatting of the Letters. I would like to explain that as Christ impressed my mind with words or pictures, which made it necessary for me to build up what I saw in words, I also felt the emotions (to a certain degree) that Christ felt when going through the events He is describing at this time. By dropping back into the Foreword 1 vibrations of that time, Christ entered into those times, and relayed them through my mind. There was no way that the Letters could have been written in plain print or just using italics. So often, when a new wonderful insight was put through my mind, I wondered ‘How can I get this across?’ You will know what I mean as you read the Letters. And so, to show that some powerful statement had come from Christ’s mind into mine, I used italics, dark print and capitals. People have complained that this unconventional formatting interferes with the flow of reading. But this is just the point. These Letters are not meant to be read. They are meant to be PONDERED and this means you have to stop on the words in print which hold up the flow of words and THINK about what the words are trying to convey to you. You must remember at all times that when Christ tries to reach your human intelligence, He is relating truths which go way beyond your own experience in life in this world. You have to reach into the infinite dimension in order to try to understand what you are being told. And so, if you spend half-an-hour pondering a paragraph with weird formatting, it is half-an-hour well spent if, gradually, your mind opens up to new possibilities beyond your present thinking. As you reach up in consciousness to Christ Consciousness, asking for illumination, it will surely be given you. Not necessarily at that moment but perhaps, – wham, – when you least expect it, the answer will come shafting into your mind and you will KNOW that – ‘YES, THIS IS IT!’ – THIS IS THE TRUE ANSWER. ~ The Recorder Foreword 2 Introduction Christ says: ‘I have come to rectify the misinterpretations placed on the teachings given when known as ‘JESUS’ in Palestine more than 2000 years ago.’ Christ also says: ‘Because people are on the threshold of a world crisis of enormous proportions, it is vital for survival that I, the Christ, should reach all who will listen. You know little of the true processes of creation in which you, yourselves, play a major role. It is imperative you should understand them sufficiently to enable you to embark on the implementation of a higher vision for all humanity.’ ‘It is impossible for my spiritual consciousness to take on human form; to enable me to speak to you directly, I have deprogrammed and prepared a receptive, obedient mind to receive my Truth and frame it in words. She is my ‘recorder’.’ Recorder: Before reading CHRIST’s Letters, you may want to know how this spiritual exercise of transmission of consciousness was achieved. The work of preparing me to become Christ’s recorder began 40 years ago, when as a committed Christian, encountering grievous difficulties as a farmer, and asking Christ for help, an unexpected forceful answer caused me to reexamine and discard all religious dogma. Enlightenment followed and clearly led in new directions of work and study, I founded a business dealing with people, which flourished. For seven years I enjoyed success and much happiness. To grow in spiritual understanding, I then went through diverse, very traumatic human experiences and, after much suffering, painfully and gainfully learnt their lessons, then transcended them spiritually. One evening, in response to prayer for guidance, the presence of Christ became a reality, who gave me irrefutable proof of his identity. He spoke to Introduction 3 me for an hour, sending strong waves of Cosmic Love through my body and gave me a brief description of what I was to be taught and eventually achieve. A fortnight later, he led me through a transcendent experience of Conscious Union with ‘God’. I became a healer and instrumental in some instantaneous healings. From 1966-1978, at important points of my life, in response to questioning, Christ instructed me in spiritual-scientific principles, now explained by Christ in his Letters. In 1975, I experienced a night of visions describing events between 1983 and 1994, all of which came true. I was again told there would be work for me to do in the future. Eventually, after many and varied vicissitudes, always alleviated by my strong connection with Christ and my deepening understanding and personal experience of ‘First Cause’, I was brought to my present home. Here, I have lived an increasingly solitary life in the past twenty years, sometimes in clear and close contact with Christ and sometimes left to strengthen my faith and patience in the spiritually dry periods. In the past four years I have been led through mental/emotional purification, reaching my goal of perfect inner peace and joy. Christ has put me through a gradual but very clear refining process. When perfectly empty of self, malleable and receptive – the Voice began its dictation and the Letters began to take shape. These Letters are entirely the work of Christ. Nothing in them has been derived from other literature, although in recent years, certain writers have obviously drawn much of their own inspired insight from Christ’s conscious radiation of Truth. All those who are in harmony with his Consciousness are greatly blest. I am merely the ‘Recorder’ – nothing more. Introduction 4 Christ’s Letter 1 1 2 3 In this Letter, Christ speaks of His reasons for returning to dictate these Letters. 4 He says that mankind brings their own woes upon them through their thoughts 5 and actions. Explains why His true mission on earth was not recorded properly. 6 Says there is no such thing as ‘sin against God’; neither is our true Source of 7 Being understood. Describes His six weeks in the desert and what really took 8 place – what He learnt and how the knowledge changed Him from rebel to 9 Master and Healer. 10 11 12 Introduction 13 14 I, the CHRIST, take this opportunity to speak directly to YOU. 15 16 I have come to rectify the misinterpretations placed on the teachings 17 given when known as ‘Jesus’ in Palestine more than 2000 years ago. 18 19 These Letters are being put through one who, during the past forty years, 20 has been spiritually sensitive and dedicated enough to receive my words and 21 act on them. 22 These LETTERS ARE TRUTH. 23 24 They transcend all religious doctrines in the world. 25 26 These LETTERS will LIBERATE you. 27 28 These Letters are for all people who are searching for meaning to existence, 29 purpose in their lives, strength to face the daily struggle to live and endure 30 hardship, sickness, despair, and inspiration for those who aspire to greater 31 spiritual awareness in their daily lives. 32 33 You might say that these Letters are a MASTER’s COURSE for those who 34 are ready to put foot to the path which I travelled when on earth in 35 Palestine. 36 37 38 Letter 1 5 You may doubt that the above words are true. As you read these pages and 1 go into the facts I am giving you concerning existence and the origins of 2 personality, you will realise that this truth could only have come from the 3 highest source. 4 5 Those who have difficulty in understanding the Letters should read them a 6 page at a time, then put them aside and meditate. Gradually, the meaning 7 will seep into your consciousness for these pages are a link between your 8 consciousness and my transcendent consciousness. 9 10 Come to these Letters with a mind as free of ideas and beliefs and prejudice 11 as a very little child before it is indoctrinated with human belief. 12 13 Bring me your uncluttered mind, a seeking mind, and I will fill it with true 14 treasure, the treasure of highest knowledge which, as you absorb it, will 15 lighten your daily load and lead you into ‘green pastures of brightest light’, 16 signifying abundance, joy, rapture and fulfilment of every need. You will 17 come to know how it feels to be abundantly blest with all that exists beyond 18 your present human comprehension. 19 20 These Letters are sent to all people throughout the world with my 21 compassion and love. As you read them, you will feel the love and the 22 compassion and will come to realise that your daily struggles with existence 23 were never intended for you. There is no need for you to experience pain 24 and stress when you understand, absorb and practice the TRUTH OF 25 EXISTENCE consistently. 26 27 28 1. The Purpose Behind These Letters 29 30 These Letters are intended to bring enlightenment to the world generally, 31 to enable humanity to construct a NEW CONSCIOUSNESS during the 32 next two thousand years. These Letters are the seeds of the future spiritual 33 evolution of humankind. 34 35 Note well: It is the spiritual evolution of the ‘human consciousness’ that 36 brings about the mental and physical evolution in your personal and 37 38 Letter 1 6 global lives and brings humanity into ever more harmonious states of 1 well-being. 2 3 If you find this hard to believe, reflect on the past two thousand years and 4 see what has been accomplished since I last spoke to people in person. 5 There has been a gradual evolutionary trend towards the brotherly love I 6 constantly preached to the Jews. 7 8 When I walked the earth, there were no such humanitarian 9 organizations as you have now. Ambition, greed, and self-gratification 10 were regarded as normal behaviour. 11 12 There was little brotherly love even amongst the Jews whose Prophets, for 13 generations, had exhorted them to love their neighbours as themselves. 14 15 As humanity has developed its capacity for brotherly love, so has 16 humanity made life more pleasant and comfortable for itself in the form 17 of mutual consideration, courtesy, kindness, and in the provision of 18 hospitals, child welfare societies, care of the aged, human rights 19 movements, and many other institutions devoted to the improvement of 20 the human condition. All these have been born in the hearts and minds 21 of those who sincerely heeded my original words spoken in Palestine 22 urging people towards brotherly love and compassion for their fellow 23 men. 24 25 This form of spiritual caring and brotherly love gained tremendous impetus 26 in the 19th century, when my words were preached with renewed sincerity 27 and intensity from pulpits and gladly received by earnest and sincere 28 congregations. Preachers and congregations were, by that time, spread 29 worldwide on every continent. The Sabbath was truly regarded as a day of 30 rest and the thoughts of the majority of Christian people were lifted to the 31 contemplation of the power of God. 32 33 Such a worldwide cessation from normal duties and occupations, meant 34 that a 24-hour long elevation of ‘conscious thought’ towards the Divine 35 Creative Power created a regular and powerful ‘human/Divine’ 36 consciousness underpinning and inter-threading human lives. Human 37 petition drew the Power of the Divine into the human consciousness and 38 Letter 1 7 human experience and led directly to growth and expansion in every 1 facet of human life. 2 3 However, people did not yet know how to mentally direct Divine Power 4 into spiritual rather than ‘ego’ channels of creativity. Consequently, the 5 expansion of ‘collective consciousness’ brought ‘evil’ results arising out of 6 the ‘ego power’ as well as the ‘good’ results produced by the ‘spiritual 7 consciousness’ of inspired and enlightened people. 8 9 N.B. FOR THIS REASON ... I have come expressly to explain to you ... 10 a vitally important fact of existence. Please read carefully. 11 12 It is this: 13 14 * Your personal consciousness is entirely responsible for whatever comes 15 into your life and personal experience. It is your personal consciousness 16 which brings you good or evil. * 17 18 * In your subconscious, you bring through strongly imprinted but hidden 19 recollections of past traumas/emotions of past life/lives which can erupt and 20 colour your present consciousness. * 21 22 * Your specific and impassioned prayer for alleviation of some kind, may be 23 answered but it will avail you little in the long term if your mind and heart 24 continually operate in contravention of the Universal Laws of LOVE 25 and you live in a mindset of constant criticism. * 26 27 Universal Laws of Existence relate ONLY to ‘activities of 28 consciousness’ ... and are exact and undeviating ... they are NOT rewards 29 or punishment from ‘God’. 30 31 I repeat: are not ‘PUNISHMENT FROM GOD’ – they relate to the 32 ‘Causative Factor of Consciousness’ which attract/magnetize electrical 33 particles that thus bond together and appear to the world as outer 34 visible solid forms and experiences. 35 36 N.B. Sometimes, people make powerfully prayerful contact with the 37 DIVINE REALITY behind and within all creation, It responds and Its 38 Letter 1 8 activity is shortly revealed as necessary improvements within the personal 1 and national life – and people may exclaim ‘This is a miracle!’ 2 3 But – in the long term, – the state of the Personal or National 4 consciousness will again reassert itself in their experiences and will 5 reproduce the same negative effects in health or affairs as they did 6 previously. 7 8 You cannot effect permanent changes in your lives unless you change your 9 consciousness. 10 11 Therefore people must pray and strive at all times to achieve unconditional 12 Love. 13 14 For in the 20th century, human mental abilities out-stripped their 15 spiritual development. 16 17 Scientists thought they could explain away the origins of creation and 18 ascribe them to accident. As a direct result = people ditched morality and 19 began to give way utterly to self-will. 20 21 They set in motion a new momentum of menace in the world, for they 22 began to create a new form of ‘world ego-consciousness’ directly in 23 opposition to the NATURE of the Divine – UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. 24 The human consciousness blocked the inflow of the Divine. 25 26 NOTE WELL: The ever-increasing lurid imaginings of a few people, which 27 would have been contained locally, a century ago, now became a – 28 29 CONTAGIOUS MENTAL INFECTION 30 glorified in literature, films, theatre, 31 32 – spreading worldwide, creating a global ‘Human Consciousness’ similar 33 to their own, expressed as sexual excesses, violence, and perversions. This 34 MENTAL INFECTION first manifests as egocentric modes of living and 35 the creation of technical devices – which have created serious health 36 disorders, climatical changes, crop failures, environment deterioration, 37 extinction of living creatures, and wholesale slaughter of human beings. 38 Letter 1 9 Mental Infection manifests in the human personality as deranged and 1 destructive behaviour, drug-taking, abominable cruelty and depravity, 2 gangster operations, and sexual excesses. Thus has a vicious circle of 3 malignancy and perversions of thought and activities been created by 4 entertainment and media magnates. The purpose – to capture egocentric 5 public vested interest. 6 7 Your TV and Cinema screen has become the new Bible of human 8 behaviour. 9 10 Personal tragedies unknown to human kind a century ago, have become rife 11 and people live in fear of walking the streets. Households are barricaded 12 behind high walls. Family and social problems are taken into regular public 13 debate – and so the saga of human misery is perpetuated. 14 15 This is the BEAST stalking your lands and feeding a miasma of beastliness 16 into innocent minds. 17 18 **It will be perpetuated until my Christ Knowledge is acknowledged, 19 accepted and lived by the majority of people on earth. Because this 20 knowledge will show you how to get back on the true PATH OF LIFE in 21 order to start creating the kind of lives you truly desire.** 22 23 Because I am unconditional LOVE I am speaking the TRUTH which 24 many spiritual minds suspect but which is rejected by those who are 25 spiritually blind – at the moment. 26 27 ///// These words are not spoken to threaten or punish you – but to 28 alert you to the source of all the unspeakable horrors which daily fill 29 your newspapers and TV screens. ///// 30 31 **It is only my love for all people that forces me to descend through the 32 various levels of consciousness to reach the dimension of human depravity 33 to warn you of its consequences in your present lives.** 34 35 36 37 38 Letter 1 10 NOTE WELL – IMPORTANT: 1 2 You wonder from whence has come the HIV virus which attacks man’s 3 precious self-defense system – the immune system, and also targets his 4 abilities to procreate? 5 6 This virus, if left to spread unchecked – (not by drugs) – by 7 SPIRITUAL AWARENESS – will wipe out the unwary. The 8 Enlightened will avoid these and other pitfalls of existence. 9 10 Wake up! Realise! Your own strong ‘consciousness impulses’ are life 11 impulses. 12 13 They are highly creative electromagnetic impulses! 14 15 When they are of a virulent – violent – aggressive – murderous nature – 16 they emit electrical particles of virulent, violent, aggressive, murderous 17 CONSCIOUSNESS which take form as virulent viruses in the air, 18 spreading from one innocent person to another. 19 20 What is born and nurtured in the diseased mind eventually takes on 21 form in the physical world. This is not punishment from ‘God’ as the 22 churches may teach you. It is, a SCIENTIFIC FACT OF EXISTENCE. 23 Therefore, it is a matter of extreme urgency for all spiritually minded 24 people to set aside ‘infantile’ imaginings to perceive, clearly, the TRUTH of 25 creation and existence. 26 27 28 2. My Message to all Churches 29 30 I, the CHRIST, have come expressly to tell you the truth about the origins 31 of the ‘human personality’. I will explain exactly why and how mankind 32 has been given a natural inbuilt propensity for self-will and a controlling 33 desire for self-gratification and self-defense. 34 35 This is not sin – but part of the natural creative processes. 36 37 There is no ‘punishment’ from on high! 38 Letter 1 11 Men, through the willful and harmful exercise of their ‘Ego-Power’, draw to 1 themselves their own punishment. 2 3 NOTE WELL: For this reason, just as scientific school text-books 4 become redundant as the human mind discovers and absorbs more 5 advanced scientific knowledge, so should the present form of 6 ‘Christianity’, built upon spurious doctrines centred around my 7 crucifixion, be allowed to die a natural death. 8 9 N.B. Your present global crisis, introducing a new break down of 10 International Law and laying the foundation for future global 11 terrorism, clearly indicates that no religion in the world possesses the 12 requisite knowledge and effective leadership to initiate changes in 13 human mental patterns – which will lead directly to peace and 14 prosperity. 15 16 17 3. The True Spiritual Leader 18 19 The True Spiritual Leader will be able to show their congregations how 20 and why modern mindsets have created the calamities and horrors which 21 have been created in ‘consciousness’ and are only just beginning to make 22 themselves fully felt in your midst as diverse forms of pestilence and 23 earthquakes, floods, famines, wars, revolution and other tragedies. Be 24 assured! No evil which comes to your earth is a ‘natural disaster’. 25 Everything inimical to your perfect welfare is bred first in your ‘human 26 consciousness’ and then given form within your global experience. This is 27 what I tried to tell the Jews when I walked the earth – and WEPT – 28 when they laughed and refused to believe it. They called me a madman. 29 30 Let not the churches make the same mistake! 31 32 Because the churches have been moribund, cemented into rituals and 33 dogmas, their priests and pastors have been unable to meet the evolving 34 spiritual needs of ardent seekers of Truth. As a result, the churches are 35 emptying. 36 37 38 Letter 1 12 If they are to endure, the churches must put aside their differences and 1 have the humility to accept that inspiration does not necessarily come 2 to earth in ways acceptable to themselves. They must remember that I, 3 the Christ, was not acceptable to the Jews. 4 5 The churches must keep open minds and hearts to receive whatever they 6 intuitively feel is a Higher Truth than that to which they presently cling ... 7 and to abandon the old beliefs which have permitted the BEAST to take 8 control of human thought. 9 10 Pray sincerely, with all your souls, minds, hearts – for true enlightenment – 11 rather than a reiteration of old and false beliefs. Wake up and accept that 12 these rituals and past beliefs have not fulfilled my words to mankind, when 13 I promised that ‘greater things than I did’ would you do. 14 15 Meanwhile, until true enlightenment comes to you – (after much 16 meditation and prayer) – teach, demonstrate and live: 17 18 BROTHERLY LOVE 19 with all the strength of soul, heart and mind – 20 minute by minute in your daily lives. 21 22 Because – to combat the global destructive consciousness forces, humanity 23 must make every effort to move on swiftly to the next stage of its 24 development. 25 26 27 4. Urgent Need for a Higher Vision 28 29 It must be widely accepted there is a HIGHER VISION to strive to 30 implement in your daily lives. 31 32 It is only by reaching for a higher vision that the physical world will be 33 rescued from wholesale annihilation. 34 35 Without the vision either for the self or for the world, there can be no 36 spiritual evolution or the achievement of those things greatly desired. At the 37 present time, your perception of life is one of travail and deprivation. These 38 Letter 1 13 beliefs are shockingly depicted and reinforced by your TV viewing. They 1 later bring upon you the misery you hope will never happen to you. 2 3 Therefore, to save you from your own folly expressed through the media 4 and TV, the ‘human consciousness’ must be SPEEDILY uplifted to see 5 what I saw in the desert – 6 7 the Reality of Love behind and within all existence. 8 9 N.B. When this great truth is both perceived and warmly acknowledged, 10 the Reality of Love will begin to manifest Itself in multiple ways in every 11 living thing and in the environment itself. 12 13 The experience of abundance and joy will reinforce the consciousness of 14 abundance and joy. And so a spiritual spiral of ever more exalted and 15 wondrous living will be set in motion. 16 17 When the TRUE nature of ‘Being’ is fully understood – humanity will 18 move on to the next rung of spiritual evolution and will put into motion a 19 new and blessed form of human endeavor and personal experience. To 20 achieve these goals, humanity must first gain insight into: WHAT and 21 WHO you are. 22 23 24 5. WHAT and WHO you are. 25 26 A new and important question is already coming into people’s 27 consciousness. ‘Who are you – really – behind the facade you present to the 28 world?’ What does it take to be REAL? 29 30 It is this question of ‘Who you really are’ which is answered, on every level 31 of your being, within these pages. And if you can accept as your own 32 guidelines for daily living – all that I understood during my six-weeks 33 ‘desert’ experience – you too will eventually become WHOLE and 34 REAL even as I became WHOLE and REAL before I commenced my 35 ministry of healing and teaching. 36 37 38 Letter 1 14 Since there are few people in the world who would regard themselves as 1 WHOLE at this present time, you must surely recognize that there is the 2 most urgent necessity for me to intrude into your minds to lead you into a 3 new way of thought and feeling. Such a change in consciousness will bring 4 you into Divine harmony with Reality and better living conditions and 5 security. 6 7 To be able to do this work of ‘reconstruction’ within your ‘consciousness’, I 8 must first impress on your minds – and you must accept – there was much 9 that I taught in Palestine which men were not yet ready to receive. 10 11 Significantly, it has never been publicly questioned why there is no record 12 of my early life as a young man. What was the true reason for such an all 13 important omission? 14 15 Equally significant, although I spent six weeks in the desert after my 16 baptism, and emerged from that experience as a TEACHER and 17 HEALER, not one writer has even attempted to describe what actually 18 took place during that time other than that I was ‘tempted of the devil’ 19 and ‘was with the wild beasts’ and the ‘angels were with him’. There is 20 not the slightest ‘hint’ as to what happened to me in the desert which 21 would enable me to come back to towns and villages proclaiming the 22 ‘Kingdom of God is within!’ and to speak in the synagogues with such 23 authority that the Jewish elders were astonished. 24 25 The truth regarding my human state was, by common consent of my 26 disciples, suppressed to give greater credence to my supposed ‘Divinity’ and 27 ministry. 28 29 According to the gospels, it was said of me that I was the ‘only Son of God’. 30 Why then, did I frequently refer to myself as the ‘Son of Man’? I 31 specifically made these statements to counteract the prevalent beliefs in my 32 ‘Divinity’ and to impress on people’s minds that I was of the same physical 33 origins as themselves. I intended them to understand that what I could do, 34 they could also do if they only had my knowledge and followed my 35 instructions for right thinking and right action. 36 37 38 Letter 1 15 So many myths have arisen around my earthly person and my 1 SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS that it is time to be rid of them as 2 completely as possible, since they are preventing people from evolving 3 spiritually. 4 5 You, who have been indoctrinated with religious teachings, must try to 6 understand that when describing my life, my disciple gospellers related only 7 what they personally remembered which fully supported their account of 8 my ‘supernatural’ activities. They also included much that had been spoken 9 of me by others, during the thirty odd years following my death. 10 11 After such a lapse of time and inevitable embroidery of truth – how 12 could they possibly write an authoritative ‘biography’ of me and of what 13 really happened ... or properly explain my true spiritual perceptions which 14 gave birth to my words and ‘miracles’? 15 16 Only one person can write from this standpoint – and that is myself. 17 Therefore, these Letters will bring you my Truth in a way that no spectator 18 could possibly tell it, no matter how well they thought they understood my 19 thinking. 20 21 [ For this reason, over forty years, my ‘Recorder’s’ mind has been systematically 22 cleansed of all orthodox teachings and the system of communication between us 23 has been perfected. ] 24 25 If my Truth expressed in these Letters differs from much written in your 26 New Testament, is it to be wondered at or rejected for that reason? 27 28 Therefore, I am descending in consciousness briefly, as near as necessary, to 29 your plane of consciousness to describe my life and teachings over 2000 30 years ago. 31 32 33 6. My Place in History 34 35 I must first point out that my life and person were briefly referred to in the 36 ‘History of the Jews’ written by Josephus for the Roman Governor, and 37 presented to the Roman Emperor. 38 Letter 1 16 Josephus briefly noted that Jesus, who attempted to overthrow law and 1 order and the governance of the Romans was punished and crucified. 2 3 It has been argued that this was some other Jesus recorded by Josephus. But 4 this is not so. I, who later became the CHRIST who performed so-called 5 miracles of healing and materialisation, was the insurrectionist. But – I was 6 no ‘rabble rouser’. I did not deliberately stir people up to defy the Romans 7 and disrupt law and order. 8 9 I was a rebel against existing Jewish traditions and because, when I emerged 10 from my six weeks sojourn in the desert, I saw a better way to – think – 11 and – live – and I tried to pass on my knowledge to my fellow Jews with 12 little success. 13 14 It is important you should understand that the pressure of public opinion 15 weighed with my followers. Whilst, they truly believed I had brought a 16 ‘soul-saving’ message to the Jews and was the Messiah, the ‘Son of God’, 17 they were also of the world, trying to relate to the world as best they could. 18 Therefore, although they knew my reactive feelings towards the Jewish 19 beliefs, they were not happy to dispense with the Old Testament altogether, 20 since it had supported and kept the Jews together throughout their history. 21 In the interests of preserving what they thought to be valuable in the old 22 dispensation, they suppressed any description of the ‘person’ I was. 23 24 My disciples and Paul built their own edifice of ‘sacred beliefs’ on what 25 they wanted to preserve from my life and teachings. They only taught, 26 and consolidated what they deemed to be valuable to people – Jews and 27 Gentiles – alike – at that time and in the future. 28 29 Consequently, they distilled what they could use and they ‘let go’ most 30 of what I termed the ‘secrets of the Kingdom of God’ for they never 31 understood them. Nor found them desirable in the creation of a new 32 perception of the ‘Divine’ – the ‘Father’. 33 34 To preserve the Jewish belief in ‘salvation from punishment for sins’ by 35 means of sacrifice in the Temple – the ‘person of Jesus’ was adopted as 36 the ‘supreme’ sacrifice who had paid for men’s sins by my crucifixion. 37 This belief served many purposes at that time. 38 Letter 1 17 It gave my death on the cross – a valid and heroic reason. It proved to the 1 people that I was the ‘Son of God’ who had carried out a specific mission to 2 the very end of my life. 3 4 This belief also proved to be of great comfort to Jews when their Temple 5 was destroyed by the Romans – and led to many converts taking place. 6 7 Many sects of Jews – and Gentiles also – did not believe in life after death. 8 Consequently, it was greatly comforting to hear that ‘Jesus Christ’ had 9 overcome death and retained his body. To much human thought at that 10 time, life was not possible without a body. Therefore, life after death could 11 only mean the resurrection of the body. 12 13 It also kept my name constantly alive in the minds of people. I was the 14 ‘historic figure’ who had valiantly died to ensure that men should be freed 15 of all fear of hell and damnation. Providing they believed in ‘me’, they 16 could walk as ‘freed men’. 17 18 It is only because my ‘name’ has been kept alive to this very day that I am 19 now able to come to you and give you of the TRUTH I so dearly wanted 20 to share with people over 2000 years ago. 21 22 23 7. My Early Life and Experiences in the Desert 24 25 I was born in Palestine. My mother was convinced that I would be a 26 Messiah. Contrary to popular belief, I was not a saintly child. 27 28 When taken to the Temple, aged twelve years old, to be interviewed by the 29 Chief Priests to determine whether I would be fit to enter Jewish Religious 30 Training, I was rejected as being too opinionated. 31 Bitterly disappointed, my mother took me home again and did her best to 32 raise me in the sanctity which marked her own demeanor at all times. This 33 was an impossible task for I was, above all things, an individualist and 34 unruly in behaviour. I resented my mother’s guidance and her attempted 35 discipline. As a youth, I became unmanageable – a true rebel! 36 37 38 Letter 1 18 I rejected my mother’s staunch adherence to the Jewish faith and traditions, 1 preferring laughter to sanctimonious attitudes. I refused to learn a trade 2 which would have bound me down to routine. I chose to mix with all and 3 sundry of the poorer classes, drank with them, knew prostitutes, and 4 enjoyed talking, arguing, laughing, and being bone idle. When I needed 5 money, I went into the vineyards for a day or two or took other jobs paying 6 me enough to eat and drink and give me the leisure I craved. 7 8 For all my many shortcomings as a human being, my careless, easy, 9 indolent attitudes, my self-will and ego-centric determination to think my 10 own thoughts irrespective of what others might try to tell me, I cared about 11 people very deeply. 12 13 I was deeply emotional. In your present speech forms, you would call 14 me ‘over-reactive’, ‘over-emotional’. I had a warm, compassionate, 15 empathetic heart. I was deeply moved in the presence of sickness, 16 affliction and poverty. I was a staunch supporter of what you call the 17 ‘underdog’. You might say I was a ‘people’s person’. I lived with them 18 closely, in a spirit of comraderie; I listened to their woes, understood, 19 and cared. 20 21 It is important to understand my true origins and my early youthful 22 characteristics because these were the goads which pushed and prodded me 23 into eventual Christhood. 24 25 What I most strongly detested and resisted was the misery – the sickness 26 and poverty – I saw around me. 27 28 It infuriated me – and I became passionately, vociferously angry to see 29 people dressed in rags, thin and hungry, diseased, crippled, yet heartlessly 30 browbeaten by Jewish leaders who burdened them with meaningless 31 traditional laws and observances, threatening them with Jehovah’s 32 punishment if they did not obey. I declared to all who would listen to me 33 that these poor people had enough to bear without being crushed by 34 senseless measures restrictive of pleasure. What was the point of life at all if 35 we were not born to be happy? 36 37 38 Letter 1 19 I refused to believe in a ‘just’ God according to Jewish traditions. The 1 biblical prophetic warnings of Jehovah’s ‘judgment and anger’ against 2 people, disgusted me. People were human, after all, doing whatever their 3 human natures prompted them to do. They had been born sinful – so why 4 should they be judged and condemned to lives of suffering and poverty 5 because they had broken the Ten Commandments? Where was the sense in 6 such statements? 7 8 To me, this Jewish belief depicted an illogical, cruel ‘God’, and I wanted 9 nothing to do with ‘Him’. It seemed to me that if such a ‘deity’ existed, it 10 followed that mankind was doomed to eternal misery. The simplicity and 11 freedom I found on the hillsides, the plains, the lakes and the mountains, 12 refreshed my inmost spirit and quietened my angry murmuring against the 13 Jewish God. Consequently, I refused to believe a word that the Jewish 14 Elders tried to teach me. 15 16 However, during my middle twenties, a new line of questioning took 17 possession of my thoughts. As I walked ever more frequently alone in the 18 hills, my rebellion was gradually replaced by an all-consuming longing to 19 know and understand the true nature of THAT which must surely inspire 20 and respire through creation. 21 22 I reviewed my lifestyle and saw what suffering my actions had caused my 23 mother and many other people. Although I felt such deep compassion for 24 the weak and suffering, my rebellious nature had prompted much 25 thoughtless and selfish behaviour towards my family. My underlying love 26 for them now welled up in me and I found myself becoming equally 27 rebellious against my past behaviour. I heard talk about John the Baptist 28 and the work he was doing amongst the Jews who came to listen to his 29 words even from Jerusalem. I decided to visit him to be baptized myself. 30 31 On my way to the River Jordan, I felt exhilarated at the prospect of being 32 baptized and starting a new life. I knew that, despite my unruly 33 emotionalism, I had also been born with a keen intelligence and a gift for 34 insightful, impressive debate which I had used willfully and negatively, 35 leading people into unruly arguments. I had thrown my talents away by 36 pursuing a life of self-will, idleness and pleasure. As a result, I had forfeited 37 all respect from others; neither did I possess any self-respect. For the first 38 Letter 1 20 time, I found this to be intolerable. It occurred to me that, in the future, I 1 could and must put my natural gifts to better use. Instead of just making a 2 noise, perhaps I could find a way to lighten the burdens of those whom I so 3 deeply pitied. Up to that time, I had been of little practical use to anyone. 4 5 6 8. My Baptism 7 8 When I entered the water in the River Jordan to be baptized by John, I 9 expected to feel nothing more than relief that I had, for once, taken a 10 positive step in reforming my behaviour. I expected to feel a new 11 determination to go home and astonish my mother and neighbours with my 12 new kindly attitudes towards them. 13 14 What really happened when John baptized me was an experience 15 completely different to anything I had ever thought possible. 16 17 I felt a great wave of tremendous energy surge through my body. I was 18 literally stunned by it. As I staggered out of the river, I felt myself elevated 19 in consciousness in a most extraordinary way. A great inflow of glowing 20 happiness uplifted me to a state of ecstasy. I was enraptured and aware of a 21 great Light. 22 23 Stumbling, I moved away from the river and walked and walked, not 24 knowing where I was going. I continued on, unseeingly, into the desert. 25 26 Please note! MY SIX WEEKS IN THE DESERT were a time of total 27 inner cleansing of my human consciousness. Old attitudes, beliefs and 28 prejudices were dissolved. 29 30 The time has come for me to share with receptive people all that I felt, 31 ‘saw’, realised and understood. 32 33 [ To help people abandon the age-old imaginative pictures of a biblical ‘deity’ I 34 will avoid referring to ‘God’ by that word and will use a terminology designed 35 to stretch your minds to embrace what ‘really is’ beyond all earthly form, colour, 36 sound, emotion, and comprehension. This terminology will become ever more 37 meaningful as you persevere in meditation and prayer. ] 38 Letter 1 21 9. What I Felt When in the Desert 1 2 I was uplifted into inner radiant light and felt vibrant and wondrously alive 3 with power. I was filled with ecstasy and joy and I knew beyond all doubt 4 that THIS POWER was the true Creator out of which all created things 5 had been given their being. 6 7 This glorious interior harmony, peace, and sense of perfect fulfilment, 8 needing nothing more to be added to that beautiful moment, was the very 9 nature of the Reality – the Creative Power – giving Life to creation and 10 existence. 11 12 13 10. What I 'Saw', Realized, Perceived When in the 14 Desert 15 16 I was lifted into another dimension of conscious perception, which enabled 17 me to see the TRUTH concerning life and existence. I saw, lucidly and 18 clearly, what was real and what was false in man’s thinking. 19 20 I realised that this ‘Creative Power’ I was experiencing was infinite, 21 eternal, universal, filling all space beyond sky, oceans, earth, and all 22 living things. I saw IT was MIND POWER. 23 24 IT was the CREATIVE POWER of MIND. 25 26 There was no point where this ‘DIVINE CREATIVE POWER OF 27 MIND’ was not. 28 29 I realised that human mind was drawn from DIVINE CREATIVE 30 MIND but was only a candle lit by the sun. 31 32 At times, my human sight was so spiritually heightened, I could see through 33 rocks, earth, sand. These now appeared to be only a ‘shimmer of tiny 34 ‘motes’. 35 36 I realised that nothing was really solid! 37 38 Letter 1 22 When I had moments of doubt that this could be so, the changes in the 1 phenomena stopped taking place, and much later, I discovered that: 2 3 My thoughts, if strongly imbued with CONVICTION 4 could effect changes in the ‘shimmer of motes’ 5 ( what science presently calls electrically charged particles) 6 and therefore produce changes 7 in the appearance of the rock or whatever I was studying. 8 9 It was at this point, that I came to realise the powerful effect that 10 CONVICTION or unwavering FAITH had on the environment when 11 stating a command or even a belief. 12 13 What was even more startling was my mind-opening, ‘cosmic 14 consciousness’ realisation that all I had been witnessing was really the 15 ‘Creative Power’ of Divine Mind Itself made visible in the ‘shimmer of 16 tiny motes’. 17 18 Not only this, its appearance could be profoundly affected by the activity 19 of human thought. 20 21 I realised there was nothing solid in the universe, everything visible was 22 manifesting a differing ‘state of consciousness’ which determined the 23 composition and form of the ‘shimmer of motes’. 24 25 Therefore, all outer form was an expression of the inner consciousness. 26 27 LIFE and CONSCIOUSNESS, I realised, were one and the same thing. 28 29 It was impossible to say ‘This is LIFE’ and ‘That is CONSCIOUSNESS’. 30 31 Consciousness was Life, and Life was Consciousness and was the ‘Creative 32 Power’ of both; ‘DIVINE UNIVERSAL MIND’ beyond, within and 33 behind the universe. 34 35 I realised that people placed highest importance on individuality and 36 form. They could not imagine mind or intelligence operating in any 37 effective way other than through the medium of individual form. Because 38 Letter 1 23 of this, the Jews had created a mental image of a vast supreme being, having 1 all the attributes, positive and negative, of a human being. Thus was it 2 possible for Prophets to believe in – and speak of – Jehovah’s anger, threats 3 of punishment, visitations of sickness and plagues in response to human 4 waywardness. But these mental images, I realised were myths. They did not 5 exist. 6 7 I perceived that, in any dimension of existence, it was the MIND – the 8 intelligence exhibited – which was the all-important factor relating to 9 creation and man, himself. Therefore, Genesis should be rewritten: Before 10 creation – was UNIVERSAL MIND – Creative Power behind and within 11 creation itself. 12 13 Having ‘seen’ so clearly, beyond all dispute, that the Creative Power of 14 UNIVERSAL MIND was everywhere, within the infinity of the skies and 15 active within earthly forms as well, I was inwardly directed to look around 16 me and saw only gravel and rock. Then, suddenly I was presented with a 17 picture of a beautiful land in which were growing every conceivable plant, 18 shrub and tree, even birds flitted in the trees, and animals grazed the grass. 19 20 Watching this vision with amazement, I ‘saw’ that plants and trees, every 21 one of them – and yes, even birds and animals, in reality, were composed of 22 hundreds of communities of infinitely tiny entities (your modern scientists 23 call them ‘cells’) working continuously, in an entirely harmonious spirit of 24 cooperation, to produce the substance and various organs of the inner 25 system and the outer appearance of the completed living entity. 26 27 I contemplated this wonderful activity for a long time, although time 28 was no longer of any importance to me. As I gazed and gazed, I thought, 29 ‘Who would have guessed that within the outer covering of fur, feather, 30 skin, there was such intense activity within tiny communities of entities, 31 working together to give life, form, nutrition, healing, protection, 32 endurance to the bodies of so many different species. 33 34 It was the intelligently performed WORK which attracted my attention. 35 36 Therefore, WORK, I realised, was an integral part of the Creative Power 37 Activity from the very least ‘entity’ (cell) within living systems to the most 38 Letter 1 24 advanced entity in the universe – man himself. In the systems of all living 1 things, all the labor was under the direction, ultimately, of the Divine 2 Creative Power, in whom were the plans and designs of creation. I saw that 3 these plans and designs were, in reality, ‘consciousness forms’ and could be 4 termed WORDS, since each WORD signifies a very special ‘consciousness’ 5 form. 6 7 8 11. The Word 9 10 Hence the original WORD in ‘Creative Power Consciousness’ becomes 11 manifested in the visible world. The WORD, and therefore the 12 ‘Consciousness Pattern’ remains within the DIVINE CREATIVE 13 MIND continually bringing forth its own. 14 15 I could ‘see’ then, that everything in the universe, did ‘live, move and have 16 its being’ in the Creative Power of UNIVERSAL MIND which was 17 infinite and eternal and was the only true Reality behind all manifestations 18 of individualized form. 19 20 I was filled with praise that everything in the world was out of, and yet 21 within this superlative Creative Power of Divine Mind. I marvelled at all 22 this secret activity forever taking place in all living things, including human 23 bodies, and wondered how it was that such infinitely small units worked 24 intelligently according to specified plans to produce, unerringly, the 25 proposed form – tree trunk, leaf, flower, fruit, insects, birds, animals and 26 human bodies. 27 28 I then realised, even more clearly, that the ‘Creative Power’ was the 29 very Source of all ‘intelligent activity’ in the universe. 30 31 If mankind possessed intelligence, it was only because he had drawn it from 32 the ‘Universal Source of All Being’. 33 34 Furthermore, I was shown that the Divine Creative Power always worked 35 according to certain fundamental and exact principles of construction. 36 37 I was shown that: 38 Letter 1 25 Just as men have clear characteristics and a well-defined ‘nature’ in their 1 self-presentation to the world at large, so did the CREATIVE POWER 2 possess a clearly defined ‘Nature’ – distinct characteristics – which could be 3 clearly recognized in the manner that all living things, plants, animals, 4 birds, men, were constructed and maintained. 5 6 I ‘saw’ that these ‘principles’ and ‘characteristics’, clearly observable in the 7 process of creation, were set, invariable LAWS governing all of existence. 8 9 10 12. Laws - Principles of Creation 11 12 These LAWS are so much part of life that they are never questioned. They 13 are undeviating and consistent – but there would be no such laws if there 14 were no Creative Intelligent Power manifesting Itself through the 15 universe. These ‘principles’ of creation, the characteristics of the Creative 16 Power Itself, are as follows: 17 18 [ I am translating them into your present tense because these ‘principles’ are 19 eternal. ] 20 21 1. The ‘Nature’ of the ‘Creative Power’ is GROWTH. 22 23 Everything living always grows. 24 25 GROWTH is a universal characteristic, an undeviating principle of existence. 26 27 2. The ‘Nature’ of the ‘Creative Power’ is NUTRITION and 28 NOURISHMENT. Nutrition and Nourishment are a normal and 29 marvellously organized process within bodies which is evident to all who 30 take the trouble to consider them. Nutrition is provided for all living things 31 according to individual preferences and the food is digested to promote 32 health and well-being. When little creatures are born, milk is already 33 supplied within the mother, ready and waiting for the newborn. This too is 34 a mystifying principle of existence none can deny. 35 36 No science can explain why such a fortuitous function within the system, 37 ensuring survival of the species, should have originally come into being. 38 Letter 1 26 The actual function itself may be understood but not the ‘why’ and the 1 mainspring of the function. 2 3 3. The ‘Nature’ of the ‘Creative Power’ is HEALING. 4 5 Healing is a natural characteristic of existence and can be said to be a 6 natural ‘Perfecting Process’, which takes place to ensure individual comfort, 7 but none can explain what prompts the activity of healing. 8 9 4. The ‘Nature’ of the ‘Creative Power’ is PROTECTION. 10 11 Protection is an integral characteristic of Creative Power and all of Its 12 seeming ‘miraculous’ activity in the world is geared towards protection. 13 14 [ Today, your medical text books describe the various protective systems in your 15 body but when I was in the desert I ‘saw’ the characteristic of Protection 16 inherent in the Intelligent Creative Power in the following way. ] 17 18 As plants, birds and animals were presented to me for inspired observation, 19 I could see how every ‘need of protection’ in bodies has been lovingly 20 supplied, with the greatest attention to detail. 21 22 5. This characteristic of ‘Protection’ is combined with the other 23 dynamic characteristic of FULFILMENT OF NEED. 24 25 This was made clearly apparent in the provision of hair, fur and feathers to 26 protect the skin of living creatures and to provide warmth in the cold and 27 shelter in the heat. I saw that the tender endings of important and sensitive 28 fingers and toes were all provided with appropriate protection of hoof and 29 nail. Eyebrows protected eyes from sweat, eyelids and lashes protected eyes 30 from dust and damage. I realised that those animals which attracted flies 31 were equipped with the kind of tails which would most speedily get rid of 32 them. 33 34 What a happy, joyous kind of love and caring were expressed in these 35 small physical attributes which seemed so small and inconsequential 36 and yet had such a profound bearing on the comfort of all living things. 37 These physical luxuries, added to the basic physical design, were clearly 38 Letter 1 27 the product of an Intelligence which intended creation to be 1 comfortable and happy – free of the stress which would have been 2 experienced by man and beast if these ‘luxury items’ had not been given 3 them! 4 5 Even the natural functions were so intelligently and comfortably designed 6 as to call forth thanksgiving. Everything tucked so neatly out of sight. How 7 blest, how fortunate was mankind to be born into a life so wonderfully 8 provided for! Again my praises soared and I was lifted on an inner golden 9 light of rapturous wonder – for I now ‘saw’ that, in addition to freedom 10 from stress, living creatures were also meant to express the exuberant loving 11 NATURE of the Creative Power. For this reason, they were equipped with 12 limbs: arms, hands, legs and feet, fingers and toes, to enable them to move 13 about, run, leap and dance, to be able to express their inmost thoughts and 14 feelings. I even felt that if mankind longed to fly and grow wings and 15 believed with all their hearts they could do so; eventually they would begin 16 growing something additional to enable them to fly. 17 18 It was at this point of understanding of the NATURE of the ‘Creative 19 Power’ that I came into the full consciousness of the LOVE directing the 20 WORKS of the Universal Intelligent Creative Power. 21 22 As I pondered this LOVE, I realised that the ‘mother’ in creation, 23 nourishes, protects, fulfills the needs and tries to promote healing of 24 offspring; this is the activity of LOVE. 25 26 6. The innate characteristic of the LOVING INTELLIGENT 27 CREATIVE POWER which has given creation its individual form and 28 ‘being’ is WORK. 29 30 It works for us, in us, and through us. 31 32 Its ‘work’ is always, always, always, prompted by LOVE. 33 34 This cosmic revelation filled me with joy and astonishment. What a 35 wonderful world we lived in! It was the culminating point in my 36 enlightenment and my overall view of the TRUTH concerning the 37 SOURCE of ALL BEING. 38 Letter 1 28 I had already ‘seen’ the reality of the physical bodies composed of various 1 communities of identical ‘infinitely tiny entities’ working in a spirit of co-2 operation and harmony to produce the various components of the body – 3 flesh, bone, blood, to eyes and hair. 4 5 The only difference between these communities lay in the type of work 6 demanded by their common goals. Surely the DIVINE IMPULSE behind 7 all this intelligent, purposeful activity in the body, was both the inspiration 8 and foundation of man’s own conduct when people worked in unison to 9 produce a planned objective? They drew intelligence and purpose from the 10 Creative Power, yet how very different was man’s behaviour when 11 engaged in earthly construction or any other communal project for it 12 was inevitably characterized by arguments and dissension. 13 14 I was brought to a realisation of the INFINITE POWER of the 15 ‘Intelligent Creativity’ ever active within creation, maintaining order, co-16 operation, harmony, daily productivity, unequalled by man anywhere, at 17 any time. 18 19 7. SURVIVAL was a natural characteristic of the ‘Creative Power’. In 20 every case, the most wonderful provision had been made for all living things 21 to grow, be healed of illnesses and injury, nourished in order to keep the 22 body healthy, and to produce its own kind in order to ensure survival on 23 this earth. This was the only reality mankind could be absolutely sure of 24 and Its activity was consistent, year in and year out. The sun, moon, stars, 25 all remained in their places for millennia and it was recognized that they all 26 possessed their own paths of movement – this phenomena was all part of 27 the grand scheme for survival in creation. 28 29 If this was so, how could there not be survival of the eternal flame of: 30 31 Loving Intelligent Creative Power hidden within the created entities of 32 every kind in the universe? Therefore, this world was but a shadow and 33 image of the hidden worlds of Loving Intelligent Creative Power beyond 34 this dimension. The Reality of the entirety of creation lay beyond this 35 visible world. 36 37 38 Letter 1 29 8. The inherent characteristic of Loving Intelligent Creative Power was 1 RHYTHM. 2 3 I saw that there was a RHYTHM in operation in the world. 4 5 Everything was subject to seasons which gave a blossoming and burgeoning 6 of life, a growing season coming up to the ripening and harvest, and the 7 production of seeds which ensured the survival of plant life. Then there was 8 the gradual dying away and rest period of winter. But nothing created and 9 living was allowed to become extinct. The sun and moon expressed these 10 characteristics within the universe. This rhythm could even be seen in the 11 females of living things. 12 13 Therefore, everything in creation had its due time for appearance and 14 harvest. It followed that man himself was subject to tides of growth and 15 success and tides of dormancy. 16 17 9. The inherent characteristic of the Loving Intelligent Creative Power 18 was LAW AND ORDER. 19 20 The undeviating order and reliability apparent in creation, even governing 21 the tiny entities (‘cells’) within the body, were astonishing and far 22 transcended any human endeavor. Therefore, the entire universe was 23 operating under a system of perfect LAW and ORDER. 24 25 I realised on ever higher and higher levels of spiritual exaltation that the 26 ‘creative power’ exhibited intelligent purposefulness and loving concern for 27 all living things. I realised that life was not something nebulous or 28 amorphous but an intelligent loving creative power which I could actually 29 feel within myself as a tremendously heightened state of being, perception, 30 radiance, ecstasy, joy, love. I knew myself to be one with it – filled with it – 31 and I was one with everything around me and one with the sky and stars. 32 33 And – most wonderful and glorious of all – the very ‘Nature’ and 34 ‘Function’ of this ‘Father – Creative Power’ was to work in order to create 35 joy, beauty, and comfort to ensure mankind’s well-being, to work within 36 mankind to provide interior joy, health and comfort, and to work through 37 mankind, inspiring him with new realisation and understanding. 38 Letter 1 30 Wonderful vistas of glorious creativity came to mind. Once we became 1 truly ‘at one’, purified channels and instruments of the ‘Intelligent 2 Creative Power’, we could gradually ascend in consciousness until we truly 3 expressed through our minds and hearts the very ‘NATURE’ of the 4 ‘Universal Creative Power’. Then ‘life on earth’ would indeed become a 5 ‘state of heaven’ at all times and we would enter into a state of eternal life! 6 7 This must surely be the true goal behind creation, I thought. And it came 8 to me with a surge of elation and loving joy, that this was the purpose for 9 which man had been evolved and developed! 10 11 But – even at this present time, although mankind was so very imperfect in 12 his behaviour, absolutely nothing was impossible to him in the future, 13 since, despite his wrongdoing, he was one with the ‘Creative Power’ and the 14 ‘Creative Power’ was within him, giving him life, limb, and everything else 15 he needed. 16 17 All of this realisation lifted me to the heights of rapture, elation and 18 sublime ecstasy, so that I was scarcely able to bear it. I felt my body must 19 dissolve with the expansion of Power within me. I was irradiated with 20 LIGHT and could see IT all around me illuminating the desert scene. 21 22 My heart sang in praises. How wonderful and beautiful was the Loving 23 Creative Power which worked in, through and for us, unceasingly! 24 25 What a MIRACLE was creation! 26 27 I cried out loud: 28 29 ‘YOU are the SOURCE of all BEING, both creator and also manifested 30 within and through the created: there is nothing in the entire universe 31 which is apart or separate from the limitless, eternal infinity of DIVINE 32 LIFE, Creative Power Consciousness – that you are – how then is it 33 possible that mankind is so sinful – and why do people suffer disease, 34 misery and poverty? Tell me, O loving, loving ‘Father’ Creative Power, 35 because I have been heavily burdened with the pain of their miserable lives.’ 36 37 Then I was shown the reality of the ‘earthly condition’ of all living things. 38 Letter 1 31 I felt immense excitement because, at last, I would be able to understand 1 how it was that such a loving Divine ‘Creative Power’ could allow Its 2 creation to endure such misery. 3 4 I was shown that every living thing in creation should be radiantly healthy, 5 cared for, nourished, protected, healed, maintained in peace and plenty, 6 prospered within an orderly society of ‘beings’ extending only love to each 7 other. 8 9 [ However, at the moment of creation, two BASIC IMPULSES came into 10 being, ensuring individuality, and it was these which controlled 11 mankind’s consciousness. These IMPULSES were explained to me in detail 12 but this knowledge is reserved for a future Letter when you will be better able 13 to understand it. ] 14 15 I was shown the following vivid vision. 16 17 First of all, I saw a newborn babe as ‘light’, a life-form of ‘Creative 18 Power’. 19 20 As the baby grew into childhood, then manhood, I saw the pure LIGHT of 21 the ‘Creative Power’ gradually dimmed and then obscured altogether in 22 him, by a dense wrapping of chains and thongs. 23 24 I questioned the meaning of the vision and there came to my mind a clear 25 understanding which may be expressed in the following words: 26 27 ‘From birth to death – people believe and insist that their five senses of 28 sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste, correctly predicate the ‘reality’ of 29 themselves and the universe around them. Therefore, because they draw 30 their mind power direct from Divine ‘Creative Power’, it is done to 31 them according to their beliefs.’ 32 33 Each thong represents a person’s habitual thoughts, responses to people 34 and events, prejudices, hates, animosities, anxieties, sorrows, all of which 35 bind him down and shut out the Light from his inner vision drawn from 36 the ‘Creative Power’. Thus he enters into darkness but does not know it. 37 He believes he is growing up and becoming mature in the ways of the world 38 Letter 1 32 which will enable him to forge ahead and make ‘good’ – become successful 1 – the aim of most people on earth. 2 3 In fact, the more mature he becomes and versed in worldly ways, the more 4 densely do his chains and thongs imprison him within the grip of the twin 5 IMPULSES of ‘Bonding-Rejection’. 6 7 Furthermore, each chain is forged out of selfish and deceitful desires, greed, 8 aggression, violence and rape. These chains hang heavy around him and 9 burden the psyche, which is the ‘creative consciousness power’ deep within 10 him. Chain and thong will bind him tighter with every passing year until he 11 realises what he is doing to himself and sincerely repents each thong and 12 chain and makes due restitution to others whom he has harmed. 13 14 With this vision I learnt a most valuable aspect of existence. Man himself is 15 born with all the potential to make a beautiful life for himself but he, 16 himself, by indulging his selfish desires and hatreds, creates a prison of 17 misery for himself from which there was no escape until such times as he 18 realises the TRUTH OF EXISTENCE. 19 20 All the problems of harsh existence lay within the thought processes of man 21 himself 22 ! 23 Only people’s ‘consciousness forms’, their thoughts, words, feelings, actions 24 created a dense barrier between their consciousness and the Universal 25 Creative Consciousness interpenetrating the universe in every leaf, tree, 26 insect, bird, animal and human being. 27 28 29 13. Laws of Existence 30 31 I was also shown the LAWS OF EXISTENCE controlling the human 32 ability to create new circumstances and environment, relationships, 33 achievement or failure, prosperity or poverty. 34 35 Whatever man profoundly BELIEVES himself to be, good or bad, that will 36 he become. 37 38 Letter 1 33 Whatever man FEARS others will do to him, so will they do. 1 2 Whatever man HOPES that others will do to him, he must first do to 3 them, since he is then creating a ‘consciousness pattern’ which will return 4 to bless him to the extent he has blest others. 5 6 Whatever disease man DREADS so will he become prey to it for he will 7 have created a ‘consciousness pattern’ of the very thing he least wants to 8 experience. 9 10 Whatever is sent forth from man’s mind and heart – returns to him in due 11 course in some form or another, but remember that like always breeds like. 12 Strongly held emotional thoughts are ‘consciousness seeds’ planted within a 13 man’s own orbit of consciousness. These will grow, bearing a like harvest 14 for his reaping. 15 16 These are the fruits of free will. 17 18 There is no way that man may escape what he thinks, says or does – for 19 he is born of the Divine Creative Consciousness power and is likewise 20 creative in his imagining. 21 22 Those who long for good for themselves must first give it to others. Let 23 their very existence be a blessing to others. 24 25 When such people are in harmony with all others – they are then 26 perfectly attuned to the Universal Creative Consciousness power – 27 28 and they are brought into the flow of the Father ‘nature’ which is growth, 29 protection, nourishment (physical, mental, spiritual) healing, fulfilment of 30 need, within a system of law and order. 31 32 How can I describe for you, my inner glow, my transcendent brightness 33 and brilliance of joy and powerful feelings of love which possessed and 34 inflated my entire being with their intensity until I cried out with the 35 pressure within my mind and heart. It was so powerful it seemed it 36 would entirely dissolve my bodily form. As I received all this supreme, 37 sublime understanding of the Reality, our Source of Being, and the true 38 Letter 1 34 nature of creation itself – and of mankind, I was uplifted in spirit and 1 my body became light as air. 2 3 At that time, when I was thus elevated within the Divine Creative Power 4 Itself, I was indeed almost a ‘Divine Person’ myself, experiencing a high 5 degree of the ‘Nature’ of the ‘Father-Creative Power’ within me and 6 feeling Its own drive and caring concern for all humanity. Therefore, I 7 could later say with truth: ‘Only I know and have seen the ‘Father’.’ 8 9 In that moment how I yearned to teach, heal, comfort, uplift, feed, take 10 away the people’s pain and misery. 11 12 I longed to release them from their fear of a mythical ‘avenging god’! 13 14 When I returned to tell them the truth, how I would emphasize the 15 ‘Reality’ of the ‘Father-Creative Power’ – PERFECT LOVE – supplying 16 their every need. All they had to do was ‘Ask, seek, knock’ and all their 17 needs – of whatever kind – would be bestowed upon them. 18 19 How joyously I would tell them the ‘good news’ that ‘redemption from 20 suffering’ lay within their grasp if they only took the necessary steps to 21 cleanse their minds and hearts of the TWIN IMPULSES of manifested 22 ‘being’. 23 24 This should be simple enough, I thought, one only needed understanding 25 and self-control. 26 27 [~ I have descended towards your vibrations to refer back to my actual state 28 of mind during the time I was in the desert. It will help your own 29 understanding immeasurably if you try to enter my ‘state of consciousness’ 30 at that time. So many things, such as my works of healing and ‘walking on 31 water’ will become clear to you. They will be seen to be a natural 32 consequence of my new understanding of the ‘Father-Creative Power’. 33 34 If you read the gospels of Matthew and Mark, their records will have new 35 meaning for you. ~] 36 37 38 Letter 1 35 To return to my final hours of enlightenment, – there I was in the desert, 1 possessing the clear understanding that man himself – (through no fault of 2 his own) creates the barrier to attunement to the ‘Father-Creative Power’, 3 and now I was longing to hurry back and teach, heal, comfort, dry the tears 4 of those I so greatly pitied. 5 6 Yet I was reluctant to leave this ‘hallowed’ place where I had been so 7 illumined and transformed in spirit. On the other hand what a wonderful 8 future lay ahead of me! 9 10 I would walk through all the cities, towns, villages and tell everyone I met – 11 the GOOD NEWS! ‘The Kingdom of Heaven’, that place where all 12 sickness disappeared and every need was supplied was within them! Because 13 I knew that the ‘Father’ and I were ‘one’, now that my mind had been 14 cleansed of the old thoughts and ideas, I would direct healing at their illness 15 and disease. I would teach them how to relieve their poverty. 16 17 When the FATHER CONSCIOUSNESS within me began to dim, and I 18 gradually returned to human consciousness I became aware of gnawing 19 hunger and also a return of my human conditioning and thought. 20 21 My reactions to my six weeks’ experiences began to change. My usual 22 human awareness of ‘me’ and my desires, took over my thoughts. 23 24 ‘Why, the most amazing and completely unexpected thing has happened to 25 me!’ I exulted. ‘I have been given knowledge beyond any yet given to any 26 other man.’ 27 28 I was jubilant with the realisation that, at last, my doubt and rebelliousness 29 against the avenging ‘god’ of the Traditional Orthodox Jews was vindicated. 30 I had been right after all! 31 32 Who had ever suspected the human mind could be so highly creative that a 33 strongly-held thought or desire would actually manifest itself in the visible 34 realm? I realised that Moses must have known something of this, because he 35 had accomplished some strange things when the Israelites were in dire need. 36 37 38 Letter 1 36 He became a leader and changed the course of the Israelites previously 1 enslaved in Egypt. 2 3 I could return now and free my people from the rigid control of their own 4 Teachers. 5 6 My hunger pains now became intense. It occurred to me that I could turn 7 stones into bread to satisfy my longing for food because I remembered that 8 the ‘Father-Creative Power’ worked through my mind and therefore, 9 everything in the universe would be subject to my command. 10 11 I was about to speak the ‘word’ which would change stones into bread but 12 something in me halted me abruptly. 13 14 It came to me, strongly, that the ‘Father-Creative Consciousness’ was 15 perfect protection, nourishment, fulfilment of need, and so the hunger 16 would be taken care of, if I asked the ‘Father’ for relief. 17 18 I realised that if the little ‘i’, the human me, in my need, used the ‘Creative 19 Power’ for selfish reasons, I would be erecting a barrier between the 20 ‘Father-Creative Consciousness’ and myself, and everything I had just 21 learnt might well be taken away from me. 22 23 This frightened me, and swiftly I asked the ‘Father-Creative Power’ for 24 new strength to carry me back to habitations and Nazareth again. I also 25 asked for relief of hunger in the form that would be right for me. 26 Immediately, the hunger pangs subsided and I felt a surge of energy flow 27 through my entire body. Thus I proved that all I had seen, heard and 28 understood was ‘Reality’ and not some vain imagining born of my time in 29 the desert, fasting and alone. 30 31 My new energy enabled me to make haste over the rough tracks on my way 32 out of the desert. 33 34 On the way, I met a well-dressed man of sweet and pleasing countenance. 35 He greeted me warmly, expressing concern on seeing my rough, unkempt 36 appearance and loss of condition. 37 38 Letter 1 37 Gladly, he sat me down on a rock and shared his excellent meat and bread 1 with me. I wondered why he was in such a desolate place and where he had 2 come from. In response to my questioning, he only smiled and seemed not 3 the least surprised when I said I had been in the desert for so many days I 4 had lost count of time. I explained how I was enlightened as to the true 5 nature of the Creator of the world and shown the natural Laws of 6 Existence. He only smiled and nodded. 7 8 ‘I am going back to my people to teach them everything I have learnt.’ I 9 said joyously. ‘Why I will be able to heal them and bring them release from 10 every sickness and trouble.’ 11 12 The stranger replied sadly: ‘It will take many millennia.’ 13 14 I was about to rebuke his lack of faith when I realised he was gone. 15 16 I knew then that a Divine messenger had come to succor with good bread 17 and meat – and compassionately give me warning that I might not find my 18 mission so simple, despite my enthusiasm. I was deflated by his word of 19 warning. My enthusiasm waned. The way to the first village on my road 20 seemed endless. How a change in human thought produces a change of 21 mood! 22 23 It came to me that I could further prove the truth of all I had been shown 24 by jumping over the edge of a precipice which would greatly shorten my 25 journey. As I was about to do this, it came to me forcibly that I was trying 26 to ‘prove’ my time of enlightenment was real. If I required such proof, then 27 I was in a state of doubt and I would probably kill myself, besides I had 28 been shown that in every eventuality I could lift my thoughts up to the 29 ‘FATHER-CREATIVE CONSCIOUSNESS’ and ask for a solution to 30 every problem. How quickly I forgot the Truth! 31 32 So I prayed, passionately asking forgiveness for being weak enough to 33 indulge my own fantasies and seeking my own way of doing things. 34 35 Again, the answer came in renewed strength and a greater sureness of foot 36 as I scrambled over the rough ground. I found, too, that I was covering long 37 distances so quickly that it seemed that I had stepped outside normal time 38 Letter 1 38 reckoning, and I was in a lighter dimension where human experience was 1 lifted above its heavy thralldom of exhausting expenditure of energy. 2 Walking was so easy it was now invigorating. I exulted in the fact that I had 3 found the key to ‘more abundant life’! 4 5 A while later, feeling so much at ease, my mind began to wander and I 6 thought about my meeting with the stranger and the kindness he had 7 shown me. But I also remembered his warning, and again my old nature 8 reasserted itself and I felt deeply rebellious that he should presume to tell 9 me how my work would go. I decided he knew nothing about my future 10 and set his warning aside. 11 12 ‘Why,’ I thought, ‘with my knowledge I could accomplish things no man 13 has ever done before. Instead of struggling in a difficult life, I could begin 14 to accumulate wealth easily, attract followers wherever I went, and share my 15 knowledge with them to make their lives easier also. I could take away all 16 pain and suffering.’ 17 18 As I contemplated the many places I could visit so easily, I felt myself 19 skimming the surface of the ground and rising until I reached the highest 20 peak of a steep mountain overlooking the countryside below. 21 22 There it was, all laid out before me. I felt my previous enthusiasm return. 23 Why, it would be so simple to round up the people and share all my 24 knowledge with them. I would become powerful, even famous as the man 25 who rescued mankind from all their sickness and troubles. I would gain 26 their admiration and respect and would no longer be remembered as an idle 27 worthless fellow. 28 29 With a tremendous shock, all I had been taught so recently, but a few hours 30 ago, returned to mind with great force and clarity. 31 32 Had I not been taught that the only way I could ever prosper was to 33 abandon my self-will and turn to the ‘FATHER’ for assistance in 34 everything I undertook? 35 36 Then I remembered that creation had its own special purposes to fulfill. 37 The individualizing process had created the ‘pull and push’, the ‘give and 38 Letter 1 39 take’ in human behaviour. Although these human characteristics caused 1 people great anguish in their lives, was it not the anguish which forced 2 them to seek better ways to live in order to find true happiness? I realised 3 that the ills of mankind had their place in the human scheme of existence. 4 5 Was it right for me to bring privileged information to people in order 6 to nullify the effects of the ‘individualizing process’? 7 8 I realised I had been thinking from the ‘central point’ of my individuality, 9 the ‘ego’, and it was the ego-drive which built barriers between mankind 10 and ‘Father-Creative Consciousness’. Therefore, my ‘central point of 11 human desiring’ would have to be conquered if I was to live in perfect 12 harmony with my ‘Father’ as was my sincere intention. And so I continued 13 on my way, pondering what might lie ahead and how I might best 14 overcome the impulses governing my humanhood in order to remain in the 15 Flow of ‘Father Consciousness’ from which I would draw inspiration, 16 guidance, answers to problems, my daily nourishment, daily health, daily 17 protection. In fact, I realised that whilst I remained within this daily Flow 18 of ‘Father Consciousness’, no harm could ever come near me and my every 19 need would be met. 20 21 And more importantly: the ‘Father Consciousness’ working through me 22 would do whatever was required for people in dire need of healing and 23 comfort. 24 25 At all times, I must overcome my rebelliousness against the harsh realities of 26 existence and listen to the ‘inner voice’ and conform to the ‘Higher Will’ of 27 the ‘Father’. This ‘Higher Will’ was ‘Perfect Love’ directed entirely at 28 promoting my highest good. It would be extremely foolish, I realised, to 29 continue along the path of ‘self-will’ which had dictated my behaviour to 30 that time. 31 32 It was then that I was inspired to speak in parables to the people. Those 33 who were ready to receive the knowledge would understand and make good 34 use of it. 35 36 But, as it turned out, even my disciples could not rid themselves sufficiently 37 of Jewish doctrine to enable them to understand either the principle of 38 Letter 1 40 consciousness or the activity of the Divine ‘Creative Power’ within 1 creation. [ Until this time, it has remained a mystery to all except the spiritually 2 enlightened. ] 3 4 Even the spiritual words of enlightenment cannot be immediately, fully 5 comprehended by the human mind; therefore these Letters must be read 6 slowly and accompanied by much meditation and prayer to be properly 7 understood. 8 9 Remember, unless you can become as a ‘child’ – (getting rid of a useless 10 clutter of beliefs, prejudices, resentments, ambitions, and ego-drive) with a 11 mind filled with wonder and utmost faith, you will not be able to absorb 12 these pages as you should. 13 14 To become a ‘child’, you must make an effort to shed all past mental 15 conditioning. 16 17 If you are mentally/emotionally/physically suffering, it is only because 18 whatever have been your most sincere beliefs, they have not been helpful to 19 you; they have not promoted your well-being. 20 21 22 14. Mindset 23 24 It is time to examine your MINDSET. Are you happy with it? 25 26 You can make choices, and as you make them, you can call upon the 27 ‘Father’ to help you make the changes, and the help will surely be given 28 you, – providing you do not doubt. 29 30 I therefore urge you to continue to read and absorb the following pages. I 31 want to impress on you the strength of your mindset – which is the sum 32 total of all your conscious and subconscious programming. 33 34 It is essential you should understand that none of this human mindset has 35 its origins in the spiritual dimension. 36 37 38 Letter 1 41 It is entirely earthly and probably filled with mythical ideas, prejudices, 1 misconceptions, resentments, buried memories of past hurts, and habitual 2 methods of dealing with the ups-and-downs of life. Your human mindset 3 (including any religious ideas or beliefs) determines your world, your 4 relationships, experiences, successes, failures, happiness and misery. It is 5 even responsible for your sickness, disease and accidents. Nothing happens 6 by chance. Everything is woven out of the inner threads of your personal 7 consciousness – thoughts, expectations, beliefs in life, fate, ‘God’. You live 8 in a world of your own making. This is why children raised in the same 9 environment turn out differently. Each one has its own individual mindset 10 constructed according to inherent character traits. 11 12 If, from birth, you had no developing mindset, you would be as 13 unconscious as a statue, devoid of feeling, responses and thought. Vacantly, 14 you would stare at the world, and whilst there might be a great deal of 15 activity around you, nothing would impinge on your consciousness, since 16 you would be devoid of reaction. Nothing would make you happy or 17 miserable, even if a bomb exploded in your vicinity. 18 19 Without a mindset, you have no life, no development, no evil, no good. 20 Your TYPE of mindset determines the quality of your life. This is the very 21 first Truth of Existence I want you to realise and understand fully. 22 Furthermore, for as long as you live you carry your mindset with you 23 wherever you go. 24 25 There is no escaping it, and day after day, it will continue to create for you 26 the type of existence you have experienced in your past. Many people go 27 through their entire lives believing they are unfortunate. They think that 28 other people have been mean, unkind, ugly to them, and have made their 29 lives thoroughly unhappy. 30 31 They believe that ‘other people’ quarrel with them and constantly make 32 difficulties whilst they are absolutely innocent of any provocation. 33 34 On the contrary, ‘other people’ are not to blame. It is the personal mindset 35 which is attracting to them their negative conditions. 36 37 38 Letter 1 42 Many people shy away from the suggestion that they alone are responsible 1 for their troubles. It is more difficult for some people to face up to their 2 inadequacies than it is for those who have the inner strength and self-3 confidence to look at themselves fairly and squarely. 4 5 Sincere Prayer draws the ‘Father-Creative Consciousness’ into the mind, 6 quietly, secretly, it cleanses the human consciousness of all that the seeker 7 no longer feels comfortable with. It is, of necessity, a very gradual process of 8 inner cleansing and development. 9 10 11 15. Emotional Patterns 12 13 Your emotional patterns can be as damaging to your overall welfare as your 14 mindset. 15 16 Your mindset together with your emotional patterns are your creative tools. 17 18 These together create the necessary outlines for future possessions, events 19 and circumstances. 20 21 These CREATIVE TOOLS work in your life whether you intend them to 22 or not. 23 24 It is far more difficult to discover your deep-seated emotional attitudes, 25 either conscious or subconscious, than to recognize your mental 26 conditioning. 27 28 People can be possessed by negative emotional patterns and be quite 29 unaware of them, since they are covered by the moment-to-moment 30 emotions arising from the daily routine. 31 32 To discover what your emotional patterns really are, ask yourself questions 33 along the following lines, and be totally honest with yourself. To try to hide 34 from the truth of your emotional patterns is merely to deceive yourself and 35 hold yourself back from achieving the joyous state of existence you were 36 intended to enjoy. 37 38 Letter 1 43 How do you really feel about LIFE? I want you to write yourself a warmly 1 compassionate letter, telling yourself exactly how you feel as you answer the 2 following questions: 3 4 Are you happy to be alive or would you prefer to be able to cease to live? If 5 your truthful answer is the latter, then you have a negative attitude towards 6 existence and are at war within yourself at a deep level. You know, 7 consciously, that you have to continue your daily life but at your deepest 8 level you would like to quit. The interior war prevents you from attracting 9 all that you could be experiencing with a positive emotional pattern. 10 11 How do you really feel about your relatives? Is there any buried hostility 12 which you do not want to admit or that you did not realise existed? 13 14 How do you feel about your employment, colleagues, entertainment, other 15 races, etc. 16 17 Write down all your discoveries about yourself and lock it away in a safe 18 place. 19 20 This work you have done for yourself is for yourself – only for your benefit. 21 You have not done it to make you a better person, or to please ‘God’ or to 22 win approval from other people. You have done this work to remove 23 existing inner blocks to your spiritual development and ultimate happiness. 24 25 If you decide to change your life by reading these Letters daily, I urge 26 you to put your dated letter in a safe place. Reread it in a year’s time 27 and rejoice in the great changes which you will see have taken place in 28 your mindset. You will also see that there have been changes in your 29 circumstances. 30 31 Remember that prayer and meditation focused entirely on your Creator will 32 bring you new strength and insight which, in turn, will bring changes to 33 your feelings and environment. 34 35 When praying – never focus on your problems – always – ask for the right 36 remedy. Let your Creator bring you the right solutions which your human 37 mind is incapable of thinking up. 38 Letter 1 44 For instance – never tell your Creative ‘Father’ how ill you are. Concentrate 1 on the Power you are receiving immediately into your condition (although 2 your consciousness may be too densely human to feel it) and give thanks for 3 your swift recovery and believe in it. 4 5 When you ‘give thanks’ you are accepting, acknowledging, believing, 6 impressing in your own consciousness the realisation that your prayer now 7 lies within the ‘Father Love Consciousness’ and is being ‘processed’ for 8 visible manifestation in due course at the right time. When in Palestine, I 9 constantly gave thanks for the work before it was accomplished. 10 11 Never pray and then go out of your room and tell people how ill you feel, 12 or how terrible the personal or national situation is. If you have asked the 13 Father Creator to solve your problems, finances or poor health, what an 14 insult to the Father Creator to continue to bring up past negative 15 conditions? You immediately undo the work the Father Creator is engaged 16 in. 17 18 If, in your mind, after prayer, the old conditions have not become past 19 negative conditions, then return to prayer until you can dismiss them from 20 your mind and really believe that all is being Divinely taken care of – right 21 that minute. 22 23 Return again and again to giving thanks for the benefits you have asked 24 for. They will surely materialize. 25 26 There are many thousands of people in your world today consistently 27 relying on the Universal Father Creator to fulfill their every need and 28 witnessing to the manifold blessings in their lives. 29 30 Abandon fears, they have availed you nothing. Now turn to the universal 31 ‘Father’ Creator – as the SOURCE OF YOUR BEING, conception, 32 growth, development, nutrition, regeneration, healing, fulfilment of your 33 every need, PROTECTION, all within a system of SPIRITUAL LAW & 34 ORDER. 35 36 Realise that all this wonderful work is constructive, purposeful, orderly. 37 38 Letter 1 45 You truly have a MASTER MIND behind you, your family and living 1 conditions. TRUST IT. 2 3 Do not allow your thinking to spoil the Divine Creative Operation! 4 5 Remember, above all – that I, the CHRIST, only performed my so-called 6 miracles because I realised that the ‘Kingdom of God’ was within me and 7 that I could always rely on my Creator ‘Father’ to do the work in and 8 through me. 9 10 Remember that you only have an individual consciousness because you have 11 drawn it from the Creative ‘Father’ Consciousness’. 12 13 When your personal consciousness is fully cleansed of negativity, you will 14 discover that you, too, have become a purified channel of Creative ‘Father’ 15 Consciousness. You will also be a joyous source of growth, nutrition, 16 healing, nurturing, protection, fulfilment of need, within a system of good 17 organizational law and order to all who come within your orbit. This 18 powerful influence will be extended through your mind to your families, 19 friends, neighbours, farm lands and your animals and crops. 20 21 Even as electricity passed through your hands will light a Bunsen burner in 22 a laboratory, so will your LIFE FORCE radiations benefit all who come 23 within your radius of influence. 24 25 This was the intention behind creation. You were intended to express 26 Universal Creative Consciousness through your mind and heart. I, the 27 CHRIST, have come at this time to show you how to do this. 28 29 First of all, consider my ‘state of consciousness’ when I performed my so-30 called miracles. 31 32 I did not pray a set prayer. I simply asked the Creative Father radiating 33 through my own consciousness, for whatever was needed. 34 35 I strongly realised and visualized the ‘Father Creative Consciousness’ was 36 a dynamic operating Force which manifested itself through the visible 37 world as: 38 Letter 1 46 Creativity, intelligent design, growth, nutrition and nourishment, 1 protection, healing, regeneration, fulfilment of every need – all within a 2 system of law and order. 3 4 I realised that the ‘Creative Father Consciousness’ would radiate all Its 5 Nature through my consciousness to enter the consciousness of those who 6 had asked for healing and sincerely believed they would receive it. I also 7 knew that if they did not have ‘faith and expectancy of healing’, this type of 8 negative consciousness would not be influenced by the inflow of the 9 NATURE of ‘Father Consciousness’ and no healing would take place. 10 11 I also realised that the healing work done by the Creative Father 12 Consciousness was really Love made visible on earth. 13 14 I also realised that all the work done by the Creative Father Consciousness 15 within the visible world was Love made manifest – and gave thanks. 16 17 I realised that out of Universal Consciousness had come all the substance 18 of the universe – and gave thanks. 19 20 I realised that ‘Father Creative Consciousness’ was the ‘worker’ and that 21 It was eternal and infinite and nothing – nothing except the human mind 22 could stop it from doing its work. 23 24 Therefore, I rid my mind of any human feelings and thoughts, and I knew 25 that I was a perfect channel of ‘Father Love’ and knew that the perfect will 26 of ‘Father Love’ would be accomplished in the person who needed healing. 27 28 But note this: I also knew that whatever in that person’s consciousness had 29 brought about his crippled, or maimed, or diseased condition had been 30 erased in his body for the time being. The question was: would his normal 31 ‘consciousness’ bring about a return of the condition divinely erased from 32 his body? 33 34 Therefore I said to the person who had received healing: ‘go your way and 35 sin no more’. 36 37 38 Letter 1 47 I want you to know and believe with all your hearts that my state of 1 consciousness when on earth, described to you in the above paragraphs, 2 is the ‘state of consciousness’ to which you should also aspire with all 3 your mind and heart. 4 5 My experiences of enlightenment in the desert enabled me to achieve the 6 CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS to a large extent whilst on earth. But you 7 can follow in my steps if you have the will to do so, and I will surely be at 8 hand to help you on your journey. You may feel my presence if you are 9 sufficiently sensitive to do so. But if for some time, you feel nothing, do not 10 be cast down, because as you do the work of changing your consciousness, 11 you can be absolutely certain you will be tuning into my CHRIST 12 CONSCIOUSNESS and I will be aware of all that is happening to you. 13 14 KNOW that your purpose on earth is to ascend in spiritual consciousness 15 until you transcend all the humanhood which presently holds you back, 16 until, eventually, you, too, can control the elements and become a master. 17 18 Realise too that when world consciousness is fully attuned to ‘Father 19 Creative Consciousness’, all things inimical to the perfect well-being of 20 man will disappear. There will be no more malaria bearing mosquitoes, 21 locusts to strip your crops, severe climatic conditions, infections, viruses, 22 and everything else which presently cause problems for living things. You 23 will live within a cloak of universal protection. When your own 24 consciousness is perfectly attuned to and in harmony with Father Love – 25 then you too will be divinely protected and will become channels of: 26 27 Creative design, growth, nutrition and nourishment, protection, healing, 28 regeneration, fulfilment of need, law and order. 29 30 FATHER LOVE will be operational within your mind, heart, body and 31 your affairs. 32 33 It will be operational in all those to whom you direct its power. 34 35 36 37 38 Letter 1 48 Christ’s Letter 2 1 2 3 In this Letter, Christ continues the story of His life on earth, His return to His 4 mother in Nazareth, and His reception! His first public healing and the 5 tremendous response. Choosing disciples. His true teachings. 6 7 8 1. I am the Christ 9 10 Whilst I operate from the highest realms of DIVINE CREATIVE 11 CONSCIOUSNESS, my influence encircles your world. 12 13 Speaking metaphorically, I am as distant in ‘consciousness’ from your world 14 as your sun is distant from earth. Yet if you call on me sincerely, I am as 15 close to you as is necessary to help you. 16 17 There will be many who will be unable to receive these Letters. Such 18 people are not yet ready for them. 19 20 There will be those who will try to stifle their existence, since the teachings 21 will be threatening their livelihood or religion. They will not succeed. 22 These Letters will be strengthened by opposition. 23 24 There will be those who will receive these Letters with joy, since in their 25 souls they have known that beyond the religions of the world has been 26 TRUTH – the REALITY of existence. These are the people who will 27 prosper and will eventually save the world from self-annihilation. 28 29 I will now take up my ‘autobiography’ from where I left off in my last 30 Letter. 31 32 My purpose in giving you some of the biographical details of my entrance 33 into public life as teacher and healer is to bring alive for you, my youthful 34 attitudes and behaviour, the circumstances of my attaining my own state of 35 spiritualised humanhood. 36 37 38 Letter 2 49 It is important you should be able to visualise Palestine as it was when I was 1 on earth and clearly see the inner conflicts which my teachings aroused in 2 the people indoctrinated in the Jewish beliefs and Traditional Rites. 3 4 These conflicts lie at the heart of the gospellers’ inability to record, 5 accurately, all that I tried to teach them. 6 7 In the gospels are frequent references to my parables describing the reality 8 of the Kingdom of Heaven or Kingdom of God, whichever term the 9 gospellers used, but nowhere has any attempt been made to reach into 10 the words themselves, explore the figures of speech, or lift out the 11 spiritual meaning of the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven. 12 13 As I speak of my true sermons given to the people, you will, in the light of 14 my experiences in the desert and of your own knowledge of scientific facts, 15 be able to understand, at last, a little of what I was attempting to teach at 16 that time. 17 18 Since I was largely unsuccessful, it is imperative another attempt should be 19 made to do so, at the beginning of this age, this millennium, since it is on 20 my privileged, highest spiritual knowledge and insight that the next age 21 will be founded and developed. 22 23 It was – and is – essential for a Teacher such as I and others have been, 24 super-sensitive and wholly committed mentally and emotionally to a search 25 for the Truth of Existence, to come to earth to COIN WORDS to 26 describe to people on earth, imprisoned in words, what lies in the 27 CREATIVE UNIVERSAL DIMENSION in an unformed state. Were it 28 not for such inspired Teachers, people on earth would have remained in 29 ignorance of all that lies beyond the earth – ready for contact, to be 30 personally experienced and absorbed to promote future spiritual 31 evolution. 32 33 Not only this – the Bible is said to be the most widely read book in the 34 world. In its present form it has served its purposes. 35 36 The New Testament, as it stands, with all its baggage of misinterpretation is 37 a deterrent to spiritual evolution. It is now time to move forward into a 38 Letter 2 50 new realm of mystical perception and understanding. Since it is impossible 1 for me to descend into human body again to speak to the world, and I have 2 other dimensions to whom I minister, I have trained a sensitive soul to 3 receive and transcribe. It is the nearest I can do to talking to you personally. 4 I hope you will be able to receive and accept this. 5 6 Whatever is erroneous is erased. You may be sure of this. 7 8 The incidents and healings related in the following pages are not important. 9 They happened but they are given only to enable you to understand their 10 true spiritual significance. 11 12 I want you, as you read, to relate the conditions of more than 2000 years 13 ago to your present life and times. I want you to regard the persona of 14 ‘Jesus’ as an ‘icon’ of what can eventually be achieved by every human being 15 who is ready and willing to become a founder member of the ‘Kingdom of 16 Heaven’ on earth. 17 18 Although people of your present world are what you call sophisticated, big-19 headed in their modern ‘knowledge and learning’, versed in contemporary 20 manners, and in new ways of relating one to another, basically, the people 21 all those years ago were the same as yourselves. 22 23 They were controlled and motivated entirely by their TWIN 24 IMPULSES of 25 26 Bonding–Rejection 27 28 Desires–Repulsions 29 30 even as you are. 31 32 They loved, hated, criticised, condemned, slandered and gossiped, 33 possessed ambitions to rise to the top of society, despised those who 34 were failures in life, secretly ‘slept around’ as you call it, and taunted 35 those who were different in any way to themselves. 36 37 38 Letter 2 51 To help you fully understand and enter into my time on earth, my 1 ‘consciousness has descended to your plane of earthly existence to 2 experience yet again the ‘persona’ of ‘Jesus’ and the emotions and events 3 in which I was involved. 4 5 6 2. When I Left the Desert 7 8 When I left the desert and put foot to the road leading to my village of 9 Nazareth, I was still elated, exuberantly joyous in the knowledge so 10 gloriously revealed to me in the desert. I focused my thoughts entirely on 11 all that I had learnt and if my thoughts strayed to my former negative 12 forms of thought, I swiftly turned to the ‘Father’ for inspiration and 13 determination in overcoming them. In this way, I returned, constantly, to 14 the Light of awareness and understanding. 15 16 Some people looked at me askance, seeing my joy and also my dirty, 17 unkempt appearance. Was I happy with drink, they wondered? Others 18 looked at me with abhorrence. Instead of reacting with anger as in the past, 19 I remembered that I had been blest with visions and knowledge they could 20 not even begin to imagine. I blest them and prayed for their inner vision to 21 be similarly opened, and continued peacefully along the road to my home. 22 23 There were villagers, however, who viewed my pitiful state with compassion 24 and hurried into their houses to fetch me bread and even wine to help me 25 on my way. There was always someone who offered shelter for the night. 26 The ‘Father Life’ indeed supplied all my needs and gave me protection as 27 needed. 28 29 All this time, I said not a word about my weeks in the desert. I felt that the 30 time was not yet ripe. Eventually, I reached my home town, Nazareth, and 31 the villagers openly scoffed, pointing at my filthy self and tattered clothes. 32 33 ‘Dirty lazy layabout’ were some of the kinder words thrown at me. 34 35 I came to my mother’s door with a feeling of dread, since I knew she would 36 be more shocked than her neighbours when she saw me stand in front of 37 her: thin, bones showing through skin, eyes sunken and cheeks hollowed 38 Letter 2 52 out, face burnt black and lips blistered with the sun, and beard grown long 1 and straggly. My clothes! She would be outraged when she saw my clothes – 2 their original colour wholly obscured by desert dust and the cloth torn and 3 ragged. 4 5 I mounted the steps and braced myself to endure the heat of my mother’s 6 fury. When I knocked, my sister came to the door. She looked at me, open-7 mouthed, wide-eyed and frightened, then slammed the door in my face. I 8 could hear her running to the back of the house, screaming: 9 10 ‘Mother, come quickly, there is a dirty old man at the door.’ 11 12 I could hear my mother muttering crossly to herself, hurrying to the door. 13 Flinging it open, she stood, rooted in shock. I smiled, but for a moment, 14 she looked me up-and-down with increasing horror as she realised this 15 dreadful creature was indeed her wayward son, Jesus. 16 17 I held out my hand to her, saying: 18 19 ‘I know I cause you much pain but can you help me?’ 20 21 Immediately, her expression changed and drawing me inside, she secured 22 the door. 23 24 ‘Quick,’ she said to my frightened sister. ‘Stop that noise and put water on 25 to boil. Your brother is starved. It doesn’t matter what trouble he has got 26 into, he belongs to us. He must be looked after.’ 27 28 Gently, she helped me take off my clothes and bent me over a large 29 container of water and scrubbed me clean. She washed and trimmed my 30 hair and beard, and lightly covered the sores on my body and lips with a 31 healing salve. Neither of us broke the silence. 32 33 I savoured the love she showed me and tried to show my gratitude by a 34 more gentle and sensitive approach. 35 36 Having helped me put on a clean robe, she sat me down to a frugal meal of 37 bread, milk and honey. Reluctantly, she gave me wine, to pick up my 38 Letter 2 53 strength, but it was obvious she thought that wine had been the cause of my 1 shocking plight. 2 3 Then she led me to a bed and placed a cover over me. I slept for several 4 hours and woke refreshed to a morning, bright with sunshine seen through 5 the window. 6 7 I was now longing to talk to my mother, to tell her that I was indeed a 8 Messiah but not the kind the Jews imagined. I could save people from the 9 bad results of their ‘sins’. I could help them find health, abundance, 10 fulfilment of their needs, because I could now teach them exactly how the 11 world had been created. 12 13 As I tried to tell her, she started off by being excited and delighted. She 14 jumped to her feet and wanted to rush out to tell the neighbours her son 15 was indeed the Messiah – they should hear how nicely he now talked – and 16 he had been fasting in the desert! 17 18 But I stopped her from doing this. I said that I had not yet told her what 19 had been revealed to me. One of the most important things I had learnt was 20 that the Orthodox Jews were entirely wrong in their belief in an avenging 21 ‘god’. There was no such thing. 22 23 This frightened and upset her and she exclaimed, ‘How then will Jehovah 24 govern the world and make us good and listen to his Prophets, if He does 25 not punish us? Are you now so big that you are going to tell the High 26 Priests their own business handed down to them from the time of Moses? 27 Are you going to bring more shame on this house?’ 28 29 She began to cry, saying with anger: ‘You’ve not changed a bit. You’ve only 30 changed in what you’re saying. You have brought me nothing but grief. 31 How could I have ever believed you would be a Messiah? You will only lead 32 people into greater torment then ever before, with your strange ideas.’ 33 34 My brothers heard her wailing and came running, wanting to turn me out 35 of the house. Because I did not want a disturbance, I offered to leave 36 peacefully. 37 38 Letter 2 54 If this was how my mother reacted, I could be sure that everyone else would 1 react in the same way to what I wanted to tell them. I realised I needed a 2 quiet time of absolute rest and silence in which to collect all my thoughts 3 and experiences together. I would have to pray for inspired guidance on 4 how best to approach the Jews with my message of ‘good news’. I was sure 5 that the ‘Father Life’ would meet my need, and I would find the right 6 accommodation somewhere. My mother, although furious with my 7 seemingly ‘big-headed attitudes’, was, nonetheless, torn with her feelings of 8 love and compassion for my emaciated condition. She rejected everything I 9 appeared to stand for – rebelliousness, contempt for the Jewish Religion, 10 high-handed attitudes towards authority, my self-will and arrogance, but 11 she still loved me and was deeply afraid that I would eventually land up in 12 greater trouble than I had ever thought possible. 13 14 She admonished my brothers, telling them to hold their noisy arguments 15 and turned to me. ‘You can stay here until you are better,’ she said. 16 ‘Perhaps whilst you are here, I can talk some sense into you. I can tell you 17 now, if you go out into the streets and begin talking as you have to me – 18 you will end up in an even worse state than ever. Good people will spit and 19 throw their rotten rubbish over you. You are a disgrace to your family.’ 20 21 So, despite her anger, I laughed and thanked her and kissed her warmly. 22 Gladly, I remained with her, knowing very well that underneath her anger, 23 she was deeply anxious for me. She fed me well and made me good new 24 clothes. I appreciated all she did towards improving my appearance, as I 25 knew that to move freely between rich and poor, I must be acceptably clad 26 in decent garments. 27 28 At times, there were food shortages in the home. Drawing on the power of 29 my ‘Father’, I replenished them saying nothing. Neither did she. I knew 30 she wondered sadly whether, to all my other bad habits, I had now added 31 that of thief. 32 33 Then she caught me with a freshly baked loaf in my hands and knew that I 34 had not been out of the house to buy it and neither had the stove been in 35 use that day. 36 37 38 Letter 2 55 She said nothing but gave me a long pondering look. I could see her 1 attitudes change at that moment. She was no longer sure of her ground. She 2 was beginning to question her own attitudes towards me, and also the truth 3 of my statements: 4 5 ‘What really happened to him out in the desert? How could he make a loaf 6 of bread without fire, flour and yeast? What does it mean? Is he the 7 Messiah?’ 8 9 Then my brother cut his hand. He was in much pain when it festered. He 10 allowed me to put my hands on his wound and quietly pray. I could see 11 that he felt the ‘Power’ flow into his hand because he looked at me 12 strangely. 13 14 ‘The pain has gone’ he said briefly. He was surly as he walked away, and I 15 knew that whilst he was relieved to be free of pain, he did not like me for 16 having been able to help him. I sensed his jealousy. 17 18 My sister scalded her hand and another brother often complained of bad 19 headaches. I was able to cure them both. 20 21 My brothers and sisters began to joke about my ‘magic powers’. They 22 questioned what ‘evil’ I might do to them if they angered me. The tension 23 in the home deepened and I felt sadness for my mother who longed for 24 peace in the house. 25 26 But she saw changes in my behaviour and was comforted. I was quieter, 27 visibly controlled likely outbursts, reined in my energy, curbed impatience, 28 no longer argued. I became more caring, listened to her womanly grumbles, 29 helped her in the house by repairing broken furniture, and walked the hills 30 to distant farms to find the fruit and vegetables she wanted. 31 32 I came to love her tenderly and compassionately as a mother should be 33 loved. 34 35 One day, she ventured to ask me: ‘Do you still say that Jehovah is a myth?’ 36 37 38 Letter 2 56 ‘Job said that if Jehovah were to withdraw his breath, all flesh would 1 collapse together. That is the ‘Jehovah’ I believe in and saw.’ 2 3 ‘No one has seen Jehovah!’ she said firmly. 4 5 ‘I saw THAT Which has brought all things into being,’ I replied quietly. 6 ‘I call IT the ‘Father’ because IT is PERFECT LOVE; LOVE more perfect 7 than a mother’s’ I added, smiling at her. ‘IT works in, through and for all 8 ITS creation. It is the ‘Father’ in me which has brought you the things you 9 needed in the house and healed my brothers and sisters so swiftly.’ 10 11 I could see she was beginning to understand a little of what I said. 12 13 ‘What of ‘sin’?’ she asked. 14 15 ‘There is no ‘sin’ as we understand it. We are born to behave as we do. 16 We have to find a way to overcome our human thoughts and feelings for 17 they separate us from the protection of the ‘Father’ and bring us our 18 sickness and misery. When we have learnt how to overcome the ‘self’ we 19 will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.’ 20 21 My mother turned away silently, obviously pondering what I had said to 22 her but no longer angry. I knew she was thinking about my statements and 23 realised they would be turning her safe and well-known world upside down. 24 Without her belief in a Jehovah threatening dire vengeance if mankind was 25 unruly, she would feel lost and insecure. She would wonder how the world 26 would ever manage if it was left entirely to men to control the evil doings of 27 themselves and others. Even kings and governors were wicked in their 28 actions. Without Jehovah to rule and punish sinners where would it end? 29 30 Whilst regaining my strength, I studied the Scriptures diligently to enable 31 me to meet the Pharisees and Scribes with confidence. It was also 32 imperative I should know what had been written of the Messiah because I 33 was convinced I was ‘he’ of whom the Prophets had spoken. I could indeed 34 rescue – save – people from misery, sickness and poverty, even restore them 35 to health and prosperity by showing them the truth concerning the 36 Kingdom of Heaven and the Reality of the ‘Father’. 37 38 Letter 2 57 When I felt I was sufficiently prepared to go out and teach and heal, to 1 please my mother, I agreed to go, one Sabbath, to the synagogue in 2 Nazareth, and speak to the congregation. 3 4 As was customary, I stood up, and was handed Isaiah to read. I chose the 5 passage prophesying a Messiah would come who would release the Jews 6 from every type of bondage: 7 8 ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has 9 anointed me to preach the good news to the poor, 10 He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives 11 and recovering of sight to the blind. 12 To set at liberty, those who are oppressed, 13 to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.’ 14 15 Then I sat down, saying: ‘Today, you have seen this prophecy fulfilled in 16 me.’ 17 18 There was shock and amazement on the men’s faces but I continued to 19 speak, knowing that the ‘Father’ would tell me what to say. The words 20 came without hesitation. 21 22 I spoke about my experience in the desert and related my vision of the baby 23 growing into manhood, all the while, all unknowingly, wrapping himself 24 around with mental thongs and chains, thus blinding and imprisoning 25 himself in interior darkness and shutting himself off from God. 26 27 I explained that in so doing, they exposed themselves to oppression from 28 conquerors, slavery, poverty and disease. 29 30 ‘For God is LIGHT’ I said. ‘And LIGHT, is the substance of all visible 31 things. And LIGHT is LOVE which makes all things for man to enjoy.’ 32 33 ‘All blessings of abundance and health were freely available to him, who 34 loved God with mind, heart and soul and lived strictly according to the 35 Laws of God.’ 36 37 38 Letter 2 58 When I had finished, there was complete silence in the synagogue. I felt 1 that the congregation had experienced something strange and powerful and 2 had been lifted to a higher plane of thought and wanted nothing to disturb 3 the transcendent tranquility of that moment. 4 5 Then the whispering started amongst themselves. They were wondering 6 who I was! Some were convinced that I was the person, Jesus, whose family 7 was known in the village, but others could not accept this, since I had 8 spoken as one having authority. 9 10 Unfortunately, I felt my old reactions to these religious men returning. I 11 knew they had despised me in the past and so I expected rejection. I slipped 12 back into my old challenging attitudes and thoroughly angered them. 13 Through my own human reactions, I invited disaster. And disaster I almost 14 got. 15 16 The younger men, urged on by their elders, rushed at me and dragged me 17 to the highest cliff top to hurl me to my death but I prayed to 18 my ‘Father’ for deliverance. Suddenly, it seemed they were so stirred up 19 they hardly knew what they were doing, and turned on each other, I was 20 able to slip from their midst and escape. 21 22 It was strange. They seemed not to notice my going. 23 24 Badly shaken by my experience, I managed to send a message to my 25 mother, saying I was leaving Nazareth immediately and was going down to 26 Capernum, a gracious town by the sea of Galilee. 27 28 29 3. I Arrive in Capernum 30 31 At first, I thought to join old acquaintances but I felt, intuitively, this was 32 not the right thing to do. So, all the way down and on entering the town, I 33 prayed for the ‘Father’s’ direction and help in finding accommodation. I 34 had no money and would not beg. 35 36 As I walked the street, a woman of middle years came towards me, heavily 37 laden with baskets on her arms. Her countenance was sorrowful. It seemed 38 Letter 2 59 she had been crying. On impulse, I stopped her and asked where I might 1 find accommodation. She said, briefly, that she would normally offer me a 2 bed but she had a very sick son at home. She added that she had been to 3 buy provisions to feed the ‘comforters’ who had already gathered to mourn 4 when her son died. 5 6 My heart grieved for her but also rejoiced. Straightaway, I had been led to 7 someone I could help. 8 9 I expressed my sympathy and offered to carry her baskets to her house. 10 11 She looked at me for a moment, wondering who I might be, but was 12 apparently satisfied by my appearance and demeanour. On the way, I said 13 that I could probably help her son. 14 15 ‘Are you a doctor?’ she asked. 16 17 I replied that I had received no medical training, but nonetheless I could 18 help him. 19 20 On reaching her house – large, and well-built of stone, indicating social 21 standing and prosperity, she took me to her husband, saying, ‘This man 22 says he can help our son.’ 23 24 He nodded morosely but said nothing. The woman, Miriam, drew me away 25 saying he was distressed and very angry. 26 27 ‘The boy is our only son amongst many daughters and he is blaming God 28 for giving the child the sickness.’ Miriam wept. ‘If he speaks like this 29 against God, what other troubles will be heaped upon us, I wonder?’ 30 31 ‘Take comfort,’ I said. ‘Shortly, your son will be well again.’ 32 33 She looked doubtful but led me to the room in which the boy lay. It was 34 hot and stifling, and filled with gloomy, talkative ‘well-wishers’. I asked the 35 mother to clear the room but the visitors were resistant. They wanted to see 36 what would be done and only left reluctantly when Miriam called her 37 38 Letter 2 60 husband to speak to them. I could hear them arguing with the father in the 1 next room. 2 3 What did he think this man could do, if the doctor had been unable to help 4 the boy? The father came into the room to see for himself. 5 6 His son was deathly pale and had a high fever. The mother explained he 7 could not keep his food down, and had loose bowels. He had been like that 8 for several days and had lost so much weight, the doctor had said nothing 9 more could be done for him. He would probably die. 10 11 I placed my hands on the boy’s head and prayed, knowing and silently 12 giving heartfelt thanks that the ‘Father’ LIFE would flow down through 13 my hands and into his body. Thus the healing work would be 14 accomplished. I felt extreme heat and a tingling vibration in my hands, and 15 the Power pouring into his frail body. I was overcome with joyous 16 thanksgiving. How great, how wonderful was the ‘Father Life’ when 17 released to do Its natural work of healing! 18 19 His mother and father, looking anxious, wondering what would happen 20 next, held each other’s hands and watched intently. As they saw their son’s 21 colour gradually change from white to a more healthy glow, they exclaimed 22 in astonishment and delight. After some time, the boy looked up at me, 23 saying brightly: ‘Thank you. I am well now. I am hungry and want 24 something to eat.’ 25 26 His mother laughed with happiness and held him close, but also looked 27 apprehensive. 28 29 ‘I cannot give you food, my son. The doctor will be angry.’ 30 31 She had been warned to starve him of all but water. I smiled and said: ‘He 32 is cured. You can give him bread and wine, and he will keep it down.’ 33 34 His father, Zedekiah, was all amazed joy and gratitude. After embracing his 35 beloved boy, he turned to me and wrung my hands warmly. He kept 36 patting my shoulder but shaking his head, unable to speak for the tears 37 which were running down his cheeks. 38 Letter 2 61 When he had largely recovered his composure, he went through to the 1 living room and said to the people there: ‘My son, almost dead, has been 2 returned to fullness of life again!’ 3 4 His words were met with a great clamour of jubilation, excitement, 5 disbelief, questioning, laughter and congratulations. The boy’s mother 6 stood there, her face wreathed in smiles. 7 8 After that, there was no question of needing accommodation. When 9 Zedekiah told the astonished ‘comforters’ that the boy was cured, and the 10 youth, himself, appeared smiling at the door, and asked, yet again, for food, 11 the ‘well-wishers’, one and all, gathered around me and invited me to their 12 homes. However, I preferred to remain with the boy’s father, who now said 13 he had many questions to ask me; he hoped I could answer them. 14 15 After food and wine were placed on the table and everyone was invited to 16 eat their fill, Zedekiah sat down and asked his first question. 17 18 He said: ‘You have done something no priest or doctor could do. Healing 19 only comes of God. 20 21 Although you are a stranger, I perceive you must come from God.’ 22 23 ‘Yes.’ I said. And the people murmured, wonderingly. 24 25 ‘This illness which has come upon my son. Was this a punishment for 26 something I have done wrong in the past? And how could I commit so 27 grievous a sin that God should want to take my only son from me?’ Many 28 of the people nodded when they heard these words. 29 30 ‘You have asked the question I most want to answer, Zedekiah. God gives 31 us LIFE and being. He would not snatch these away as a man will snatch 32 some treasure from another man because he is angry with him. This is the 33 way that mankind behaves. Not God. And God is not placed on a throne in 34 some part of the sky like human kings sit on thrones and govern their 35 people. This is the human way, and a human belief – not truth. The way of 36 God is far beyond anything the human mind can devise or dream about. I 37 alone have ‘seen’ ‘That which has brought us into being’, and I know 38 Letter 2 62 that IT is not the kind of ‘God’ taught by the Rabbis. I saw 1 that IT is ‘Perfect Love’ and for this reason I would rather speak of 2 the ‘Father’, for I have seen that It works within every living thing, 3 keeping them in a good state of health even as a human father works to 4 keep his children well fed, clothed and protected within the shelter of a 5 home. I have ‘seen’ IT within everything in the world. 6 7 ‘How can that be?’ a man asked doubtfully. 8 9 ‘It is not possible for an individual ‘being’ of any kind to be everywhere at 10 once. But the air is everywhere although we cannot see it. Nonetheless, we 11 know – and do not doubt – it is very real and very important to our 12 existence. If there were no air and we could not breathe it, we would die. 13 The movement of air, which we call wind, we cannot see but we see it 14 agitate the leaves, and drive the clouds across the sky, so we know the air is 15 around and above us and is strong. And now I will ask you, what is the 16 most real and valuable part of a man – his body or his mind?’ 17 18 Some answered it was the body, otherwise he would have no place on earth, 19 could not work, could not be seen, would not be known. Others said they 20 thought that his mind was more important than his body. And I answered: 21 ‘His mind is the most important part of him since without his mind, he 22 could not power his body. He would not eat, drink, sleep, move, plan, or 23 live. Yet, we cannot see mind. We can only know we have a mind because 24 of the thoughts it produces and because the thoughts fashion some kind of 25 action in our lives. We believe mind works through the brain. Yes, it does. 26 For how could brain, born of flesh, produce thoughts, feelings, ideas, plans? 27 And now it should be clear to you that this is how the ‘Father’ is present 28 within all things; It is the directing ‘mind’ behind the human mind, 29 working Its great works within every living thing. We know this is so, for 30 we see the marvels it brings about. We see the growth of children, we see 31 the food they eat miraculously changed into another substance which 32 nourishes and makes them grow. How this happens, we do not begin to 33 know or even imagine. Even if we did know, we would still not know what 34 set such an important life process to work in living bodies of every species. 35 See how wonderfully the bodies of each species is fashioned and created 36 purposefully, expressly to transform the kind of food they eat, into 37 nourishment to grow bone, blood and flesh.’ 38 Letter 2 63 ‘Now you show us these things, we can see they are truly marvellous.’ A 1 young man exclaimed. 2 3 ‘They are! They are! We see the young bodies going through their various 4 stages of development, and we see their minds keeping pace with their 5 physical development until the youths and maidens begin to long to find a 6 spouse and to become parents themselves. Then the great work of 7 conception is accomplished and the growth of the seed within the womb 8 continues, until it comes forth as a full term child. Think! Who determines 9 all this steady, orderly growth within the woman, from whence come the 10 plans which govern the right development of head, body, and limbs and are 11 unvarying from one woman to another, and from one species to another? 12 Who decides the exact moment when birth shall begin – the physical means 13 by which the child shall be brought forth from the womb, the provision of 14 milk for the child? Think – is it the mother? No, it is not the mother, she is 15 but witness of all that takes place in her from the moment her husband has 16 been to her and planted his seed to join with hers. Does God do all these 17 things from afar? Do his thoughts reach out to each man and woman and 18 decide when these things shall take place? 19 20 No, all this work is accomplished by the ‘Creative Mind Power’, 21 the ‘Intelligently Loving Life’ within every living thing. We see the 22 parents’ love of their young, be they bird, animal and man. Where does this 23 love come from? It is drawn from the ‘Creative Mind Power’ – Perfect 24 Love – of the ‘Father’ within us. It is because the ‘Father’ does the work 25 within the plants, the trees, the birds, animals and man himself, that we are 26 here today, living, breathing, eating, sleeping, having children, growing old 27 and then dying to pass on to some more happy place. All of this is the work 28 of the ‘Father’ active within us. How can you possibly deny the truth of all 29 I have said tonight? Today, you saw a dying youth brought back to fullness 30 of life again within a short time – was it I who healed him? Not at all. Of 31 myself I can do nothing. It was the LIFE that is the ‘Father’ active within 32 all things, which came in full force to repair an ailing body and bring it 33 back to full health again because I believed It would and did not doubt.’ 34 35 There were sighs of satisfaction in the room. New light, new interest, even 36 new gentleness showed in their faces. 37 38 Letter 2 64 ‘Why then, does man suffer so grievously?’ Miriam asked. 1 2 ‘Because when man is begotten, when LIFE takes on form within the 3 seed, IT takes on the humanhood which separates IT from every other 4 individual in the world. To make IT single, a lone figure, joined to none 5 other, solitary, private, ITS own person, IT becomes subject to – is 6 controlled by two mightily strong impulses in his earthly nature – to hold 7 fast to all those things he greatly desires and to reject and push away all that 8 he does not want. These two most basic impulses in man underlie every 9 single thing he ever does throughout his life, and are entirely responsible for 10 the trouble man brings upon himself. Although the ‘Father’ is active 11 within man, IT has nothing of humanhood in IT. 12 13 Therefore the ‘Father’ holds nothing, rejects nothing, condemns 14 nothing, does not even see ‘wrongdoing’. All that man does which man 15 calls ‘sin’ is only of this world and is only punished within this world – 16 for it is a Law of Earthly Existence, as you know, that whatever you sow 17 you will reap as a like harvest. Because he draws LIFE and MIND from 18 the ‘Father’, man himself is creative in thought, words and deeds. 19 Whatever he thinks, says, does, and believes, returns to him in like 20 form, some time later. There is no punishment from the ‘Father’ – 21 whatever ills come to mankind is of their own making entirely.’ 22 23 People murmured that this was a new teaching altogether, and yet it made 24 greater sense than all they had been taught before. 25 26 Several voices urged me to tell them more. 27 28 ‘I tell you, in me you have seen the LIFE active as healing; follow me 29 and you will hear of the PATH you must walk to find happiness; in my 30 words will you find the TRUTH of Existence never yet revealed by any 31 other man. 32 33 ‘It has been said of the Messiah he will utter secrets hidden from the 34 beginning of creation. I tell you truly, these secrets you will hear from 35 me. If you listen carefully and grasp their meaning, and practise their 36 truth, and hold fast to their laws, you will be made new and will enter 37 into the Kingdom of Heaven.’ 38 Letter 2 65 After I had spoken, the people were quiet for a moment and then there was 1 a clamour of excited talk but Zedekiah stood up and said it was time for the 2 household to settle down. His boy needed sleep and his wife, and 3 daughters, too, were weary after all their weeping. 4 5 It was arranged that, the next morning, I should go down to the harbour 6 and sick people would be brought to me. Thus, I was able to launch my 7 mission and everything was speedily arranged for me in the best possible 8 way. It seemed that if I did not heal, there would be no interest in and no 9 acceptance of all I had to tell them. Healing demonstrated the truth of what 10 I wanted to teach, and my teachings would explain the reasons why I was 11 able to bring them healing from the ‘Father’. 12 13 When I woke the next morning, I felt joyously alive with the expectation of 14 wondrous things to come. 15 16 After I had broken my fast, I set out with Zedekiah towards the town 17 harbour, my heart aglow with love for everyone I passed. I greeted them 18 warmly, telling them I had ‘good news’ for those who wanted to hear it. 19 When I reached the jetty, I found men, women and children seated on the 20 ground, awaiting my arrival. Some held out their hands to me imploringly. 21 These looked very ill, some were crippled, many were covered in sores. 22 23 My heart still ached for their pitiful state but now I could also rejoice 24 because I knew that it was not the ‘Father’s Will’ they should be like this. 25 Quite the contrary! The ‘Father’ was Itself all healing, all health, all fitness. 26 I had proved this the night before, and in my home. I exulted that I would 27 be able to demonstrate this wonderful truth to the crowds now gathering 28 around me. 29 30 One sad old face caught my attention. She was wrinkled and thin and 31 crooked. I went to her and kneeling beside her, I placed my hands on her 32 head and immediately felt the flow of ‘Father Power’ through my hands, 33 vibrating through her head until her whole body shook with the Life 34 Force energising her limbs. People, watching this were astonished and 35 wondered what I might be doing to her, but others quietened their 36 objections. Gradually, her limbs began to unbend, lengthen, straighten; her 37 face became alive with the joy of returning strength. I helped her to stand 38 Letter 2 66 up, then she stood proudly by herself. She was so overcome with happiness; 1 she began to weep then laughed and danced, calling out to the people: 2 ‘Praise God’ she said, ‘Praise God’ and others standing there took up the 3 refrain. They were all deeply moved by what they had seen. 4 5 The crush of people pressing in against my person was so great, Zedekiah 6 offered to control them. In orderly fashion, assisted by other eager 7 onlookers, he marshalled the sick towards me, that I might attend to them 8 according to their deepest need. 9 10 At last, feeling tired, my host invited me back to his house to dine. He sent 11 away those whom I had not been able to heal for lack of time. He assured 12 them I would return the following day. 13 14 It was a festive evening – so much to talk about – so much to celebrate – so 15 much to teach – so much to learn – all of it certainly ‘good news’, the 16 people agreed. I knew that by many, I was accepted as speaking truly of 17 what I had ‘seen’ in the desert. 18 19 And so it continued for many days. People came to see me from far and 20 wide. Zedekiah and other of his friends helped me to control the crowds to 21 enable me to heal and teach. The people listened gladly. They were talking 22 amongst themselves about the ‘Father’ and were eager to learn more about 23 the ‘thongs and chains’ which bound people in misery. 24 25 The crush became so great, I soon realised I would have to find my own 26 helpers on whom I could rely to assist me. It was time for Zedekiah to 27 return to conduct his leather business which he had been neglecting. 28 29 30 4. Choosing My Disciples 31 32 I went away to the hills to pray about choosing ‘disciples’. When the 33 conviction came to me that I would be guided as to whom to choose, I 34 returned to Capernum. I felt a strong inclination to go down to the 35 waterfront to speak to some men I had seen listening intently to my 36 teachings. 37 38 Letter 2 67 Whether they would leave their fishing nets to join me, remained to be 1 seen. But when I called them, Simon, Andrew, James and John, they came 2 immediately, happy to help in my work of healing and teaching. Others 3 also joined me as I began my work amongst the people. 4 5 I left my host, Zedekaih’s house with his warm assurances I could return at 6 any time. 7 8 Thus it was that I commenced my mission as a teacher and healer 9 wandering wherever needed through towns and villages. Before setting out, 10 I gathered together the young men who had consented and were eager to 11 help me. They would be listening to my teachings and would be mystified 12 by much that I wanted to say. It was vital I should first explain the 13 background to all that had been revealed to me in the desert. 14 15 I told them that despite my previously lazy way of life, I had always had a 16 profound compassion for people. It was my compassion that made me turn 17 from the ‘God’ taught by the Rabbis. When I spoke of my total rejection of 18 a punishing Jehovah, I could see the doubt and shock in their faces. 19 20 At considerable length, I explained that I questioned how it was possible to 21 speak of a ‘good’ God, when there was so much suffering endured by 22 innocent children. As I spoke, I saw their faces gradually relax. I continued 23 to voice my previous doubts and anger until I saw their expressions change 24 into those of acceptance and then full agreement. I discovered I had put to 25 them their own doubts and questions which, previously, they had never had 26 the courage to put into words. 27 28 As we spoke together, I could sense their relief that they were no longer 29 alone in their secret resistance to the rabbis’ teachings. 30 31 I told them there came a time when I began to realise ever more clearly that 32 I was wasting my life. I wanted to change and felt very strongly I should go 33 to John the Baptist as a starting point, as it were, to the commencement of 34 a new way of living. 35 36 I described what happened during the baptism and my six weeks in the 37 desert. I explained that all my previous thoughts and beliefs, attitudes, 38 Letter 2 68 arrogance, rebelliousness, were gradually cleansed from my consciousness 1 whilst I was going through the deep revelations and visions showing me the 2 ‘Reality’ I now called the ‘Father’. I explained the nature of the ‘Father’ 3 and that this ‘Divine Nature’ also constituted the ‘Divine Will’. I told 4 them that it was man himself, who, through wrong thinking and wrong 5 behaviour, shut himself off from the ‘Father’ within him, and man alone, 6 by first repenting and then by mental-emotional cleansing, could find his 7 own way back to full contact with the ‘Father’. 8 9 When this was accomplished, the full Nature of the ‘Father’ would be 10 released into the person’s mind, heart, body, soul and his life 11 environment and experiences. As this happened, such a person would 12 enter into the Kingdom of Heaven ruled by the ‘Father’ and also, the 13 Kingdom of Heaven would be established within the consciousness of 14 the person. He would then have attained the purpose behind his 15 existence. 16 17 As I spoke to my disciples, I saw their reactions reflected in their faces. All 18 doubt had gone, there was now a light of dawning comprehension and joy. 19 These young men became enthusiastic believers and exclaimed: ‘This is 20 indeed good news!’ 21 22 However, after their first acceptance of all I said, there were times when 23 they wondered whether all I said could be true. I understood this. To be 24 prepared to rid themselves of the image of ‘Jehovah’ so deeply imprinted in 25 their minds took a great deal of courage. 26 27 There were times when they spoke amongst themselves and questioned who 28 was this man claiming such marvels? Supposing they came along with me 29 and it turned out that I was really a messenger from Satan? What then? 30 They would be severely punished by Jehovah. 31 32 They had much to lose – their standing in society as sober, hardworking 33 young men, their reputation as tradesmen and artisans, their loss of income, 34 and biggest obstacle of all, the probable anger and rejection by their 35 families. What would they receive in return? 36 37 38 Letter 2 69 I told them I could not promise them any earthly reward for their help in 1 spreading the ‘gospel of good news’. I had no doubt at all that wherever we 2 went we would be given food and shelter and would be well received by the 3 people. I could only promise them the Truth that the ‘Father’ knew their 4 needs and would fulfill them and keep them healthy. I could also 5 promise them that as they turned to the ‘Father’ and trusted the ‘Father’ 6 every step of the way, they would be happy in a way they had never 7 been happy before. They would experience the Kingdom of Heaven 8 themselves to the extent they set aside the demands of ‘self’ and served 9 other people. They would witness the healings, and these would 10 increase their faith and give them the courage to endure any 11 discomforts of the journey. 12 13 And this was how we came to start on our mission of spreading the 14 ‘GOOD NEWS’ of the ‘GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM’. 15 16 I sent these young men ahead of me into the town we were to visit. As they 17 entered it, they told the people to gather together to hear the ‘Good News 18 of the Kingdom of Heaven’. The people were astonished and wanted to 19 know more but the disciples urged them to fetch their friends and 20 neighbours and they would be told all about it ‘when Jesus arrived’, and 21 there would be healing of their sick people. Excitedly, many ran to help 22 spread the ‘good news’ and soon they were gathered together in a huge 23 crowd. 24 25 I, who had so deeply and passionately rebelled against the long-faced 26 religious homilies threatening violence, punishments and damnation to 27 sinners, now walked with joy to meet these crowds. 28 29 I had my ‘good news’ to share with them to brighten their day, and 30 healing of ailments and afflictions to gladden their lives. 31 32 33 5. My State of Consciousness after Illumination in the 34 Desert 35 36 Whereas, before, I moved amongst people selfishly and empty handed, 37 taking their goodwill and sometimes their handouts with little gratitude, I 38 Letter 2 70 came now with an abundance of life-giving possibilities for everyone who 1 was prepared to listen to my words and take action to improve his quality 2 of life. 3 4 I want you who are reading these pages, to fully understand my position at 5 that time, my state of consciousness after my illumination in the desert, and 6 the persona I presented to my countrymen as ‘Jesus’. There have been so 7 many conjectures that I am about to give you the truth. 8 9 I was born to have, when mature, a fine physique, strong aquiline features, 10 a remarkable intellect and a love of mimicry and laughter – but, like so 11 many of you today, I took no care of my earthly talents. At the time of 12 going into the desert, my face and manners were what you might call 13 ‘downgraded’ from what they should have been. Whilst I had begun to 14 examine and rebel against what I had become, my intellect had also suffered 15 from misuse, constantly engaged in arguments and dissensions over religion 16 and indulging in flippant speech. I made people laugh. I was liked by the 17 men and women I mixed with, but certainly not respected. Hence the 18 astonishment of those who had known me, when I spoke to them in the 19 synagogue in Nazareth. 20 21 Whilst my mother nursed me back to good health, I made powerful use of 22 the knowledge and enlightenment given me in the desert. This restored me 23 to the man I was meant to be. 24 25 When I started my mission, I was fully aware that I was the only one with 26 the supreme knowledge of the secrets of creation and existence itself. 27 Therefore, I could say with perfect confidence: ‘No one has seen 28 the ‘Father’ but me’. 29 30 I knew that all that men believed in so wholeheartedly was false – not real. 31 32 I knew that I had been specially fashioned and designed by the ‘Father’ for 33 this mission. I had been blest abundantly with the physical energy, vitality 34 of speech and the ability to devise meaningful parables, to enable me to pass 35 on the message successfully and in a form that would never be forgotten. 36 37 38 Letter 2 71 Besides which, I understood my fellow men so well from long association 1 with them that I knew their fondest hopes, their most desperate fears; I 2 knew what made them laugh and prompted them to mockery and derision 3 of the rich and pompous; and I knew, also, how deeply, so many, young 4 and old, suffered silently and bravely. I knew and experienced deep 5 compassion for the populace which lived in fear of – or endured – the 6 verbal whiplash of Pharisees, and bowed down to the tax laws of the 7 Romans. I knew how their proud Jewish spirit was bruised by the 8 conquering Gentiles whom they were forced to honour with their lips and 9 hand and knee salutations, yet whom they despised behind closed doors. I 10 knew and fully understood the lives and thinking of the populace. I had 11 previously thought their thoughts, felt their resentments, endured their 12 kind of anxieties in times of lack, felt powerless in the grip of the Roman 13 governance. 14 15 I now knew that none of this suffering was really necessary. Knowing as I 16 did, the Reality of existence, the Reality of Universal ‘God’, I could clearly 17 perceive the foolishness of the Jews in authority, who were imposing a 18 burdensome way of life upon the populace which was wholly erroneous and 19 in direct contradiction of the Truth of Being. The situation made me deeply 20 angry. 21 22 Therefore, I knew I had been perfectly fashioned and honed to become a 23 purified instrument of Divine Action in Palestine – driven by my passion 24 for TRUTH and driven by my compassion for my fellow human beings. 25 Hence I called myself ‘Son of man’ because I knew exactly what mankind 26 was up against in their daily lives. 27 28 Furthermore, I had perfect confidence I could achieve my objectives of 29 bringing Truth to the people and thus be instrumental in changing the 30 quality of their lives. For that reason, although I knew right at the outset of 31 my mission there would be a penalty to pay for all I proposed to do – turn 32 the known Jewish world upside down and inside out – I was prepared to 33 face up to it, go through it, could not evade it, because I loved people with 34 ‘Father’ LOVE flowing through my heart and being. For ‘Father’ LOVE is 35 the essence of GIVING – giving Itself into visible being and visible 36 existence and growing, protecting, nourishing, healing, and fulfilling all the 37 needs of all creation made visible. 38 Letter 2 72 I knew I was the ‘Father’s’ gift of salvation to the people – to the world – 1 2 NOT – 3 4 as they supposed and taught down the centuries – salvation from the 5 punishment meted out by an angry God to ‘sinners’ – 6 7 BUT – 8 9 to save people from the daily repetition of the same mistakes in wrong 10 thinking – wrong thinking which created their misfortunes, poverty, 11 sickness and misery. 12 13 Because I loved the human race so deeply, I was prepared to teach and 14 heal in defiance of the Jewish Priests. I was prepared to die on the cross 15 for what I had truly ‘seen’ in the desert, knew with all my heart, and 16 wanted to share to the last drop of my ability to do so. 17 18 19 THIS IS THE TRUTH BEHIND MY CRUCIFIXION AND ALL THE REST YOU’VE HEARD IS MAN-MADE CONJECTURE ARISING OUT OF THE 20 JEWISH PRACTICE OF BURNT OFFERINGS IN THE TEMPLE. 21 22 23 I was a gift from the ‘Father’ to mankind to help them surmount their 24 ignorance of the Laws of Existence, and find the true Path of Life 25 leading to the joy, abundance and perfect wholeness of the Kingdom of 26 Heaven. 27 28 These were the perceptions, the desires, the intentions and goals and the 29 thoughts which I bore within my mind and heart. This was the earthly 30 mental-emotional framework clothing my spiritual consciousness hidden 31 within the head and figure of ‘Jesus’. 32 33 It was my spiritual consciousness channelled into the above forms of 34 thought and feeling which impelled me to set out on a three year journey to 35 bring the people, what I fully believed, was final rescue from their own 36 blind thinking and feeling which were creating their own troubled lives. I 37 truly believed that if only the people could be shown all that had been given 38 Letter 2 73 to me to understand, they would realise their past folly and would make 1 every effort to change their thinking and put foot to the Path of Life 2 leading to the Kingdom of Heaven. To this end, I was prepared to give my 3 life. 4 5 Because of the wrong interpretation placed on my mission by Jewish 6 teachers, my true message has been distorted out of recognition and the 7 purpose of these Letters is to bring to the people of this New Age, the truth 8 of what I really spoke to the crowds in Palestine. 9 10 Therefore, returning to my recounting of those days, let me take you back 11 to a special day which bore fruit amongst my listeners and made a lasting 12 impression in the minds of my disciples. 13 14 Hence, for me also, it was a particularly meaningful day. 15 16 I took time off from the pressure of people, to go into the hills to pray and 17 meditate to recharge my spiritual batteries by making a deep, strong, more 18 powerful connection with the ‘Father’ within me. This connection was so 19 rapidly obscured within my consciousness when I was busy amongst the 20 crowds that I was exhausted. Arriving in the cave I used when in that area, I 21 pulled out the pallet hidden under a rock and lay down to sleep. Instead of 22 sleep, however, I felt the immediate inflow of Divine Life, the ‘Father’, 23 and the tiredness was dissolved as my body was charged with the Power 24 which is the Creative Source of All Being. 25 26 I was lifted in consciousness into golden Light, and as I was travelling 27 upwards within this Light, It suddenly changed to purest white and I 28 knew that, in consciousness, I was now at the portals of the Equilibrium 29 which is the Eternal, the Universal, the Infinite dimension beyond all 30 conception of human mind. 31 32 I observed the LIGHT but was not of IT, nor was IT powerfully within 33 me, since this was the ‘God’ dimension of the void, the no-form of the 34 Universal Equilibrium. But IT communicated with me and infused me 35 with Its glowing LOVE. It impressed in me, yet again, that IT was the – 36 37 38 Letter 2 74 ‘Creating-Perfecting-Healing-Process’ 1 LOVE 2 3 governing all existence. 4 5 I knew that wherever there was lack there would eventually be 6 fulfilment, even as waters flow to fill a lake. 7 8 Where there is misery, there would be joy because it was the NATURE 9 of the Universal to move into any living thing in need, to bring 10 fulfilment and joy. 11 12 I knew that where there was no growth, circumstances would arise to 13 promote the growth. 14 15 I knew that where there was a sense of failure, challenges would be 16 provided to spur people into success and self-confidence. 17 18 I ‘saw’ that this LOVE WORK constantly initiated by the ‘Father’ in the 19 lives of overburdened people, might not be recognised as a ‘gift of 20 LOVE’ by the recipients. They might be so sunk in their apathy, 21 feelings of failure, their belief that nothing good could ever come their 22 way, they would fail to see anything in their lives beyond their own 23 beliefs and feelings! Hence, they would remain rooted in their own self-24 created hell. 25 26 There was no need to feel sorry for anyone. The only need was a 27 compassionate heart and a determination to bring Truth to heal their 28 ignorance. 29 30 The greatest gift a man could give to another was the enlightenment of 31 ignorance of existence and its cosmic laws, for the TRUTH was: 32 33 Every single soul was embraced within the UNIVERSAL and the degree 34 of UNIVERSAL INPUT via the ‘Father’ LOVE WORK in their lives 35 depended entirely on the individual’s receptivity. 36 37 38 Letter 2 75 I realised that what people needed urgently to hear was what I had just 1 been told. 2 3 They needed to ‘see’ and fully realise the intention and the purpose and 4 the potential of LOVE, which was the very substance of their being. 5 Because of their disbelief, they might cast the ‘Father’ LOVE WORK 6 aside as being more ‘pain-inducing challenges’ and thus lie down in 7 their failure forever. 8 9 I now saw, even more clearly, I was sent to awaken people to all the 10 possibilities for self-development, prosperity and the achievement of joy 11 and happiness, but it would be up to them to wake up and take 12 advantage of what was offered them. 13 14 I remember that this upliftment lasted all night, and in the morning I rose 15 feeling alive as never before. My message had been clarified. I had seen, 16 even more clearly, the Reality of the ‘Father’ and knew that I would be 17 able to go out that day and meet the crowds and transmit to them, the 18 power and the life of what had been shown me. 19 As I climbed down from the cave, I came to a large rock overlooking a steep 20 precipice. When I sat, I was able to look down over the town we were to 21 visit that day. 22 23 I could feel that ‘Perfecting Process’ – that ‘Making Whole’ Impulse – the 24 ‘Father’ – surging through me and I longed to share It with others before 25 the problems of daily living should swamp It, and It should lose its power 26 and driving force within my human consciousness. 27 28 My disciples joined me a short while later. On entering the town, they 29 spoke to the people and directed the gathering crowds to move on to 30 sloping ground beyond the dwelling places. 31 32 Standing on a large rock in their midst, I began to speak. 33 34 I found that the passion and the joy – the yearning, longing, and conviction 35 were all spontaneously poured into the words I spoke to them. 36 37 38 Letter 2 76 ‘You are sorely pressed down and weary. Your tasks grow heavier as you get 1 older, your bellies are often empty, your clothes get threadbare, people 2 make you angry, and you feel there is no end to your trouble and heaviness 3 of spirit. 4 5 ‘But this is not the truth concerning your existence. Your lives were 6 intended to be very different. If you could only see beyond your feelings – 7 if you could only lift your minds to make contact with the ‘Father’ within 8 you, you would be able to ‘see’ and know what your state of existence 9 should be. You would realise that you were created to enjoy abundance, 10 protection, good health, and happiness. 11 12 ‘But because, daily, you live in fear of ‘good and evil’ and believe and 13 expect these more than you believe that the ‘Father’ is abundant LIFE and 14 LOVE within you, supplying you with all things necessary for health and 15 well-being, it is your most feared ‘good and evil’ experiences you attract 16 into your lives and bodies. Your beliefs in ‘good and evil’ obscure – 17 CLOUD OVER – all that the ‘Father’ has in store for you if only you will 18 believe in ‘Father LOVE’! 19 20 ‘You judge your todays and expect of your tomorrows what you have 21 experienced in the past. Therefore, are the ills of your yesterdays 22 continually repeated in the future. 23 24 ‘You are enslaved by your memories and your undeviating belief that 25 what was past must return again and again to burden and wound you. 26 27 ‘You do not need to heal your bodies or try to make your lives better, you 28 need to heal your beliefs! 29 30 ‘I have told you there is nothing solid under the sun. 31 32 ‘If you could heal your beliefs, bring your beliefs into line with the 33 ‘Father’s’ true Intention for you, the wrong beliefs governing your bodies 34 and lives, would dissolve like mist in the sun. 35 36 ‘Your every circumstance would immediately come back to the Divine 37 Intention behind all creation. 38 Letter 2 77 ‘You would find that for every difficulty, for every lack of every kind, there 1 is always a means to end the difficulty, there is always a filling of your 2 basket to meet your need. 3 4 ‘What do you think happens when the sick come to me and I lay my hands 5 upon them? 6 7 ‘Am I thinking about the illness, am I wondering if the person will be 8 healed, am I afraid the ‘Father’ may be sleeping or is so far away I cannot 9 be heard? 10 11 ‘No, if these were my disbelieving thoughts, there would be no healing. 12 13 ‘When a person approaches me for healing, I immediately rejoice because I 14 know that the Power which is the ‘Father’ is within me, ready and waiting 15 to heal the moment I ask. I give thanks because I know that the ‘Father’s 16 Will’ is health, not sickness. Therefore, I pray that the ‘Father’s Will’ be 17 done in the sick person. As I remove the belief in sickness from the sick 18 person’s body and KNOW that the ‘Father’s Will’ of health is flowing 19 into his system, so does the appearance – the appearance – of sickness 20 change into the reality of ‘Father Health’ and the body is made whole 21 once more. 22 23 ‘Sickness is nothing more than a lowering of vitality – a reduction of 24 LIFE – within the affected part. Restore ‘Father Life’ to the true 25 Intention and Plan of your system and the entire system functions as it 26 should. 27 28 ‘You have been told that God sends sicknesses, plagues, famine, destruction 29 to nations when they do not keep his laws, you have been told that you 30 yourselves are punished by an angry God for sins you have committed. 31 What is punishment but evil-doing under the guise of goodness? I say to 32 you that evil does not come from God. How can God be of two parts – 33 good and evil? 34 35 ‘It is only in your minds that you conceive good and evil, only in your 36 hearts do you think and feel it. These thoughts and feelings have nothing to 37 38 Letter 2 78 do with the true God which is the ‘Father’ within you, bringing you every 1 good thing if you will but believe this is so. 2 3 ‘It is your belief in good and evil, and the good and evil in your hearts, 4 which brings you sickness. 5 6 ‘In reality, you live within the Kingdom of Heaven, and the Kingdom of 7 Heaven is within you, and you are governed by the ‘Father’, but because 8 you believe in the punishments from God, believe that only sacrifices in the 9 Temple will save you, believe that you are heir to sickness, poverty, misery, 10 you create with your minds, the very things you do not want. 11 12 ‘Be not downcast – rejoice and be glad and know that those who experience 13 lack, far from being punished and abandoned by God, even though they 14 have sinned, are truly blest. 15 16 ‘The man who has nothing is rich in the Power of the ‘Father’ if he will 17 but heed It, trust It, and live within It. 18 19 ‘For when your bellies are filled, and your bodies know ease, and your 20 minds and hearts are comfortable, you have no urgent and present need of 21 the ‘Father’ to become active within you to fulfill your needs. You believe 22 by your own thoughts and hands do you fulfill your own needs easily, so 23 when you speak of ‘God’ you can only speak of what you have heard spoken 24 by others – you, yourself, have no direct experience of ‘God’. 25 26 ‘Consider the rich. They are sunk, bound, bogged down in their own 27 riches. They get up in the mornings and go about their daily business, 28 knowing nothing about the Power of the ‘Father’ within them. They think 29 the thoughts which will increase their riches, the thoughts which will boost 30 the ‘self’, they send out commands which will burden those who serve 31 them, they live their lives according to their own choosing. Therefore, 32 because they draw their limited life only from their own limited human 33 thinking arising from their bodily minds and hearts, they get sick and 34 experience as much misery as does the man who has nothing. They do not 35 realise they are only half alive because they are not in touch with the 36 SOURCE OF LIFE, the ‘Father’ within them. Neither do they ever ‘see’ 37 38 Letter 2 79 that much of the good which has come into their lives is not of their own 1 devising but is the LOVE WORK of the ‘Father’ hidden within them. 2 3 ‘The religious leaders are at ease in their own comforts of positions of 4 authority. They have no need of anything beyond their own physical 5 satisfactions. Because they have no personal knowledge of God, they must 6 read, from their Holy Books, the words of holy men spoken a thousand 7 years ago, and tell the people what they think the words mean. 8 9 ‘But all they speak is drawn from their own little minds which are 10 imprisoned in the comforts of their lives, sunk in the expectations of what 11 they shall eat and drink and what apparel they will wear to impress the 12 people. They know nothing of the inspiration which gave birth to the 13 words spoken by the Prophets all those centuries ago. Neither do they know 14 whether those words are what you really need to hear at this moment, for 15 times have changed. 16 17 ‘Believe me, the rich men and the religious leaders are strong in earthly 18 things and do not want to be moved on from all that they regard as secure 19 and everlasting in their traditions and observances. Any deviation will shake 20 the foundations of their beliefs and therefore of their lives, and so they 21 build mental defences against the inflow of the Power of the ‘Father’. They 22 too, get sick, and they, in their own way, know misery as do you who have 23 no earthly comforts. 24 25 ‘There is no difference between you who have little in life and those who 26 have it all, for rich and poor alike get sick, make enemies, find themselves 27 alone. 28 29 ‘But the potential for you gaining more than the religious and rich can ever 30 hope to gain, in health, happiness, good fellowship, achievement in your 31 chosen way of life, is enormous. And when it is all accomplished, you will 32 know that the opportunities, the ability, the inspiration all came from the 33 ‘Father’ within, because you will know you could never have done such 34 things if you had not asked the ‘Father’ within you to help you use all your 35 talents, to put plenty of food in your cupboards, and clothes on your back 36 and happiness and a good life for your children. 37 38 Letter 2 80 ‘All these things will the ‘Father’ do for you, if you will but ask – and 1 believe – and know – and remember at all times – that it is the ‘Father 2 Nature’ to create and then provide abundantly for all Its creation. 3 4 ‘Just as you would not wilfully deprive your children of the things they 5 need, so will your ‘Father’ never wilfully deprive you of all you need for a 6 happy life. If you are poor, it is because you have not yet understood the 7 nature of the ‘Father’; nor have you understood that you must work with 8 the ‘Father’ to fulfill your own needs. You must immediately grasp the 9 divine opportunities presented to you to help you forward. 10 11 ‘If only I could show you and make you see and believe that when you 12 mourn, your sadness is known to the ‘Father’. In time, your sadness will be 13 changed to joy, if you will but turn to the ‘Father’ and watch the work the 14 ‘Father Love’ is doing in you. You will find comfort beyond anything you 15 thought possible. 16 17 ‘How blessed you are when you are hungry and when you are thirsty, for 18 your needs are known to the ‘Father’. Shortly those needs will be satisfied if 19 you cease to wail and begin to pray to the ‘Father’ and ask – believing you 20 will receive. 21 22 ‘How can you believe that to eat and be properly clothed you must first go 23 to the Temple and offer burnt sacrifices of the ‘Father’s’ own living 24 creatures to pay for your sinning? Can you not see that the living things you 25 burn have been created to enjoy life even as you have been created to enjoy 26 life? They have been created to be a blessing and blest on this earth even as 27 you have been born to be both blessing and blest, for this is the nature of 28 ‘Father Love’ revealed in Its creation. 29 30 ‘If you remember that ‘what you truly believe’, is what you get, can you 31 not see that this Jewish belief in Temple sacrifices of living things will 32 bring you nothing but misery? 33 34 ‘Believe in punishment and punishment is what you will get. Believe in 35 killing and destruction as being the right way to reach God, and that is 36 what you will experience – killing and destruction. 37 38 Letter 2 81 ‘If you are hungry and thirsty, it is because you are turning away from the 1 ‘Father’ within you. 2 3 ‘By indulging your fearful thoughts, anxieties and feelings of hopelessness, 4 you are creating the very conditions you want to rectify. You are doing all 5 these bad things to yourselves. 6 7 ‘Therefore, even more blest are you when you hunger and thirst for 8 goodness and for contact with the ‘Father’ within you, because then you 9 will surely be filled up a hundred times over. 10 11 ‘Blessed are you when you are attacked and robbed because you will see 12 ‘God-in-action’ when you stand still in perfect trust and see deliverance 13 taking place. 14 15 ‘Blessed are you when you are caught up in conflict, yet you can still care 16 about your fellow man and be the peace maker. You carry the love in your 17 heart which is of the ‘Father’ and you are truly a child of the ‘Father’. 18 19 ‘Blessed are you when you have been deeply wronged by another yet can 20 forgive and can show mercy, abstaining from seeking justice or the means to 21 persecute him. You put yourself directly in harmony with the love which is 22 ‘God-active-within you’ and even so will you be spared in times of trouble. 23 24 ‘Most blessed of all are the pure in heart, for such as these have rid 25 themselves of all anger, hatred, vindictiveness, unkindness, envy, 26 hardness of heart – and stand before the world as Love-made-visible. 27 They will know the Reality called ‘God’ and they will know the Reality 28 is the ‘Father’ within them. 29 30 ‘How can I help you see this great truth? How can I help you see the 31 reality of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of God? 32 33 ‘You do not have to look up at the sky because that is not where you will 34 see the activity of the ‘Father’ so clearly that it must surely reinforce your 35 faith. This is where people, down the centuries, have made the big mistake 36 of turning in towards their dreaming, their imagination, and creating for 37 themselves a Jehovah which does not exist. You will not find the ‘Father’ 38 Letter 2 82 some place in the heavens above you. The ‘Father’ is in no special place but 1 everywhere around you and within everything. 2 3 ‘You can see the ‘Father’s’ marvellous work. Look around you at the 4 growing things, the wheat, the grass, the flowers, the trees and birds, and in 5 every living thing, you will see the mysterious and wonderful work of the 6 ‘Father’ ceaselessly active. It is here that the ‘Father’ is perfectly in control. 7 You can see that there is perfect law and order, growth, development, and 8 eventually the harvest to bless both man and beast and birds. 9 10 ‘Consider the way that a man after tilling his fields, will scatter seed over 11 the earth and cover it over. He packs up his tools and goes home, content 12 that eventually, if there is sufficient rain; there will be food for him to feed 13 his children. For many days, he sleeps and wakes and does nothing more to 14 his plants, but when he visits them he will see the blades of green pushing 15 through the soil. Later, he will return and see the growth of stalks and 16 leaves, and later on again he will see the forming of the seed, and then one 17 day he will see that the grain is plump and golden and ready to harvest. 18 Meanwhile, all this growth has taken place without any help from him. The 19 wheat has grown in a marvellous way that he cannot explain. Is it magic? 20 No, it is the work of the ‘Father’, the Power, Loving Intelligence 21 throughout the universe, which inspires the work and respires through it; it 22 is the activity of the ‘Father’ which is the INTELLIGENT LIFE OF THE 23 UNIVERSE. 24 25 ‘When you enter the Kingdom of God, you have a good feeling. You feel 26 happy and joyous. Can you imagine how a woman would feel if she lost a 27 large sum of money and wondered how she would feed her children? The 28 woman of the house would be in tears and would sweep the house so 29 thoroughly that there would not be a speck of dust – then – hidden in a 30 dark corner she finds the treasured piece of silver and immediately her tears 31 are dried, she begins to smile and then feels so alive and so joyous that she 32 rushes out of her house to call in her neighbours to have a celebration party. 33 Where she had thought she had lost everything, she was now rich after all. 34 35 ‘So is it when you find the Kingdom of Heaven – the Kingdom of God. 36 Instead of tears and fears, and hunger and sickness, you find the peace, 37 38 Letter 2 83 joy, plenty, and health of the Kingdom of God. You will never 1 experience any kind of lack again. 2 3 ‘The Kingdom of God can also be likened to a very rich man who was a 4 dealer in pearls. All his life, he had wanted to find a special pearl which 5 would outshine all others, it would be flawless and perfect and he would be 6 the envy of every other dealer. One day, he found such a pearl, beautiful 7 beyond imagining, perfect beyond all others. He sold everything he owned, 8 he abandoned all that he had accumulated, to buy this pearl and was happy 9 beyond all dreaming. 10 11 ‘What does this mean? It means that all the things he had previously valued 12 in his life – his richly furnished house, his valuables, his way of life, plenty 13 of food and drink, he gladly gave them all up in order to possess the 14 treasure beyond price – the knowledge leading him into the Kingdom of 15 God where happiness is a state of mind which cannot be touched by the 16 outer world with all its cares and worries. 17 18 ‘The ‘Kingdom of God’ is within you, you enter the ‘Kingdom of God’ 19 when you realise fully that the ‘Father’ is active at all times within you. 20 It is a state of mind, of perception and understanding that the Reality 21 behind and within all things visible, is the ‘Father’ and is beautiful and 22 perfect and that all the things which are contrary to beauty, harmony, 23 health, abundance are the creations of man’s wrong thinking. 24 25 ‘How I have grieved over you who suffer, but you do not need to suffer 26 if you listen to what I have to tell you. But I must warn you that the 27 Path leading into the Kingdom of Heaven is difficult to follow because 28 it means that – first – you have to deal with your ‘self’. 29 30 ‘Why is it the ‘self’ you have to deal with? Because out of your desire to 31 protect and promote your own personal good come all your selfish 32 thoughts, words and actions. 33 34 ‘You will probably ask ‘Why should I have to worry about these? If what 35 you say is true, that there is no punishment, that ‘God’ sees not our evil – 36 then why should we be concerned about the way we behave?’ 37 38 Letter 2 84 ‘There is so much here to be learnt that I hardly know where to begin. 1 2 ‘As I have explained you draw your LIFE from the ‘Father’, therefore, 3 you draw your capacity to think and love from the ‘Father’. Even as 4 ‘Father Intelligence’ is creative, so is your consciousness creative. With 5 your minds and hearts you actually form the plans of your own lives 6 and experiences. 7 8 ‘And what kind of lives do you plan and form in your minds? If someone 9 annoys or hurts you, you retaliate in some way or another, you believe that 10 if your eye is taken, you must expect the adversary’s eye in return. You 11 believe that whoever kills should be killed as punishment and 12 compensation, you believe that whoever robs you should pay the price, that 13 whoever steals your wife, should be stoned along with your wife. You 14 believe in the extraction of payment for every evil thing that comes your 15 way. Since it is human nature to hurt others, and you have been taught to 16 retaliate, your lives are a continual scene of warfare, warfare in the home 17 amongst husbands, wives, children, and neighbours, and public figures and 18 between nations. Your ‘Father’ knows nothing of this warfare in your lives, 19 but knows the stress in your minds and bodies arising from this warfare but 20 can do nothing – nothing to ease your pain – until you yourselves stop the 21 warfare. You yourselves must cease your fighting and live in peace with your 22 family, neighbours, employers, public figures and other countries. 23 24 ‘Only then, can the ‘Father’ LOVE WORK take place in your minds, 25 hearts, bodies, and lives. 26 27 ‘Only then will you be able to recognise and see the Love Work being 28 done in you – and for you by the ‘Father’. 29 30 31 6. You Reap Exactly as you Sow 32 33 ‘Remember also the great LAW ‘YOU REAP EXACTLY AS YOU SOW’. 34 35 ‘You cannot pick figs from brambles, or grapes from thorn trees, or 36 harvest wheat from weeds. Think about this and understand this 37 38 Letter 2 85 parable because it is very important to you – not only today – but also 1 throughout all your days and years to come, even into eternity. 2 3 ‘So, if you want to change your lives – change your thoughts, 4 Change your words arising from those thoughts, 5 Change your actions arising from the thoughts. 6 7 ‘What is in your minds will create all your experiences, your sickness, 8 poverty, unhappiness and despair.’ 9 10 A man shouted out to me: ‘Tell us, Teacher, how do we remain peaceful 11 with our neighbours when they, themselves, will give us no peace?’ 12 13 I said to him, smiling: ‘When your neighbour comes to you and says he has 14 to travel some distance away and does not want to go alone and asks you to 15 go with him – what do you do?’ 16 17 The man laughed. ‘If my neighbour wanted to take me away from what I 18 was doing, I would not be pleased. I would tell him to find some one else to 19 go with him as I was busy.’ 20 21 ‘And how would your neighbour feel?’ I asked. 22 23 The man shrugged. ‘I don’t know.’ 24 25 ‘And next time you needed him to do you a favour, how will he respond to 26 your asking?’ 27 28 The man was no longer laughing. He did not reply. 29 30 Another man said: ‘He will swear at him and tell him to go elsewhere for 31 help.’ 32 33 I said to the people: ‘He has answered rightly. And how will he feel?’ I 34 pointed to the man who had first spoken, smiling at him. 35 36 37 38 Letter 2 86 A woman shouted above the laughter: ‘He will tell everyone he meets what 1 a selfish and miserable neighbour he has. Perhaps he will want to hurt him 2 in some way.’ 3 4 There were shouts of agreement and I nodded: ‘Yes, he will have forgotten 5 that he was once asked by his neighbour to walk one or two miles with him 6 and he refused. He will not see the LAW of REAPING and SOWING at 7 work in his life. He set it in motion when he refused to go a mile with his 8 neighbour and now he is reaping of his attitudes and actions. Of what use 9 to be angry when he has created the situation all by himself?’ 10 11 The people laughed and nodded and spoke to one another. Never before 12 had they heard such knowledge of human behaviour. Here was an entirely 13 new teaching. 14 15 I said to them: ‘I advise you, when your neighbour comes to you asking you 16 to walk a mile with them or anything else that will make him more at ease 17 and happy, first think about what you would like him to do for you if you 18 also have a need? How would you like him to respond to your request?’ 19 20 A murmur swept through the crowd and I could see that they understood 21 what I was telling them. 22 23 ‘In fact, if your neighbour asks you to go one mile, do it with a happy, easy 24 agreement and be prepared to go on to do two miles if necessary. When you 25 refuse people, you do not realise it, but you tighten up your minds and 26 bodies ready to protect yourself from being forced to do something you do 27 not want to do. You tighten up your minds and bodies and the ‘Father’ is 28 tightened up also and cannot do Its LOVE WORK within you, and out of 29 this tightening comes sickness. 30 31 ‘Again, you may meet someone sorely in need, who is cold and unhappy. 32 He may ask you for your coat. Don’t pass him by, glaring at him.’ Some 33 people laughed. They knew this was what they would do. ‘No, give him 34 your coat, and if he is really cold, give him your cloak also. Go your way, 35 rejoicing.’ 36 37 ‘Rejoicing?’ A disbelieving voice asked. 38 Letter 2 87 I laughed and said: ‘Yes, my friend, – rejoicing! Firstly, because you had a 1 coat and a cloak to give, and then rejoicing because you realise that now 2 you have a lack of a coat and cloak yourself, your ‘Father’ within you will 3 shortly return the coat and cloak to you in some surprising way. If, 4 however, you give him coat and cloak and then continue walking, 5 grumbling to yourself – ‘Now why did I do that? I was foolish. Now I will 6 be cold instead of him, and people will laugh at me because I have given my 7 coat and cloak and left myself with nothing – and what will my wife say 8 when I get home?’ 9 10 The people were nodding and laughing, enjoying the picture of the man 11 who gives away coat and cloak and then remembers what an evil thing he 12 has done to himself. I knew that very often, they did deprive themselves to 13 help others – and then regretted their generosity afterwards. 14 15 I waited a moment and then shouted in a loud voice to get their full 16 attention: ‘But have I not told you that you REAP as you SOW? Have I 17 not told you clearly that your thoughts, words, actions create your 18 future circumstances? So what do you want to SOW to REAP after you 19 have given your coat and cloak to the stranger? Do you want your gifts 20 restored to you – or do you want to be without coat and cloak for a 21 long, long time, because that is what will happen to you if go on your 22 way, angry and upset because you gave away your coat and cloak. Your 23 words and actions will seal, make hard like rock, the poverty you have 24 brought upon yourself by giving away your coat and cloak.’ 25 26 The people were no longer smiling and laughing, they were very quiet and 27 listening intently. 28 29 ‘Remember, first do to others what you would have them do to you, then 30 there will be peace and contentment in your minds and hearts and the 31 ‘Father’ will be able to do Its LOVE WORK within your bodies, minds 32 and hearts. Give and give abundantly, and rejoice that you have gifts to give 33 to those in need, because as you give so will your gifts be restored to you in 34 the way that you most need them. Give with happy hearts, give in the faith 35 and knowledge that where there is lack in your lives, so will the ‘Father’ do 36 Its LOVE WORK abundantly in you – and for you. 37 38 Letter 2 88 Do nothing with a heavy heart because a heavy heart is what you will 1 continue to have. 2 3 Give everything with joyous spirit, that everything in your life may 4 bring to you only joy and spiritual insight.’ 5 6 A man commented: ‘This is against man’s nature. It is natural to be anxious 7 about the future. 8 9 Clothes are expensive, food is not easily come by. Life is a constant 10 struggle.’ 11 12 I answered him in a loud voice because he was only saying what I knew 13 most of my listeners were thinking. 14 15 ‘But you do not know for sure that tomorrow you will be struggling to live. 16 You do not know that tomorrow you won’t have a splendid job, or any 17 other wonderful thing come your way. You do not know this – but you are 18 making very sure for yourself that there will not be a marvellous job, or 19 some other wonderful opportunity in your life – because you are creating 20 the circumstances of your tomorrows.’ 21 22 He was angry. ‘I am? How am I doing that?’ 23 24 ‘Have I not just told you?’ I turned to the people laughing. ‘Tell me, how 25 has this man, up front, in the red cloak, created his tomorrows?’ 26 27 The crowd was silent, then a very young man, Mark, shouted to me: ‘I 28 know. He said he would be struggling to buy food and clothes. You 29 have told us that what we think and talk about is what we will get.’ 30 31 ‘Exactly,’ I said. ‘You are a very clever boy. You have understood. Take 32 care that you do not create for yourself the things you do not want. And 33 I will be happy for you to become my disciple when you are older and 34 your parents will let you go.’ 35 36 Some of the people laughed – but some did not. I could see that they did 37 not believe a word I was saying. ‘You will never enter the Kingdom of 38 Letter 2 89 Heaven by being anxious. If you are having a hard time today, why moan 1 about it? Will it make you feel better if you go about complaining, will your 2 crying brighten your day? And if you are anxious about your tomorrows, 3 you are making your tomorrows burdensome and weary even before you get 4 to them. Why do it? What good will it do for you? When did anxiety ever 5 accomplish anything for you? You might as well try to make yourself taller 6 by being anxious that you are short. 7 8 ‘No, do not dwell on the things you do not have. Dwell on the things 9 which can be yours if you turn to the ‘Father’ within you and ask in 10 perfect faith, believing you will receive – and I tell you without fear of 11 contradiction, that you will receive. But you must ask properly – believing. 12 You will receive nothing if you ask, but, at the same time, wonder whether 13 you have been heard or whether the ‘Father’ will feel like giving you what 14 you want. This is the human way of giving, but not the way of the ‘Father’ 15 which gives abundantly and fulfills your needs. 16 17 ‘The ‘Father’ always pours Its gift out upon you, gifts of food in plenty, 18 clothes, house, friends, providing you yourself have a clean heart and mind, 19 and providing you constantly rely on the ‘Father’ as your moment-by-20 moment support. 21 22 ‘If you pray and do not receive, do not, for one moment, think it is because 23 there is no ‘Father’, or the ‘Father’ does not listen to you, rather, you must 24 ask yourselves what is in you that is preventing the ‘Father’ LOVE WORK 25 being done in and for you. 26 27 ‘If you go to the altar to pray or offer a gift, and on the way there you 28 remember that you have quarrelled with someone, turn around and go to 29 that person and make your peace with him. Then, when you approach the 30 ‘Father’ in prayer, you will have a clean and pure mind, and you will be 31 heard by the ‘Father’ and the ‘Father’ will be able to respond, giving you 32 all you need, in the peace and quietness of your being. 33 34 ‘If you still cannot believe that the ‘Father’ cares for its creation, look about 35 you at the radiant flowers in the fields, how beautiful they are! Consider the 36 brilliant thought which has gone into their design, their beauty! Where will 37 you find the colours that you see in their petals? With all his wisdom, 38 Letter 2 90 Solomon himself was not able to have such beautiful clothes made for 1 himself. See the way the flowers attract the bees, and the bees help to bring 2 next season’s seeds, to make your world beautiful and to give you food. 3 Why can you not believe and trust in the ‘Father’ when the world around 4 you is planned, designed and cared for in such a wonderful way? 5 6 ‘But remember – these living plants and trees, unlike mankind, cannot 7 complain about their lot, and see themselves as hungry and naked, and so 8 they do not ‘undo’ the work the ‘Father’ does in them. 9 10 ‘It is you with your continual complaining and talking about what you lack, 11 your aggression towards each other, your insistence on retribution, your 12 criticism and slandering, which makes your lack – and your sickness – 13 consistent, day after day. 14 15 ‘I have told you all these things to prepare you, who are sick, for healing. 16 You cannot be healed unless you believe with all your hearts that healing 17 will take place. Remember that sickness of the body arises from an illness 18 within the mind, such as your bad temper, resentments, angers, hatreds. 19 20 ‘Father Love’ is the source of all health, therefore all thoughts and feelings 21 contrary to ‘Father Love’ bring sickness. 22 23 ‘Just as all your evils and sickness begin in the mind – so does your good. 24 25 ‘Have as much care for your neighbour as you have for yourself. 26 27 ‘Bless your neighbour when you have an argument, pray for him when he is 28 harsh with you, help him out in any way you can at all times, even if he 29 turns his face from you, because then you are constructing good in your 30 mind and thoughts, and good will be the harvest of your sowing. Not only 31 this – you are bringing your mind into harmony and attunement with the 32 ‘Father’ within you, which is Perfect Love. Under these conditions, the 33 ‘Father’ can do Its perfect LOVE WORK in you.’ 34 35 When I had finished speaking, the people brought their sick to me and 36 according to their faith were they healed. 37 38 Letter 2 91 1 2 3 Letter 3 will describe more of Christ’s teachings and explain the events 4 leading to his crucifixion and death. He describes in poignant detail, his last 5 supper with his disciples when he found himself alone in spirit because his 6 disciples, till the last, refused to believe he would be crucified. Repeatedly, 7 he was misunderstood, and he realised again how little he had managed to 8 teach anyone during his three years of missionary work. He was glad to be 9 leaving! 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Letter 2 92 Christ’s Letter 3 1 2 3 In this Letter, Christ continues with His life incidents, teachings, His awareness 4 that His time on earth was to be cut short by crucifixion. The things He did to 5 arouse the anger of the Jewish Religious Leaders. What really took place and 6 was said at the ‘Last Supper’, the ‘disciples’ attitudes, and the truth concerning 7 His ‘ascension’. 8 9 10 Please Note: How to Read These Letters. 11 12 Since these Letters take you into a spiritual-mental dimension transcending 13 the human plane of activities and concerns, they will be best absorbed if 14 preceded by a time of stillness and relaxation. Quieten your minds, if 15 possible, going into a state of inner silence of thought. It is only when you 16 are in this completely receptive state that these Letters will penetrate your 17 human thought with their reality. 18 19 20 1. My Boundless Celestial Love Impels Me to Return 21 22 My BOUNDLESS CELESTIAL LOVE impels me to return again and 23 again to write to mankind, with the intention that finally – as many of 24 you who are ready to receive it – will possess the knowledge which will 25 enable you to transcend your humanhood and merge into ‘Father 26 Consciousness’ – the true ‘Love Consciousness’ in which are realised all 27 things bountiful and beautiful. 28 29 As I have said previously and want to repeat, my entire mission on earth 30 was prompted by LOVE and was directed ONLY at teaching the Truth of 31 Existence, for without this knowledge, there is no hope of redemption from 32 the travail which mankind is born to endure. 33 34 I know this statement will bring much grief to sincere and dedicated 35 followers of the Christian religion, and those who have centred their entire 36 faith on the person of ‘Jesus’. But I tell you truly; to succeed in ridding 37 yourselves of the humanhood which holds you back from the full realisation 38 Letter 3 93 of UNIVERSAL TRUTH, and the understanding of the true nature of the 1 ‘spiritual-human’ condition I termed the ‘Kingdom of God’, you must turn 2 away from the old dogmas of ‘salvation by the blood of the lamb’, the Trinity, 3 and other beliefs, and come with perfectly open receptive minds to the TRUTH 4 of EXISTENCE. 5 6 No other salvation is possible. ‘God’ cannot ‘save’ you, since, in ignorance 7 of the facts of existence, mankind will continue to make the same 8 earthbound mistakes till the end of time, thus creating his own sickness and 9 misery. 10 11 Furthermore, no matter what a man’s belief may be in regard to ‘salvation 12 from sins’, this is a human fallacy, since the Law of Cause and Effect is 13 imponderable and an intrinsic – inherent – natural characteristic of 14 existence. You cannot divorce effects from causation, nor can you erase 15 causation and still have effects. In every level of Being this is Truth. 16 17 18 2. The Fundamental Impulses of Existence and Human 19 Consciousness 20 21 You may now be sufficiently advanced in your thinking to be able to receive 22 the following fundamental truth concerning your earthly existence. 23 24 The Law of ‘Cause and Effect’, ‘Reaping and Sowing’ is the visible effect of 25 what you call ‘electromagnetism’, and no one who has any knowledge of 26 science would expect ‘God’ to set aside the laws of electromagnetism, which 27 are those of ‘activity-bonding-rejection’. 28 29 ‘Activity-Bonding-Rejection’ or ‘Movement-Attraction-Repulsion’ are 30 the fundamental IMPULSES of EXISTENCE and of HUMAN 31 CONSCIOUSNESS itself, which have brought about your visible forms 32 in life, and are the only ‘instruments’ or ‘tools’ of creation. They are 33 responsible for the formation of substance or ‘matter’ and also for the 34 development of individualised forms and, finally, of personality itself in 35 all living entities. 36 37 38 Letter 3 94 Since these Laws are fundamental to your individualised existence, it is 1 impossible to set them aside. Therefore, you cannot ignore the problems 2 inherent in your individualised existence and believe that ‘God’ will save 3 you from them. Your only hope of final escape, of stepping off the treadmill 4 of human experience, is to recognise and acknowledge them and then work 5 minute-by-minute to transcend them and eventually merge, in purity of 6 mind, heart and action, and become ‘one’ with Universal Love 7 Consciousness – the ‘Father’ which does the LOVE WORK. 8 9 At the same time, as you grow in awareness of the true NATURE of the 10 ‘Father’ ‘within you and transcending you, and all around you’, you will 11 come to have undeviating faith that, in every circumstance, you can draw 12 upon the inspiration, power, and upliftment directly from the ‘Father’ 13 within and around you. 14 15 You will come to KNOW it is really the ‘Father’ which supports and guides 16 you into the Kingdom of ‘Father Love Consciousness’. 17 18 It will become abundantly clear to you that whilst the ‘Father’ is universal, 19 It is also individual for you. It knows you, is aware of your thinking and 20 your problems. Within the ‘Father Love Consciousness’ are the perfect 21 solutions awaiting your recognition. When you recognise them, you will be 22 released from pain when you become pliable and willing to listen. 23 24 Until you are willing to listen, you will never be filled with the ‘Father Love 25 Consciousness’. 26 27 I will tell you a parable. Imagine a child screaming and kicking because he 28 wants ice cream. 29 30 All the time, he is making this noise, his father is waiting patiently at the 31 door of his room to show him that he has brought him ice cream and fruit. 32 33 You may think this parable is improbable, nonetheless it is true. Mothers 34 will remember times when children have been inconsolable over something, 35 refusing to listen to what mother is trying so hard to tell them, and yet 36 mother has the solution waiting for them the moment they stop making a 37 noise and dry their tears. 38 Letter 3 95 I can see the travail of people and their crying and weeping and my 1 compassion is boundless. 2 3 You are heard but within the context of your present consciousness, 4 there is little I can do for you. I cannot penetrate the thongs and chains 5 of your years of ignorant thinking and acting. 6 7 I see the pain perpetuated in the churches, in services and pulpits by 8 ignorant sermons. I see nations and their people trying so hard to 9 grapple with the difficulties arising from their traditional values, 10 cultures, and religious beliefs. I see the limitations in their daily living, 11 the lack of fulfilment of their needs and purposes, and the suffering 12 emanating from relationships of every kind. 13 14 The collective consciousness emanating from the world is a miasma of 15 fears, resentment, angers, emotional turbulence of passionate desires, 16 revenge and exhaustion, inter-threaded with compassion, determination 17 to uplift world consciousness, dedication to the search for 18 unconditional love by those who have received inspiration and a degree 19 of enlightenment. 20 21 I come close to people who call on me and work with them to relieve their 22 distress, but their mindset and beliefs are so strongly imprinted in their 23 brains, that my Truth cannot reach through and bring new knowledge to 24 their minds. Many people have heard, albeit briefly and imperfectly, but 25 have lacked the courage to accept new ideas and speak out. Furthermore 26 the time has not been right to reach through barriers of human 27 consciousness to teach you. 28 29 But now the time is right. You have moved into a new dispensation of 30 vibrational frequencies which will enable you to more easily rise from 31 the materiality of the previous age. This may sound a strange statement, 32 but there is a universal store of knowledge regarding energies you do 33 not begin to understand. At this time, there is no earthly mind capable 34 of understanding. It is only possible for you to ‘imagine’ the spectrum of 35 energy, which is not truth. 36 37 38 Letter 3 96 It will help you, therefore, if you can accept my statements, taking them 1 on trust, because they are true. You are moving into new frequencies of 2 vibration pertaining to ‘human consciousness’ which will enable you to 3 move forward into the spiritual-mental development I described 4 in Letter 1. 5 6 Since I have diverged, I must now repeat: You can no more escape the most 7 fundamental Laws of Existence regarding your thinking and feeling – 8 sowing and reaping – than you can escape the laws of electromagnetism in 9 your material world, for electromagnetism is the IMPULSE producing the 10 Law of sowing and reaping, just as electromagnetism produces form within 11 the fundamental field of energy particles. 12 13 Therefore it is not possible to continue to believe in Christian dogma and 14 also try to follow these Letters because dogma, relating to ‘salvation by my 15 death on the cross’, the Trinity, physical resurrection from the dead, and 16 use of incense and set forms of prayer, are fallacious and the facts now 17 presented to you in these Letters are Truth. The dogma and the 18 sacramental trimmings are, what you would term ‘red herrings’, to gain 19 your attention and allegiance but obscuring the Truth of my teachings. 20 21 Therefore, these Letters had to be written. 22 23 The only way I could reach the world at this present time, when it is poised 24 to enter a new mind/emotional dispensation, was by using a receptive, 25 obedient and deprogrammed mind to receive the instruction and do the 26 manual work for me. 27 28 These Letters offer the only true means by which people will find the 29 path to the spiritual dimension in which all human error fades away 30 and only love remains. 31 32 Anything else which may be said is purely human rationalisation and reason 33 – and these are not TRUTH. 34 35 People are seeking new ways to resolve old problems, particularly in 36 America, but until they understand the true nature of LIFE, the ego, and 37 38 Letter 3 97 the Laws of Existence, they will but strengthen the pull of the ‘ego’ and 1 their pain will continue. 2 3 Remember, as I record for you in the following pages, the simple Truth I 4 spoke two millennia ago, this Truth remains constant and consistent. 5 6 Therefore, it is only possible to deepen your understanding of Truth, not to 7 alter it. 8 9 Have you realised as you have read the first two Letters, that all I spoke to 10 the people of Palestine was a direct outcome of my having perceived 11 the ‘reality of existence’ in the desert – that nothing was solid? 12 13 Have you remembered that, in my transcendent state, as I looked at the 14 rocks, sand, mountains, water below me in the Dead Sea, all appeared to be 15 as a ‘shimmer of motes’? 16 17 Rock, sand, mountains, water were differentiated one from the other, 18 only by the difference in the intensity of the ‘shimmer of motes’ and by 19 the apparent density of motes within the shimmer. 20 21 There is no other way I can describe what I saw when on earth, or convey 22 the facts concerning the true substance of ‘matter’ and the apparently solid 23 fabric and construction of your world. 24 25 In modern speech, you would probably call the ‘shimmer of motes’, a 26 vibration of particles. 27 28 Perhaps you could combine the two terms and describe the most 29 fundamental visible ‘reality’, as a ‘shimmer of particles’. This conveys the 30 sense of the ‘light glow’ in which I saw the particles dance. 31 32 33 3. Feeding the Multitudes 34 35 Having said all the foregoing as introduction to my account of my activities 36 in Palestine, let me take you to another day, two thousand years ago, when 37 38 Letter 3 98 the sun shone, and the sky was a clear, clear blue, and I started to climb the 1 hills with my disciples, in an effort to retire to rest, meditate and pray. 2 3 But this was not to be. We had thought to escape, but despite telling the 4 people of our intentions, we were first followed by a few who then shouted 5 to others that we were going into the hills. 6 7 Although we begged them to return to their homes, the few eventually grew 8 into a great concourse of people tagging along behind us. They were 9 insistent that I should speak to them. 10 11 You may wonder why they were so anxious to listen to me. 12 13 Intuitively, they knew that I spoke words of LIFE to them. 14 15 Always, I showed them the activity of the ‘Father’ around them and this 16 gave them hope and helped them to see the world with new vision. 17 18 I spoke to them of LOVE and they felt comforted. 19 20 This was why I could say to them, knowing that they would understand 21 and agree with me: 22 23 ‘Come unto me, you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you 24 rest. My yoke is light and my burden easy.’ 25 26 They knew that when I spoke these words, as I frequently did, I was 27 comparing the rules and laws of the Jewish leaders with the Truth I was 28 presenting to the people. 29 30 So it was, that when I was besought by the people to teach them, what 31 could I do but sit down on a rock above them – and teach. 32 33 I was determined that, if they had come this far to hear me, they would 34 hear something they would remember and possibly speak about all their 35 lives. 36 37 38 Letter 3 99 I knew that despite all I had told them about the ‘Father’ and ‘Father 1 Love’, they were still apprehensive of rejection by ‘God’. Although I had 2 tried to help them understand that the ‘Father’ of which I spoke, was not 3 the personalised ‘God’ which they worshipped, I knew very well that they 4 were confused. Although I had told them again and again that the ‘Father’ 5 was within them, they were still worried that they might incur punishment 6 from on high by believing my words. 7 8 What should I teach them that day, I asked the ‘Father’? Then I noticed 9 the goats and sheep feeding on the hillside under the vigilant care of their 10 shepherd and my message for the day entered my mind. I stood up and 11 shouted so that my voice would carry to the back of the crowds: 12 13 ‘You see these sheep and goats feeding on the hills. The sheep are in one 14 place and the goats in another. 15 16 ‘Consider the sheep. They are patient and non-aggressive towards each 17 other even when huddled tightly in a corner of their pen. They feed quietly, 18 never claiming ground which is not theirs, leaving the pasture closely 19 cropped but not damaged, allowing the grass to recover after they have 20 passed over it. Most importantly, they listen to their shepherd’s voice. 21 Therefore, he takes good care of them. He guides them into the best 22 pastures and he sleeps with them at night that they may not be threatened 23 or attacked by dogs or robbers. 24 25 ‘Look at the goats, how they scramble and leap over the rocks and get 26 themselves into awkward or dangerous places. They tear at the brambles 27 and the foliage of trees. They are despoilers. Were it not for their use to 28 mankind, there would be no place for them other than to be tethered all 29 day or put out into the desert. 30 31 ‘I look at you below me, and I know that amongst you are many sheep – 32 and, also among you are many goats.’ 33 34 There were a few angry murmurs but, on the whole, people good-naturedly 35 jostled and ribbed one another, pointing out the ‘goats’ and laughing and 36 nodding. 37 38 Letter 3 100 It was good to see them laughing and so I continued. 1 2 ‘You can tell the sheep by their homes, the way they treat their neighbours, 3 and the way they are regarded by all in their community. You can likewise 4 tell the goats – are they likely to have many friends?’ 5 6 There was a loud roar from the crowd: ‘No-o-o-o!’ followed by much 7 laughter. 8 9 ‘Does the shepherd follow after the goats and care for them – or must they 10 look after themselves and come home by themselves to be milked at night?’ 11 12 Again the crowd laughed and shouted various replies, some of them very 13 amusing and witty. 14 15 ‘And so is it with you who are sheep, and those of you who are goats – you 16 are protected by the ‘Father’ if you are sheep, and you are not protected by 17 the ‘Father’ if you are goats, because you are obstinately following your 18 own desires every day and possibly leaving a trail of destruction behind you. 19 Tell me – can the ‘Father’ protect the people who are goats?’ 20 21 The crowd was silent but listening intently. 22 23 ‘Will you say then, that the ‘Father’ is angry with the goats and will not 24 protect them, or will you rather say that just as the shepherd cares for his 25 sheep and would care for the goats if they would allow it, the ‘Father’ loves 26 sheep and goats equally but is powerless to protect equally because of the 27 goats’ natural behaviour?’ 28 29 ‘Also, consider the feeding habits of sheep and goats. Sheep are content to 30 eat grass only, for which their stomachs are perfectly designed, but the goat will 31 eat anything he comes across, having no respect whatever for his constitution. So 32 is it with people who have no regard for what they will feed their minds 33 with, since they have no fixed goal or clear purpose. Like goats, they do not 34 recognise when mental food is harmful or is taking them in the direction 35 they should not go in their daily lives or whether it will lead them into 36 harmful myth or dangerous fallacy. 37 38 Letter 3 101 ‘They roam, picking up the mental equivalent of brambles, old shoes, bits of 1 cloth, leaves, thistles, weeds, for they lack good sense.’ 2 3 A man called out to me: ‘Master, what if a person who is a sheep, makes a 4 mistake, and gets himself into trouble, will the ‘Father’ then abandon him?’ 5 6 I asked him a question by way of answering him: 7 8 ‘What does the shepherd do when one of his sheep falls into a pit, or 9 tumbles over a cliff, or gets caught in brambles? I will tell you. The 10 shepherd leaves his flock and swiftly seeks out the missing sheep and will 11 not leave it until he has brought it to safety. So is it with the ‘Father’ – not 12 even a sheep can avoid doing wrong in one way or another, but rest assured 13 that the ‘Father’ immediately responds to its bleating and rescues it. 14 And if a goat should begin to behave like a sheep and heed the 15 shepherd’s voice, then he too will come under the protection of the 16 shepherd and will be cared for even as sheep are cared for. 17 18 ‘So it is with you and the Kingdom of Heaven – the Kingdom of ‘God’.’ 19 20 Several voices called out, asking me to tell them what I meant by the 21 ‘Kingdom of God’. 22 23 ‘What I am telling you is unlike anything you have yet heard from any 24 Prophet at any time. 25 26 ‘Do not try to understand what I am saying by thinking of what you 27 have been told by your Teachers. They can only repeat from the 28 scriptures and have no personal knowledge of the Kingdom of God or 29 Heaven. 30 31 ‘God is not contained within any one place but is everywhere, as are the 32 heavens and air above you. The Holy Word spoke truly when it says: 33 “In God you live, move and have your being”. 34 35 ‘For the Kingdom of God is above, around and also within you – and 36 you can enter the Kingdom of God.’ 37 38 Letter 3 102 People shouted impatiently: ‘But what is it?’ 1 2 ‘It is a state of mind and heart which is fully possessed by ‘God’ – your 3 ‘Father’. When you are in this state, the ‘Father’ is the head of your 4 body and directs everything you do and all of your life.’ 5 6 Some of the people grumbled. ‘How can that be?’ 7 8 ‘It is possible to be so emptied of self – of selfish desires, enmities, 9 angers, jealousies, greed, vindictiveness that only ‘God’ is left in control 10 within your mind and heart.’ 11 12 ‘What happens then?’ asked a woman. 13 14 ‘Then you enter into the ‘State of Being’ which is ‘God-directed’. It is 15 altogether beautiful and glorious. It is love, it is generosity, it is caring 16 for other people as you care for yourself, it is non-judgmental since you 17 accept other people exactly as they are, knowing that they too are 18 ‘God’s’ children and are equally in the ‘Father’s’ care. It is happiness 19 beyond measure, beyond description, it is joy in the beauty of the 20 world, it is life unlimited and increased energy, it is health and it is the 21 fulfilment of your every need before you even know that you have such 22 a need.’ 23 24 ‘Why do the Rabbis not tell us these things?’ several voices complained. 25 26 ‘Because I alone have seen the ‘Father’, I alone know how the world has 27 been made and the Laws of Existence. And because I know all these 28 things, you have but to come to me and ask and I will reveal all that has 29 been given to me. I tell you truly – as many of you as believes – and 30 understands – and seeks to put my words into daily practice – will be 31 saved from the tribulation that mankind endures. You suffer because 32 you do not understand how you have been created, and the true 33 purposes for which you were born. 34 35 ‘You were born to be sons and heirs of the ‘Father’, you were born to 36 enjoy all that the ‘Father’ is in Itself, and all that It can give you. But 37 you turn your backs on all the glory of the Kingdom and try to find 38 Letter 3 103 pleasures in earthly things. Whilst you do this you will never find the 1 Kingdom of God, nor enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.’ 2 3 ‘How shall we enter the Kingdom?’ 4 5 ‘I have already told you. You enter the Kingdom of Heaven when you 6 repent of all that you are in your heart and mind. When you take your evil 7 to the ‘Father’ and ask forgiveness and pray for the strength to be cleansed 8 of your evil thoughts, words and deeds, and you finally get rid of them, 9 then you may be sure that you are about to find the Kingdom of Heaven. 10 When you have accomplished this, you will find that your attitudes towards 11 others are changing, for the ‘Father’ will be doing Its Love Work within 12 you. You will be free of the chains and thongs of evil desires and deeds 13 which previously bound you and made you a captive in the world. More 14 than this, you will find that the ‘Father’ does satisfy your every need.’ 15 16 A woman shouted: ‘I have a need at this very moment, Master, I am 17 hungry’. 18 19 The people laughed but then several voices joined in, saying: ‘We have been 20 with you many hours, you made us walk and walk before you would 21 consent to teach us. We have shown you we are the good sheep. Will you 22 not help us and satisfy our hunger?’ 23 24 I realised that they spoke the truth and felt deep compassion for them. 25 They had followed after me not just for healing but because they longed to 26 know the Truth as it had been given to me by the ‘Father’. I had told them 27 that the ‘Father’ satisfies their needs. This would be an opportunity to 28 show them the power of faith and the Power that is ‘God’. I would prove 29 to them that nothing is impossible when you truly believe as I believed and 30 perceived. 31 32 I called my disciples to me and told them to find out if there were any 33 present who had food. 34 35 They found a young boy with loaves and fishes and brought them to me. 36 37 38 Letter 3 104 I withdrew some way from the crowd and quietly contemplated the loaves 1 and fishes, knowing that they were but ‘God’ Mind Power’, the substance 2 of all ‘matter’, made visible. 3 4 I knew that ‘God’ Mind Power’ was limitless and powerfully active within 5 my consciousness. 6 7 I knew that the nature of the ‘Father’ is the fulfilment of need. 8 9 As I blest the food, I felt the POWER flow fully through my mind, body 10 and hands and I knew the people’s hunger would be satisfied. I did not 11 know how this would be, I just knew it would. 12 13 I then took the baskets of food and told the disciples to distribute it, feeling 14 absolutely certain that everyone would have as much food as they needed. 15 16 As it was broken and passed around, so did it multiply itself until all the 17 throng were fed and satisfied. There were several baskets of leftovers. 18 19 In this way, I demonstrated that: 20 21 • ‘matter’ – whatever is visible within the universe – is mind/ 22 consciousness made visible through the vibration of the 23 ‘motes’ (which science terms particles) 24 25 • changes in the ‘vibration of motes’, hence changes in ‘matter’, take 26 place as a result of a powerfully directed, disciplined, focused 27 movement/imagery in mind/consciousness energy 28 29 • when one acts purely out of a ‘love consciousness’ to accomplish 30 good for others, the only limits to the ‘Father’ Love Work’ within 31 the world, ARE THE LIMITS WHICH MAN’S MIND SETS 32 UPON THAT WORK 33 34 • such changes in ‘matter’ can only take place when the 35 consciousness of ‘man’ is perfectly in harmony and united with 36 ‘Father Universal Consciousness’. 37 38 Letter 3 105 Although there was amazement amongst the people and my disciples, when 1 the people were fed in this way, not one of them understood how such a 2 thing was accomplished. 3 4 They could only conclude this was the greatest miracle they had ever seen. 5 It also confirmed their belief that I was the Son of God. 6 7 8 4. The Power of Faith and Belief 9 10 Another day, I was sitting under a tree outside Bethesda, surrounded by 11 people who had brought their sick to be healed. As always, they marvelled 12 at the return of life and health to these people and wondered how such 13 miracles could be done. 14 15 Again, I tried to make them understand the Power of Faith. 16 17 In the gospels, it has been stated I said that if a man had faith the size of a 18 mustard seed he would be able to move mountains. 19 20 This statement is a misinterpretation of what I truly said and it reveals how 21 little my disciples and gospellers understood my teachings when we were on 22 earth. 23 24 If a person were to have ‘faith’ the size of a mustard seed – what does that 25 mean? How can you measure faith in such a way? 26 27 Faith is faith. 28 29 It is a ‘power of total conviction’ in the mind, possessing the mind, and 30 cannot be restricted in ‘size’. 31 32 Faith, arising out of your need to believe in something, because such a 33 belief will serve your purposes in some way, can be powerful and strong, 34 but never could it be estimated in ‘size’! 35 36 Belief is even stronger. Belief is the offspring of hearsay and logic. 37 Because you have heard something and been convinced that what you 38 Letter 3 106 have heard or read is true, you develop a deep belief in what you have 1 heard. You believe it to be true. You believe in a total, complete way 2 which defies contradiction. 3 4 I was constantly telling the people: ‘Believe you will receive – and you 5 will receive’. 6 7 However, I knew at the time, that it would be well nigh impossible for 8 the people to ever have the faith which would cause miracles to happen, 9 since no matter how much I might explain Truth to them, they would 10 still never have the intense knowing given me in the desert. 11 12 But now, as I relate, in small measure, the story of my sojourn on earth in 13 Palestine, it is with the intention that you, my reader, will begin to perceive 14 and understand the knowledge I was given during my enlightenment. 15 16 My intention is to give you knowledge. Hearsay is when you are told 17 something but you cannot really prove it is true. Knowledge is when you 18 are told something – or read something – and because what you have 19 now heard or read complies logically and realistically with all related 20 items of knowledge already in your mind, and you can understand and 21 believe it in a realistic, logical way, the new information becomes 22 knowledge. You KNOW that what you now ‘know’ is TRUE. You have a 23 sense of ‘conviction’. 24 25 Up to this time, some of you have had faith in ‘Jesus Christ’ but you 26 have been like precocious children. Your faith has been partially blind 27 and accepting, yet interwoven with much doubt. Therefore, whatever 28 you needed to be done for you, you depended on ‘Jesus’ for the work to 29 be accomplished. Whereas, in fact, much of what you believe you have 30 derived directly from ‘Jesus’ has been your own ‘faith in Jesus’ made 31 visible in the form of things asked for. 32 33 Whilst this child-like ‘faith’ is very important to your well-being, those of 34 you who are capable of moving onward on the spiritual path to perfection, 35 must now reach a deeper level of true knowledge of the relation between 36 mind and ‘matter’. Without this foundation, people will continue to 37 38 Letter 3 107 flounder in religious myths and will be locked into the misery of the human 1 condition. 2 3 When I was on earth, I spoke Truth to the people, but it was continually 4 misinterpreted. What I really said regarding faith, was this: 5 6 ‘You see this great big tree. It has grown out of the tiniest seed imaginable. 7 See the vast trunk and branches and foliage. All that enormous growth has 8 come out of a small seed. 9 10 ‘How did such a thing come about? From whence came all the wood in the 11 tree and the foliage which adorns it! Is not this as much a miracle as are the 12 miracles I perform for you, day after day? Is not the growth of this tree as 13 much the work of the ‘Father’ as the healing which takes place in sick 14 people? 15 16 ‘I ask you – what is a seed? Can you tell me? No – you cannot. But I will 17 tell you. 18 19 ‘It is a tiny entity of ‘consciousness knowledge’. It is the ‘consciousness 20 knowledge’ of what it will become. It is a fragment of ‘consciousness’ 21 drawn from ‘Divine Creative Consciousness’. 22 23 ‘It is a fragment of mind power drawn from ‘Father Mind Power’ ... 24 which, when planted in the earth and watered by rain, will begin to 25 clothe itself with the visible ‘matter’ of which it possesses knowledge, 26 deep within itself. This knowledge is true, it is firm, it is strong and 27 undeviating. This self-knowledge embodied in the seed, is a conviction 28 in ‘consciousness’. 29 30 ‘All of life forms arise out of this one-pointed self-knowledge – a 31 ‘conviction in consciousness’. This ‘conviction in consciousness’ is what 32 separates the inanimate soil and rocks from all that lives and grows 33 upon the face of the earth. Where there is no ‘conviction of 34 consciousness’ or ‘knowledge of identity’, there is no growth. The 35 consciousness within soil and rocks remains ‘consciousness’ in a 36 dormant form. 37 38 Letter 3 108 ‘Therefore, if you could believe in what you ask for, 1 as powerfully as does a mustard seed know its own identity, 2 you would be able to do anything you wanted to do. 3 4 ‘If you could carry within your mind, a seed – the perfected plan of 5 your most heartfelt goals, and know beyond all doubt, that it can grow 6 and come into perfect fruition, you would see this wonderful seed take 7 on a life of its own which would presently manifest in your life. 8 9 ‘And you could surely move the mountains in your lives – those 10 mountains which stand across your path and prevent you from 11 achieving all that you would like ... mountains which, in times of 12 recklessness and evil thinking have been created by yourselves. 13 14 ‘If you only understood creation and existence, you would be able to 15 live lives of total freedom, limitless achievement and transcendent joy. 16 17 ‘Seek to understand and you will find that little by little, understanding 18 will come to you. 19 20 ‘Knock on the door of the universe giving access to ‘God’ – the 21 ‘Universal Father Consciousness’ and eventually, you will find the door 22 swinging open, and you will have entrance to the secrets of the world. 23 24 ‘Only believe and you will receive.’ 25 26 I also reminded them at all times: 27 28 ‘Only those with pure minds and hearts will accomplish these mighty 29 things. 30 31 ‘The wicked may flourish for a while, as have kings and marauding armies, 32 and others hoarding iniquity in their minds; they have been permitted to do 33 their work for a while, since certain good would also arise out of the evil, 34 but eventually they fail and their names are reviled by the rest of the world. 35 36 37 38 Letter 3 109 ‘Therefore, as many of you as would succeed, examine your motivations. 1 Desires born solely of selfish longing for wealth or comfort eventually end 2 in disappointment, sickness and death.’ 3 4 And I say to you who read these words – let no one dare to deny the 5 Truth I speak until they too, have walked the Path of Self Renunciation 6 which I walked on earth and reached the same union with the ‘Father’ 7 and the heights of incontrovertible knowledge and understanding as I 8 possessed. When you have achieved all this, you will no longer have any 9 desire to deny the truth I speak to you, but will be unable to restrain 10 yourselves from joining ‘me’ in teaching your fellowmen. Until that time, 11 hold your peace, and let no man know your ignorance. 12 13 How often, throughout the world, people gladly embrace my teachings as 14 being highly moralistic and the most perfectly formulated guidelines to 15 good behaviour and daily living. However, they add, quickly, that the 16 stories of miracles should be discounted since such aberrations of natural 17 laws of the universe are not possible. 18 19 This type of thought is building barriers to the future progress in spiritual-20 scientific development of which the human mind is capable. 21 22 In fact, I did not come to earth to introduce a new religion or higher 23 moral code than that given by Moses in the Ten Commandments. My 24 purpose was to bring a new perception of ‘God’ as Creator and 25 understanding of existence itself. Out of that knowledge would come a 26 new way of life. 27 28 The correct attitude towards my mission on earth, in this third 29 millennium, is to acknowledge that the ‘miracles’ I performed are 30 beyond the capabilities of the average human being at this time. 31 32 However, such ‘miracles’ were examples of what can be achieved in the 33 future when people’s minds are fully imbued with the true knowledge 34 of existence and are also, through faith, meditation and prayer, fully 35 attuned to and imbued with ‘Universal Life/Love Consciousness’. 36 37 38 Letter 3 110 5. Walking on the Water 1 2 Was it really true I ‘walked on water’ when my disciples boarded a boat to 3 cross the lake? 4 5 If you have read the biblical account of this incident, you will realise that 6 the disciples had left me behind. I yearned for an opportunity to withdraw 7 from all human contact, retire to the hills, and once more enter into a 8 profound meditation to allow my consciousness to merge into the universal 9 dimension of ‘God Consciousness’. 10 11 Whilst in this spiritual state transcending human consciousness, all 12 awareness of physicality disappeared, and ecstatically I was lifted into 13 the Universal Stream of Life and knew that the UNIVERSAL LIFE was 14 all, LIFE was the reality of my beingness, and all else were but 15 temporary changing appearances of UNIVERSAL LIFE made visible. I 16 KNEW, I felt, I was LIFE ITSELF, and as I slipped beyond earthly 17 consciousness into the universal LIFE CONSCIOUSNESS, the laws 18 governing my physical being were transcended and no longer applied to 19 the flesh and blood of my human body. 20 21 I longed to move about in this new transcendent state, and found myself 22 floating out of my cave. I could see my disciples on the lake and knew 23 they were in distress. Effortlessly, I floated down over the hill towards 24 the shore and as I began to regain contact with my normal human 25 concerns – in this case, my disciples – I found myself coming to rest on 26 the waters. However, I was still in that condition where I realised fully 27 that I, Myself, was LIFE individualised, and therefore, my body was 28 suffused with LIFE POWER which continued to lighten and transform 29 the atomic structure of my physical state. 30 31 Y o u m u s t u n d e r s t a n d t h a t h e a r i n g a n d t h i n k i n g i n t h e 32 h u m a n c o n s c i o u s n e s s s t a t e – a n d t h e a s c e n s i o n i n t o t h e 33 TRANSCENDENT REALISATION of UNIVERSAL LIFE, when the 34 personal consciousness is now withdrawn from the bodily condition 35 and wholly merged in ‘Universal Father Consciousness’, belong to two 36 entirely different dimensions of being. 37 38 Letter 3 111 The human consciousness can receive inspiration from the ‘Universal 1 Father Consciousness’ but the inspiration received mingles with the 2 human condition and is frequently misinterpreted according to the store of 3 knowledge already controlling the brain and therefore the mental processes 4 themselves. 5 6 Unfortunately, the inspiration you receive is contaminated and 7 distorted by your present strongly maintained beliefs. 8 9 Whereas the TRANSCENDENT PERCEPTUAL and REALISATION 10 STATE rises out of, emerges, from the physical condition. The brain is 11 no longer in control. It no longer has any influence on the 12 Transcendent Perceptual state which is Truth itself. 13 14 It is no longer controlled or affected by human belief. 15 16 It is in a state of ‘What Really Is’ back of visible manifestation and 17 existence, instead of in the human dimension of ‘What It Believes 18 Existence to be’. 19 20 It is in the Transcendent State of Consciousness that ‘miracles’ are but 21 normal working of Universal Law. 22 23 Before I continue with this account of my life on earth, I want to stress 24 again that everything in the universe is a particular and individualised 25 STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS made visible. 26 27 I have had to descend from my present STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS of 28 UNIVERSAL LOVE, in order to experience again my life on earth 29 which remains indelibly imprinted within the consciousness energy of 30 the world itself, dating back to the time of its moment of creation. 31 32 You must understand that when I left my body in Palestine, I left 33 everything pertaining to that life behind me. 34 35 I had fulfilled my mission. Therefore, when I died on the cross, I was set 36 free, I was lifted into glorious LIGHT to partake of that LIGHT, 37 to be the LIGHT, and rejoice in the LIGHT which is Universal Love, 38 Letter 3 112 Life, Beauty, Harmony, Joy and Rapture. MOVING BETWEEN 1 DIFFERENT LEVELS OF ‘CONSCIOUSNESS’ is no easy or pleasant 2 assignment. It is only because my mission on earth was not completed when 3 I died in Palestine, that I now return to help you prepare to enter a new 4 age, a new phase of individualised existence on earth. 5 6 You may gain some understanding of what I mean by the ‘discomfort of 7 this enterprise’ when you remember the times you have recalled some deep 8 sadness in your life and you find yourself reacting with almost the same 9 degree of tension and emotional stress as you did when the sadness actually 10 took place. 11 12 Reflecting on past suffering and sorrow will make you want to cry. You will 13 feel a return of the original depression and anguish as you relive that time 14 in your imagination. You may want to withdraw from people because your 15 ‘consciousness’ has now descended from your former state of happy, 16 peaceful equilibrium, to experience, yet again, the ‘lowered consciousness 17 vibrations and consciousness forms’ you created at the initial time of your 18 suffering. 19 20 Changing moods indicates a change in your consciousness energies. A lift in 21 your consciousness vibrations gives you a physical, emotional and mental 22 lift, making you feel happy. A drop in your consciousness energies will 23 depress the functioning of your entire system and you will feel the onset of 24 depression – or at the very least, a drop from the former buoyancy you were 25 enjoying. 26 27 I am describing for you a fact of existence. 28 29 Your entire universe manifests the differing frequencies of vibrations of 30 consciousness energy particles. As these frequencies move up or down from 31 one level to another, so do the visible and physical structures manifest 32 differing levels of energy and there is a change of mental patterns and 33 emotions and appearance. 34 35 To descend from my state of consciousness to the conditions of my time 36 on earth, is prompted only by my love for mankind. 37 38 Letter 3 113 For two thousand years, ‘Christians’ have been reliving the trauma of my 1 crucifixion. 2 3 Some people have even experienced the stigma which is nothing more than 4 a hysterical and morbidly emotional response to what they believe I 5 endured. People have worked themselves up into an emotional pitch akin to 6 frenzy whilst imagining the anguish of my suffering before my death. Their 7 emotional gratitude for what I endured sends them into a state of physical 8 distress. This is being written on your Good Friday, and I have come 9 specially to talk to you about my crucifixion and to tell you that you must 10 abandon all the drama associated with the remembrance of this day. I died 11 – and that was, for me, a wondrous release. 12 13 It is time that people wake up from their long, long dream and come to 14 understand existence as it really is – and the truth concerning my 15 crucifixion, which has been hidden till this time. 16 17 On Good Fridays, year after year down the centuries, you have created a 18 contaminated traumatic ‘consciousness state of being’ throughout the 19 world, as far removed from the spiritual dimension of UNIVERSAL 20 CREATIVE CONSCIOUSNESS as hell is removed from heaven. 21 22 Now that I have chosen to relive my life on earth in the persona of 23 ‘Jesus’ through the mind of the one who is receiving my words, in order 24 to help the world move on to a new phase of spiritual/mental 25 development, I ask those who can receive my words, to give up this 26 practice of remembering my death and exercising physical ‘self-denial’ 27 during your Lenten fast to commemorate my 40 days in the desert. As 28 you must realise from this narrative, my time in the desert was one of 29 great joy and blessedness of spirit. 30 31 32 6. Events Prior to My Death 33 34 Many events of great spiritual significance took place just prior to my death 35 which are excellent examples of the great Cosmic Laws in action within 36 your dimension of existence. I am now giving you a brief account of those 37 important events since it is my purpose to enlighten your minds wholly – to 38 Letter 3 114 give you knowledge beyond any knowledge yet received by any other person 1 in your universe. 2 3 When I began to prepare my disciples for my approaching death, it was an 4 immensely difficult task. They could scarcely contain their shock and 5 astonishment. The thought of my being crucified as an ordinary felon was 6 repellent beyond words and neither did they want to lose me from their 7 midst. I had called them to follow me and leave behind lives which had 8 been fairly prosperous. They had left their families and homes to rebuild 9 their lives around me and my work. They had taken pride in my progress 10 through the towns. They had been willing to be associated with me and be 11 known as my disciples despite the rejection and harsh criticism of their 12 Religious Leaders. Furthermore, they loved and respected me, both for the 13 way I lived my own teachings and the way I had compassionately healed so 14 many people and brought them comfort in their unhappy lives. 15 16 They truly believed I was the Son of God. How could the Son of God end 17 up on the cross, they asked each other. Their horror increased with every 18 question. It was unthinkable. They felt a tremendous void opening up in 19 front of them – a void in their lives and a huge crater in the earth on which 20 they walked, and a vast expanse of instability and lack of purpose within 21 themselves. What I told them about my future crucifixion they dared 22 not contemplate. Such an event would destroy everything they had 23 believed in with all their hearts. 24 25 Consequently, my disciples loudly and volubly resisted what I tried to tell 26 them and stated again and again that such a thing could never be. When I 27 stood firm against their stubborn denials, they were eventually forced to 28 quieten their arguments and outwardly accept that such a thing might be 29 possible. I told them that after my death, they would see me again and that 30 I expected them to carry on the work I had started. 31 32 The pain and argumentativeness I had aroused in my disciples also affected 33 me, deeply. It was no easy undertaking to go to Jerusalem where my fate 34 awaited me. More than anything, I wondered how I would measure up to 35 this great challenge of my endurance. Would I be able to transcend the 36 physical condition and enter into Universal Father Consciousness and 37 38 Letter 3 115 remain there until I died? At times, I was deeply frightened of the ordeal 1 but I dare not reveal this fear to my disciples. 2 3 Therefore, I began my last journey towards Jerusalem with powerfully 4 mixed feelings. On the one hand, I was weary of healing and talking and 5 teaching people who listened with open mouths and had no real 6 understanding of anything I was trying to tell them. 7 8 I had thought that my knowledge would enable people to climb out of their 9 misery and, at the very least, make contact with the ‘Father’ and gain a 10 glimpse of the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’. 11 12 There had been no evidence of such a spiritual awakening, even amongst 13 my disciples. 14 15 My disappointment and sense of failure made me glad to be moving on 16 from the earth life to the glorious existence I knew awaited me after my 17 death. 18 19 At the same time, I wondered how I would endure the pain of the 20 crucifixion. 21 22 Throughout my mission, I had lived in a more or less consistently peaceful 23 – frequently exalted – state of mind, with my thoughts focused on the 24 ‘Father Love Consciousness’, author of all being, knowing that I had but 25 to ask and what I asked for would swiftly manifest itself. 26 27 Would I be able to keep my equanimity when brought before the Council, 28 when led out to my crucifixion, when nailed to the cross with my weight 29 hanging from my hands? 30 31 Because I was now giving way to doubts and fears, the normal level of my 32 consciousness frequencies were dropping. They were taking me down into 33 the frequencies of the earth plane consciousness. I became a prey again to 34 my old aggression, prompting me to unreasonable actions I would never 35 have contemplated earlier when in my former state of total harmony with 36 the ‘Father Love Consciousness’. My doubts and conflicts externalised in 37 38 Letter 3 116 my life as human emotions and impulses which contravened the Cosmic 1 Law of Love. 2 3 First, there was the episode of the Fig Tree. I was hungry and went to the 4 tree not really expecting to find fruit because it was not the right season for 5 figs. When my search was ‘unfruitful’, I cursed the fig tree. Twenty four 6 hours later, it was shrivelled to its roots. 7 8 It was a shocking experience. It was the first time my words had caused 9 harm to anything. 10 11 However, it clearly demonstrated, for my disciples, the power of 12 THOUGHT for good or evil. It showed them that the more spiritually 13 evolved a person is, the greater is the impact of their words on the 14 environment. 15 16 I took the opportunity to point out to my disciples that I had 17 thoughtlessly behaved as does the average man or woman who – when 18 having high expectations – cannot get what they want. 19 20 They usually react with anger, tears, hostility, and even sharp words 21 which might or might not amount to a kind of ‘ill-wishing’ or cursing 22 of the person who has denied them their heart’s desire. They had now 23 seen for themselves what my cursing had done to the fig tree. 24 25 They should now be able to understand that whilst a strong conviction 26 would bring about anything they might desire and imagine, they must 27 also be constantly aware of their own mental-emotional condition. They 28 must not harbour resentment against others but must swiftly forgive, 29 otherwise they could do much damage to those they resented ... which 30 damage would return to them, in due course, as a harvest of their 31 sowing. 32 33 Furthermore, as one sows so does one reap. I knew that what I had done 34 to the fig tree would inevitably return to me in one form or another. 35 36 I took my disciples to the Temple. It was many years since I had been there, 37 and I knew my visit would serve to set in train the events which would lead 38 Letter 3 117 to my crucifixion. Some of the people recognised me and in response to 1 their requests, I began to teach them. More people gathered and crowded 2 the money lenders who began to complain. Their shouting and loud 3 complaints broke my train of thought as I was teaching. 4 5 Suddenly my wrath was aroused. Here were people earnestly gathered 6 around me, wanting to hear the words of LIFE which soon I would not be 7 able to speak to them, and there were the money lenders who made their 8 living by selling livestock for sacrifices which did the people no good 9 whatever. These men only brought people into debt and misery. I felt a 10 rush of blood to my head and I pushed the tables over, scattering their 11 money, and I drove the money-hearted men out of the Temple. 12 13 Now there was a great commotion of shouting and screaming. Some people 14 were scrambling to pick up the money. The money lenders were calling 15 down curses on my head, denouncing me as evil, as one doing the work of 16 Beelzebub and a thousand other devils. The Priests and Pharisees and all the 17 people who set great store by the sacrifices in the Temple, came running 18 together to find out the cause of the noise and confusion. 19 20 On hearing the money lenders’ story, they were so outraged by my actions, 21 they launched into vociferous condemnation of me and lamentations to 22 impress the Priests, each one making louder protest than their neighbours 23 to demonstrate their horror at what I had done. Such a thing had never 24 been seen in the Temple before. 25 26 Even those who had previously listened to me were now disturbed at my 27 wilfulness and wondered what kind of man I might be. 28 29 They were standing close together, watching the proceedings, when they 30 were noticed and approached by the Priests and Pharisees who persuaded 31 them I was trying to destroy all they had believed in, preaching a false 32 ‘God’ entirely unlike anything they had ever heard about in their 33 synagogues. The Priests passed on their own outraged anger to the people 34 and convinced them that my sin would contaminate them also if they 35 persisted in listening to my madness. 36 37 38 Letter 3 118 Gradually, the people were persuaded I was an evil influence and should be 1 removed before I could disrupt the peace of the country and bring down 2 the wrath of the Roman Governor on the entire country of Palestine. 3 4 My disciples, ashamed of what I had done, quietly left the scene and hid 5 amongst the alleys some way from the Temple. When they returned to me 6 later, they clearly showed they were also sorely tried by my actions. They 7 wondered whether I had taken leave of my senses, gone mad, prophesying 8 my death and then doing those very things which would probably be the 9 cause of it. 10 11 It was at that time that Judas, who had never fully shed his Jewish beliefs, 12 began to doubt whether I was the Messiah after all. Three years I had 13 taught the people and there was no lessening of the Roman rule. Three 14 years and people were no nearer the happiness I had promised them. And 15 now it seemed that I was about to become a disturber of the peace – 16 bringing down the wrath of Rome on their heads. 17 18 He heard that the Jewish High Priest wanted to get rid of me and so he 19 offered his services to identify my person when required to do so. 20 21 When it was time for me to eat the Passover with my disciples, I arranged 22 we should eat it all together in a large supper room. I knew it would be the 23 last time I would eat any food on earth. I do not want to return deeply to 24 the consciousness of that night. 25 26 I felt great sadness to be leaving my disciples who had served me so well. 27 With my sadness came a return of all my fears and conflicts. I had moments 28 of deep emotional self-pity. I felt that no one understood all I had tried to 29 do for my people and the sacrifice I was prepared to make for them. 30 31 John was giving a vivid account of the story of the Israelites’ last night in 32 Egypt before they escaped into the desert. He spoke of Moses’ instructions 33 to the head of each family to kill an unblemished lamb, to cook it in a 34 certain way and paint its blood on the doorposts of all Israelite dwellings, 35 because that very night, angels would come and slaughter all the first born 36 children of the Egyptians and their livestock. With great relish, he recalled 37 38 Letter 3 119 the outcry made by the Egyptians when they woke to find the bloodied 1 first-born in every home. None was spared. 2 3 It was the kind of horrible story I rejected as having any value for anyone 4 seeking higher spiritual Truth. I wondered how much my disciples had 5 really understood when I spoke of their ‘Heavenly Father’ and His love for 6 all mankind. How could they relish the thought of ‘angels’ killing the 7 Egyptian first-born when I had clearly told them that ‘God’, the ‘Father’ 8 was Love. 9 10 But the Jews had always been preoccupied with the shedding of blood to 11 atone for their sins. 12 13 Even Abraham, the founder of the Israelite nation, had been convinced he 14 should take his only son into the desert and kill and offer him as a sacrifice 15 to God. A pagan and revolting thought! 16 17 I thought of the animal sacrifices in the Temple. Loving all the wild things 18 of creation as I did, the practice was an abomination to me. And now I was 19 about to be put to death because I had dared to speak the words of Truth. 20 And when I considered how little I had achieved in passing on my 21 knowledge, I wondered why I had been sent on such a mission! 22 23 I felt a momentary spasm of resentment and anger inter-threading my usual 24 feelings of love for these men. 25 26 With some cynicism, I wondered what effective token of remembrance I 27 could leave with them, to bring back to their minds all my teachings when I 28 was no longer with them. If they could so swiftly forget all my teachings on 29 the ‘Father’s Love’ and enjoy the horrible story of the Passover, whilst I 30 was still in the room with them – how much would they remember when I 31 had died as a ‘felon’ on the cross, the most despicable of deaths? 32 33 Then it came to me that since they were so moved by the ‘shedding of 34 blood’, I would give them blood to remember me by! 35 36 With these ironical reflections, I took up a loaf of bread, broke it and 37 passed it to my disciples and told them to eat it. I likened the brokenness of 38 Letter 3 120 the bread to the future brokenness of my body and asked them to repeat 1 this ‘breaking of bread and distribution’ as a means of remembering the 2 sacrifice of my body to bring them the TRUTH – the Truth about God 3 and the Truth about life, the Truth about Love. 4 5 Realising I was in a strange mood, they stopped eating, listened, took the 6 bread and ate it silently. 7 8 Next, I took up my goblet of wine and passed it around, saying that they 9 must each drink from it for it was a symbol of my blood which would 10 shortly be shed because I had dared to bring them the Truth of Existence. 11 12 I saw that the edge in my voice had reached some of them. Soberly, each 13 one took a sip and then passed the goblet to his neighbour. But still, they 14 said nothing. They sensed I was in earnest and would not tolerate any more 15 argument. 16 17 Then I told them that a certain man amongst them would betray me. 18 19 [ Privately, I understood his motives and knew that he was a necessary part of 20 the future sequence of events. He was but playing a role which his nature had 21 prompted him to do. I knew that he would suffer greatly and I felt compassion 22 for him. But these thoughts I kept to myself. ] 23 24 When I mentioned that one of them would betray me and told Judas to 25 leave and do what he had to do quickly, the disciples came alive, wondering 26 if this was really their last meal with me. 27 28 Now there was a great deal of emotional distress, questions, even 29 recriminations for having led them into such a trap. Again, they wondered 30 what they would do with their lives after I had gone. They asked what kind 31 of standing they would have in the community if I were crucified. They 32 would be an object of derision, they argued. No one would ever again 33 believe a word they spoke. 34 35 Deeply saddened by their self-centred response to my predicament, I 36 assured them they had no need to fear for their own safety. They would 37 38 Letter 3 121 abandon me and would not be connected to my crucifixion. After my 1 death, I suggested they should disperse and return to Galilee. 2 3 This touched Peter deeply and he reacted, vehemently denying that he 4 would ever abandon me – but of course he did. 5 6 All the love that I had felt for my fellow men, all that I had longed to 7 accomplish for them – in this moment of my own need – still met with 8 blank non-comprehension, even resistance. Their only concern was what 9 would happen to them. There was no word of kindness, offering of help, 10 anguish for my future ordeal. 11 12 How hard was the human heart, I thought. How many weary centuries 13 would pass before mankind would be able to move beyond their own hurt 14 and pain to feel even a glimmer of love and compassion for other 15 unfortunates in a worse situation than themselves? 16 17 And so – although deeply disappointed – even hurt – by their selfish 18 reactions, I also understood them and attempted to give my disciples 19 courage to face the future and assured them that I would always be with 20 them, even when I was hidden from their sight. 21 22 The work I had started would be promoted from the life beyond. I would 23 not leave them alone. 24 25 They would know and feel my presence and this would be a comfort to 26 them. 27 28 I told them to cling to their memories of my time with them. I warned that 29 there would be many who would continue in the knowledge I had given 30 them, but there would be outsiders who would seek to add the voice of 31 tradition and reason to my teachings. My words would be so distorted that, 32 eventually, they would no longer reveal the original Truth I had brought 33 the world. 34 35 When I told them that this would happen, they were upset – even panic 36 stricken. I was relieved to see that my teachings had not been in vain after 37 38 Letter 3 122 all – they had not entered totally deaf ears. They asked me to tell them 1 more – but I raised my hands and said that that was all I could say. 2 3 At this point, I felt I had said all I ever wanted to say whilst on earth, that 4 my speech with men had been accomplished. All I greatly, deeply desired 5 was to retreat into silence and find peace and comfort in my contact with 6 the ‘Father’. 7 8 We left the supper room and walked to the Mount of Olives, but the mood 9 of my disciples was one of inner conflict, fear and doubt. Most of them left 10 to join their families and friends who would be still celebrating their own 11 Passover. 12 13 In the garden, there was a special boulder, shaped like a little cave. I 14 liked to shelter in it from the wind. And so I sat and meditated and 15 prayed, seeking a way into the exalted harmony I had enjoyed in the 16 past. I knew that when I moved into attunement with the ‘Father Love’, 17 my fears would dissolve and I would be in a state of total and absolute 18 peaceful confidence again. As I felt the Power of Love move into me and 19 possess my human consciousness, so did the strength to endure what lay 20 ahead, possess my heart. I would be able to remain within the Love and 21 give the Love to others to the very end. 22 23 And so it was. 24 25 I will not even attempt to reenter into the trial and crucifixion state. It 26 is of no consequence. 27 28 When I finally died on the cross and my spirit withdrew from my tortured 29 body, I was lifted into ineffable and radiant LIGHT. I was enclosed in the 30 warmth and comfort of LOVE, such as I had never experienced before. I 31 had a sensation of enveloping praise, a powerful assurance of work well 32 done, of ecstasy in universal strength to continue the work, and joy and 33 rapture which is far beyond any that the earthly condition can ever know. I 34 moved into a new and wondrously beautiful way of life but I still descended 35 in consciousness to remain in touch with the people I had left behind. I was 36 able to show myself to those who were sufficiently sensitive to be able to see 37 38 Letter 3 123 me. However, the story of Thomas who supposedly fingered my wounds is 1 nonsense. 2 3 My disciples did not know that I had secretly arranged with Joseph of 4 Aremathea to take my body to his own unused tomb after my death, where 5 he would anoint it according to custom before the sun set. Then, when 6 darkness had fallen and the Sabbath was being observed by everyone in 7 Jerusalem, assisted by two mounted trustworthy servants, he would take my 8 body secretly during the night, and by out of sight tracks during the day, to 9 a mountain side outside Nazareth, in Galilee. There, further assisted by my 10 family, if he followed my directions, he would find a small, hidden cave 11 which had given me shelter from storms and a refuge from people when I 12 was young, unhappy and rebellious, and at odds with the world. Joseph 13 promised to find the cave from a map I had given him and to leave me 14 there after further embalming. He would build up the small entrance to 15 thoroughly block it from intruders. There, my body has rested, free from 16 molestation. 17 18 It has been said of me that ‘my body rose from the dead’. What an 19 absurdity conjured up by earthly minds which were at a loss to satisfactorily 20 explain my death as a felon on a cross! 21 22 What need would I have of an earthly body to continue existence in the 23 next dimension? 24 25 How could such a ridiculous myth persist even into the 21st century? It has 26 been a measure of the lack of understanding of ‘Christians’ that they have 27 blindly accepted such a dogma to this very time. 28 29 Think about this carefully. Having been released from an earthly body and 30 after my experience of the ecstasy and glorious rapture of passing into a 31 higher dimension of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS, why would I want 32 to return to the earthly dimension to enter my body again? Of what use 33 would it be to me in your world, or in mine? Whilst the ‘physical substance’ 34 of my body might be spiritualised when perfectly attuned to the ‘Father 35 Love Consciousness’ whilst I still lived on earth, would not my body be an 36 encumbrance and a deterrent to my subsequent journeys within the highest 37 Spiritual Kingdoms? 38 Letter 3 124 Visible things are but a manifestation of specific frequencies of vibration in 1 consciousness which produces a ‘SHIMMER OF MOTES OR 2 PARTICLES’ giving an appearance of solid ‘matter’. 3 4 Each visible substance possesses its own unique vibrational frequency. A 5 change in the rate of vibration produces a change in the appearance of 6 ‘matter’. As consciousness energies change so do the appearances of ‘matter’ 7 change. 8 9 Therefore, it was possible for me to focus and lower my frequencies of 10 consciousness to that point where my form became visible to the human 11 eye. I could return to my disciples and be seen by them. And I did so. I 12 loved them more than ever before, and owed them as much comfort and 13 support as I was able to give them after my death. Not only this, it was 14 necessary to direct my own power into their minds in order to give them 15 the impetus and courage to continue the work I had started. 16 17 However, I want you to know that the ‘individualised consciousness’ which 18 has ascended in vibrational frequencies to the very portals of the Universal 19 Creative Dimension becomes LIGHT INDIVIDUALISED, an 20 INDIVIDUALISED CONSCIOUSNESS which needs no body in which 21 to express and enjoy all that the GLORIOUS CONSCIOUSNESS can 22 devise in the highest SPIRITUAL REALMS. It is a supreme and 23 enraptured state of being having none of the needs, desires, impulses, 24 experienced by those who have not fully mounted high beyond and above 25 the ego. 26 27 Whilst living on earth, your minds remain anchored within certain 28 parameters of vibrational frequencies, imprisoned in bodies which have 29 their own needs. If your consciousness were to truly soar beyond these 30 parameters, your earthly self would disappear. When I was trapped in a 31 body, I was also largely confined to these parameters of vibrational 32 frequencies and consciousness. 33 34 Furthermore, imagination alone can soar no further than your previous 35 experiences and therefore you are confined to your past which you project 36 into your future. 37 38 Letter 3 125 However – little by little – you will be led by those minds which are 1 sensitive enough to access the higher spiritual dimensions and can thus 2 move beyond your present consciousness boundaries. They will record for 3 you those wondrous experiences and states of being beyond your own, to 4 which you yourselves will then be able to aspire. In this way, you go 5 forwards in levels or steps of spiritual development. 6 7 Each step brings you a higher vision of what can be achieved and out of this 8 vision you formulate a new goal. With this goal ever before you, you work 9 to cleanse yourself of the contaminating influence of the ‘bonding-rejection’ 10 impulses of your earthly existence. Step by step you transcend your ego. 11 12 When you transcend your ego and it dies within your consciousness, you 13 are now abundantly alive within the ‘Father Love Consciousness’ and find 14 the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven in your lives, within yourself, and in 15 your environment. 16 17 To enable YOU to reach these pinnacles of love, joy, harmony and rapture, 18 I lived, worked and died in Palestine and I have come to you now in these 19 Letters. 20 21 Let not my work be in vain this second time. As you read these pages, seek, 22 meditate and pray for inspiration, you will come to feel the ‘Father’s’ 23 response and if you listen every day attentively, you will hear the ‘Father’s’ 24 Voice. 25 26 This Voice is ever with you. Dismantle the barriers created by self-will. 27 Open yourselves to receive strength, power, inspiration and love direct from 28 the ‘Father Love Consciousness’. 29 30 Read and reread these Letters that they may eventually become absorbed 31 into your consciousness. As you do so, you will be journeying towards 32 LIGHT, and you will radiate LIGHT to others. Such LIGHT is not just 33 ‘light’ as is electricity but is the very nature of UNIVERSAL 34 CONSCIOUSNESS which I described to you in my Letter 1. 35 36 Therefore, as you radiate the LIGHT, you will radiate unconditional love. 37 You will promote the growth and spiritual development of every other 38 Letter 3 126 living entity. You will yearn to nourish and nurture, you will work to 1 promote protection and healing and education. You will long to assist in 2 the establishment of loving law and order in which all will be able to live 3 harmoniously, successfully and prosperously. You will be in the Kingdom 4 of Heaven. 5 6 At the same time, let there be no illusions. 7 8 As steps are taken to introduce these Letters to the outside world, there will 9 be exactly the same recriminations, the same condemnation, the same talk 10 of Satan, the devil, as there was when I first taught in Palestine. Take heart, 11 pray for courage. Those who endure to the end will rise above the turmoil 12 and violence and will rest in the peace and joy of the Kingdom. 13 14 15 16 In the LIGHT OF CHRIST’s SPIRITUAL TRUTH, doctrines become meaningless 17 and are swiftly jettisoned from the illuminated mind. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Letter 3 127 Christ’s Letter 4 1 2 3 In this Letter, Christ gathers up the threads of His teachings in Palestine and 4 says that He and Muhammad, Buddha and all other Masters have continued to 5 develop spiritually until They have all ascended into CHRIST 6 CONSCIOUSNESS. Christ speaks of the truth of the sexual relationship, 7 saying that the attitude between men and women will eventually change. 8 Spiritual progress will take place and children with new spiritual potential will 9 be born. 10 11 12 13 1. One MIND, One LIFE, One LOVE 14 15 I, the CHRIST, have come – in my love for you – to make a summary of 16 all that I perceived during enlightenment in the desert and tried to teach 17 the Jews in Palestine more than 2000 years ago. Some details of my earthly 18 life have been related in Letters 1, 2 and 3. 19 20 If you have read these, you will know it is of the utmost importance to your 21 well-being to understand that – whilst my followers eventually created a 22 religion they called ‘Christianity’ founded on reports of my life and 23 teachings – I am not dictating these Letters to teach and confirm what my 24 followers have taught. Christianity is a formal religion which, purely for 25 reasons of expediency, took on many beliefs contrary to the spiritual Truth 26 of our SOURCE of BEING. 27 28 What has the ‘spilling of blood’ to do with UNIVERSAL SPIRIT? 29 30 As you must now realise, my teaching from the very beginning of my 31 mission on earth in Palestine, has always been born of the highest spiritual 32 Truth of Existence, having nothing to do with human concepts and 33 rationalisations as taught by human minds. 34 35 Therefore, I repeat emphatically, whilst my persona on earth two thousand 36 years ago was that of JESUS, the purpose of my presence, the CHRIST 37 PRESENCE, within these Letters is to reach sensitive and inspired souls to 38 Letter 4 128 teach them how to draw on Divine Assistance during the future horror in 1 which the world will ultimately be embroiled. For this reason, my powerful 2 longing to rescue those who can receive me has been crystallised in the form 3 of the TRUTH OF EXISTENCE within these Letters. Know this – heed 4 it. 5 6 I would have you know – and take particular note – that I came to the 7 Jews in Palestine 70 years before Jerusalem was razed to the ground. 8 9 I came to the Jews to warn them that their code of conduct would be of no 10 value to them when the future time of travail came upon then, sending 11 them out into a hostile world. It is recorded in a gospel that I wept in 12 despair, lamenting the fact that I would have gathered the people as chicks 13 beneath a mother hen’s breast, to protect them in their time of destruction, 14 but the people would not heed me. Instead, their religious leaders put me to 15 death. 16 17 But after the dispersal of the Jews, when their Temple was taken from 18 them, did they learn from their experiences? Did they wonder why such a 19 catastrophe had overtaken them? No, they continued in their old traditions 20 and belief in their superiority, although repeatedly, historical events proved 21 to them that they were subject to disasters as were other people. At this very 22 time, they have chosen to ignore the TRUTHS of EXISTENCE as I taught 23 them in Palestine, and are bringing upon themselves the self-same 24 conditions as followed my earthly life in Palestine. 25 26 No matter where they may reside, their materialistic values, their head-for-27 an-eye traditions, are drawing to them the human sorrow they have created 28 for others down the ages by their arrogance and greed. Everything they have 29 endured, they have brought upon themselves. 30 31 This also applies to those who, through expediency, have allied themselves 32 with Jews because of their financial power within world financial spheres 33 and world markets. Who is it that keeps the vast majority of the world 34 population hungry when there is sufficient food stockpiled to feed people 35 adequately if ‘profit as motive for existence’ were abandoned? Given the 36 will, financial leaders could formulate and embark on plans to distribute the 37 surplus of goods to the underprivileged. If they were to do so, they would 38 Letter 4 129 find the entire universe responding with blessings, world economy would 1 flourish and peace would become a world condition. 2 3 Before this can happen, what has already been created in consciousness 4 and by aggressive, debased actions, WORLDWIDE, must first be drawn 5 into materialised human experience – not as retribution, but as a natural 6 working of the LAWS of EXISTENCE. 7 8 Rest assured that countries who resist the ‘evil’ of others, are only 9 resisting the consequences of their own ‘seeds of consciousness and 10 actions’ in years gone by. Therefore, ‘bully-boy’ tactics, the ferocious 11 attack of the mighty upon the weak, no matter how intransigent the weak 12 may appear to be, can only bring even greater times of trouble for the 13 bullies. Where they experienced a pinprick, they are stockpiling in 14 consciousness the future devastation they are presently dumping on others. 15 Perhaps they should regard the ‘pinprick’ from the weak as a bugle call to 16 alert them to their downward slide into moral decadence. 17 18 Because such people are constantly breaking the LAWS of EXISTENCE 19 and drawing destruction of an unparalleled magnitude upon cities and 20 earth, it is my intention in this Letter not only to summarise all that I 21 taught and lived in Palestine, but to spell out clearly the underlying causes 22 of your approaching world crisis which I did not cover when last I came to 23 mankind in speech. 24 25 These Letters have been written prior to the most crucial time in your 26 history, and when the travail is truly upon you, you will wonder why I 27 did not warn you earlier. 28 29 But, I have to tell you, through receptive minds, I have been trying to 30 alert the world for the past twenty five years, but neither media, nor 31 publishing house, nor TV, was prepared to listen and give me the 32 opportunity to speak to you through my agents. 33 34 Politicians could reach you – but I, the Christ, could not do so because 35 of the hardness of your hearts and your refusal to concede that I, the 36 living Christ, could return at this time through deprogrammed and 37 38 Letter 4 130 dedicated minds to warn nations of what they were creating for 1 themselves in the future. 2 3 The churches, who claim to believe in my existence, have been as self-4 absorbed in their own humanly conceived religious traditions as have 5 the materialists. Now, at the Eleventh Hour, when fear has descended 6 on the masses, and they are prepared to heed my words, the doors must 7 surely open or again my efforts for humanity will have been in vain. 8 9 I have come to say there will indeed be a sorting of the ‘goats’ from the 10 ‘sheep’, as has been recorded in the gospels in the Bible. The ‘sheep’ 11 refer to those souls who can peacefully receive the highest spiritual 12 truth yet dispensed on earth. The ‘goats’ refer to those who do not have 13 the capacity to listen to anyone or anything because they have too great 14 a rebellious spirit and ego-drive. 15 16 Why will they be separated at this time? They will be separated because 17 those who are able to receive the truth contained within these pages, and to 18 live by the guidelines of the Laws of Existence, will find that although the 19 next period of world history will be bitter indeed, they will continue in 20 comparative peace and protection, fulfilment of need and upliftment of 21 spirit. 22 23 The ‘goats’, unfortunately, will have to endure all the horrific force of their 24 innate rebellious consciousness. 25 26 This is NOT a punishment from Someone on High – but a natural 27 working out of the Law of Existence: what you carry in your minds and 28 hearts will eventually externalise in your body, life and environment. 29 When you resist and rebel, life offers resistance to you in the fulfilment 30 of your desires. 31 32 I have long since ascended to the highest frequencies of consciousness 33 vibration in the Celestial Kingdoms and am Divine Consciousness Itself 34 individualised. My Consciousness can encircle the globe to whoever 35 calls on me. 36 37 38 Letter 4 131 So is it with all the great Teachers who have lived on earth, and were 1 enlightened and perceived the REALITY of the SOURCE of all BEING, 2 and have taught people from their exalted level of enlightenment. 3 4 They were lifted in spiritual Power to penetrate the dense veil of human 5 consciousness and perceive what truly lay beyond the world of ‘matter’ 6 – they saw, as clearly as previous mental conditioning would permit, the 7 basic unity of creation, within the realm of Creativity Itself. 8 9 One and all have, after transition into the next dimension of existence, 10 escaped the treadmill of reincarnation and moved on into ever higher 11 realms of individual pure spiritual consciousness to the portals of 12 UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS Itself. They have become Individualised 13 DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS possessing the power and the insight of 14 Divine Consciousness. 15 16 They, too, share in the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS as I said in an earlier 17 Letter. They combine the heights of Intelligent Love with the heights of 18 Loving Intelligence, combining the Power of Will with the Power of 19 Purpose. They are equally male and female in their drives. They are the 20 perfect demonstration of strength and nurturing. 21 22 They are the perfect EXAMPLE of what all men – and women – should 23 be striving to attain. 24 25 To attain to such perfection of being, the human spirit must set aside all 26 divisions and rivalry. Whoever may be your acclaimed Prophet, you can 27 be assured that he is LIFE ITSELF and powerful within the 28 Brotherhood of all great Teachers. Each Prophet, each Teacher has 29 perceived the same REALITY and lived in such a prayerful way as to 30 ensure he will eventually achieve the goal of every man – perfection in 31 Paradise. 32 33 It is vitally important you should understand this and realise that the 34 divisions you make between your Teachers are wholly erroneous, because 35 we are all united in our common SOURCE of BEING. We are a 36 Brotherhood of Beings of Life, each manifesting through our individuality 37 the highest TRUTH of our SOURCE of BEING. 38 Letter 4 132 We are equal in purity, power, beauty, grandeur of spirit and love. 1 2 THEREFORE, the ‘sheep’ of every religious persuasion – those who 3 have sufficiently evolved in spiritual understanding of the fundamental 4 unity in your SOURCE of BEING – should swiftly seek to unite in 5 equal brotherhood in your towns and countries and reach out and bond 6 with your spiritual brethren worldwide, irrespective of all that is taking 7 place in the external world. You should transcend all religious 8 differences, Christian, Muslim, Sufi, Jew, Israeli, Palestinian, Hindu, 9 Buddhist, etc. and regard yourselves as all being equally within the safe 10 haven of Universal Love and Universal Intelligent Protection – at peace 11 with yourselves, with each other and with those who are determined to 12 fight to a finish. 13 14 ONLY IN THIS WAY WILL YOUR PLANET SURVIVE THE 15 TURMOIL WHICH LIES AHEAD OF YOU. 16 17 I have also returned to all those who are neither Muslim nor Christian, 18 Buddhist nor Hindu. I have come to those who desire, nay long, to know 19 the Reality behind all existence. 20 21 I have told you that I came – in the persona of Jesus – to the Jews in 22 Palestine. I might well have said that I came to the Arabs in the persona 23 of Muhammad, since Muhammad and I are of one spirit. 24 25 To divide us into ‘persona’ having different names – JESUS and 26 MUHAMMAD, or MUHAMMAD and JESUS is the same as giving 27 identical twins different surnames because one teaches literature and the 28 other teaches maths. 29 30 We are both of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS, both individualisations of 31 DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS. 32 33 When on earth, we both spoke of a God of Love and Mercy according to 34 the way in which our humanity permitted us to perceive our inspired 35 knowledge from God. 36 37 38 Letter 4 133 You must bear in mind that we were both human beings who had been 1 deeply conditioned by our traditional beliefs inherited down the ages. 2 Therefore, our inspiration came to us through minds already possessed by 3 other ideas. 4 5 As I have previously told you, inspiration, unless directed into a clean, 6 deprogrammed mind, will always take on the overtones of convictions 7 derived from early childhood conditioning. The rational mind which takes 8 over when the inflow of inspiration ceases, begins to explain the new 9 knowledge and insight in terms of what is already accepted by the human 10 mind. 11 12 But, as I have already told you, I was a rebel almost from the outset of 13 my life and could not accept the Judaic beliefs. I was a clean, eagerly 14 receptive, openminded vessel into which the TRUTH OF EXISTENCE 15 could be poured in the desert, enabling me to see UNIVERSAL 16 CONSCIOUSNESS clearly. 17 18 Now our perceptions are of the very highest order – we are of one MIND, 19 one LIFE, one LOVE, reaching out equally to Muslim and Jew and 20 Christian, Buddhist and all people, atheist or agnostic. Our only motive in 21 calling to them is to bring them inspired heart-changing insight which will 22 enable them to recognise their essential underlying brotherhood in spirit, 23 encourage them to think new thoughts, relate to each other peacefully with 24 forgiveness in their hearts, and thereafter live their lives differently, drawing 25 LIGHT from their SOURCE of BEING. 26 27 We would both speak of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS to you who 28 are living in this present scientific age because you have travelled far 29 into scientific understanding and can now receive what we both have to 30 say. 31 32 Together we say with one voice – heed, listen: WE – and you on earth – are 33 all one at the very roots of our being. 34 35 Whatever destruction you hand out to others, you are also handing out to 36 yourselves. 37 38 Letter 4 134 I – WE – must make it clear that WE have come to all people of good 1 sense, good will and good heart, irrespective of their present race and 2 religious beliefs. WE embrace, love, draw you all into our consciousness 3 mantle of protection and safety. 4 5 WE are aware of your problems on earth at this present time. 6 7 WE are aware of the centuries-old conflict between Judaism and Islam. 8 9 But this rift has nothing to do with US. Your squabbles leave us unmoved. 10 Why jeopardise your own good, your own future felicity by fighting over 11 some concept which is meaningless and therefore without value? In reality, 12 you adhere to your chosen religions because, in the depths of your heart, 13 you are all reaching out to the SOURCE OF YOUR BEING, although you 14 call your SOURCE of BEING by different names. 15 16 We are both aware of the struggles of individual Jews to live a ‘good life’, 17 and of individuals of Islam to truly reverence and venerate Allah 18 throughout the day, attributing all they do and achieve to his power 19 working on their behalf, and of Christians immersed in their beliefs of 20 Salvation by the blood of Jesus – you are all striving to attain ‘goodness’ but 21 will never do so whilst you remain divided by your beliefs. 22 23 Once the maelstrom of the present world consciousness of mutual 24 aggression has been fully spent – the day will surely come when Muslim, 25 Jew, Christian, Buddhist and Hindu will gather together, rejecting their 26 differences in religious beliefs and mingling as one people, to give thanks to 27 DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS out of WHICH they have drawn their 28 being, and from WHICH will come all future boundless blessings of 29 beautiful, inspired and caring lives. 30 31 Together you will rebuild on old foundations and will say: ‘Let such a thing 32 never happen between people again, for now we know that at the roots of 33 our existence, we are truly one. When I make you suffer, I too am lessened 34 in Divine Life, and my own suffering will follow.’ WE, and the 35 BROTHERHOOD within CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS are also fully 36 aware of Buddhists and Hindus, followers of Tao, the spiritual adepts in the 37 Philippines, and every other sect and religious discipline in every country, 38 Letter 4 135 which is aimed at reaching and touching, even momentarily, the 1 equilibrium of their UNIVERSAL SOURCE of BEING. 2 3 We are aware of ALL. YOU are all encompassed within our Universal 4 Love, Compassion and Caring. YOU are all important to us, 5 irrespective of your beliefs, for you are all ONE at the grass roots of 6 your being – your souls are unified in Divine Consciousness. 7 8 One and ALL, you are unified and one at soul level within your 9 SOURCE of BEING. 10 11 If you catch a drop of rain in the palm of your hand, can you say that 12 because the droplet of rain has landed in YOUR hand, and because it has 13 separated from the rain that is falling to the ground, that the droplet is 14 different in ‘being’, chemical composition, and quality of purity or strength 15 from the rest of the rain presently falling around you? 16 17 You may touch your droplet with green dye, and make it green, but can you 18 say that that green droplet is entirely different to the rest of the rain falling 19 at that very moment? 20 21 You of good sense, good will, and good heart, sincere and true, will be able 22 to reply – no, the rain is not different. It is exactly the same in quality and 23 being as the rest of the rain; the only difference is that green, or red, or blue 24 dye has been added. Therefore, it has become something more than the rain 25 falling around us, but the droplet of rain in the palm of my hand is 26 basically the same as the rain. 27 28 Every one of you, no matter who you are, what colour skin you may 29 possess, what kind of hair adorns your head and protects it from the sun, 30 the shape of your head or body, the language you speak, the thoughts you 31 think, the kind of words you use, the actions and deeds you perform as a 32 result of your beliefs and your thoughts – no matter what your PHYSICAL 33 AND HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS DIFFERENCES – you are ALL, 34 exactly the same as each other, of the same quality, begotten of the same 35 SOURCE OF BEING, having the same potential in infinity, the same 36 spiritual capacities in infinity in every respect. The only difference between 37 every one of you, Muslim Arab, Russian Jew, American Christian, Tibetan 38 Letter 4 136 Buddhist, Indian Hindu, are the additives which have been pumped into 1 each of you as a result of your genetics derived from your parentage and 2 race, environment, family upbringing, family resources poor or wealthy, 3 education, and opportunities in life. 4 5 BUT – these are ALL superficials. They are additives masking your Reality 6 you call your soul even as dye will mask the truth concerning the drop of 7 water in the palm of your hand. Your soul comes directly from Divine 8 Consciousness and remains itself, pristine and pure, and unified in Divine 9 Consciousness with all other souls, despite all the additives which have 10 covered and corroded it since birth. 11 12 You must also realise that everyone is born with differing human capacities 13 to make use of the additives pumped into them at birth. The human 14 capacities to be utilised by each soul depend on the spiritual progress it 15 made in previous lives. 16 17 Some people climb out of deep holes of disadvantages, depression and 18 despair and achieve high positions of trust and respect, wielding much 19 influence over others – and some people fall from dizzying heights of 20 advantage, wealth, opportunity, and talents, into black holes of despair and 21 depression, drug taking, murder, rape, and whatever. 22 23 Nevertheless, for all that you have each made – or not made – of your 24 opportunities or your lack of them, you all remain fundamentally and 25 basically of the same ‘beingness’ and potential. You are ALL able to rise up, 26 little by little, from whatever spiritual level of consciousness you presently 27 occupy to the heights of DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS within the Celestial 28 Kingdoms. 29 30 As you accept these Letters as being the TRUTH of EXISTENCE and 31 seek, daily, to live the guidelines which will bring each of you into harmony 32 and contact with THAT WHICH GAVE YOU BEING – you will surely 33 move towards and achieve the highest spiritual goals you have set yourself at 34 this present time. You can all rise to the point where you fully accept the 35 TRUTH, work to purify your personal consciousness in order to absorb 36 DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS, and become individuals filled with – and 37 38 Letter 4 137 radiating – the Power of Divine Consciousness in your immediate 1 surroundings and eventually throughout the world. 2 3 YOU are ALL important within your immediate environment. 4 5 The parent who feels that all that is done for the family is not appreciated, 6 who feels that he/she does not make an impact on family life, is never 7 heard, respected, loved, who feels that outside the home or in the workplace 8 he/she is of no consequence and will not be missed, is lacking insight. Such 9 a person, be they male, female, father, mother, friend, worker, employer, all 10 make an impact on their environment. If they were removed from it, there 11 would be a hole in the fabric of the environment, there would be loss, and 12 it would take time for that gap to be filled in with the arrival of someone 13 else and by new activities of those left behind. 14 15 A void is left by the biggest Power and Voice, Doer of good, or the most 16 menial worker sweeping the floor or garden paths. Each one inhabits a 17 special place in the whole environment. Each one brings their own talent, 18 their own character, their own way of doing things, their own impact on 19 the people they speak to, to the place where they live or work. They are 20 vital in their own niche. 21 22 No one can rob a person of their importance, except the person himself 23 by his denial of his value. 24 25 No matter if a person is born handicapped – they still have their unique 26 place of importance in the family, the environment. Sometimes, they 27 occupy a greater position of importance than if they had been born whole 28 and perfect. Their achievements arouse wonder and respect. 29 30 The impact they make on the environment depends entirely on their will to 31 be, their will to act, their will to radiate good will, their will to make the 32 most of their opportunities, their will to be special for people by making 33 other people feel better than they did before the contact took place. 34 35 Every condition arises out of the WILL which is exercised at all times. 36 37 38 Letter 4 138 Some have been born with great willpower, others with less, but the 1 moment that a person fully realises that all WILLPOWER has been drawn 2 from UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS and WILLPOWER can be 3 increased by calling on one’s SOURCE of BEING for increased willpower, 4 so does the person begin to realise that willpower is not limited after all. It 5 can be drawn, according to the magnitude and strength of one’s faith, from 6 UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS Itself. 7 8 Each and every one of each gender, every race, nation, religion, every level 9 of resources and income, from pauper to King, is equally important in the 10 moment of NOW, in the moment of end of day. 11 12 True differences only arise from what each person gives of himself to 13 this moment, the next moment, and the rest of the day. 14 15 A King or Prime Minister can be remembered for his goodness, the benefits 16 he brought his country, or for the misery he imposed on the people. 17 Similarly, a man born into an impoverished family, who may not have 18 developed his abilities to any high level, but who gave his all in his service 19 to his environment, will eventually be as revered by kin and friends – and 20 in the next life reap of his sowing as does the King or Prime Minister. 21 22 Such a person will have contributed ‘life’ to his environment, because 23 the nature of life force is unconditional love and service, work and 24 harmony, giving whatever is necessary for the fulfilment of the needs of 25 another. 26 27 If, each day, your life force is spent in just giving a cup of tea to people who 28 are sick, then let that life force be spent in its highest form: as eager 29 willingness to walk to the patient with a warm smile, and hand over the tea 30 with kindness, goodwill, and a desire for the healing of the person. 31 32 In such a way, a tea-giver can become a radiant medium of healing and 33 upliftment. 34 35 The more frequently the tea-giver calls silently for an inflow of Divine 36 Consciousness into her own consciousness, the greater and more 37 penetrating will be her radiated life force to the patient. The sick person 38 Letter 4 139 may not be aware of what is happening, but a room of sick people attended 1 by such a tea-giver, or carer, will recover more swiftly than those who 2 receive their tea from one who hands it to them without a glance of 3 recognition, without a word, without a kindly thought. 4 5 No, each job, each moment, can be sacred and beautiful, radiant with the 6 inflow of Divine Consciousness life force, uplifting, healing to the self and 7 others, if a person takes time to realise he/she is a channel of Divine 8 Consciousness which is itself all healing, all protection, all fulfilment of a 9 person’s every need. 10 11 One person, even one who cleans the floors and empties bed pans, 12 possessing such a realisation can enter a room and become the most 13 important – perhaps, the only – distributor of good amongst six people 14 handing out bed pans. Such a person can leave behind a legacy of increased 15 strength in every patient. Every single person who realises that from their 16 eyes is radiated potent life force to those at whom the vision is directed, 17 can know that their glance, that penetrating look, that smiling gaze, has 18 benefited the one who received it. 19 20 For everything we – yes, you and I, the CHRIST, think and do is an act of 21 consciousness – and consciousness is life force. With the activity of our 22 minds, yours and mine, we shape our consciousness, our life force into 23 different forms which will bless or curse the environment. 24 25 The only difference between you and Muhammad and myself, known 26 on earth as Jesus, is the kind of thought and feeling that Muhammad 27 and I radiate to others. We both radiate life-giving consciousness energy 28 to the world. 29 30 What are you radiating in your world? 31 32 Remember again, how, during a time of great stress during my time in 33 Palestine, I cursed the fig tree, and it shrivelled to its roots. Not long 34 afterwards I was also roundly cursed by Roman soldiers and Jewish priests 35 alike. I, too, was shrivelled to my roots before I died on the cross. Beware 36 what you hand out to others; make certain that you would like to receive 37 the same. 38 Letter 4 140 A cup of water handed to someone with love can bless and uplift that 1 person or, if handed out with ill-feeling can make the recipient feel 2 small and of no account – a little weaker and more depressed. 3 4 What part are you playing in your environment? Are you honoured and 5 recognised for the love and goodwill you distribute the moment you set 6 foot in your work place? Have you caught a vision of what is really 7 important in life? 8 9 Have you set yourself a spiritual plan, a spiritual goal to be achieved before 10 you pass on into the next beautiful dimension? 11 12 Will you be sufficiently purified and committed to unconditional loving 13 to move into the higher levels of spiritual consciousness – 14 15 or will your goals still be those of your earth plane? 16 17 Ask yourself: What part do you really want to play in your environment? 18 What is your spiritual destination? 19 20 Just as importantly, what are your attitudes towards other people – 21 superiority and exclusivity – or an awareness that most people are doing the 22 best they can with whatever talents they possess? 23 24 To reach your full potential you must realise that neither position nor 25 wealth can limit the power you exercise in the world. Your only 26 limitations are your attitudes and thoughts arising from your attitudes. 27 28 The life force radiated from the mind of a King, Prime Minister, 29 General, or lowly servant or soldier, is equally powerful and productive 30 of good in the environment, providing each one disciplines his thoughts 31 to become attuned to the spiritual frequencies of unconditional love 32 and Divine Consciousness. Furthermore, such thoughts enter and 33 enhance the world consciousness force itself. Each person adding their 34 spiritual thought to world spiritual thought strengthens it. 35 36 37 38 Letter 4 141 The only factor which determines the degree of imparting of life-or-sickness 1 propensities is the level of realisation and spiritual understanding that a 2 person has drawn from the SOURCE of BEING. 3 4 Therefore, the man who happily removes the neighbourhood refuse with a 5 good heart and a blessing on all whom he meets, is a bright light shining in 6 his little world, and the moneygrasping, ill-tempered man of wealth and 7 substance emerging from his mansion to go to his office, is a pool of 8 darkness which can be felt negatively by those who venture near him. 9 10 No matter what you do, what you possess, the position you occupy in life, 11 there is no limit to your potential development for good. There is no limit 12 to the potential grandeur and glory of your being. Your only limitation is 13 the amount of time and energy you are prepared to devote to meditating on 14 your SOURCE of BEING and opening your human consciousness to enter 15 into IT and receive IT into your mind. 16 17 Therefore, religious leaders, revere your congregations, because you do not 18 know what spiritual insight and progress is taking place in the minds of 19 those who may appear to be very humble and of no account socially. 20 21 Religious leaders, cease your criticism of other religions because you do not 22 know the heights of spiritual knowledge, insight and enlightenment their 23 adherents may have attained. 24 25 Religious leaders, realise that you, yourselves, are only as spiritually 26 advanced as is your personal perception of Reality. 27 28 If you have no perception of what lies beyond the veil of your material 29 world – you may be religious, but you do not have a spiritual 30 consciousness. 31 32 This is the true ideal, the true aspiration, the highest goal – to 33 understand and experience the Reality behind and within all things 34 giving them their individual being. 35 36 37 38 Letter 4 142 You may call the Reality – God, Allah, Jehovah, Infinite Intelligence, 1 Divine Mind or Divine Consciousness, or the Tao. All these names mean 2 the SOURCE of your BEING – your CREATIVE ORIGINS. 3 4 YOU CAN HAVE NO HIGHER ASPIRATION THAN THIS – to 5 understand and experience the Reality behind and within all things – 6 giving, maintaining and sustaining all individual being. 7 8 This was the goal presented to you by every enlightened Teacher who 9 has come to earth. 10 11 They all shared the same vision, the same realisation and understanding. 12 Such Teachers were held in high esteem, but few of their followers 13 understood what they were being taught. Each man placed his own 14 interpretation on the Teacher’s words. Each man’s interpretation arose out 15 of his personal conditioning and bias. 16 17 In your personal lives, remember at all times, that your thoughts, words, 18 deeds, not only have a bearing on your future life, but also affect the people 19 with whom you are relating at any moment. 20 21 What are you, employer or employee, personally contributing to the 22 successful operation of the business in which you earn your daily bread – be 23 it factory, farm, shop or professional office? What are you giving to your 24 employees or fellow workers in well-being and good feeling, what are you 25 doing for the entire building? ‘For the building’? you may ask in 26 amazement. 27 28 But I repeat – what are you doing for your building, your vehicles, your 29 entire business venture? 30 31 Everything – bricks, mortar, steel, glass, paper, metal, tyres, engines and 32 petrol, is permeated with the consciousness you exude as you go about your 33 daily affairs. This is the reason why some people leave a trail of destruction 34 behind them, because they have an ill-humoured, irritable, critical, 35 destructive consciousness, and others keep their possessions intact and 36 looking new for years because they appreciate and cherish them daily. 37 38 Letter 4 143 Everything on your earth is the energy of consciousness made visible – be it 1 in the form of ‘solid’ inanimate matter or living plasma. With your 2 thoughts, you feed or destroy whatever is in your environment. 3 4 What are you doing to your family, home, and environment? 5 6 Are you grumbling, denigrating, destructive in thought towards your 7 work and other people? Then rest assured, you are leaving a little trail 8 of destructive consciousness behind you which will help erode all that it 9 penetrates and imbues. 10 11 If you focus on the desire to love, to accept, to work with gladness in your 12 heart, then everywhere you go you are shedding a consciousness of 13 strength, blessing and growth. 14 15 When I was on earth in Palestine, I was dealing with Orthodox Jews who 16 believed in and upheld codes of conduct so rigid they bordered on cruelty; 17 their traditional laws were inhibiting, depressing, confining and ridiculous. 18 I brought to these people a new vision of an eternal ‘Father’ which was 19 both transcendent to themselves – and yet everywhere present – ever aware 20 of their needs, and of such universal love that they could rest assured it was 21 always the ‘Father’s Will’ to fulfill those needs. 22 23 I told the people to look around them, look at the countryside, at the hills 24 where sheep and goats grazed in peace, at the lakes filled with fish, and at 25 the birds flying in the air and resting and nesting in trees, and the flowers 26 so gorgeously clothed in many colours. 27 28 I told them: ‘Look – understand what you are seeing. You are seeing a 29 world where everything has its needs, and everything has those needs 30 fulfilled. How can you doubt when you see the sheep living entirely on 31 grass? What does the grass contain that it feeds fleece, bone, blood and flesh 32 and produces young? Are you not witnessing a marvel of supply? Look at 33 the needs of birds how wonderfully they are provided for. They have shelter 34 in trees and seeds for strength. As for people who have their needs of 35 housing, food and clothes, the ‘Father’ has given them the entire world 36 from which to fulfill their needs.’ 37 38 Letter 4 144 Muhammad, after enlightenment perceived the same indwelling universal 1 Spirit, both existent and active in all things. We – Muhammad and I spoke 2 to our fellow countrymen of the same inspired Truth and asked them the 3 same kind of questions. ‘Is such an all-knowing ‘Father’ - ‘Allah’ - Divine 4 Consciousness not also aware of your deeper needs – your needs of love, 5 health, and prosperity? How can you doubt this? Only have faith, and your 6 needs will be supplied according to your faith.’ 7 8 It is your lack of faith which withdraws energy from the natural flow of 9 ‘Father’ - ‘Allah’ - Love in your bodies, relationships and lives. 10 11 So often in despair, when on earth in the person of Jesus, I 12 exclaimed: ‘Would that I could tell you and show you and make you see 13 how it is that the ‘Father’ knows your needs. Would I could show you how 14 you, yourselves, contribute to the making of your own tomorrows, and the 15 tomorrows of all those who surround you. If only I could help you see that 16 you truly reap as you sow! If only you could see the Truth of Existence as I 17 saw it when in the desert in Palestine. You would know then that your 18 thoughts and actions grow in magnitude and strength, day by day, and take 19 on outer form exactly as the seeds of plants go into the earth and grow, 20 taking on ever greater outer form of stems, leaves and fruit, as each day 21 passes after another. 22 23 ‘I would if I could show you how important you are every second of the 24 day, in the fabric of your home, your work and your country. 25 26 ‘I long to help you see how your thoughts are the origin of all your good 27 and evil. They are the very ground of your good and evil. If it be that evil 28 comes to you, do not look at your neighbour to see from whence has come 29 that evil – look within your own hearts and see when last you were at odds 30 with someone, destructively – by slander, falsifying truth, rejection, 31 criticism. That was the moment of the birth of your present grief! 32 33 ‘You have been told that you must wrest an eye from whoever takes your 34 eye but I tell you that this is foolish. If you have your eye gouged from its 35 socket, and you likewise take your opponent’s eye, you will probably find 36 yourself shortly without a hand and leg. Better to stand stock still, raise 37 38 Letter 4 145 your mind and heart to the ‘Father’ - ‘Allah’ - Divine Consciousness and 1 pray for help and healing and protection from any greater calamity! 2 3 ‘And pray too for your adversary because any ill-feeling you have towards 4 him, will only draw more pain and distress towards yourself. Forgive him, 5 pray for him, and you will bring into being, blessings for yourself. Not 6 because you have ‘pleased’ the ‘Father’ - ‘Allah’ – and ‘done the right 7 thing’ – but because your consciousness will attract blessings into your 8 experience. You will be truly blessing yourself as you pray for blessings for 9 others. But let not this be your motive, otherwise the blessing is tainted by 10 your self-regard. 11 12 ‘Always, in any situation when you are threatened – stop, stand, turn and 13 call on the ‘Father’ - Divine Consciousness for help – and watch the 14 deliverance. It will surely come. 15 16 ‘I tell you beyond all fear of contradiction that if any of you will live in the 17 protection of the ‘Father’ - ‘Allah’ - Divine Consciousness by radiating 18 goodwill and love to everyone in your life and country, and even your so-19 called enemies, you will never be attacked, you will never know sorrow, you 20 will never be subject to any of the human ailments and misfortunes which 21 the human consciousness creates. 22 23 ‘You will be enfolded in a mantle of Light and Love ... Divine 24 Consciousness will flow into your mind, your body and your life. People 25 may be falling ill around you, felled by an attack, or ‘drowning’ in an agony 26 of fear, but you will walk the same path conscious that no one has the least 27 human power against the POWER – the SOURCE of your BEING – 28 which has given you your own being and life on earth. 29 30 ‘Not one may dare deny this statement, since none who would want to 31 deny it, has reached the level of spiritual consciousness where such 32 protection is a normal occurrence. Therefore how can they deny this 33 statement?’ 34 35 And I speak the self-same truth to those who have reached the level of 36 spiritual consciousness which perceives the universality of the ‘Father’ - 37 ‘Allah’ - Divine Consciousness, and Its abundant love radiated to all and 38 Letter 4 146 everyone. Such spiritual adepts strive to live within and radiate that love – 1 and will gladly confirm that this is a truth I have stated. They will have 2 experienced the miraculous protection and fulfilment of need and will 3 know they can relax in the ‘sun’ of the ‘Father’ - ‘Allah’ - Divine 4 Consciousness goodwill and love. They will also be happy to accept that 5 Divine Consciousness called by any other name – God, Jahveh, the 6 Absolute, Infinite, Allah, always remains the universal inter-penetrating 7 Divine Consciousness despite all the differing terminologies used by 8 various nations. They will have reached that level of spiritual awareness 9 when they can perceive that behind all colour, language, beliefs, actions of 10 whatever kind, all people – all creation itself – is one at the grass roots of 11 their being. Man and ant share the same origins within the equilibrium of 12 UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS. 13 14 THIS IS TRUE FREEDOM. The only freedom. 15 16 Until you are prepared to realise and accept that your SOURCE of BEING 17 within you, and above and around you, can indeed flow into your mind 18 and body DIRECTLY IN RESPONSE TO PRAYER, you will be subject to 19 all the ailments of the earthly and human consciousness. 20 21 When you steal, you will lose things also. When you fight, and wound, 22 maim and kill, you will be maimed, wounded or killed in body and or 23 spirit. When you start a war, it will be a long and bitter struggle. Everything 24 evil you endure, you have been the original cause of it. 25 26 Yours is the ability to choose the way you wish to live in future. You choose 27 the way you will live by changing your consciousness from antagonism to 28 love and acceptance of everyone equally. 29 30 If you imagine the damage and hurt you would like to inflict on 31 another, your thought will reach your enemy and will erode their strength 32 according to the intensity of your intention. 33 34 Do not think that your thought has dissolved and is no more. It rests in 35 electromagnetic strength, taking on form until it rebounds to harm you 36 also. 37 38 Letter 4 147 You can do much damage with your thinking and feeling. Damage to 1 others and damage to yourself. Therefore, guard them – the tools of your 2 creativity – well, and at all times turn to the ‘Father’ - ‘Allah’ - Divine 3 Consciousness, and ask for relief from any thought which is contrary to 4 true unconditional love. According to the power of your prayer and the 5 sincere faith in which you raise your mind to Divine Consciousness, your 6 thoughts will be imbued with new life and love. 7 8 9 2. Man and Woman are Two Equal Halves of One 10 Whole 11 12 What We – the Brotherhood of Illuminates – the Enlightened Ones – in 13 CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS – are about to tell you is of vital 14 importance to the world generally. We speak equally – to Christian, 15 Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and to every religion, and every race of 16 the world. We speak to all – because each and every one in the world 17 needs this instruction to make it possible for you to move on to higher 18 levels of spiritual awareness. 19 20 Your personal and sexual relationships between men and women are of 21 far more importance to your overall well-being than you can presently 22 even imagine. 23 24 We deal with these relationships at length in the following pages, only 25 because it is absolutely imperative – vital – for you men and women to 26 wake up to the basic reality of your male or female individuality – and 27 identity – and true source of gender differences. 28 29 You must fully understand the true origins of your male and female 30 bodies and characteristics. 31 32 They are not just bodies created with differing physical organs and modes 33 of sexual expression in order to create children. They draw the origins of 34 their masculinity or femininity from their very SOURCE of BEING – 35 from within the equilibrium of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS. 36 37 38 Letter 4 148 [ I am telling you this before you read Letter 5 so that you will study 1 that Letter bearing in mind what I am telling you now about your sexuality. ] 2 3 Therefore, if the sexuality of a man and woman is not used in conformity 4 with the Divine Consciousness Intention expressed in the original act of 5 creativity at the time of the ‘Big Bang’, it is obvious that although the 6 sexuality may produce children, it will not bring to men and women the 7 unity of being and personal fulfilment and joy it was meant to bring. In 8 fact, the reverse is true; eventually the sexual act itself brings 9 disappointment and satiation, after which any ‘love’ previously felt by 10 partners, drains away. With knowledge and understanding, spiritually based 11 men and women will make every attempt to transcend their present state of 12 consciousness in regard to male-female relationships of any kind, no matter 13 what those relationships may be, sexual or otherwise. They will strive to 14 express within their minds and hearts the purposes for which they were 15 created in different forms. They will understand the origins of their 16 differing innate impulses, temperaments, and modes of self-expression, and 17 will value them. They will use their differences to enhance the well-being 18 of each other. Competition will disappear. As this happens, they will tune 19 into Divine Consciousness ever more easily. As they tune into Divine 20 Consciousness ever more easily, so will they ascend into higher levels of 21 spiritual consciousness. 22 23 At the moment, your approach to your sexuality is your barrier to your 24 ascension in consciousness. 25 26 It roots you in your humanhood. 27 28 I – We – cannot emphasize sufficiently that you have not discovered the 29 Truth of your existence until you have fully understood and sought to 30 implement in your daily lives, in your homes and workplace, your full 31 comprehension of the true meaning of ‘man’ and ‘woman’. 32 33 You have been told that you must not commit adultery. But I tell you 34 that when you desire your neighbour’s wife or husband, you are making 35 pictures in your thoughts which will affect the thinking of your neighbour’s 36 wife or husband. He or she will begin to think about you in the same way – 37 38 Letter 4 149 or will feel uncomfortable in your company, feeling your sexual need, and 1 will avoid you in future. 2 3 What is in your mind will surely come into being in the world. So do not 4 fool yourself that you can daydream and conjure up pictures pleasing to 5 yourself which will damage no one else. For this reason, your pornography 6 literature is truly a blasphemous desecration of your SOURCE of BEING – 7 it is a sexual scourge deliberately whipping up sexual appetites, releasing 8 through lustful men’s minds, untold suffering and misery on the bodies, 9 minds and emotions of female young. What you have perpetrated and are 10 presently doing has helped bring your ‘civilisation’ to its present edge of 11 destruction. Rest assured, the day of reckoning will come for you who 12 publish and distribute the ‘printed sickness’ and it will come for those who 13 use it to arouse themselves. 14 15 You, in the Western world, have earned the contempt of the East due to 16 your decadent foolishness. You will not escape what you have sown. 17 18 And you of the East will not escape your foolishness in your callous 19 attitudes towards your women who bear and raise your sons and precious 20 daughters. 21 22 Some of you, in ignorance of Truth, for your own selfish purposes and 23 gain, have made a mockery of the Truth of Muhammad! 24 25 You have shrouded your women in heavy garments, denying them freedom 26 of movement and of Allah’s fresh air as they venture out amongst other 27 people. 28 29 To what kind of man will your beliefs and your irrational, ego-centric 30 behaviour appeal? Only to men who have no kindly feeling for women. Is it 31 such followers that your Prophet Muhammad would have attracted when he 32 was on earth? No, indeed, he appealed only to the most spiritually minded 33 of people. 34 35 What kind of imagery or picture of your Prophet are you sending out to the 36 rest of the world? 37 38 Letter 4 150 I will tell you – of a man demented and obsessed by the lowly state of the 1 female sex, who regarded a woman as a man’s possession to be imprisoned 2 from the world. 3 4 A man unaware of a woman’s true needs to be happy, a man oblivious of 5 her misery in the captive, subjected state. 6 7 This man has nothing whatever to do with the true Muhammad, the 8 Prophet of Islam. 9 10 When on earth, he revered and respected the female sex. 11 12 It was from the female of the species he derived the means to move forward 13 on his spiritual path to enlightenment. He owed them much and knew that, 14 although they were different in body, they were equal in spirit. 15 16 In fact, it was no accident that he came to earth, poor and deprived, to 17 meet a lady of extreme virtue, material wealth, and spiritual insight, to 18 help raise him up to the stature of Prophet when he was fitted to fill it. 19 20 That was the purpose behind Muhammad’s coming to earth – to restore 21 woman to her rightful place – as equal partner of dominant man. 22 23 Consider this well. After enlightenment, I, in the person of Jesus, 24 became celibate because I chose to do so, but this in no way interfered 25 with my love for the women who ministered to my needs. 26 27 But Muhammad, after enlightenment ‘knew’ many women and his 28 ministry was of one who was called upon to learn how to live and deal 29 with women equitably and with love. 30 31 Just as expediency caused my followers to report my doings and teachings 32 selectively to promote their own purposes, so has the selfishness of certain 33 spiritually blind individuals caused them to distort Muhammad’s original 34 teaching with numerous additions and interpretations never intended by 35 Muhammad. In such a way is every great spiritual Teacher’s work overlaid 36 by the misinformation of human thought, until the Truth is so shrouded in 37 38 Letter 4 151 fallacies that people are led seriously astray and even caused to sin in 1 ignorance. 2 3 Because you and certain other religions have strongly adhered to the belief 4 in Adam and Eve created to live in happiness in the Garden of Eden, of 5 Eve’s temptation by the serpent, her fall from grace and her temptation of 6 Adam, man has been encouraged to perceive woman as the great temptress. 7 8 The imagined origins of human kind are not true. They are merely 9 allegories. 10 11 Neither is it true that woman is the great temptress. 12 13 For eunuchs, the woman has no appeal. Why is this? Because that which 14 impels a man to lie with a woman is removed. Therefore, in whom is the 15 tempter? In man himself – and can be physically removed from him – or in 16 the woman who remains herself despite all? 17 18 Man has been made expressly to plant the seed. Therefore, to plant the 19 seed he must – wherever he sees the opportunity. 20 21 Woman has been made to receive the seed. In past years, before the 20th 22 century, women were sexually dormant until seduced by men. Where then, 23 the tempter? In men, the arousers and seducers, or in women, the seduced, 24 and aroused? 25 26 Man has been hiding from his own masculine nature in the name of purity 27 and placing the responsibility for his downfall on woman. Is this a sacred 28 activity? Is it worthy? Should it continue? 29 30 WE speak to those of you who profess to adhere to the Muslim faith and 31 who believe you are ‘sinless’ or of ‘pure mind’ because you have shrouded 32 your women in heavy clothes to protect yourselves from temptation and 33 prevent other men from seeing your ‘possessions’. How greatly are you 34 misled by your own passions. 35 36 By being protected from the exercise of your human desires, they only 37 increase until they break out in some virulent, brutal form. 38 Letter 4 152 I – We – say to men and women everywhere – true Purity is only 1 attained when you can be surrounded with every form of temptation 2 and yet remain untouched by desire, unmoved by earthly feelings, 3 untainted by earthly lusts, free of craving and longing for possession. 4 5 Purity in its every form transcends all earthly physical hungers. Purity 6 is the ability to see temptation for what it is – grossness of thought and 7 feeling which traps the senses of men and women into doing unclean 8 things. A truly pure person desires only the clean and honest 9 environment suited to their innate longing for spiritual love and beauty 10 of self expression in every facet of their lives. That is true Purity. 11 12 However, true purity cannot be achieved unless there have first been the 13 long years of temptation. It is a necessary part of your spiritual 14 development; unless you have been sorely tempted at times, and have 15 eventually come to understand that there is a higher road to walk, a road of 16 self-denial, and of sincere concern and caring for a good woman, you will 17 never attain a state of true purity. 18 19 You will be enslaved by desire and will be in a constant turmoil of inner 20 conflict. 21 22 Therefore, do not avoid temptation by covering women and living in 23 artificial conditions of pseudo purity. Rather – men and women, remove 24 your clothes, revere each other’s bodies as the outer visible beautiful forms 25 of the inner DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS and experience the release that 26 true spiritual purity will bring you. 27 28 Suffer grievous temptation – and overcome! Take your conflict to Divine 29 Consciousness and seek Its power to help you overcome your physical 30 longing, for only in this way will you find the freedom, the peace of mind, 31 you are basically seeking. 32 33 If, at the moment, you seek relief and release of your craving by giving way 34 to it, that is no freedom or release. The self-same craving will return in due 35 course – and once again you will know the searing conflict. If again you 36 give way – again the conflict, even more intense, awaits your decision to 37 stand firm in the power of Divine Consciousness until the craving is 38 Letter 4 153 finally subdued by perceiving the sacred beauty, the Reality behind and 1 within all physical form. 2 3 The highest spirituality between the sexes is when man and woman can 4 be together naked and at peace together, in a state of mutual reverence 5 of soul, mind, heart, and body. 6 7 In such spirituality, all they feel for each other is love and regard for the 8 well-being of the other. 9 10 Out of such LOVE and compassionate tender CARING will come a 11 union of ecstatic being that few have experienced – and, if intended, a 12 child of incomparable beauty of body and mind will be conceived. 13 14 In the centuries ahead, when people have begun to evolve spiritually on 15 every level of their humanhood, such a love between partners will be 16 normal – and the kind of selfish sex, seeking only physical satisfaction, as 17 indulged in at this present time, will be regarded as utterly degrading – as 18 abhorrent as rape. 19 20 At the present time, the highest spiritual way to follow in regard to the 21 sexes, is to acknowledge and abide by the perception, that: 22 23 Men and women were created to perform special tasks in life suited to their 24 underlying natures. 25 26 The man impregnates the woman. Without the woman’s good will and 27 help, the man would go to the end of his days – childless – without a 28 human being to carry on his name. 29 30 Therefore the man should treat a woman as wholly equal but born to 31 carry different responsibilities. He should give her the highest respect, 32 and love and care – at all times – to enable her to carry her burdens with 33 greater ease, for it is she who gives visible form to what is first 34 conceived in mind. 35 36 When a woman receives a sperm which unites with her ovum within the 37 recesses of her body, a miracle is wrought to which you, the man, have done 38 Letter 4 154 nothing to contribute, other than your sperm in a moment of delight – in 1 which is your reward. 2 3 You can only contribute to the continued health and normal development 4 of the ‘miracle’ you have given life to in your partner’s body, by your 5 unfailing, caring love for her well-being and health, and protecting her 6 from all emotional and external harm. This is your masculine responsibility. 7 8 Only in this way do you deserve to remain at her side as father of her 9 child. 10 11 If you fail in this, you have no value as father to the child – and have no 12 value to yourself as a man born to manifest your spiritual ‘Divine 13 Consciousness Father’ within your physical life. 14 15 A man who harasses a woman carrying his child, who treats her with 16 contempt, who offers harsh and brutal words and physical treatment, is 17 breaking the most fundamental Law of Existence in which male and female 18 should be united in equality of Divine Beingness. 19 20 Women who are respected and loved and protected should equally respect 21 and love and offer refreshment of spirit and body to her partner, nurturing 22 his capacity for giving of himself to her. A woman who does not nurture 23 her partner with caring, tenderness and love, is depriving his masculine 24 spirit of the will to endure in face of difficulties he encounters in the 25 external world. 26 27 He will seek his solace from another source – men or women – drink or 28 drugs – or by isolating himself within the household, of use neither to 29 partner nor children. Therefore, men and women have an equal 30 responsibility to cherish each other. 31 32 Just as the Man must learn to channel, daily, the ‘Father Aspect’ of Divine 33 Consciousness towards family and work, so must Woman learn to express 34 the ‘Mother Aspect’ of Divine Consciousness in her daily life. 35 36 Those who deny this Truth will be denied access to the Celestial 37 Kingdoms until they have increased their spiritual perception, and 38 Letter 4 155 prayerfully changed their attitudes. Only when their vision is lifted 1 above the earthly human perception of ‘male and female’ – and beyond 2 their earthly desires and ego-drive – to the Reality out of which they 3 have drawn their ‘being’, will they escape the wheel of reincarnation 4 and find entrance to the ultimate Joy and Glory. 5 6 If, within a culture, a woman is regarded only as a ‘possession’, an object of 7 a man’s desires, and not treated as a woman, absolutely equal with a man, 8 such a culture has not understood the true nature of man and the true 9 nature of woman. 10 11 Man and woman are two equal halves of one whole. 12 13 When single and alone the man is manifesting but one aspect of 14 his SOURCE OF BEING, and when woman lives alone and single, she also 15 manifests but one aspect of her SOURCE of BEING. 16 17 18 3. Divine Intention of Universal Consciousness 19 20 The DIVINE INTENTION of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS was to 21 express ITS own wholeness through creation by individualising, in physical 22 form, each of the two equally balanced aspects of ITSELF and then 23 bringing them together again in physical form, to experience the unity and 24 wholeness of DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS from which they originally 25 took their individuality. 26 27 As they come together in love and unity of spirit and body, they discover 28 the joy and ecstasy of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS in equilibrium. 29 30 [ This entire process is clearly set out in Letters 5 and 7. ] 31 32 Therefore, the combination of the masculinity of the man and the 33 femininity of the woman is essential to make a ‘whole’ drawn from the 34 SOURCE of BEING. Out of this combination is formed a whole child. 35 36 37 38 Letter 4 156 4. Intention 1 2 When I was in the desert in Palestine, I first perceived that the over-riding 3 nature of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS Creativity, our SOURCE of 4 BEING was INTENTION. 5 6 The Intention to create, plan and design – and then to bring forth that 7 design by growing it, feeding, healing, protecting, and fulfilling its every 8 need in a disciplined manner. 9 10 Both male and female have been evolved in physical form and consciousness 11 to experience – 12 13 INTENTION and express it in all ways possible in their lives. This is 14 the very first act of creativity. Without INTENTION there would be no 15 CREATION. 16 17 INTENTION is the origin of – and permeates – the whole of existence. 18 19 INTENTION defines the nature of the deed – loving or destructive. 20 21 The male and female have been individualised to experience and formulate 22 INTENTION in their lives. 23 24 This is the very first impulse of creativity. 25 26 27 5. Willpower 28 29 Male and female have also been individualised to experience and express 30 WILLPOWER. 31 32 WILLPOWER in the MALE is experienced and expressed primarily as 33 Activity. In primitive forms – he moves out into the environment to fulfill 34 his intention. Therefore, he dons the robes of the leader and quester. He 35 was individualised to think and work to fulfill his purposes without the 36 encumbrance of emotions. 37 38 Letter 4 157 WILLPOWER in the FEMALE is motivated and experienced primarily as 1 Feeling – the Need to Nurture the original INTENTION and bring it, 2 purposefully to full term – fruition – through the process of caring, feeding, 3 clothing, repairing, teaching, protecting. 4 5 6 6. Purpose 7 8 PURPOSE is entirely different to INTENTION since purpose comes 9 down from the mental plane of intention and becomes an emotional drive, 10 a desire to formulate ‘a means to achieve the intended end’. 11 12 A ‘powerful INTENTION to do something’ becomes a PURPOSE 13 behind continued existence. In this way, thought and feeling are married 14 to perform the work of creation. 15 16 The male is constantly roaming seeking new ideas, new ways to fulfill his 17 intentions to give him purpose in life. 18 19 The female’s intentions are ‘purpose personified’, sensitive and stable, 20 prepared to make sacrifices for the loved ones. 21 22 23 7. The Two Basic Impulses Expressed as Male and 24 Female 25 26 Therefore, the two basic IMPULSES within the SOURCE of BEING – 27 expressed in physical form as male and female – are inter-dependent. 28 One could not survive without the other. Both are needed for the 29 continuity of creation. 30 31 Because of his masculine mobility, his leadership drive, the male has 32 considered himself superior to the female. This is because she remains 33 stable, creating security for the male. But the feminine drive is the drive 34 of unconditional love, the drive worthy of the highest respect and 35 consideration to enable her to flourish and perform her innate purpose 36 within the household in peace of mind and joy. 37 38 Letter 4 158 The man’s role is to provide physical security and material means of 1 subsistence for the family. 2 3 The woman’s role is to provide emotional security and the emotional means 4 of personal fulfilment and joy within the family environment. 5 6 In the past, in the East and West, the male has exercised his role of 7 dominance within the home, making the woman subservient and obedient 8 to his will. In so doing, he has bent and distorted the energies of Divine 9 Consciousness and channelled them through his mind and heart into a 10 bent civilisation. 11 12 He has also distorted the woman’s consciousness by instilling in her a deep 13 resentment of her subservient role which she knows intuitively she should 14 not be expected to endure. 15 16 Therefore, he has created a degraded and degrading way of life for himself 17 and partner, entirely in conflict with the NATURE of his SOURCE of 18 BEING. 19 20 The fact that the female has had to exercise her masculine drive of 21 aggression to express her equality of being, to achieve the respect due to 22 her within society, means that your civilisation has become thoroughly 23 destabilised and unhealthy. The woman is usurping the male role out of 24 desperation but in doing so, she is defeating the intention behind 25 creation. 26 27 Male and female have lost their way completely. In underdeveloped 28 countries, people are only half alive, trying to solve the division between 29 male and female through casual sex. As a result, man and woman become 30 ever more divided and unfulfilled. Conflict in the family unit creates stress, 31 misery and separation, even though they may live under one roof. 32 33 In ‘developed’ countries, psychiatric offices are filled with unhappy people 34 and children who say they do not know who they really are or what their 35 purpose is in life. They are asking the ‘experts’ who do not know the 36 answers either. 37 38 Letter 4 159 It should be remembered also, that each person, male and female, have 1 lessons to learn in life which can only be learnt in the sex – and the race – 2 in which they find themselves. Therefore, a woman must accept her role in 3 life as the provider of emotional love and security to her mate and children, 4 with self-respect and dignity, and perform it to the very best of her ability. 5 She must recognise that the role of provider of emotional security is 6 absolutely vital to society. She provides the ‘glue’ of love and well-being 7 which holds families, cities, countries together. When she understands her 8 true place and goals in society, and seeks to perform and achieve them in 9 the highest way possible, she is moving forward rapidly on the path to 10 unconditional love and the highest rewards in personal fulfilment and 11 happiness. She will also move on to a higher level of consciousness – 12 perhaps as a male in her next life, who will bring great benefits to mankind. 13 14 Similarly, spiritually evolved males – even spiritual teachers – return to life 15 on earth to learn true humility and to put all their high principles of 16 existence into daily practice as a loving woman who mothers with wisdom 17 and nurtures all who have need of what she can offer. Where then, is the 18 inequality? 19 20 Remove the scales from your limited sight and intellect and see with clear 21 vision that there should be no inequality – only shared INTENTIONS to 22 express all that you have both drawn from Divine Consciousness in the 23 most spiritual way to achieve the highest happiness possible on earth. 24 25 In years to come, when a man and woman have evolved spiritually, if or 26 when divided in intention, they will together take their intentions to 27 ‘FATHER-MOTHER-DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS’, asking: ‘What is to 28 be created in our circumstances? What is our best way ahead?’. 29 30 When they have received answers, they will accept them with loving heart 31 and pool them. Any differences in answer will be respected and again taken 32 to Divine Consciousness with the same request until they reach sincere 33 consensus. 34 35 Together, man and woman will then return and ask of Divine 36 Consciousness: ‘How may we best achieve our purposes?’. And again, they 37 pool their answers and continue asking until they finally arrive at a working 38 Letter 4 160 plan which has been conceived, not in the human brain alone, but in the 1 highest dimension of creativity – DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS. 2 3 Working together in this way, they will eventually experience the ‘bliss’ 4 of true unity of soul, mind, heart and body. 5 6 Finally, the male could not exist comfortably without also experiencing and 7 manifesting some of the feminine drive. He needs emotion to bond with his 8 wife, children and other relationships – school mates and workmates, 9 colleagues and friends. Without some warm feelings, he would be a cold 10 monster. 11 12 Frequently, if an old soul, he brings through much warmth and caring from 13 previous incarnations as a woman. The more spiritually evolved he 14 becomes, the more equally are the two sexual impulses balanced within his 15 nature. 16 17 This also applies to women. 18 19 Equally, the female could not exist comfortably without some of the 20 masculine drive. Without a capacity for intelligent planning, her household 21 would be a disaster zone. There is also the possibility that she has been a 22 strong masculine character in her past incarnation and is uncomfortable in 23 the feminine role of sacrificing herself for others. Such a one must ask of 24 Divine Consciousness to clarify her vision that she may see that without 25 love for humanity, leadership is a dangerous exercise. 26 27 When men and women are nearing an equal balance of male and female 28 natures within themselves, their task in life is to transcend their sexual drive 29 through achieving unconditional love for all people and directing the drive 30 itself into pure creativity – such as the arts. Of such people are ‘Masters’ 31 made, masters of themselves, masters of creativity, masters of human 32 consciousness, masters of ‘matter’. 33 34 Unfortunately, at this present time, your men and women who are nearing 35 equal balance of ‘male/female natures’ within their one nature, have no 36 guideposts as to what their true goals should be. They have lost their way 37 and have created a spurious society amongst themselves in which the joy 38 Letter 4 161 and personal fulfilment they seek is negated by their preoccupation with 1 bodily functions rather than with spiritual achievements. They will remain 2 unhappy people, torn with conflicts, until they discover the truth regarding 3 ‘who they really are’. 4 5 In speaking about the feminine role in life, it must also be said that many of 6 your modern women in developed countries, have achieved a high degree of 7 masculine drive in the past 100 years. 8 9 They must choose their priorities in life carefully. They do not have to sit at 10 home, stagnant and bored but they will become happier, more fulfilled 11 people if they turn their intelligence and abilities to creating new modes of 12 constructive life for the whole family. At the moment, they may not know 13 how to do this, but meditation will draw into their minds the necessary 14 inspiration on the best way to use their powers of leadership and talents for 15 the happiness of all. 16 17 Men who have developed greater capacity for empathy with women and 18 their fellow men, will also, through meditation followed by inspiration, find 19 higher ways of expressing their capacity for leadership in their work, 20 bringing happiness to others. 21 22 Why have I – We – dealt with the matter of the sexes in such depth? 23 24 This has been absolutely necessary since the battle of the sexes – both in 25 the East and West, is creating unhealthy conditions on earth. It fosters 26 aggression and festers as anger and hostility. 27 28 Sexual freedom has brought the world to a crisis point of extinction by 29 the impregnation of AIDS. 30 31 All viruses are created within destructive consciousness forces. 32 33 34 8. Human Beings Have Created Their Own Viruses! 35 36 You must understand that human beings have created their own viruses! 37 Every virus is a destructive living consciousness impulse made visible. It 38 Letter 4 162 targets what the impulse of destructive consciousness targeted at the 1 moment the virus took on form. 2 3 I was very clear about this aspect of existence when I was on earth in the 4 persona of Jesus. The Jews had the rigid tradition of washing cups before 5 drinking from them. I told them explicitly that they should not be worried 6 about what went into their mouths. They should be concerned about what 7 came out of their minds and hearts – then out through their mouths. At 8 that time, science had not discovered the presence of viruses but it was 9 agreed that disease came from eating and drinking from dirty utensils. But I 10 knew that the disease had originally come out of the minds and hearts of 11 savagely angry people. Thereafter, it was propagated by the division of the 12 cells but it carried within itself, forever, the instinct and consciousness 13 which initially brought it into being. 14 15 AIDS has been no accident. It has emerged from the consciousness forces of 16 self-indulgence and destructive emotional reactions between sexual partners. 17 Submerged hatred and anger can drive people into a sexual act, leaving a 18 residue of sickness behind it in mind, emotions and body. 19 20 Because emotional attunement has not always motivated the sexual act 21 between men and women, they have known severe disappointment and lack 22 of release and fulfilment. When this happens, the male sexual energy 23 dwindles. It has to be rekindled by images of sexual perversions. 24 25 As a result, pornography has become ‘big business’ in some countries. It 26 panders to the body instincts alone. Out of pornography have come a lack 27 of respect for women, and a mechanical non-emotional sexual act, together 28 with rapidly increasing rape and child sexual abuse. People giving way to 29 these abominable acts of depraved cruelty will surely reap the consequences, 30 either in this life or a future incarnation. 31 32 Therefore, when followers of Islam condemn the West for their lax sexual 33 behaviour and perversion, they are right to believe that it is bringing down 34 unhealthy conditions on earth. 35 36 These unhealthy conditions are not sent by ‘Allah’ – but are a natural 37 consequence of their breaking the LAWS of EXISTENCE. 38 Letter 4 163 Similarly, the followers of Islam are breaking the LAWS of 1 EXISTENCE because they, like the Jews, hold to the tradition of an eye-2 for-an-eye and believe that there is such a thing as a Holy War. There is no 3 such thing as a Holy War – there is only the Reality of Holy 4 Forgiveness and Holy Reconciliation, treating your ‘brother’, be he your 5 enemy or friend, with love and understanding. 6 7 None of you may break the LAWS of EXISTENCE and hope that you 8 may enter into the Kingdom of Heaven or paradise. Your behaviour has 9 no place beyond the mayhem you are presently bringing on yourselves. 10 11 WE will leave you with these thoughts which we beg you will receive deeply 12 into your consciousness and make good use of them in your daily lives. We 13 strongly urge you to band together, irrespective of religious beliefs, in small 14 groups to use the Letters as guidelines for your daily lives. Shed, if you can, 15 your conditioning, and come together in true humility, as people willing to 16 agree they know little of true spirituality – but are strongly desirous of 17 learning how to enhance and spiritualise their lives. 18 19 As many of you are aware, you are entering a new phase of world history, 20 during the course of which it will be realised that no longer is the great 21 divide between the wealthy and the poor. 22 23 The great divide will be in consciousness. The divide will be between those 24 who have been able to find entrance into the higher spiritual consciousness 25 and radiate love and acceptance equally to all – friends and foes – and who 26 make it their goal to radiate Divine Consciousness into every facet of their 27 daily lives – and those who remain encased within their ego-drives, seeking 28 domination of the weak. They may appear to succeed for a while – but 29 eventually they will fail, and their suffering in their self-created darkness 30 will be great. 31 32 These Letters will be the means of your moving out of darkness 33 into LIGHT. 34 35 As you seek to raise your frequencies of spiritual consciousness through 36 radiating love to all unconditionally, so will you be going through a 37 38 Letter 4 164 slow ASCENSION in CONSCIOUSNESS which will dynamically affect 1 your physical health and your earthly conditions. 2 3 On you brave people will rest the upliftment of world consciousness. 4 You will emerge from the coming conflict, strong and purposeful, and 5 will proceed to build another type of world consciousness. You will 6 introduce the beginning of spiritual and technical and economic 7 progress and world peace for centuries to come. 8 9 I, the CHRIST, have spoken – WE – the BROTHERHOOD of 10 MASTERS – speak to Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Hindus, 11 Sufis, and to every religious persuasion of the world. You are all 12 encompassed in our love. Believe this – for this is true. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Letter 4 165 Christ’s Letter 5 1 2 3 In this Letter, Christ begins to explain the true processes of creation. He touches 4 on what science and religious doctrines have believed, rejects them and definest 5 the TRUTH of BEING. He touches on the truth regarding the human ego, – 6 the means of earthly individuality and therefore necessary, but also the source of 7 all suffering. 8 9 10 11 1. The New Testament is NOT to be Trusted, Accepted 12 or Believed. 13 14 I, the CHRIST, am writing this Letter 5 to clearly define the hidden 15 REALITY, which I will also refer to as the ‘UNIVERSAL’ and ‘DIVINE’ 16 to help you stretch your minds to understand that whilst you are an 17 ‘individual’, THAT WHICH HAS GIVEN YOU ‘BEING’ AND 18 ‘INDIVIDUALITY’ is ITSELF Universal – Eternal – Infinite – 19 Everywhere without beginning or end. 20 21 For the sake of those people who have chosen to read Letter 5 before my 22 earlier Letters describing my life and true teachings on earth, I will make a 23 further statement that my true ‘Jesus’ CHRIST self must not in any way be 24 confused with the ‘Jesus’ recorded in the New Testament. 25 26 Since my original teachings, in the form of the four Gospels, have been 27 distributed worldwide and grossly misinterpreted, it is my intention to 28 begin teaching the TRUTH of EXISTENCE by explaining the true 29 meaning of my original terminology as quoted in the Gospels. This is 30 necessary to dispel and eventually eradicate from people’s consciousness the 31 misunderstandings which have persisted and misinformed generations of 32 spiritual seekers since my life on earth. 33 34 When on earth, to describe the Reality behind and within existence, I 35 deliberately coined the term the ‘Father’ when referring to ‘God’. This was 36 done for two reasons. 37 38 Letter 5 166 Firstly, as I explained in Letter 1, when I received enlightenment in the 1 desert, I was enabled to see that the concepts describing the Creator of the 2 universe as ‘revealed’ by the Jewish Prophets were completely wrong. 3 4 Secondly, I was given to perceive clearly – and fully understand – the true 5 nature of the Creator and I realised that it was a nature of parenting – of 6 fulfilling the needs of creation in clear-cut, specific ways which were 7 synonymous with those of a father-mother. Indeed, I saw that the parenting 8 impulses present in all living creatures had been drawn directly from the 9 Creator, and that the origin of all love and parenting drives was also the 10 origin of life and existence itself. 11 12 I also ‘saw’ that creation was a visible manifestation of the Universal 13 Creative Impulses of Being, and therefore humankind could be termed the 14 offspring of the Creator. 15 16 For this reason, it was quite natural for me to speak of the ‘Father’ when 17 referring to the Creator, since, to me, this is what the Creator truly is in 18 every way – more especially ‘Father-Mother’, but having regard to the 19 Jewish insistence on the woman occupying a subordinate position in their 20 daily lives, I referred only to the ‘Father’ to avoid Jewish resistance and to 21 gain their acceptance of the new terminology. 22 23 I also coined the term the ‘Father’ to help the Jews realise that their 24 concept of Jehovah and the rigidity of Jewish laws were totally erroneous. 25 Also, by using a new terminology – the ‘Father’ – to describe the Creator – 26 the Creative Impulse – behind and within existence, I made it clear I had 27 brought an altogether new teaching in opposition to the accepted belief in a 28 ‘God’ which rejected certain people and sent disasters upon them as 29 retribution. 30 31 I want you to understand fully, that nowhere has it been made clear in 32 your New Testament that I brought a teaching completely opposed to 33 the teachings in the Old Testament and, therefore, the New Testament 34 as a true record of my life and teachings cannot be trusted or accepted 35 or believed. 36 37 38 Letter 5 167 A true and accurate record of my personality, enlightened nature, emotional 1 attitudes and teachings themselves, would have made it abundantly clear 2 that the old Judaic forms of religion and my enlightened teachings were 3 diametrically opposed in every way. 4 5 The Judaic religion was one of extreme materialistic concepts. There are 6 certainly writings from which spiritually enlightened Jews drew, and 7 continue to draw, a mystical perception of our SOURCE of BEING. 8 9 They are to be greatly honoured and respected for their transcendent 10 states of mind. 11 12 But as the Prophets reached the average man and woman, their writings 13 transmitted a different, controlling message which is purely human and 14 false. No control for ‘good’ or ‘evil’ is exercised from a ‘God above’. If there 15 were, the world would not be in such a shocking state of upheaval and 16 misery. 17 18 I brought a new teaching which was directed exclusively at making people 19 aware of universality and love – the indwelling nature – as well as the 20 transcendent nature of ... 21 22 ‘THAT’ ... WHICH BROUGHT ALL CREATION INTO VISIBLE 23 MANIFESTATION. 24 25 It is my purpose to make this abundantly clear to enable seekers of Truth to 26 rid themselves of any remnant of belief that I was merely a Prophet in a 27 long line of Jewish Prophets; that I continued preaching their themes of an 28 almighty Jehovah possessing ambivalent feelings towards his own creation. 29 30 Fear of Orthodox Jews kept my disciples in line with what they had 31 decided they would tell the public about me. You must remember that to 32 gain new Jewish adherents to Christianity, they were afraid to discard the 33 Old Testament since it had held the Jews together for centuries; therefore, 34 they extracted and added on from my teachings whatever was compatible 35 with the old religious beliefs. My genealogy was listed to reassure Jewish 36 people I had descended from King David. Why should they bother with 37 38 Letter 5 168 this unless they wanted to make it clear that I was very much a Jew of 1 ancient lineage and therefore could be a candidate for Messiahship? 2 3 If they truly understood what I had come to earth to do – to break away 4 from the past and lay the foundations for an altogether new future of 5 understanding and activity – they would have made valiant efforts to make 6 certain that people understood the true purposes which drove me to the day 7 of my death. But they did not do this. They obscured much of what I tried 8 to teach. 9 10 A strong-hearted disciple of mine, Stephen, was less afraid to speak out 11 about my true teachings, although these had also been embroidered, but 12 even so, he was stoned to death. 13 14 You must understand that life for my disciples was precarious and it is little 15 wonder that my true teachings were covered over with traditional thinking 16 to make it more palatable to the public. 17 18 Even so will there be fierce disputations when I say that ‘Christianity’ only 19 presents a record of some of my statements and healings which are not in 20 too much conflict with Judaic teaching. It is a religion coined by my early 21 disciples and by Paul, after his induction in Antioch, to keep the Jews 22 together as far as possible and to bring Gentile converts into the fold. 23 Expediency then became a facet of Christian thought. 24 25 This is the truth of my life and death on earth. Disputations will arise 26 because people hold on to cherished beliefs and surrender them only with 27 the pain experienced by those who lose their dearest possessions. 28 Nonetheless, dear as the beliefs may be to people – they are only beliefs. 29 30 They are not a sure foundation on which to build new lives. 31 32 Now that I am returning to you through the medium of these Letters, I am 33 again making every attempt possible – within the parameters of your 34 human perceptions – to describe for you the Reality – your Source of 35 Being – which initiated the universe and existence itself. 36 37 38 Letter 5 169 Exactly as over 2000 years ago, I have now come through the medium of 1 these Letters to lay the foundation for future spiritual evolution during 2 the next millennium. Your spiritual development can only arise out of 3 your deeper perceptions and understanding of the nature of existence 4 and of ... ‘THAT’ ... WHICH BROUGHT YOU INTO BEING. 5 6 For what you clearly perceive creates the conditions under which you live. 7 8 Because you have not understood your true spiritual origins, humankind is 9 continually embroiled in wars and has spawned earthly conditions which 10 are both a disgrace to human consciousness and a source of human 11 suffering of every kind. 12 13 For this reason, I am SENDING – RADIATING – THE FULL POWER 14 OF MY CHRISTHOOD CONSCIOUSNESS to bring the TRUTH of 15 EXISTENCE to you in the kind of modern, understandable terminology to 16 enable you to construct a new consciousness and realisation ‘of Truth as it 17 really is’ – rather than allow you to continue adhering to those false beliefs 18 you have been taught, or have been brought to you by tradition. 19 20 With usage and understanding, the terminology will come to arouse in you 21 the same – or more – reverence and love and spiritual insight as you 22 previously felt when using the word ‘God’. Loaded with universal meaning, 23 the more appropriate terminology will eventually fill you with spiritual 24 power when you use and visualise the meaning of the words. 25 26 I am here to tell you that when you have purified your consciousness of the 27 gross human thoughts and feelings pertaining to the ego-drive, and 28 persevere in meditation and a lifting up of your consciousness to the 29 Universal, you will begin to feel the spiritual power invading your mind 30 and eventually your whole body. 31 32 Therefore, my teachings are exclusively directed at assisting you to open 33 your consciousness to newness of life, vitality and spiritual power that you 34 may abandon your old way of limited and dissatisfied living and find a new 35 source of inner joy and fulfilment of your every need. 36 37 38 Letter 5 170 Think about this statement. I have not brought you any ‘should’s’ or 1 ‘should nots’ or frustrating restrictions you, yourselves, do not want to 2 impose on yourselves. I have certainly come to tell you how your 3 ‘consciousness forms’ have life within them and eventually manifest in your 4 world but I leave it to your good sense to choose the healthy thoughts, the 5 loving actions, and the right path leading to joy and fulfilment when you 6 realise the true nature of creation. 7 8 I have also come with the full force of my Christ Power to help you realise 9 that there are no barriers between you and ... ‘THAT’ ... WHICH 10 BROUGHT YOU INTO BEING – only those you have created yourselves 11 through ignorance of the Laws of Existence. 12 13 I have come to help you remove the barriers by enlightening your present 14 ignorance and teaching you how to open your consciousness – your entire 15 being – to the inflow of THAT WHICH BROUGHT YOU INTO 16 BEING. 17 18 Therefore, I REPEAT: in the final analysis, my teachings are exclusively 19 directed at assisting you to open your consciousness to newness of life, 20 vitality and spiritual power that you may abandon your old way of limited 21 and dissatisfied living and find a new source of inner joy and fulfilment of 22 your every need. I long for you with Divine Love to reach this supreme 23 state of being before you pass into the next dimension, that your 24 passing may be painless and your transition one of sublime 25 anticipation. 26 27 This is the sole motivating purpose behind the Letters. 28 29 The above statement is a more compelling and powerful rephrasing of the 30 statement I made when on earth: ‘Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all 31 good things will be added to you.’ 32 33 I did not make this statement to entice people to be ‘good’. I stated a fact of 34 existence. 35 36 37 38 Letter 5 171 You must also understand fully and clearly – that ... ‘THAT’ ... which you 1 call ‘God’ and I refer to as ‘UNIVERSAL’, possesses none of the human 2 attributes attributed to IT by many religions. 3 4 The human characteristics of anger, threats and punishment, for instance, 5 only pertain to the human condition. 6 7 Again, I repeat: I, the CHRIST, have come down to dictate these Letters 8 expressly to disinvest people’s minds of the former ‘human word pictures’ 9 coined by Prophets. It is my firm intention to replace them with 10 descriptions of the POWER – the UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS 11 which really creates, moves within, and supports the visible universe and all 12 other dimensions beyond your present perception and comprehension. 13 14 I am also here to tell you these further universes or dimensions, will be 15 opened and will become accessible to your consciousness when the 16 knowledge outlined in these Letters is absorbed and made the very fabric of 17 your individualised consciousness. 18 19 Eventually, death will come to mean a happy transition from a limited 20 dimension of existence to a brighter and more powerful one. You will know 21 that when you are adequately spiritually cleansed and the time is ripe to 22 emerge from the capsule of your body, you will leave, relieved to be free of 23 physical limitations to enter a dimension of love and beautiful and 24 wondrous beingness. 25 26 You will perceive death to be what it can be – really is for enlightened souls 27 – a glorious transition – a gift of greater life, greater creativity and an 28 experience of ‘ecstatic being’ you have not yet dreamed of. 29 30 I also want to make it clear that many, many people believe that they can 31 live fruitful and fulfilled lives by following the hundreds of various teachers 32 of ‘positive thinking’. Changing your consciousness, they say, will change 33 your lives. This is true to a limited extent, but for spiritually evolving 34 seekers, such a change in consciousness still leaves a dryness of spirit and a 35 yearning for something more. 36 37 38 Letter 5 172 That ‘something more’ that the soul craves is the true contact and reunion 1 with its SOURCE OF BEING. Whilst you may have drawn a certain 2 amount of spiritual growth by following the path of perceiving only the 3 good, the truthful and loving, you remain an entity functioning alone in 4 your own earth-bound domain, unassisted by the eternal, infinite 5 Universal. Once you realise the nature of the Universal and turn your 6 thoughts to making true contact with It, you begin to realise you are no 7 longer alone – you are supported by the Reality which supports the 8 universe. 9 10 And when I say: ‘making true contact with It’, I mean that the prayer of 11 supplication for this benefit or that is not making true contact with your 12 SOURCE OF BEING. 13 14 Your prayer is certainly received into the Source of Being, and an answer is 15 frequently received swiftly and the need is fulfilled, even as you have asked. 16 But true contact with the Source of your Being is only experienced when 17 you have sufficiently cleansed your consciousness of the gross human ego-18 drive and have spent some time in meditation and a regular, emotionally 19 powerful ‘reaching out’ in consciousness to your Source seeking contact, 20 and renewal, and refreshment of spirit. 21 22 23 2. The True Purpose Behind Existence 24 25 This is the true purpose behind existence. A constant and mutual 26 reciprocation of communication between the Source of all Being and 27 creation. 28 29 Here I would remind you that when I lived on earth, I made it abundantly 30 clear every day to the Jews that: ‘of myself alone I could do nothing’. 31 32 I constantly stated that ‘it is the ‘Father’ does the work, not I’. 33 34 I have come at this time to enable you to make the transition from the 35 earth-bound human consciousness to that of enlightenment when a person 36 knows that he or she finally knows the Truth of Being. 37 38 Letter 5 173 Undoubtedly, deeply religious people, indelibly indoctrinated with religious 1 dogma and theology – Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu or belonging to 2 any other religious persuasion – will find it difficult – even painful – at 3 first, to accept and make good use of these Letters – for: 4 5 A conditioned and programmed mind is like concrete. Cherished beliefs, 6 used as talismans, emotional supports and affirmations to give strength in 7 times of crisis, are emotionally imprinted in the subconscious, and usually 8 incorporate in them a fear of ‘offending God’ when contemplating moving 9 on to some higher Truth. Unless there is a sincere longing to know the 10 TRUTH of BEING, rather than traditional beliefs, these mental patterns 11 are almost impossible to annihilate in the mind and emotions and they 12 block true spiritual progress. 13 14 I have come expressly to help those who have the will to do so, move 15 beyond these barriers to true enlightenment. Therefore, if you feel 16 intuitively that the words on these pages are TRUTH and you feel drawn to 17 them, have confidence you are ready to begin the spiritual journey outlined 18 in these Letters and I am at hand to give you the courage to pursue it until 19 you reach your goal – true spiritual enlightenment, newness of life, strength 20 of will and a finding of what I termed the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’. 21 22 Daily, sincere meditation and prayer will enable a mental cleansing to take 23 place and gradually TRUTH and UNDERSTANDING will replace the old 24 myths which once were so dear to you. 25 26 At the outset of the following teachings, I, the CHRIST, must remind you 27 that yours is not a solid universe. As you probably know, according to your 28 scientists, solid ‘matter’, the visible substance of the world, is really 29 composed of energy particles. 30 31 The TRUTH of BEING of your earthly dimension rests on this 32 fundamental reality of creation. 33 34 To understand my teachings regarding the Truth of Being, it is necessary to 35 grasp this fundamental ‘seeming emptiness’ underlying all your created 36 world. 37 38 Letter 5 174 The majority of you know this fact of existence intellectually, but it has not 1 yet even remotely filtered through to your consciousness to give you a new 2 perspective of the world and existence itself. You continue as you have done 3 for millennia, thinking that your world is solid and the conditions of the 4 body and all other external phenomena are beyond your control. You 5 believe you are the victim of existence. Instead of which, the reverse is true. 6 And your daily lives reflect these beliefs. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary 7 for me to return and help you move on to a higher perception of Truth. 8 9 As I said in Letter 1, after enlightenment in the desert, I came back into my 10 world of Palestinian towns and villages and immediately began to control 11 the ‘elements of matter’ wherever I saw the necessity to help those who were 12 deprived or suffering. 13 14 I have come to show you exactly why I was able to do this. 15 16 As I revealed to you in Letter 1, during the time I received full illumination 17 in the desert, I was shown that ‘matter’ was not really solid. I was not given 18 to understand exactly how the electrical particles, which I termed the 19 ‘shimmer of motes’, took on the appearance of visible ‘matter’. I only knew 20 that these ‘motes’ were moving at high frequencies of speed within ‘GOD 21 MIND’, and ‘GOD MIND’ was therefore universal. 22 23 I perceived that ‘GOD MIND’ was both the Creator – and substance – of 24 all things within creation itself. Of this, I was absolutely certain. 25 26 I also ‘saw’ very clearly that human thought, when fraught with conviction 27 or emotion, radically affected this process of materialisation of visible 28 forms. 29 30 Therefore the human mind could – and did – interfere with the true 31 intention of ‘GOD MIND’. 32 33 It was a thrilling and exalting realisation since the myths taught me by the 34 Jewish rabbis were clearly false and were immediately swept out of my 35 mind. I embraced the truth with excitement since I now realised why 36 people experienced misery and suffering. This emanated from their own 37 thought processes. I was also given to ‘see’ the ‘communities of living 38 Letter 5 175 particles’ which science has named ‘cells’ at work within every living thing. 1 I was aware of the Divine Harmony controlling the work of the cells, 2 which were busily building and maintaining the various parts of physical 3 bodies of all living creatures and plant life, big and small. This is why I 4 drew heavily on the countryside to give examples of the immanence and 5 activity of the ‘Father’ within the least of wildlife – such as plants and 6 birds. 7 8 As I have clearly explained in Letters 1 to 3, I called ‘GOD MIND’ the 9 ‘Father’ because I was enabled to ‘see’ – perceive – the true nature of the 10 ‘GOD MIND’ and was determined that when I returned to the people of 11 Palestine to describe the revelations I had received, they would understand 12 that their beliefs imbued in their very consciousness by the rabbis were 13 entirely false. 14 15 I saw that the true nature of ‘GOD MIND’ was the very highest form of 16 Divine Love and this could be seen consistently active within every living 17 thing. 18 19 As I mentioned above, out of this knowledge, I was able to perform 20 ‘miracles’ and control the elements where appropriate and necessary. 21 22 Just as I longed to explode the myths which possessed the minds of the Jews 23 in Palestine, so do I yearn to show you that many of the theories put 24 forward by your scientists have been prompted by a strong reaction to the 25 church dogma and doctrines in years gone by. 26 27 To understand this statement, you must realise that until the time of 28 Darwin, whilst the various Christian Churches held dominance over the 29 minds of the populace, it was generally accepted that the universe had been 30 created exactly as written in Genesis in the Biblical Old Testament. 31 32 When men of science attempted to announce their discoveries and theories, 33 they were forced to describe their new beliefs in the presence of enormous 34 religious opposition. Consequently, they found it necessary to concentrate 35 much of their mental energy on proving the Prophets’ pronouncements 36 wrong. In doing so, their agenda caused them to lose clarity of vision and 37 they also became ego-driven. Thereafter, any intuitive perception proposed 38 Letter 5 176 by the scientific fraternity was derided and rejected out of hand by other 1 scientists. Because of this mental climate, the pendulum of the search for 2 ‘Truth’ swung solely to an undeviating belief in reason and logic, thus 3 imprisoning the human intellect in materialism for the answers to the 4 origins of life and existence. 5 6 Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for me to refute some of the ‘scientific 7 theories’ and show them to be as erroneous as are the so-called ‘truths’ of 8 Christian Doctrine. In arriving at some of these ‘theories’, scientist and 9 churchman alike have dipped into the realms of unproven preposterous 10 suppositions to answer questions which have previously been unanswerable 11 by the earthly mind only. 12 13 Having told you that the substance of your material world is basically 14 electrical particles agitated at high speed within ‘space’, your science is 15 unable to tell you ‘why’ such ‘energy particles’ take on the density and form 16 of ‘matter’ except to speak of forces of fusion which happen to create the 17 elements. 18 19 Science cannot tell you what is the ‘Motivating Force’ which draws 20 particles into the form of elements. 21 22 Neither can science tell you from whence such energy particles originally 23 came except to say that they were released during the time of the Big Bang 24 which they believe gave the first impetus to creation. 25 26 27 3. The ‘Big Bang’ 28 29 Why a sudden ‘Big Bang’ – of what? What was the Motivating Factor 30 behind it? 31 32 Science speaks about electromagnetism but cannot say from whence come 33 such energies which appear and disappear. Where do they go? Why do they 34 come back? From the human perspective, there appears to be no intelligible 35 activity within or behind its work. 36 37 38 Letter 5 177 Science says that electromagnetism ‘just is’ – a simple fact of existence – yet 1 it produces highly purposeful and intelligent work in the form of millions 2 of billions of substances of which your universe is made. How does this 3 happen? 4 5 There is nothing that electromagnetism has brought into visible being 6 which the human mind can deem to be lacking purpose or meaning. 7 8 Science ignores this most basic and vital level of creation. Without an 9 answer to this question, as to why everything which has been brought into 10 visible manifestation by the activity of the twin energies of 11 electromagnetism is invariably purposeful, successful and rational – nothing 12 of any value in the search for your origins will be discovered. 13 14 Until science can probe and discover the ‘Reality’ of the ‘space’ in which 15 electrical particles of ‘visible being’ are supported, science will forever 16 remain behind locked doors of materialism. It will be barred to eternal 17 Truth and universal wisdom and imprisoned within the bondage of reason 18 alone – reason which is solely the product of the finite activity of brain 19 cells. 20 21 It is to the true nature of the SPACE I intend to introduce you – but 22 before proceeding to this, I must first bring many highly pertinent 23 questions to your attention. 24 25 Down the ages, much of the work produced by electromagnetism has 26 appeared to the mind, vision and touch of living entities as being solid, 27 unchangeably durable. Metals, wood, rocks, living entities were all believed 28 to be composed of solid, inanimate or living ‘matter’. With such a belief in 29 a solid universe it is only natural that the mystical Prophets of old should 30 have envisaged a ‘Mighty Individual’ possessing enormous powers in 31 creating all the solid substances of the universe. In visualising such a 32 ‘Mighty Individual’, it was only natural they should perceive a ‘Kingly’ 33 figure of universal control, possessing a retributive nature when confronted 34 with the behaviour of mankind which created a turbulent society. 35 36 Neither Prophets of old nor science of today has been near to the Truth of 37 Existence. 38 Letter 5 178 Both have completely missed the truth. 1 2 Science says that life began when in some unexplained way, a correct 3 combination of chemical reactions produced a molecule capable of making 4 copies of itself by triggering further chemical reactions. Such a description 5 of the enormous and teeming complexity and power of the LIFE FORCE 6 as being discernible because it is ‘capable of replicating itself’, reveals 7 the basic impoverishment of scientific perception and thought which 8 produced such a theory! 9 10 Furthermore, the suggestion that such a combination of ‘inanimate’ 11 chemicals could get together in a specific way – accidentally – to produce 12 such an astounding result of ‘self-replication’ remains unquestioned 13 scientifically. 14 15 This is because the finite human mind, even though scientific, cannot 16 deal with such a strange eventuality of uninitiated ‘self-replication’. It is 17 too suggestive of a magical occurrence – of some intervention from an 18 unimaginable source which scientific men dare not contemplate for fear 19 of ridicule. 20 21 This sheep-like acquiescence is considered more scientific than producing 22 ‘inspired’ theories blocked by the materialistic laws science has established 23 for itself. This block to future scientific progress will prevent science 24 properly investigating the realm of mind and spirit until some enlightened 25 scientist defies convention and dares to cross the borderline between the 26 ‘seen’ and the ‘unseen’. 27 28 Prophets of old, if presented with the theory of molecular self-replication 29 would have no difficulty with such a ‘magical occurrence’ and would say 30 that ‘God’ made the chemical combinations and imbued them with life. 31 That would not be the right explanation either. 32 33 It is this old religious concept of a ‘God on High’ ‘creating from afar’ which 34 is blocking the man of science from moving forward to more spiritually 35 aware reflections. Therefore, despite science’s seeming emancipation from 36 age-old doctrines, it is still as mentally bound and hindered by fears of 37 ancient shibboleths as in the 19th century. It adopts its ridiculous theories 38 Letter 5 179 because it has not yet perceived the ‘Reality’ of Our Source of Being 1 behind and within the living molecule. 2 3 Continuing its story of creation, science states that after the ‘self-4 manufacture’ of living molecules capable of replicating themselves, they 5 ‘formed themselves’ into a living cell, (so small it cannot be seen by the 6 naked eye), which became the building block for all the multiplexity of 7 living organisms, including plants, insects, reptiles, birds, animals and man 8 himself. Therefore, all living things have a common ancestor – the first 9 living molecule. 10 11 Science cannot explain why the self-replicating molecules combined 12 themselves into a living cell. It remains a mystery to science to this day. 13 14 The living cell, your science tells you, is endlessly repeated in a billion-15 billion-billion differing forms. It is the building block of the visible 16 universe. How can this be? What impulse motivates such replication? 17 Science cannot say. Entrenched in its own blindness, it has dragged people 18 down into materialistic blindness with it. 19 20 And now – the first living cell deserves the undivided attention of anyone 21 seriously seeking the spiritual dimension and the ‘Mainspring of 22 Existence’ – because the first living molecule and the first living cell are the 23 very first evidence of some intelligent activity within ‘matter’ – within the 24 universe. 25 26 The foremost feature displaying sense and sensibility is the function of the 27 membrane which covers the cell, giving it protection and individuality. 28 Think about this ‘miraculous’ phenomenon. 29 30 The cell takes in, from the environment, only selected nourishment through 31 the membrane. 32 33 Not only does the cell take in the right nutrition but – having utilised the 34 nutrition – the cell rids itself of the waste through the permeable 35 membrane. 36 37 38 Letter 5 180 You should ask yourself how the ‘purely physical’ membrane of the cell, 1 invisible to your eye, can ‘distinguish and select’ the correct nourishment to 2 enhance its well-being and then exercise sufficient discernment to rid itself 3 of unwanted toxic matter? 4 5 Do you not see a high degree of purposefulness within all this activity and 6 can you believe that such purposefulness is accidental? 7 8 And is not PURPOSE the very hallmark of Intelligence? 9 10 Not only this, the membrane of the cell continues to do this work of 11 selection of nutrition and discarding of waste in a billion-billion different 12 circumstances and conditions relating to survival within differing species 13 and differing environments. Is this not evidence of PURPOSEFULNESS 14 displayed within every single action of every single species be it insects, 15 plants, reptiles, birds, animals and human beings? 16 17 Could you not describe the universe as being the consistent and 18 undeviating IMPULSE of PURPOSEFULNESS made visible within the 19 realm of visible ‘matter’? 20 21 Is the spirit of PURPOSEFULNESS a physical element – or one of 22 ‘consciousness’? 23 24 And if you can accept that PURPOSEFULNESS is an undeniable creative 25 impulse behind EXISTENCE, then can you move on to the next 26 perception of your universe as being the visible manifestation of ‘an 27 INTELLIGENT APPRAISAL of cause and effect’ clearly evident within 28 living ‘matter’. For – if the living cell can select the right nourishment and 29 also provide for the elimination of toxic waste – this simple activity 30 displays an awareness of the need for digestion and also foresees the 31 resultant build up of toxic waste, and the need for the elimination of such 32 waste to ensure the continued health of the cell. Is this not a clear 33 indication of an INTELLIGENT APPRAISAL of ‘Cause and Effect’? 34 35 Furthermore – Science says that the cell contains a ‘nucleus’ which 36 might be likened to the brain of a human being since it conveys 37 messages and its most important function is the storage of information, 38 Letter 5 181 the ‘library’ which contains not just the details relating to one cell but 1 of the whole body in which its resides! 2 3 In fact, on investigation by science, it would appear that the cell itself is a 4 system of chemical ‘messages’ carried out in a purposeful, intelligent and 5 intelligible way. How could this happen if the origins of the cell’s 6 molecules were only inanimate chemical elements? Would you dispute that 7 behind every ‘messenger with a message to convey’ there is intelligent 8 thought or consciousness? And behold how accurate are the messages 9 transferred from cell to cell to ensure the accurate replication of certain 10 species for millions of years! 11 12 At what point in creation then, did ‘consciousness’ creep into living 13 organisms? And how did intelligent thought which weighs and decides 14 come into the field of unconscious inanimate matter? 15 16 Without inherent consciousness, how can so much informed and informing 17 activity take place in a cell invisible to the living eye? Is not such activity 18 the product of consciousness/awareness, proving the presence of 19 ‘intelligent’ life in its lowest denominator? 20 21 Furthermore, a single living cell, in the form of a bacterium, can move 22 about on its own and live its own specialised, frequently exciting life within 23 the environment – or – as a virus doing its deadly specialized work of 24 attacking specific targets within living organisms. Alternatively, the cell may 25 be fixed within an organism, carrying out its own highly important work of 26 construction and maintenance of some part of the organism. Such work 27 produces ‘living material’ exactly suited – and necessary – to the living organ 28 on which it works – be it parts of the human body or of animal life, or 29 plant – such as human toes and spleen, or animal fur and tusks, or fish 30 scales and feathers of birds, or bark of tree and foliage on branches, or 31 petals and stalk of flowers, or antennae of butterflies and their gauzy wings, 32 the reptilian skin of crocodiles and their teeth, the eyes of squid and their 33 skins which change colour according to need of camouflage. Each of these 34 completely diverse and seemingly unrelated physical phenomena are created 35 by the individual, specialised work of billions and billions and billions of 36 identical living cells. 37 38 Letter 5 182 On contemplating the magnitude and diversity of the work accomplished 1 by a simple living cell invisible to the naked eye – can you believe in a 2 mechanistic universe? 3 4 It would be possible to do so, if the ‘matter’ produced by such cells, was 5 illogical, offering no plausible purpose behind or reason for its existence – 6 devoid of personal consciousness. 7 8 But this is not so. These identical living cells work together in harmony 9 within man or beast, to make a liver with its multiple duties within a body, 10 to create an intricate eye having its own specific purposes of putting the 11 entity into direct and intelligent touch with its environment, incorporating 12 the assistance of the brain, or strong bones expressly and intricately 13 designed in conjunction with tendons and muscles to unite with others in 14 such convenient ways as to enable full and supple movement of the entity. 15 16 Furthermore, the cells never intrude on each other’s work. 17 18 When creating a kidney, they do not suddenly make an ear. 19 20 When creating hair, they do not suddenly launch into making skin. No, 21 cells create the scalp and the selfsame cells create the hair. The only 22 difference between skin and hair cells is the work they do, second by 23 second, throughout a lifetime. Why? 24 25 What is the ‘Motivating and Inspiring Factor’? Accident? 26 27 What organising intelligence set the entire process of creation in motion 28 from the most fundamental level of the formation of simple elements out of 29 free electrical particles within ‘space’, 30 31 • the combining of elements to form chemicals, 32 • the correct combination of specific chemicals to form a living 33 molecule, 34 • the correct combination of living molecules to make a living cell 35 which can take in nutrition, excrete waste, build according to clear-36 cut specifications, move about, and sustain this enormous edifice of 37 creation consistently through billions of years? 38 Letter 5 183 Not only this, but what is the ‘Motivating Force’ which has designed and 1 successfully evolved within living systems and entities, billions and billions 2 of different ways in which to fertilise seeds of every kind – whether they be 3 those of plants, insects, reptiles, birds, animals or human beings, evolving 4 for each an intelligent system of procreation suited to climatic conditions, 5 the production of vegetation in the environment, in order to ensure 6 survival? 7 8 Is not SURVIVAL also evidence of intelligent purposeful activity? 9 10 And having accomplished this great feat of creativity, should you not 11 question how it is that every living species has its own individualistic way of 12 rearing its young and protecting it as far as possible until the young are 13 capable of SURVIVAL on their own? Is this not LOVE FOR CREATION 14 active in its highest form? 15 16 You cannot move on from this analysis of what the human intelligence has 17 to say about the origins of life and creativity, without mentioning the ‘all 18 important molecules DNA’ – which are said to carry the ‘plan’ for the 19 whole organism – plant or baby. Furthermore, these DNA molecules give 20 the instructions to the cells, informing them they shall build according to 21 the chromosomes deposited by the seed. 22 23 Yes, indeed, in place of Intelligence – science has given you the DNA 24 molecules as your source of existence, your supreme leader, your director of 25 creation upon which materialistic, flimsy cells, the whole of creation must 26 depend for its survival. Behold the glorious DNA – Lord of your creation! 27 28 From whence did the DNA cells draw their intelligent directional powers? 29 30 Science is quite satisfied now that it has been able to satisfactorily explain 31 why the various species of every kind replicate themselves so accurately and 32 consistently. Science would have you believe that you live in a purely 33 mechanistic universe; that the phenomenon of evolution arises out of 34 chance mutations and the ‘survival of the fittest’. 35 36 37 38 Letter 5 184 If you study the various organisms of creation, the multifold and differing 1 activities of related species, can you truly believe in such an unlikely 2 materialistic concept? 3 4 It has been no mere coincidence that, today, to enable you to discover the 5 vast Intelligence behind creation, you have numerous creative people who 6 embark on difficult journeys to explore, determine and photograph the 7 habitats and habits of wild creatures and plants. You are entertained – and 8 instructed – by a feast of facts and photographs of the wonders of your 9 universe. 10 11 In my time on earth, I had no such marvels to refer to in order to teach the 12 Jews the universal Truth of Existence. I only had domestic animals and 13 birds to use as examples of the marvellous inventiveness and intelligence 14 and awareness apparent in every living thing. Nowhere has it been written 15 in the gospels that I referred to a High and Mighty Jehovah as Creator as 16 was customary with the Jewish Leaders. 17 18 No, I turned to the countryside, the flowers and birds and tried to show my 19 fellow countrymen that they were surrounded by a marvellous and 20 miraculous creation. Over two thousand years ago in your dimension, we 21 lacked your modern scientific background to be able to intelligently observe 22 and explain the activity of what I termed the ‘Father’ everywhere around 23 them. 24 25 To discover your true SOURCE of BEING, I ask you to take stock of the 26 unimaginable and indescribable complexity and diversity of purposeful 27 work plainly evident in penguins and pigs. 28 29 Can the human mind replicate any of the most basic of activities within – 30 say – the digestive system, which swiftly summons up the requisite enzymes 31 and hormones necessary for digestion? 32 33 How dare the finite mind, which is incapable of perceiving clearly the true 34 creative process governed by instinctual knowledge, presume to state 35 unequivocally – defying contradiction – that it understands the true origins 36 of creation and the forces out of which creation took form? 37 38 Letter 5 185 What arrogance! These men can only think according to what their eyes tell 1 them. 2 3 I view the present scientific ignorance with loving compassion, a degree of 4 amusement, and a great all consuming passion to puncture their pride. For, 5 until someone can penetrate their self-satisfaction and position of 6 infallibility, a true mating of Eternal Verities and human scientific 7 knowledge can never take place. But it must take place; otherwise human 8 spiritual evolution will remain at a standstill. 9 10 The scientific mind is too full of ‘finitely’ devised book lore, accepted 11 formulas and equations, and the need for their fellows’ approval, to permit 12 mystical penetration by Higher Intelligences. 13 14 On my behalf, I ask readers of these Letters, to form an association to 15 challenge Science and ask ‘at what point in the evolution of the ‘material’ 16 world’ is CONSCIOUSNESS first discernible? 17 18 I repeat and mean what I say: Ask the scientist at what point in the 19 evolution of the world is ‘consciousness’ first discernible. In the living cell? 20 If in the living cell, ask whether it was discernible in the living molecules 21 which combined to make a cell and encase itself in such an intelligently 22 designed membrane, permitting the intake of selected food and excretion of 23 toxic waste? How does it recognise toxic waste? And if it should be 24 conceded that consciousness might be present in living molecules, should 25 you not ask whether the chemical properties which became a living 26 molecule might not themselves have possessed ‘consciousness’ which 27 eventually impelled and propelled them into the life-giving combination to 28 make a molecule? And having gone back thus far into the origins of 29 existence – the chemical properties – you must still question why 30 ‘consciousness’ should only become a viable presence within the chemicals 31 – why not within the elements in which individuality first took shape, and 32 if in the elements why should it be denied that ‘consciousness’ propels the 33 electrical particles to form the elements? Is it rational to deny such a 34 possibility? 35 36 And having reached such a possibility, should you not go further and ask 37 from whence comes electromagnetism? What is the ‘reality’ of electricity 38 Letter 5 186 more than streaks of fierce light now described by science as photons 1 and electrons? 2 3 And what is the ‘reality’ of magnetism more than two-fold energies of 4 ‘bonding and rejection’ – energy impulses which have brought stability 5 and order into chaos? 6 7 Ask science: ‘From whence comes electromagnetism which is responsible for 8 the most basic steps in the creation of an ordered and orderly universe of an 9 unimaginable complexity and diversity?’ 10 11 12 4. The Ultimate Universal Dimension 13 14 I will now attempt to put into your words THAT WHICH is beyond all 15 words and presently beyond all ‘individualised earthly comprehension’. 16 Therefore, the intellect, although it assists the brain to understand, 17 intellectually, the spiritual realities I am putting before you, it also creates a 18 barrier to true spiritual perception and experience. 19 20 For this reason, regard the following references to the ULTIMATE 21 UNIVERSAL DIMENSION as only guidelines – ideas, ‘shadow 22 consciousness forms’ of the REALITY behind and within your universe. 23 24 (( Take each IDEA – one by one – into meditation. )) 25 26 What I am about to explain is entirely within and of CONSCIOUSNESS 27 without parameters and boundaries. If you are sufficiently spiritually 28 evolved to follow me there, beyond the words, you will begin to 29 understand ‘spiritually’ all I am trying to tell you. The words will guide 30 you towards – and then unlock – new ‘vistas of being’ for you. 31 32 Persevere! The LIGHT will gradually, perhaps imperceptibly, penetrate 33 your mind and you will have little bursts of insight. 34 35 There are many who have experienced a little ‘burst of insight’, have 36 briefly felt a touch of ‘Divine Consciousness’ and then, hardly daring to 37 continue to believe in such a transcendent moment of awareness, have 38 Letter 5 187 begun to question, doubt and finally dispel the little inflow of ‘Divine 1 Consciousness’. Beware you do not do this. Disbelief will set you back, 2 enmesh you in the material plane of existence more than you will ever 3 know. 4 5 Whatever you are given and able to receive – hold fast to it and do not 6 doubt. 7 8 Doubt destroys steady progress because it creates its own ‘consciousness 9 forms’ which will suppress and even eradicate the insight you had gained 10 previously. 11 12 Therefore, your choice of thoughts – belief or disbelief, doubt or faith – 13 construct or destroy your progress in your search for TRUTH. 14 15 Any denial erases from your consciousness the progress which has been 16 previously made. 17 18 Furthermore, the higher you ascend in spiritual truth, the more powerful 19 do your thoughts become. 20 21 Therefore, create and hold fast to your own spiritual momentum and allow 22 no one to intrude and undermine that momentum. Hold firm to your 23 former perceptions. In times of doubt, cruise along in positive thoughts, 24 using enlightening affirmations, clinging to earlier inspirational guidance 25 when your consciousness frequencies of vibration were higher. By use of 26 your willpower, choosing affirmations containing ‘golden nuggets’ of 27 spiritual Truth, return to this higher level of consciousness again and again. 28 Do not, through mental laziness, wholly surrender to the ebb and flow of 29 spiritual consciousness energies and become a spiritual ‘see-saw’. 30 31 I cannot emphasize this danger of self-obstruction strongly enough. Become 32 actively aware of it. 33 34 If you know anything of the accounts of my life in Palestine, you will recall 35 that I, too, suffered the phenomenon of ebb and flow of spiritual 36 consciousness and found it necessary to absent myself in the hills to pray 37 and meditate and renew my spiritual strength. 38 Letter 5 188 Therefore, understand your ‘dry’ periods, but do not give way to them by 1 yielding passively to an undesirable change in your attitudes and mental/ 2 emotional patterns. As you conscientiously draw upon your Source of 3 Being for new strength and the upliftment of your consciousness 4 frequencies, so will these negative periods be greatly reduced in strength 5 and duration. 6 7 I repeat, at all times beware how you use your minds! Let your mental 8 activity always be constructive that it may contribute to your own spiritual 9 growth rather than its constant hindrance. 10 11 12 5. My Purpose in Coming Through These Letters 13 14 Having said all the above, and proceeding to dictate the rest of the Letter, 15 the Recorder of my words began to question the likely public reception of 16 this Letter, because it seemed to her too pragmatic to appeal to people who 17 are accustomed to picturing some magnificent Power or Being or ‘Utterly 18 Other’ which has given birth to the universe. 19 20 Indeed, I have made numerous efforts to describe the immensity of the 21 Power out of which all things have come but as I have said, it is impossible 22 for me to describe in human terms the Reality of the SOURCE of your 23 BEING. 24 25 Those spiritually evolved souls who have been lightly infused with 26 Divine Consciousness report the experience to be utterly beautiful and 27 glorious and entirely unforgettable – but still not fully describable in 28 human terms. This mystical experience is possible when the frequencies 29 of vibration of the mind are already raised and the entire consciousness 30 is suffused with rays of Divine Consciousness. It is a condition that 31 involves the ‘feelings’ more than the intellect and brain cells. 32 33 In this case, where I have to infuse my Recorder’s mind and brain cells with 34 a description of the Reality of your SOURCE of BEING, and she has to 35 interpret in words, I have to take care not to interfere too forcefully with 36 the frequencies of vibrations of consciousness in which my Recorder’s brain 37 cells are working. There have been occasions when it was dangerous to 38 Letter 5 189 proceed any further and I have interrupted the working of her computer to 1 break the contact. 2 3 Before you begin to study, meditate and absorb the following pages, I 4 want to make it clear to all who read these Letters that my purpose in 5 coming through them is: 6 7 • First and foremost to dispel the myths which have surrounded my 8 human persona and teachings. It is my intention that religious 9 dogma and doctrines should eventually die a natural death, 10 worldwide – as complete a death as the animal sacrifices in the 11 Temple of Solomon. 12 13 • Secondly, I have also come to help the churches let go their 14 archaic notions of ‘God’ and ‘sin.’ No true spiritual progress is 15 possible until the dawning of a clear realisation that each person 16 is responsible for the way his or her life develops. 17 18 • Thirdly, I have come to remove from your minds the pictures of 19 an ‘Almighty God’ of magnificence and grandeur and unlimited 20 active power, who rewards the virtuous and punishes the ‘wicked’. 21 These beliefs are wholly erroneous – albeit comforting. 22 23 • Fourthly, I am explaining the Truth of Being for you, to finally 24 dispel the old concept of ‘God’ sitting aloft somewhere in heaven 25 where He is said to have created the world and all that is in it in a 26 relatively short while. 27 28 • Fifthly, I have come expressly to help science bridge the gulf 29 between UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS and the appearance of 30 electrical particles. Without this bridge between the Unseen 31 Spiritual Dimension and the Seen world of ‘matter’, science will 32 remain rooted in old ideas and concepts instead of moving 33 forward into new realms of spiritual/scientific research for the 34 betterment of mankind. 35 36 • I have also come to show you the TRUE NATURE of ... 37 ‘THAT’ ... WHICH BROUGHT YOU INTO BEING – gave you 38 Letter 5 190 INDIVIDUALITY. For, without this knowledge, which will reveal 1 to you the ‘nature’ of your ‘dual, yet fully interrelated being’, 2 Spirit and body, you will also remain rooted in the same level of 3 consciousness as you are at this moment. 4 5 I want to make it manifestly clear that: 6 7 ‘Nothing ever comes from Nothing.’ 8 9 This is a well known saying amongst you, and a perfectly true one. 10 11 However, there is an eternal, infinite, consistent FOUNDATION of 12 BEINGNESS – and THIS I am going to reveal to you. 13 14 You have not been ‘created’ – you have drawn your ‘being’ from IT. 15 16 Obviously, you could not have come from something entirely foreign to 17 your own consciousness. I am asking my Recorder to choose some 18 mundane understandable examples: 19 20 You could not draw a filling for tarts from a vat of treacle and discover they 21 were mince meat. 22 23 You could not squeeze an orange and make ginger beer from the juice. 24 25 You could not fill a balloon with air, pop it and find it was dripping jelly. 26 27 All the above examples chosen by my Recorder are instances of logic. 28 29 I want you to realise that your entire universe is a manifestation of logic 30 and consistent logical effects arising out of related causation. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Letter 5 191 6. Cause and Effect Made Visible 1 2 Your universe is CAUSE and EFFECT made visible. 3 4 This is an undeviating principle of existence. If there are instances of 5 deviations such as paranormal experiences or instantaneous healings, 6 the average person exclaims in astonishment and science refuses to 7 believe that such a thing is possible. As my explanation deepens, you 8 will eventually understand how such deviations take place – logically 9 and effectually. In other words, these deviations occur according to 10 natural spiritual laws and always serve a necessary purpose. 11 12 Nowhere is there any mindlessness in creation – even in the ant or gnat 13 – unless the mind of an entity has been born defective, or been 14 damaged. 15 16 Therefore it is clear: you live and operate in a physical universe which 17 displays the highest degree of intelligence and purposeful activity within the 18 creation of ‘matter’ itself, in the physical bodies of all individual entities 19 from plants to human beings. 20 21 Unfortunately, this high degree of INTELLIGENCE and PURPOSEFUL 22 CARING is only minimal in the consciousness displayed by the created 23 entities themselves, from plants to human beings. 24 25 In other words, the BODIES in which you conduct your lives, in which 26 you think and feel and do whatever comes to mind, manifest within 27 their physical organs and working parts a very much higher order of 28 intelligence and loving purpose than does your human consciousness. 29 30 Human interests are mostly wrapped up in the problems of personal 31 daily survival, enjoyment of pleasures, and emotional/physical 32 satisfaction. 33 34 To achieve these purposes, the majority of people use only the commodities 35 manufactured out of ‘matter’. Even the minds of scientists cannot fully 36 unravel the hidden secrets of earthly existence and, despite all their 37 38 Letter 5 192 scientific expertise, are as bogged down in the changing fortunes of 1 existence as are those who have no learning at all. 2 3 Therefore it is a logical conclusion that ‘THAT’ out of which you have 4 drawn your physical being, is one of IMMENSITY – not only of size, but 5 IMMENSITY of WILLPOWER: the Will to self-expression and 6 creativity. 7 8 Visualize for a moment – the size of the material universe, the SUN and its 9 heat, the Moon, the earth, planets and solar system, the galaxies of stars, 10 and the fact that all this visible material is totally interdependent, yet also 11 dependent on the movement of the planetary bodies and subject to 12 Universal Laws of consistent function and movement. This vast universe 13 has had its origins within – and has been drawn out of – the 14 FOUNDATION of your BEING – and the entirety of LIFE FORCE/ ENERGY 15 in the universe has been drawn out of that same FOUNDATION of BEING. 16 17 Therefore, do not be dismayed, if, in my efforts to analyse for you the 18 SPIRITUAL COMPONENTS of YOUR SOURCE of BEING, you find 19 that you recognise what these components are, and to a very, very, very 20 limited extent, possess the same spiritual components of consciousness 21 yourself. 22 23 You have drawn all that you are – spiritually, mentally, emotionally, 24 physically, from your SOURCE of BEING. 25 26 Before I explain to you how this could be, I want you to take certain steps 27 to help your minds absorb the immensity of ... ‘THAT’ ... out of which you 28 have drawn your being. 29 30 After you have read the next pages to the end of my Letter, take each 31 paragraph individually into meditation and visualisation, for only in this 32 way will the ‘words’ begin to grow in realisation and take on the spiritual 33 reality of their true meaning. 34 35 36 37 38 Letter 5 193 ALL (spiritual, unseen/seen/imagined) is CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS. 1 The primary comprehensive nature of CONSCIOUSNESS is AWARENESS. 2 3 It is not possible to have consciousness without possessing awareness. 4 All that you see, all that you touch, hear, feel, know is 5 CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS 6 made visible. 7 8 There is nothing in the universe that is not CONSCIOUSNESS made visible. 9 10 CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS is infinite and eternal. 11 12 There are TWO DIMENSIONS of CONSCIOUSNESS both beyond and within 13 your own earthly plane of existence – the plane of heavy ‘matter’, ‘solid form’. 14 15 The ULTIMATE UNIVERSAL DIMENSION of 16 CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS 17 18 can never be fully or truly known by an individualised spirit. 19 IT IS INACCESSIBLE. IT IS IN EQUILIBRIUM. 20 IT is the ONLY SOURCE of all POWER, WISDOM, LOVE, INTELLIGENCE. 21 22 The UNIVERSAL DIMENSION of CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS in 23 equilibrium 24 25 is a state of SILENCE and STILLNESS 26 out of which come sound, colour, individualised form, 27 and all visible creativity within the visible universe. 28 29 Out of ULTIMATE UNIVERSAL DIMENSION of 30 31 CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS 32 in equilibrium 33 has come all of creation – all the various unseen dimensions of existence descending 34 in order of spirituality from the very portals of the UNIVERSAL DIMENSION 35 down to the most ponderous vibrational frequencies of inanimate earthly substances 36 and beyond into unspeakable horrors of consciousness perversions and anti-Truth. 37 38 Letter 5 194 This ULTIMATE UNIVERSAL DIMENSION of 1 CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS 2 is not only in space 3 IT is ALL SPACE 4 IT is undetectably everywhere. For those who think in terms of atoms – you can say 5 IT is the SPACE in the atom – therefore, IT is ‘in silence and equilibrium’ within 6 the ‘space’ of 7 all elements and ‘matter’. 8 9 The NATURE of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS is: 10 INTENT inactive and in equilibrium. 11 Therefore, Universal Consciousness is an infinite, eternal, limitless, boundless, state 12 of 13 POWERFUL INTENT – pristine, pure, beautiful. 14 15 This INTENT is to 16 EXPRESS Its NATURE. 17 18 19 UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS NATURE 20 INTENT 21 is the ALLNESS of WILL and PURPOSE 22 always locked in ‘embrace’. 23 The Universal Will is: to move out and create. 24 The Universal Purpose is: to give individual form to creation and experience it. 25 26 Within the ULTIMATE UNIVERSAL DIMENSION OF 27 CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS INTENT 28 29 UNIVERSAL WILL is in a state of mutual restraint – with UNIVERSAL PURPOSE 30 both in perfect equilibrium 31 within SILENCE and STILLNESS 32 UNIVERSAL WILL is UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENCE 33 UNIVERSAL PURPOSE is UNIVERSAL LOVE 34 universally in equilibrium – in mutual restraint 35 out of WHICH all things visible and invisible and human impulses have taken form. 36 37 38 Letter 5 195 If you could receive the fullness of UNIVERSAL REALITY into yourself, you would 1 be disintegrated by ITS explosive power and dissolved into formless Consciousness/ 2 Awareness. IT as far transcends the individual humanhood as the heat and light of 3 your sun is billions times more powerful than the light of your fireflies flickering in darkness. 4 5 6 When I was on earth, I made a distinction between: 7 8 ‘Your Father in Heaven’ and 9 ‘Your Father within you’. 10 11 When I spoke of: 12 ‘Your FATHER in heaven’ 13 I meant 14 UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENCE. 15 16 Because of the Jewish attitude to women, I only referred to this aspect of UNIVERSAL 17 CONSCIOUSNESS. 18 19 Now, to you who are so aware of the equality of genders, I speak of: 20 21 ‘FATHER-MOTHER-CONSCIOUSNESS’ 22 in equilibrium 23 within UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS where 24 ‘Father Consciousness – is – Universal Intelligence’ 25 ‘Mother Consciousness – is – Universal Love’ 26 27 the TOOL of ‘Father Consciousness’ creative energy – electricity 28 is in a state of mutual restraint – equilibrium with 29 the TOOLS of ‘Mother Consciousness’ creative energy – magnetism. 30 31 Because ‘FATHER-MOTHER’ tools: electromagnetism is in equilibrium within 32 UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS 33 IT will never be detected within SPACE by scientists no matter how they may probe space. 34 35 36 The IMPULSE: ‘Father Consciousness WILL’ is INTELLIGENT ACTIVITY 37 – in equilibrium with – 38 Letter 5 196 The IMPULSE: ‘Mother Consciousness PURPOSE’ is NURTURING for SURVIVAL 1 2 ‘FATHER-MOTHER CONSCIOUSNESS’ 3 is a powerful impersonal FORCE – yet IT is personal for you even before you seek to 4 make contact with IT. 5 As you evolve spiritually, you will feel IT – for IT is the REALITY of BEING 6 7 IT is everywhere and within everything. 8 9 FATHER CONSCIOUSNESS is 10 11 the INTELLIGENT LOVE Which gives intelligent energy and momentum to the world of complex forms – expressed physically as electricity. 12 13 MOTHER PURPOSE is 14 15 the LOVING INTELLIGENCE Which gives purpose and the impulse for survival to the individualised complex forms – expressed as magnetism – bonding and repulsion. 16 17 These are the UNIVERSAL PRIMAL IMPULSES of ALL BEING of 18 19 UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS 20 your SOURCE OF BEING – INTELLIGENCE-LOVE 21 This is the STATE OF BEING before creation. 22 CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS within a STATE OF EQUILIBRIUM. 23 24 I want you to move again into an inner state of conscious equilibrium, 25 where all thought is stilled and your mind resides in silence. You are in 26 interior control, your mind and emotions no longer divided into activity 27 and feeling. You may feel a build-up of power within you, strength, peace, 28 and contentment. This, expressed in you, in individual form, is the STATE 29 of BEING out of which came creation. 30 31 I want you to notice that the equilibrium is impossible the moment that 32 thought is introduced. 33 34 I want you to REALISE that the UNIVERSAL DIMENSION is a 35 DIMENSION of unformed IMPULSES. It contains no blueprint of 36 creation. It is in a state of UNDIVIDED FORM. 37 38 Letter 5 197 The equilibrium – the restraint between opposing IMPULSES – ‘to move 1 about’ and ‘remain bonded’ creates an infinite spiral of self-contained 2 energy. The SELF-CONTAINED ENERGY of MUTUAL RESTRAINT 3 is beyond the power of individuality to even imagine. 4 5 As I have told you before, were individuality able to enter the UNIVERSAL 6 DIMENSION of the MUTUALLY-RESTRAINED IMPULSES of 7 ‘Movement and Bonding’ – the individuality would be immediately dissolved 8 and returned to the equilibrium of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS. 9 Ponder the unimaginable immensity of Power contained within the 10 MUTUAL-RESTRAINT of the TWIN IMPULSES in UNIVERSAL 11 CONSCIOUSNESS which are primarily: 12 13 CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS 14 15 INTENT 16 WILL >>> <<< PURPOSE 17 INTELLIGENCE LOVE 18 19 combined as 20 Intelligent Love and Loving Intelligence 21 Impulses of: Movement Bonding-Repulsion 22 23 ELECTRICITY ........ in equilibrium ........ MAGNETISM 24 25 The above describes the UNLIMITED UNIVERSAL DIMENSION before 26 the BIG BANG! 27 28 You now know that the Father-Mother Creative Process and the tools of 29 physical creation are all in a state of equilibrium within the Universal 30 Dimension, but now that equilibrium is to be exploded to bring about: 31 32 IN DI VI DUA L FO R M 33 34 35 36 37 38 Letter 5 198 7. The Creation of Individual Form 1 2 You know, too, that since the Infinite Eternal IMPULSES are contained 3 in a state of mutual restraint, these IMPULSES are of an unimaginable 4 intensity of energy – against which your atomic energy contained within the 5 splitting of an atom is a mere ‘pouff’, an infinitesimal twitch of no 6 importance. 7 8 I want you to fully realise all the foregoing, since your realisation of what 9 happened at the time of the Big Bang will give you a glimpse of what 10 happened at the time of the sundering of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS 11 to permit the creation of individual form to take place. 12 13 14 UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS was RIVEN! 15 WILL and PURPOSE 16 ‘Father’ INTELLIGENCE and ‘Mother’ NURTURING LOVE 17 were exploded to work independently and also jointly. 18 Their respective ‘tools’ were 19 20 Electricity & Magnetism 21 22 Out of the explosion of EQUILIBRIUM came the 23 GREAT INTENT of SELF-EXPRESSION 24 25 26 ‘The Universal Awareness of BEING’ became 27 the Impulse of individualised ‘I’ awareness demanding self-expression 28 LIFE and ‘I’ness are synonymous in the dimension of ‘matter’. 29 30 They became the consciousness of ‘matter’. 31 32 What is the consciousness of LIFE? 33 It is: 34 Father-Intelligence And Mother-Love 35 Impulse of Movement Impulse of Purpose-nurturing – survival. 36 Seen as Electricity Seen as Magnetism in Matter 37 38 Letter 5 199 Can you begin to imagine the explosion of CONSCIOUSNESS! of 1 AWARENESS! 2 3 To help you fractionally visualize what happened at the moment of the Big 4 Bang, try to recall a moment when you also experienced an explosion in 5 your consciousness. 6 7 This takes place when you have set your entire ‘being’ on achieving some 8 very important goal. 9 10 About to embark on your plans, in a state of excited anticipation, some 11 trivial circumstance or insensitive person prevents you from achieving your 12 ‘heartfelt’ purposes. How would you feel? 13 14 Your concentration would be split and you would explode. 15 16 Here again, I must call on my Recorder to think up some examples of my 17 meaning in human terms, for the ‘least earthly consciousness’ is drawn 18 from UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS. 19 20 • You are at the Airport, excited and ready to fly for an unexpected 21 holiday overseas. On reaching your Travel Bureau counter, you 22 discover there are no documents or tickets, and no record of any 23 reservations for flight or holiday accommodation although you have 24 already paid for them by credit card. How will you feel? 25 26 • You are dressed in a very expensive outfit, wining and dining 27 important customers, and are about to clinch a big contract worth 28 millions. The waiter drops a plate of hot casserole on your head. 29 How will you feel? 30 • You go shopping and come out to the car park to find the wheels and 31 doors of your car have been removed – in broad daylight! 32 33 • Sympathetically, you open your purse to give a whining crippled beggar all your silver, but the man straightens up, forcefully snatches 34 the purse from you and runs like an athlete. How will you feel? 35 36 In all these instances you would have a strong consciousness enterprise to 37 the very front of your mind. 38 Letter 5 200 Your head would be filled with a plan to move out and do something to 1 achieve a certain purpose – peacefully. Your intent would be interlocked 2 with your purpose – therefore in equilibrium – but note that there would 3 be mounting tension of anticipation as you neared your goal. The greater 4 the tension – the greater the explosion. 5 6 You would, in fact, be in the same state as: 7 8 UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS 9 10 INTENT 11 ‘Father’ INTELLIGENCE in equilibrium with the ‘Mother’ PURPOSE 12 to give being and form to the plan you intend to create. 13 14 After your explosion – can you imagine the ensuing mental/emotional 15 chaos, the inability to think straight, the thoughts which would come, one 16 after another, demanding expression – none of them sensible or logical? 17 18 Try to realise that YOU – individualised form – are the microcosm of 19 the macrocosm. 20 21 You are a pinhead expressing UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS/ 22 AWARENESS either in equilibrium when you meditate in stillness of 23 thought – or as active consciousness, when you think and feel, plan and 24 create. 25 26 Therefore, if you can relate your tiny consciousness explosion to the 27 explosion of the ‘heavens’, you will gain some small idea of the ensuing 28 chaos both – momentarily – within the UNIVERSAL DIMENSION – 29 and in aeons of time within the newly created expanse of the dimension of 30 ‘matter’ still in its formless state. 31 32 Therefore, many of you will have to wholly rearrange your thinking in 33 regard to creation. 34 35 It started out as a condition of utter chaos. The UNIVERSAL IMPULSES 36 were divided. There were no blueprints to direct or control the beginning 37 38 Letter 5 201 of individuality. The IMPULSES were still without any ‘conscious form’ or 1 direction. 2 3 They were NATURAL IMPULSES to perform certain distinct impulsive 4 functions in CONSCIOUSNESS but they were not intelligently directed 5 into specific movement or bonding by any higher Directing Force. They 6 were on their own. Separated and lost IMPULSES of CONSCIOUSNESS/ 7 AWARENESS able to receive impressions – but – there were no 8 impressions to receive other than those of interior chaos of ‘movement-9 activity’ of electricity and ‘bonding-repulsion’ of magnetism. 10 11 And this CONSCIOUSNESS CHAOS was manifested within creation as 12 chaos of particles. 13 14 Within this expanse of chaos of electrical particles, however, there was the 15 overriding awareness of ‘I’ness. 16 17 No matter what the chaos, the ‘I’ness came through in the ‘Father’ intent 18 to move about, to take control, to create. 19 20 The ‘I’ness took initial form in a positive charge of electrical energy. 21 22 It became the dominant ‘I’ force as a proton with its satellite of negative 23 electric charge – whereupon ‘Mother’ Purpose of bonding was activated 24 in those conditions of a positive electrical charge meeting a negative 25 electrical charge. 26 27 They ‘took to each other’ as one might say of the evolved male and 28 female in living species – and bonded. 29 30 ‘Mother’ Purpose of repulsion was also activated when two positive or 31 two negative electrical charges looked likely to meet and react 32 negatively – she stepped in and pushed them apart – just like her 33 evolved female mother counterpart would separate two unruly highly-34 charged ruffians about to engage in a fight. 35 36 This was the only form of consciousness awareness within the chaos for a 37 very long time – since time is of no consequence within the realm of matter 38 Letter 5 202 itself. Time only becomes of importance when there occurs an 1 impinging of conscious awareness between electrical charges resulting 2 in bonding or repulsion, a progression of adjacencies and events taking 3 place and purposes to be fulfilled. 4 5 Otherwise, time is meaningless. 6 7 Creation is the product of PRIMARY IMPULSES working individually 8 and together – making impressions upon the other, fulfilling inbuilt needs 9 imprinted within consciousness – these needs being, at the outset to 10 increase and experience self-expression leading to further separation, then – 11 to restore a sense of inner security and comfort – to be reunited within the 12 harmony of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS. Out of this driving force 13 for a reunited harmony of being, came the male-female drive for reunion to 14 recapture the bliss which is buried in the soul consciousness. 15 16 You could make an analogy of the foregoing paragraph with the habit 17 of fathers going out to work in the morning and returning, hopefully, 18 to the comfort and reunion with family in the evening where he regains 19 the strength to venture forth the next morning to do battle with the 20 world. Therefore the process of creation of 21 22 UNIVERSAL SELF-EXPRESSION 23 took billions of years within time to accomplish. 24 25 After the Big Bang, the Father-Mother Creative Process was divided into 26 two different energies, continually working apart and together, independent 27 yet mutually constrained to work together having individual characteristics 28 or ‘natures’ – and different functions. Therefore, their work load was/is 29 different yet indivisible. 30 31 You already know, and by a process of meditation, should have fully 32 understood the ‘nature’ of the ‘Father’ and the ‘nature’ of the ‘Mother’ 33 within the equilibrium of the Universal Dimension. 34 35 Briefly, the ‘nature’ of the ‘Father’ is to be active, creative, and perform the 36 work of creativity. 37 38 Letter 5 203 It is also the ‘I’ness of individualised existence. Everything living from a 1 hornet to a hippopotamus has a strong sense of ‘I’ness and the need to 2 protect that ‘I’ness. 3 4 The ‘nature’ of the ‘Mother’ is to give form to the electrical consciousness 5 ‘plan’ initiated by ‘Father Intelligence’ by bonding the electrical particles 6 together. 7 8 ‘Father’ and ‘Mother’ consciousness – PRIMARY IMPULSES – are both 9 within the equilibrium, and of the NATURE of the UNIVERSAL 10 DIMENSION and consequently as they create individual form, they carry 11 out the work of the NATURE of the UNIVERSAL DIMENSION which 12 is: 13 14 Growth – Providing Nutrition – Nourishment – Healing – Protection – 15 Fulfilment of Need within a consistent system of Law and 16 Order ......SURVIVAL. 17 18 ‘ Father’ and ‘Mother’ Consciousness energies are IMPULSES both 19 restrained within the UNIVERSAL DIMENSION and when they have 20 been released from equilibrium they powerfully perform the work of 21 creation. Furthermore, consider the magnitude of their work within 22 creation throughout the world. The ‘Father/Mother’ impulses prompt every 23 level of creation from the formation of elements, the living molecule and 24 cell – to the magnificent Mammoth. They also work instinctually within 25 parents to prompt them to unify, to conceive, bear and rear their young. 26 27 Some fathers absent themselves after the birth of their progeny be they: 28 eggs, puppies or humans. These are the fathers whose sense of ‘I’ness is 29 greater than their inborn fathering instincts. 30 31 32 8. IMPULSES - The REALITY Behind and Within All 33 Creation 34 35 36 It is at this point that you must become fully aware of the meaning of 37 IMPULSE. 38 Letter 5 204 You may think that this seems a very ‘nebulous’ ‘form of creativity’, but if 1 you reflect for a while, you may eventually realise that no human or animal 2 or insect or even plant, undertakes any activity within the material 3 dimension without an inner ‘consciousness’ coercion – which is an 4 ‘impulse’. It may be to turn to face the sun, to run, to eat, to work, to 5 sleep, to go shopping, to have a baby. Always – the ‘impulse’ precedes the 6 activity – even the flick of an eyelid. 7 8 Furthermore, there is no impulse prompting any activity which is not 9 directed by a purpose: 10 11 Plants turn flowers and leaves to catch the rays of the sun for growth; 12 people run to get fit; eat to satisfy hunger; work to earn a salary; sleep to 13 escape the tensions and recharge the energy; go shopping to buy food – all 14 directed at survival and personal comfort. 15 16 Therefore, the IMPULSES are the REALITY behind and within all 17 creation. 18 19 If all matter were to return to its original form of electrical particles, the 20 Universal Impulses would remain intact and would eventually give form to 21 another creation. The IMPULSES are forever. However, electrical particles 22 within living ‘matter’ are here today and gone tomorrow – but the soul 23 moves on. 24 25 You think with electrical impulses in the brain. You feel with magnetic 26 impulses in your nervous system. They center and bond the electrical 27 impulses into a cohesive whole. 28 29 Without the ‘magnetic bonding’ in your system, you would be all ‘go-go’ 30 and no ‘know-know’. 31 32 Now is the moment to take you back to my desert experiences, described to 33 you in Letter 1. 34 35 You may remember that when I went to the River Jordan to be baptised by 36 John, I was a rebel, my face set against the teaching of the Jews, who stated 37 that Jehovah punished men for their sins. 38 Letter 5 205 Intuitively, I felt that this was a false and cruel concept and rejected it. 1 2 After I was shown the Truth concerning creation, I could not understand 3 why Perfect Consciousness did not create perfect beings made in the 4 image of their Creator Intelligent Love. 5 6 I asked the Creator – ‘Universal Consciousness’ – why mankind has 7 endured so much suffering and evil. 8 9 I was then shown very clearly that all the problems experienced by humans 10 arose from the ‘central point’ of the self, (science now calls this the ‘ego’). 11 12 It manifested itself in the ‘personality’ – 13 14 • as a DRIVING NEED to defend the self from criticism or 15 emotional/physical attack 16 • 17 and a similar DRIVING NEED to push aside other people, in order 18 to arrive first in the race of life. 19 20 It also manifested itself in the ‘personality’ – 21 22 • as a DRIVING NEED to take all that was best for the self, despite 23 the opposition of others 24 25 • and a similar DRIVING NEED to hold on to personal possessions, 26 be they relatives, friends, material goods or achievements, despite any 27 opposition. 28 29 I was also made to understand that without these TWO fundamental, 30 eternal, undeviating ‘impulses of creative being’ there would be no 31 creation. 32 33 This is the secret of creation – and the secret of existence and of 34 ‘individual being’. 35 36 By working together as a team, separately but inseparable, in the visible 37 world, these twin impulses were the means by which the substance of 38 Letter 5 206 ‘matter’ itself has been created out of the sublime ‘UNIVERSAL 1 CONSCIOUSNESS’. 2 3 One impulse of creativity is: the ‘I’ness of ACTIVITY. 4 5 This impulse of activity is universal and stems from only one source. 6 7 ‘Activity’ is a movement in CONSCIOUSNESS, and CONSCIOUSNESS 8 in movement. 9 10 The other creative impulse possesses (figuratively speaking) two faces 11 looking in opposite directions. They are: 12 13 BONDING – REJECTION 14 Pull towards >>>>>>>> the self <<<<<<<< Push away 15 otherwise known as 16 17 ATTRACTION – REPULSION 18 Attract >>>>>>>> to – THE SELF – from <<<<<<<< Repel 19 within CONSCIOUSNESS. 20 21 These are the ONLY means by which earthly existence 22 has been achieved. 23 24 The entire universe is a manifestation of the ‘Creative Power’ active 25 within these Twin Impulses of PHYSICAL BEING – creating ‘matter’ 26 and individual form. 27 This is one of the fundamental ‘secrets’ of the universe. 28 29 I saw that the ‘core’ of the ‘Personality’ or ‘ego’ as it is now called, 30 had been created 31 ‘GUARDIAN of PERSONALITY’ 32 and was irresistibly imprinted with the magnetic impulse to ensure 33 PRIVACY and SURVIVAL. 34 For the protection of the individual ‘I’ness 35 This was accomplished by using the 36 two faces of the second Impulse of Being 37 BONDING – REJECTION to secure individuality. 38 Letter 5 207 The face of BONDING drags, draws, attracts, demands, pulls, buys, grabs, 1 clutches, clings to the people and possessions it craves. This IMPULSE 2 creates an illusion of security in togetherness and possessions. It is the ‘tool’ 3 of ‘MOTHER CONSCIOUSNESS’ inspiring the building of families, 4 communities and nations. It can be productive of beauty, joy, harmony and 5 love. It can also wreck lives and destroy communities when it is ‘Ego’ 6 driven. 7 8 The face of REJECTION repels, thrusts aside, pushes away, evades, 9 everything – people, animals, possessions – it does not want. Thus the 10 IMPULSE of REJECTION creates an illusion of privacy and security. 11 12 It is the IMPULSE that urges rifts in families, relationships, communities 13 and nations. It is supposedly geared to saving lives, ensuring protection and 14 privacy but is a destructive force when it is ‘Ego’ driven. 15 16 Without these TWIN IMPULSES OF BEING, all things would have 17 remained forever merged into one another within the eternal timelessness of 18 ‘UNIVERSAL CREATIVE POWER in equilibrium’. 19 20 Without these TWIN IMPULSES, there would be no interplay of ‘give 21 and take’ and ‘pull and push’ necessary to the creation of the millions of 22 personal experiences out of which ‘personality’ grows and evolves. 23 24 Therefore, the problem of ‘personality’ and the ‘ego-drive’ endured by all 25 living things and mankind was/is an irrevocable, unavoidable fact of 26 creation. Any other explanation is pure myth. 27 28 I saw that what men called ‘SIN’ was the direct result of the interplay of the 29 Bonding-Rejection Impulses within human nature. 30 31 The Bonding-Rejection Impulses constituted the emotional/mental mask 32 worn by all created individual entities, including birds and animals. You see 33 these impulses at work within all of nature – even within plant life. 34 35 The Bonding-Rejection Impulses directed/directs the behaviour towards 36 survival of all entities in creation. 37 38 Letter 5 208 There was no escaping the Bonding-Rejection Impulses. 1 2 These Twin Impulses were the ephemeral source of all ‘worldly’ 3 comfort, pleasure, ‘happiness’ – and also the source of all sickness, 4 misery and deprivation in the world. 5 6 However, added to these – transcending, underlying and interpenetrating 7 all – was/is the: 8 9 LIFE – 10 11 born of the EXPLOSION of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS 12 is the very foundation and source of earthly consciousness – 13 therefore, even as the ‘Father-Mother’ Consciousness is creative – 14 so is man’s THINKING creative 15 for human ‘thought and feeling’ are both the exercise and union of the 16 twin tools of ‘Father-Mother’ Consciousness. 17 18 Therefore, these Impulses of Bonding-Rejection in the individual 19 personality also become highly creative in that they determine – 20 and make visible – the ‘consciousness forms’ of 21 ‘things desired’ and ‘things rejected’. 22 23 This is the second fundamental ‘secret’ of the universe. 24 25 26 I saw that ‘SIN’ was an artificial concept expediently devised by men to 27 describe any human activity causing pain to others. Because of their natural 28 make-up of ‘grabbing’ from other people, and of rudely repelling them, in 29 order to get what they wanted from life, it was inevitable that all human 30 beings would, at some time, cause other human beings some form of 31 distress or suffering. This human propensity to hurt others in no way 32 caused ‘offence’ to UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS (God) – as was 33 affirmed by the Jewish and ‘Christian’ religion. 34 35 Only mankind understood the meaning of the word ‘sin’ since only 36 mankind and all of ‘creation subject to mankind’, ‘would ever know the 37 pain, deprivation and misery caused by the two fundamental IMPULSES 38 Letter 5 209 of INDIVIDUALITY – Bonding-Rejection active within the human 1 ‘personality’. 2 3 Man’s inbuilt impulse to protect his own individuality had made him set 4 up rules and laws for human society. The ‘Universal Creative Power’ – 5 LOVE – had absolutely nothing to do with the setting up of human 6 restrictions, limitations, laws and judgement. 7 8 I also saw that: 9 10 The ‘Father-Mother-Creative Power’ – LIFE – continually flowed 11 through all the universe and was the life in my mind using the twin 12 impulses of thought and feeling. 13 14 Hence any powerful ‘imperfect thinking and feeling’ could disturb and 15 change the ‘CONSCIOUSNESS pattern’ of created things. 16 17 Conversely: 18 19 My ‘thinking’ when fully cleansed of the twin impulses of ‘ego’ – and 20 fully receptive of the ‘Father-Mother Creative Power’ INTELLIGENCE/ 21 LOVE would reintroduce the 22 23 condition of 24 ‘PERFECT INTELLIGENT LOVE’. 25 26 Therefore, a condition previously made imperfect as a result of 27 ‘imperfect thought’ could be brought back into a condition of ‘wholeness’ 28 again by changing ego attitudes and thoughts to those of 29 UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. 30 31 My mind was a ‘tool’ of the whole creative process 32 originating in the UNIVERSAL. 33 34 Now that I knew this was so – knew it spiritually, intellectually, 35 emotionally, I realised I could and must take steps to overcome the TWIN 36 IMPULSES of EGO previously governing my mind, in order to allow the 37 DIVINE REALITY full scope through my mind and brain. 38 Letter 5 210 This is why there was a struggle between my humanly entrenched Ego and 1 my ‘Father-Mother-Consciousness’ during the very strident temptations I 2 experienced at the end of my enlightenment in the desert. Satan had 3 nothing to do with the tug-of-war which took place within my 4 consciousness. The war was waged between the – 5 6 TWIN IMPULSES OF INDIVIDUALITY – Bonding-Rejection 7 8 and the DIVINE REALITY which had made ITSELF known to me as 9 INTELLIGENT LOVE-LIFE 10 11 transcendent, yet within me and which would gradually take over my 12 individuality to an ever greater extent if I continually meditated and 13 cleared my consciousness of selfish impulses. 14 15 The foregoing is a description of the powerful knowledge I returned to 16 Nazareth with. 17 18 Therefore, my physically healing time spent with my mother whilst she 19 nursed me back to health was also a time of prayer and meditation, from 20 which I drew the inspiration and strength to consciously and 21 conscientiously live the NATURE of the DIVINE or UNIVERSAL 22 REALITY. 23 24 As you know, the NATURE of the DIVINE or ‘UNIVERSAL REALITY’ is 25 LIFE. 26 27 When IT is active within creation – or we can also say – within the 28 ‘individuality’ of creation, IT grows, nourishes, provides nutrition, 29 regenerates, heals, protects, ensures survival, fulfills the needs of 30 everything created – all within a system of perfect harmony, 31 cooperation and law and order. This is the ‘nature’ of LIFE. All its work 32 in creation is done in accordance with UNIVERSAL NATURE – the 33 promotion of the highest good of all living things. 34 35 If you can understand these words, you will realise why I returned from the 36 desert – a man filled with joy, with a new awareness of the beauty of the 37 world, a feeling of absolute confidence, and KNOWING it was possible to 38 Letter 5 211 control the appearance of ‘matter’. You will feel with me, my own elation 1 that I could now offer the Jews the glorious news that the ‘Kingdom of 2 Heaven’ was in their midst. All they had to do was ‘find’ it with my 3 assistance, and their lives would be changed forever. 4 5 I leave you with the same knowledge which, prayerfully used and fully 6 understood, can change the course of your life. 7 8 As you read, your consciousness will be lifted and as you seek inspiration – 9 it will come to you. 10 11 I long for you to understand, aspire, grow and achieve. Relax in my LIGHT 12 for whilst you read, reflect, meditate, and pray, you are drawn into my 13 CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS which will become ever more apparent to 14 you, as you evolve within this Divine Knowledge. 15 16 My love and faith in your growing wisdom enfold you. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Letter 5 212 Christ’s Letter 6 1 2 3 This Letter is a continuation of the topics in Letter 5 where Christ begins 4 to explain the true processes of creation. He touches on what science and 5 religious doctrines have believed, rejects them and defines the TRUTH of 6 BEING. He touches on the truth regarding the human ego, – the means of 7 earthly individuality and therefore necessary, but also the source of all 8 suffering. 9 10 11 1. Your Highest Spiritual Goal 12 13 These Letters present knowledge which people down the ages have 14 longed to know but have not received since their worldly scientific 15 knowledge was not sufficient to enable them to understand. So was it 16 when I was in Palestine in the person of ‘Jesus’, again and again I 17 explained the TRUTH OF UNIVERSAL EXISTENCE in various ways, 18 but no one understood. 19 20 As most of you must realise: I have NOT come to you at this time to bring 21 you a new religion, a better moral code, or a new ‘God’ to worship. Nor, 22 like your metaphysicians, do I preach ‘positive thinking’. Your humanly 23 conceived ‘positive thinking’, magnetising to yourselves your human needs 24 and desires, and the means to fulfill your ambitions, only strengthens your 25 ego-drive. 26 27 All things blest and bountiful will be manifested in you and your life as and 28 when you realise that: the entire universe is transcendent UNIVERSAL 29 CONSCIOUSNESS made visible when IT takes on material form through 30 the activity of the ego. 31 32 Your true purpose in your spiritual journey, is to break free of the bondage 33 of the ego and make ever more pure contact with DIVINE 34 CONSCIOUSNESS. It is your eventual destiny to recognize ITS 35 omnipresence both within yourself and throughout your daily activities. 36 37 38 Letter 6 213 Your highest spiritual goal is to come to that spiritually exalted moment 1 when you finally realise that your human mind and its desires are only 2 finite – and therefore, can never bring you the happiness and fulfilment 3 you will experience when you lay down your selfhood and come to 4 DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS asking ONLY for the Higher Way, more 5 Abundant Life, and the true spiritual PURPOSE which you alone can 6 accomplish in your earthly state. 7 8 However, to help you reach this high point of realisation, I am about to 9 enlarge on the origins and function of the EGO. 10 11 As I contemplate your world, I see a dimension presently controlled by 12 EGO FORCE. 13 14 Every evil thing IN YOUR PRESENT DECADENT SOCIETY in your 15 vast soulless cities, arises out of Ego Force. It is the source of every 16 wicked, lying, perverted activity presently in operation on your planet. 17 It controls the media, your TV, your families, nations. It is productive 18 of wars all over your globe. It creates a foul miasma of low 19 consciousness energies perceivable by Higher Spiritual Entities – but 20 too horrible to contemplate. 21 22 If your present consciousness is permeated with love of possessions and 23 an inability to share with others, devising ways and means to become 24 rich at the expense of others, stealing, failing to perform your work 25 conscientiously or give good value for money, snapping, snarling, 26 indulging in criticism, sarcasm, judgementalism, rejection, denigration, 27 enmity, intolerance, hatred, jealousy, aggression, violent impulses, 28 thieving, falsehoods, double and devious dealings, slander – you are 29 ego-driven. Your ego is in control and you will find it difficult to move 30 through the miasma of ego-consciousness to be able to see Reality. 31 32 For this reason, I have come through the medium of these Letters to help 33 you understand exactly what is binding you down in your present 34 conditions, the horror of which was unimaginable by the human mind a 35 century ago. 36 37 38 Letter 6 214 2. Ego 1 2 I am now about to explain more fully the EGO. 3 4 AT THE TIME OF YOUR CONCEPTION, during intercourse, as your 5 father’s consciousness rose, via his spine, ever higher to the top of his head, 6 and tension mounted towards its climax, your father’s consciousness briefly 7 touched DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS creating a flash point, a small 8 explosion, which he experienced as orgasm, and thereafter an injection of 9 10 DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS 11 was infused in his semen 12 to give life to the mother’s ovum. 13 14 The moment of union with woman and explosion of tension in a man at 15 the time of orgasm, reenacts the time of the Big Bang, when the UNITY 16 of ‘Father-Mother-Consciousness’ exploded into separate energies and 17 the first electrical particles and random ‘matter’ took form. ‘Father 18 Consciousness’ provided the energy of ‘activity and momentum’, and 19 ‘Mother Consciousness’ provided the ‘bonding’ to give form and 20 substance to the electrical particles. 21 22 These are PRIMAL IMPULSES which give life and form to man and 23 woman. 24 25 I want you to understand that creation is not a creation of ‘matter’ 26 imbued with consciousness. 27 28 Creation is the visible form of PRIMAL IMPULSES drawn and bonded 29 into individual shapes and entities all expressing differing facets and 30 combinations of the PRIMAL IMPULSES in a myriad of ways. 31 32 Therefore, the PRIMAL IMPULSES are the Reality which your eyes, ears, 33 smell, touch, tell you are solid ‘matter’ but are really CONSCIOUSNESS 34 IMPULSES individualised in order to be experienced, intellectually 35 understood and appreciated emotionally. 36 37 38 Letter 6 215 At the time of conception when semen unites with ovum and a mating 1 takes place, male consciousness chromosomes bond with female 2 consciousness chromosomes. This is a physical union of your father’s own 3 consciousness of semen and mother’s own consciousness of ovum 4 powered by the Divine. Thus, do the male and female consciousness 5 chromosomes carry the imprint of genetic DNA from both parents. The 6 moment of physical union of semen and ovum is conducted on two levels 7 of creativity. 8 9 The injection of DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS became your SOUL 10 embodied within the human consciousness union of semen and ovum. 11 Physicality was created, powered by ‘Father-Mother-Life-Consciousness’ 12 which controlled the activity and bonding of conscious cells, producing 13 the gradual growth and development of your physical body – which is really 14 consciousness made visible on every level of your being – and nothing else. 15 16 Your soul remained as an inviolate ‘flame’ (metaphor) of ‘Father-Mother-17 LIFE’ deeply enmeshed within the physical drives of: 18 19 ACTIVITY – BONDING/REPULSION 20 These became your earthly individuality and personality. 21 22 Incorporated within the transcendent LIFE IMPULSES of ‘Divine Father-23 Mother Consciousness’, these consciousness impulses now took over the 24 process of your physical consciousness creation and became the driving 25 force behind your personality. Together, ‘Activity-Bonding’ laboured to 26 build conscious cell by conscious cell according to the consciousness 27 specifications contained in the consciousness DNA molecules. Both 28 personality and body are the product of these human impulses of ‘Activity-29 Bonding/Repulsion’. Whilst UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS remains 30 forever within equilibrium in the space, and therefore, undetectable – in 31 that self-same space, in frequencies of vibration, the primal impulses of 32 ‘Activity-Bonding/Rejection’ work together in the visible dimension 33 appearing to your senses in the form of electromagnetism. 34 35 Both UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS and your soul remain undisturbed 36 within the silence and stillness of equilibrium in space. The earthly 37 38 Letter 6 216 consciousness creativity takes place within space and time and varying 1 frequencies of vibration of materialised consciousness. 2 3 Therefore, you take on living form and continue to exist within two 4 dimensions. One dimension is Unseen, the DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS – 5 and the other visible dimension is all that the living human being can sense 6 or comprehend until spiritual development lifts its human consciousness 7 frequencies of vibration to the spiritual plane and a glimmer of 8 understanding enters its earthly consciousness. As this process of gradual 9 enlightenment proceeds, the uplifted human consciousness then works 10 consciously, both within the Unseen and the visible dimension. 11 12 The higher the frequencies of vibration of individualised consciousness, the 13 higher and more perfect are the forms created in the mind – the lower the 14 frequencies of vibration, the more divorced from Universal Perfection of 15 Love are the forms created in the individualised mind wholly possessed by 16 the ego-drive. 17 18 The EGO takes over control of your developing foetus from the time of the 19 union of the semen and ovum. The new little being became an ‘I’ 20 immediately, feeling satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the womb depending 21 on its sense of comfort or discomfort and what was happening to mother. 22 23 When you were born, your instincts of survival imprinted with the deep 24 primeval knowledge of ‘created beingness’ buried in each living cell of your 25 body, prompted you to breathe, and become aware of an emotional 26 emptiness and deprivation at your separation from the comfort of the 27 confining womb, which was then felt as a physical emptiness and need for 28 physical nourishment. 29 30 Thus was your ego cry born. 31 32 When you cried you were given nourishment by mother which was deeply 33 satisfying – both physically and emotionally. When your needs were fully 34 met, you could slip back into a state of equilibrium within sleep. 35 36 When you woke from your equilibrium, you felt a sense of insecurity (the 37 equilibrium now divided into mental and emotional awareness), you 38 Letter 6 217 remembered that mother and milk created a fulfilment of needy insecurity, 1 and so again, you cried. Your needs were fulfilled. 2 3 So did your ego-drive develop. 4 5 Sometimes, you cried and it was humanly decreed that it was not yet 6 feeding time and you were left to cry for a while. This built up an awareness 7 that needs were not always satisfied immediately and you would have to 8 adapt. You either chose anger and cried more vigorously – or lapsed into 9 acceptance. Your choice of reaction depended on the characteristics of ‘ego-10 drive’ imprinted in your consciousness at birth. 11 12 Neither forms of ego-drive were to be condemned or judged. They were the 13 natural result of the Creative Factor of Ego which ensures 14 INDIVIDUALITY. 15 16 As I have explained in my last Letter – EGO is the: 17 18 GUARDIAN of INDIVIDUALITY 19 20 If you did not have this inbuilt impulse to ‘cry’ for what you want to make 21 you happy or reject what makes you sad, you would be in a limbo of 22 nothingness. 23 24 If you did not run when faced with danger or did not call for help when in 25 danger – you might die. 26 27 If you had not cried – ‘demanded’ food – when you were born, you might 28 have starved. 29 30 If you had not welcomed mother’s milk and nuzzled her warmly, you might 31 never have developed a close caring bond with her. 32 33 Without the EGO-DRIVE there would be no creation, no individuality, no 34 fulfilment of need, no protection, no warmth of response and no human 35 love. 36 37 38 Letter 6 218 Without the EGO-DRIVE there would be no self-defense, no self-1 protection, no survival. 2 3 However, the EGO-DRIVE – primarily the ‘I’ of the individual, is 4 imprinted only with the need for SELF-SATISFACTION and SURVIVAL. 5 6 In childhood, the ‘I’ of the ego is governed by likes and dislikes, wants and 7 rejection of what is not wanted and by habits formed by a constant 8 repetition of feelings. Bad habits in the form of unacceptable ego responses 9 to personal experiences and the environment are formed and these are, in 10 turn, imprinted in the unconscious – or subconscious mind – and remain 11 hidden. However, they erupt into repeated behaviour patterns when the 12 ‘memory’ of previous circumstances and modes of behaviour unconsciously 13 bring them to mind. 14 15 Now, the subconscious mind and the conscious mind begin to work 16 together to develop the personality. 17 18 Much of the behaviour becomes ‘conditioned behaviour’ and very difficult 19 to break. When the person is unconsciously programmed with strong self-20 centred ego habits of thought and behaviour – and finds it difficult to live 21 with others in harmony – that person then goes to a psychologist for help in 22 unravelling the complexities of the mental/emotional problems. 23 24 Until my Truth of Existence is fully understood and the life-giving 25 principles become the consistent guidelines of habits of thought and 26 responses to life’s experiences, the pain and suffering arising from the 27 ignorant indulgence of the ego-drives will persist. 28 29 The church describes this human difficulty as being a ‘temptation by 30 Satan’. It is no such thing. It is a natural process brought about by the 31 uncontrolled reactions to life powered by the Ego-Drive, whose only 32 purpose is to bring the individual happiness and contentment, 33 fulfilment of need – or – privacy, independence, security, peace ..... all 34 directed at SURVIVAL. 35 36 It must be understood that there is nothing evil about the ego-drive. It is 37 the necessary tool of creation. 38 Letter 6 219 It is the individual himself who brings about the imbalances in life by 1 allowing the ego-drive full control in his personality without thought or 2 consideration for other people. 3 4 This, too, is not to be judged or criticised, since the person possessed by 5 ego-drive knows no other way to think or operate within the earthly 6 dimension. 7 8 The child knows nothing about self-control other than that taught by 9 parents and school teachers. 10 11 Therefore, the mistakes it makes in responding to life and its ups-and-12 downs, can only be accepted in good spirit by parents and teachers, since 13 the child has no understanding of what is driving him. 14 15 If he wants something – he WANTS something right away and wonders 16 why he shouldn’t have it. There is nothing more in his mind than this. 17 He sees something he likes – he wants it. 18 19 It is cruel to tell a child roughly, ‘No, you can’t have it’, his entire system is 20 insulted and assaulted. From earliest babyhood, the training process must 21 be initiated by logic and reassurance – affirming his right to feel secure 22 within his environment. His sense of security should be developed by 23 explaining the right way to express his wishes. LOVE – not irritation or 24 anger, must choose the words which tell the child why he cannot have 25 what he wants. The child will hear the message when given in love. 26 27 When delivered in anger, it arouses his deepest ego-drives and begins to 28 take form as resentment – overt or hidden or a sense of deep seated 29 frustration which taints the ego, reducing the child’s natural sense of inner 30 validity. A child needs to possess this sense of personal validity and should 31 not be subdued or destroyed. 32 33 It requires parents or teachers to point out, very clearly, that other people in 34 the world also have their needs, their rights to their possessions, their desire 35 for peace and pleasure. No one, not even a child – or adult – has the right 36 to upset another person in order to obtain their own satisfaction! 37 38 Letter 6 220 If another youngster hits the child and makes him cry, it is only natural for 1 the ego-drive to want to fight back – he is programmed to defend himself 2 against the other child. 3 4 It calls for parents and teachers to point out that a ‘payback’, revenge in 5 conflict, only escalates, bringing more pain to each child, and for this 6 reason, ‘payback’ is entirely pointless. 7 8 Better to LAUGH and turn away. And rather than allow the irritation and 9 hurt in the mind to continue, better still to take the problem to DIVINE 10 CONSCIOUSNESS in prayer and ask for the hurt to be removed from his 11 consciousness, and seek a means of reconciliation. 12 13 A child should also be taught to take time to understand that he and the 14 other child are equally children born of the Divine Moment. When a child 15 is spiritually receptive and can make this procedure of recognising his 16 spiritual kinship with other children and all living things, and the ‘rights of 17 others equal with his own’, into a habit, he will have been given the greatest 18 spiritual gift possible. In such a way, is the ego-drive weakened by the 19 practical daily application of inspirational love, whilst the central ‘I’ness of 20 the child remains strong and self-confident. 21 22 The child should be taught the benefits of laughter which I will describe 23 and explain in a later Letter. [ ...reference Letter 9] 24 25 Therefore, skilled and insightful teaching is absolutely necessary to steer 26 the child into an appreciation of the rights of other people – EQUAL 27 WITH THEIR OWN RIGHTS. 28 29 This is the spiritual law which should dominate the home and the 30 classroom. Any other law by which to judge circumstances is faulty and 31 lacking in balance. 32 33 The best teaching will rely – not on the will of the teacher – the ‘because I 34 say so’ attitude – but on a systematic reference in every circumstance to 35 ‘brotherly love’ and the equal rights of others. 36 37 38 Letter 6 221 At the same time, a child should not be indoctrinated in ‘self-sacrifice’ since 1 this type of caring must be willing and born only of the individual’s 2 spiritual perceptions and goals. 3 4 Self-sacrifice is born of spiritual enlightenment, of a higher road to follow, 5 of denial of the little self to remove the ego barriers obstructing attunement 6 with the universality of Divine Consciousness. True enlightened Self-7 sacrifice brings a spiritual consciousness to the heights of joy. There is no 8 sense of loss in any form. 9 10 To better describe the reality of the soul and the ego, I want you to cup 11 your hands together, finger tips touching finger tips and wrists together, 12 leaving a space between your cupped hands. 13 14 Your hands represent the ‘human consciousness shell’ of a person – the 15 ego. 16 17 The SPACE correctly represents the SOUL born of the ‘Father-Mother-18 Consciousness-Life’ at the moment of your conception. Whilst to human 19 senses it appears to be ‘nothingness’, it is, in fact, an off-shoot of the 20 ALLNESS and WHOLENESS of DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS out of 21 which all created things have taken form. 22 23 Your hands with the space between represent the ‘I’. 24 25 Your right and left hands represent two potent forces of the magnetic ego-26 drive. They represent forces of ‘bonding-rejection, but at the same time, 27 quite rightly, they are the physical representation of the physical energies 28 known to science as magnetism – ‘Bonding and Repulsion’. 29 30 Bend back your right hand from the other one and visualise that you use 31 this right hand to ‘get what you want out of life’. It represents, also, what 32 your human consciousness perceives as the ‘grasping’ attitude to life. 33 34 Give time to this exercise and fully realise your right hand represents the 35 magnetic pull, the bonding, the attraction, the gravity evident in all of 36 nature. It is the source of all ‘wanting’ and ‘desiring’. It is the magnetic 37 impulse which is always directed at getting what is necessary or greatly 38 Letter 6 222 desired and pleasurable in life. This magnetic impulse is ‘spiritually 1 intended’ to be directed towards constructive purposes. Gaining, holding, 2 building, achieving. 3 4 Were there no other people or living things in the world, the magnetic 5 impulse could have full sway in a personality and no harm done. 6 7 It is only when ‘other people’ or living creatures or other people’s persons 8 and possessions have to be taken into account, that the uncontrolled 9 ‘magnetic impulse to attract, draw, bond, hold, possess’ becomes a 10 sickness of the personality, if it is not equally balanced with the needs of all 11 other living things. 12 13 Return your hand to its original place – cupped with the left hand. 14 15 Now pull back your left hand and visualise that this hand represents the 16 ‘magnetic impulse’ to repel, push away, slap, or defend yourself from any 17 unauthorised encroachment on your property or possessions or any attack 18 on your character, family, or work. This left hand represents the ‘magnetic 19 impulse of rejection’ which is ‘spiritually intended’ to ensure your 20 privacy and save your life. It is a legitimate weapon when your physical or 21 emotional survival is at stake – always providing you remember that your 22 every action is an electromagnetic/activity-binding/repulsion blueprint in 23 consciousness which rebounds and externalises eventually in the form of a 24 similar attack on the self. 25 26 The unpleasantness may be criticism from your parent, teacher, employer, 27 and the words of self-defense which spring to mind and jump out of your 28 mouth are ego-words wholly given to self-defense, expressing the magnetic 29 drive of repulsion and rejection. And as your ego words of attack flare up 30 into angry speech, so is the ego of your critic similarly threatened and it 31 also rises up in him/her as words of self-defense against you. What may 32 have started out as a necessary and adult action of ‘pointing out some error 33 and a better way to do’, is frequently immediately seen by a self-centred 34 sensitive ego, as a personal attack. What should have been a moment of 35 growth, develops into a time of conflict, anger, possibly tears, ongoing 36 resentment and mutual hostility. 37 38 Letter 6 223 In such swift unexpected unnecessary ways, conflict is generated in the 1 mind, expressed in words – even actions, and perpetuated through 2 resentment and hatred. 3 4 Remember that every activity of the mind – the mental thought and the 5 emotional reactions of attraction and repulsion are all consciousness 6 energies of creativity. These consciousness energies not only create the 7 unpleasant rebound forms, but they develop the direction of the character 8 and even affect relationships generally and the environment ... and they 9 reduce the life vitality of the body, leading directly to a sense of physical 10 malaise, viral infection or long term disease. 11 12 The higher way, when under attack of any kind – a way having only 13 constructive repercussions – is to remember you can instantly call upon 14 DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS from which you will draw instant protection 15 in any eventuality. But this is only possible if you can move beyond the 16 ‘magnetic ego-drive of resistance’ in the perfect assurance that DIVINE 17 CONSCIOUSNESS meets your every need. 18 19 Now return your left hand to its original position with the right hand. 20 21 Realise that throughout this exercise, the SPACE between your hands has 22 remained the SPACE. 23 24 It has not been involved in any of the activity of the hands. And so is it 25 with your SOUL when your ego is busily at work, second by second, always 26 and forever on the alert to fulfill your needs and defend you from any 27 unpleasantness. The DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS of your SOUL remains 28 hidden although It is always within you. 29 30 When I was on earth, I spoke to the people about ‘the Kingdom of 31 Heaven’. I said it was within you. So it is. It is your soul. It is the haven of 32 equilibrium of the DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS which gave you being as a 33 future man or woman. 34 35 I greatly long to be able to put into your minds a broad view of your 36 SOURCE of BEING to enable you to perceive a little more clearly your 37 beginnings – from whence you have come. 38 Letter 6 224 You must also understand at all times that when I speak a word of 1 description of THAT WHICH IS TRULY UNKNOWABLE, I am, myself, 2 standing in the very highest, infinitesimal frequencies of vibration on the 3 very edge of the GREAT UNIVERSAL EQUILIBRIUM out of which all 4 things have drawn their being and taken on their form. 5 6 If I speak of a mountain, a picture will come to your mind, but you will not 7 know the immensity of its structure, the endurance of its rock, its ravines 8 and peaks and caverns, the snow which caps it in all seasons, the waterfalls 9 cascading into pools when its glaciers melt. For you to gain a glimpse of the 10 grandeur of the mountain, I would have to go into a detailed description of 11 its every nook and cranny. Even after the most detailed verbal explanations, 12 you would still have only imagined mental pictures to draw on. You would 13 still not KNOW the mountain. 14 15 If I speak of a hurricane, I can bring to your mind – trees bowing to the 16 ground, bent by the tremendous winds, walls crumbling, rafters broken, 17 bricks and roofs flying, windows shattered, cars overturned, great trees 18 uprooted, but you will never know the force and the noise of that wind, the 19 crash of falling masonry, or the terror it generates in people’s hearts who 20 have to endure it, until you have experienced it for yourself. And so is it 21 when I try to describe for you, ‘THAT’ WHICH BROUGHT ALL 22 CREATION INTO BEING. You can only guess, not KNOW. 23 24 It will only be after you have experienced all I have spoken about – for 25 yourself – that you will begin to gain some idea of what I am trying to tell 26 you. Therefore, let no one who reads my Letters dispute with another or 27 deny the truth of what I am teaching you – or refute my words – for I tell 28 you truly that you cannot fully know what you have not experienced. 29 30 It is only those who will follow me in acceptance and faith into daily 31 meditation, the cleansing of consciousness, and impassioned prayer for 32 enlightenment, who will eventually gain ever deepening glimpses – then 33 experiences – of what creation itself may access – Divine Consciousness. 34 35 36 37 38 Letter 6 225 3. Universal Consciousness and Divine Consciousness 1 2 You may ask what is the difference between Universal Consciousness and 3 Divine Consciousness? 4 5 UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS is the UNIVERSAL REALM of 6 SPACE which none may enter or access, since IT rests in a state of 7 equilibrium and self-contained energy. 8 9 DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS is the reunion of the original IMPULSES 10 within UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS which were released to become 11 both the activity and the substance of creation at the moment of the 12 BIG BANG. 13 14 These IMPULSES were explosively divided and then came together in a 15 state of mutual restraint. They were also destined to work forever in the 16 created realm either separately, manifested as energies, or together 17 restrained in equilibrium. It is only this realm of DIVINE 18 CONSCIOUSNESS that science may penetrate. 19 20 Perhaps the following paragraph will explain this more clearly: 21 22 UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS 23 24 embodiment of 25 26 UNIVERSAL IMPULSES 27 28 IMPULSE of: ! IMPULSE of: 29 30 The WILL to create in mutual restraint with The PURPOSE to experience Itself. 31 INTELLIGENCE in mutual restraint with LOVE 32 33 IMPULSE of INTELLIGENT WILL equilibrium IMPULSE of LOVING PURPOSES 34 35 Having given you this intellectual word description of UNIVERSAL 36 CONSCIOUSNESS, you will not be any closer to an appreciation of the 37 38 Letter 6 226 sublime magnificence and grandeur of the Power, nor of the beauty, joy, 1 harmony, ecstasy contained in colour and sound beyond your dimension. 2 3 It is only we who have ascended in consciousness frequencies of vibration to 4 the very portals, or edges, of the equilibrium of UNIVERSAL 5 CONSCIOUSNESS who experience and can radiate the rapture of self-6 awareness of true potential without desiring to fulfill it – the wondrous 7 joy of personal fulfilment without ‘lifting a finger’. 8 9 I use this last term metaphorically, since, although I retain my 10 individuality, I am active in consciousness only and am, in no way, 11 physical any longer and have not been since my continuing spiritual 12 ascension in other dimensions after my death on the cross. 13 14 You may wonder how it is possible to have such enormous UNIVERSAL 15 IMPULSES within a state of equilibrium. They are in a state of equal 16 and mutual restraint, the bonding, nurturing LOVE IMPULSE holding, 17 binding the creative, active WILL under control. 18 19 I can only explain this phenomenon in the following simple terms. 20 21 If you place the palm of one hand on top of the palm of the other, with 22 finger tips of each hand touching the wrist of the other hand and then try 23 to separate them but still keep them tightly flat on each other, you will gain 24 some idea of the meaning of ‘equilibrium’ or ‘mutual restraint’. 25 26 Furthermore, you must realise that although your hands are apparently 27 expressing a physical phenomena, they are actually governed by and 28 expressing IMPULSES emanating from your brain. In addition, your 29 brain may be the vehicle of expressing conscious ideas – impulses – but 30 in fact, the IMPULSE is the reality of all movement of any kind – not 31 the physical brain which is only an instrument of expression of such 32 impulses. 33 34 I have given you only an intellectual account of UNIVERSAL 35 CONSCIOUSNESS. How can I describe for you the latent power, the 36 magnificence of reverence, the rapture, the radiant joy, the state of utter 37 contentment and peace and harmony of Its Being? 38 Letter 6 227 Even if you can contemplate and realise that out of this IMMENSITY of 1 CONSCIOUSNESS the entire universe has drawn life and form, you 2 cannot perceive more than an electron of the vast, immeasurable Joyous 3 Reality of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS. 4 5 To fully understand the nature of creation: the reasons why the ego 6 functions as it does, why created entities feel the urges they feel, it must be 7 understood that the NATURE and QUALITY of UNIVERSAL 8 CONSCIOUSNESS is RADIANT JOY – FULFILMENT – HAPPINESS. 9 10 THIS IS WHAT I TERMED THE ‘KINGDOM OF HEAVEN WITHIN 11 YOU’ – WITHIN YOUR SOUL – WITHIN THE DEEPEST RECESSES 12 OF YOUR PSYCHE, which is the intermediary between the radiance of 13 your soul and the shadow self of ego. 14 15 To return to this transcendent state of glorious, beautiful, happy, 16 harmonious being is your soul’s deepest longing! 17 18 It is this enduring longing, this inborn unconscious recollection of 19 equilibrium and peace, joy and harmony, which, through the psyche, 20 prompts the EGO to manipulate the environment on your behalf. Its 21 consistent purpose is to bring you back to your primal original state of 22 glorious ecstasy out of which you drew your soul, being and form. 23 24 But the ego can bring about your desired joy and pleasure, only by means 25 of the two magnetic/emotional ‘Bonding-Rejection’ impulses – which are 26 only materialised impulses to give you your individuality. 27 28 Therefore, the inborn longing to rejoin the SOURCE of BEING is 29 experienced in the electromagnetic parameters of thought and feeling as 30 ‘More, more, more’ of what gave you a pleasurable feeling, previously. 31 More friends, more house, car, clothes, etc. Each time the ‘more’ has been 32 achieved, there is a little glow of satisfaction, perhaps a showing off to the 33 neighbours to heighten the happiness, (gaining one up on them, and 34 another little glow), and then the novelty dies away, the new possession 35 becomes mundane, the senses are again at rest – in equilibrium – mental 36 tiredness sets in, routine becomes dull and boring. To generate some life, 37 the ego finds another goal to be achieved to provide excitement and 38 Letter 6 228 pleasure. Thus, life is an endless chase for personal satisfaction of various 1 kinds leaving the hidden soul, starved, unsatisfied, still longing for 2 something ‘More’ – ‘But what is it my deepest self is craving?’ You ask in 3 desperation. 4 5 When a person reaches an understanding of the true source of emptiness 6 and continual inner craving for ‘more of what made me feel good before’, 7 and begins to meditate to make contact with ... ‘THAT’... WHICH 8 BROUGHT HIM/HER INTO BEING, a little of the Divine Equilibrium 9 filters through the human consciousness. The emptiness begins to recede. 10 11 If indeed such a person catches a true glimpse of the ETERNAL and the 12 true goal in life, the longing for more possessions will eventually die a 13 natural death. The desire for ‘More’ possessions will be gradually replaced 14 with a sincere appreciation of what you already have and a sense of 15 consistent contentment. Through experiences of the miraculous 16 interventions or activity of DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS within the daily 17 life, the human consciousness is greatly uplifted and learns that its daily 18 needs are met in the very best way. Faith is increased and joy enhanced. 19 20 This is why I have said to you: I have not come to teach you positive 21 thinking to draw into your orbit the things you want and need. I have come 22 to you expressly to lead you back into the Kingdom of Heaven. However, 23 it is not only in the matter of desiring more possessions for yourself that 24 your soul is bound down within its secret dwelling place. The ego also uses 25 the magnetic-emotional drive to ‘repel – reject’ to ensure your individuality, 26 privacy, and safety. This impulse takes on numerous forms designed to give 27 you a feeling of superiority, or elitism, or protecting you from people whom 28 you consider to be undesirable, or having less social status than yourself. 29 This ego-drive is practised continually and was thought to be perfectly 30 acceptable, even by the churches. The truth is: when the soul begins to gain 31 a little control over the ego-drive, it will chide the human personality for its 32 selfishness and exclusivity. It will urge the psyche towards the adoption of 33 unconditional love and a belief in universality and Oneness of all people, no 34 matter who they may be. 35 36 Perhaps, now, you can more easily understand how and why the creation of 37 your individuality through the medium of the ego, formed the great 38 Letter 6 229 ‘physical impulses’ capsule which produced and enclosed your human 1 consciousness – creating both your physical form and your human 2 personality. Since it governs your mind and emotions, thoughts and 3 feelings, it prevents you from making contact with the SOURCE of your 4 LIFE and your SOUL. 5 6 7 4. Your True Purpose in Life 8 9 YOUR TRUE PURPOSE in life is to gain the mastery of your ego by 10 reaching out in thought and feeling to... ‘THAT’... WHICH YOU SENSE 11 IS BEHIND CREATION and consistently asking for enlightenment. This 12 is the very first step a person must take towards that glorious moment when 13 he/she will make contact with the DIVINE and then move forward by 14 means of continual cleansing of the ego-drive, to the reentry into that 15 ‘heavenly state’ out of which your soul was born and took its individuality. 16 17 And how did this CREATION of INDIVIDUALITY come about? 18 19 As I said before, UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS reached a high point of 20 mutual restraint and an explosion took place which tore apart the: 21 22 IMPULSE of CREATIVE WILL from the IMPULSE of LOVING PURPOSES 23 which separated and became active within creation as: 24 Father Intelligence : Mother Love 25 seen as 26 27 Electricity : Magnetism ‘Bonding – Repulsion’ 28 ! 29 Life 30 ! 31 Reunified in equilibrium as 32 DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS 33 ! 34 L I F E 35 36 Therefore, far from being solid and imponderable ‘matter’, – in reality – 37 the visible world is: 38 Letter 6 230 Mind/activity working always in conjunction with emotional/magnetic 1 Bonding – Repulsion. 2 Also known as ‘Attraction – Rejection’. 3 4 Father Intelligence: physical electricity 5 and 6 Mother Love: physical magnetic ‘Bonding – Rejection 7 together produced a child – the EGO. 8 ! 9 This IMPULSE of INDIVIDUALITY 10 was born and took undeviating and consistent form within the energies 11 of creation to ensure that the various electrical forces expressed as 12 protons and electrons and the rest of the ‘particle gang’ excitedly 13 discovered by science, should not fly off uninterruptedly into a distant 14 ‘formless state’ but should be restrained and controlled by the magnetic 15 ‘bonding-rejection’ IMPULSE of Mother Love to bring about 16 manifested form. 17 18 Science may dispute the foregoing paragraphs, since it has been at great 19 pains to describe the various ‘bonding processes’ by applying differing 20 word-terms to the ‘bonding’ energies. 21 22 Science is welcome to call the ‘bonding or attraction energies’ by any 23 term they wish, but the fact remains that these energies have taken on 24 form from the grand and primal IMPULSE of MOTHER LOVE, whose 25 PRIMAL CONSCIOUSNESS function is to give form to individuality. 26 27 The IMPULSE of ‘Father Intelligent Life’ gives electrical momentum to 28 creation. 29 30 The IMPULSE of ‘Mother Loving Purposefulness’ gives the ‘bonding’ 31 to restrain the electrical momentum and bring it under control within 32 the individuality. 33 34 The IMPULSE of ‘Mother Loving Purposefulness’ gives the ‘repulsion-35 rejection’ impulse to ensure the survival of the individuality. 36 37 That – is the process of creation. 38 Letter 6 231 Science can only approach creation as a spectator. Although its ambassadors 1 are human and experience life for themselves, the human mind can only 2 observe what has been created. It cannot enter into the intimate processes 3 of creation hidden within ‘matter’ and the most basic fields of energy. 4 5 Science will never be able to pinpoint the MOTIVATING FACTOR X 6 which gives rise to the energies which are in control of the creation of 7 individual form. 8 9 But what science has to say on the matter of creation is of little moment to 10 you as an individual. 11 12 Science will not change your life-style, health, environment, personal 13 feelings and achievements one iota. What you need to know – and what I 14 have come expressly to tell you – is how to escape the selfish possessive-15 protective drive given you by the EGO to ensure your individuality and 16 survival and your inbuilt longing to return to the joy and happiness out of 17 which all creation took LIFE. 18 19 This provides you with the reason why I originally came to earth and 20 am coming to you at this present time – to do something that no 21 scientist can ever do for you – help your soul emerge from the confines 22 of your ego-drive and embark on a new programme of ‘thought-23 emotional-living’ which will directly express the ‘Father-Mother-24 Consciousness Life’ injected into you and all humanity at the moment 25 of conception. 26 27 Because the ego itself possesses the electric momentum of Activity-28 Creativity and the emotional magnetic impulses of ‘Bonding-Rejection’, 29 whatever is born of the ‘ego-drive’ by its thoughts, feelings and actions, is 30 charged with physical electromagnetic life which will produce replica life 31 forms and will be eventually materialised within the life of the ego-creator. 32 33 These created forms not only manifest eventually as experiences but also 34 disturb the functioning of the physical processes of their creator and are the 35 origin of physical discomforts or viruses or disease. 36 Therefore, is it a great cause for rejoicing when the soul emerges from its 37 encapsulating human consciousness of the ego, for the ascending spiritual 38 Letter 6 232 consciousness will create the harmonious life-giving conditions it holds in 1 consciousness. Conversely, it is a cause for sorrow whilst the human 2 consciousness is submerged in ego control, producing upsets, trials and 3 tribulations both in life experiences and the physical condition itself. 4 5 Therefore, I tell you: if you do not like your world, you have it within 6 your power to change your ‘conditions of existence’, right where you are – 7 if you have the faith and consistent will to do so. 8 9 I repeat in another form to gain your attention: 10 11 If you continue in your present level of human functioning and thought, 12 you will only experience your present level of human existence. 13 14 You will be bound down to working hard for a paltry living, beset by 15 numerous problems, such as poverty and ill-health, addictions, immobilised 16 by prostrating fear, and exposed to ill-intentioned attacks of all kinds. 17 18 You will be burdened by present conditions until you understand how to 19 change them. 20 21 This is your golden opportunity to take control of your lives as never 22 before, by getting control of your thoughts and emotions – your electrical 23 and magnetic impulses – the blueprints of your future experiences. 24 25 For – you are like potters possessing clay and daily shaping pots and 26 utensils for your use. 27 28 CONSCIOUSNESS is the clay – the substance with which you make your 29 lives – and every condition pertaining to it. You, alone, shape your lives 30 into the forms you experience. 31 32 By your thoughts, you can change your personal future, if you will but heed 33 my words, understand your true origins, believe in them and use this 34 knowledge in your daily routine. 35 36 You can affect your environment, your homes, families, work, the people 37 you associate with, and even plants, animals, and climate. 38 Letter 6 233 Whatever you hold steadfastly in mind externalises. 1 2 Therefore, it is crucial to your spiritual and your personal human 3 development to fully understand all I am trying to teach you. 4 5 Do not think that these Letters presented to you are too difficult to 6 understand and then move on to some more easy way of finding happiness. 7 8 Believe me – there is no TRUE and more easy way for you to find the 9 equilibrium and happiness you seek – because my words describe the 10 UNIVERSAL TRUTH OF EXISTENCE and the LIFE with which you are 11 presently building or destroying your lives. 12 13 At the same time – rest assured that you will never be able to create new 14 conditions for yourself until you discover WHY and HOW you have been 15 creating destructive and negative conditions in the past. 16 17 Everything you are presently experiencing, you have created and set in 18 motion by former thoughts, words, actions in the past. So do not resent 19 your present circumstances, for you yourself have done whatever was the 20 cause of your present conditions. 21 22 Be sensible, therefore, and read these Letters and devote all your strength 23 and will to discover the means you have used (in former ignorance) to spoil 24 your life in days gone by. 25 26 Then take the necessary steps to clean out your consciousness. 27 28 You may ask: ‘Why should I clean out my consciousness?’ 29 30 I tell you – YOU would never plant a field of mealies without first putting 31 in the plough to turn the ground, and then the equipment to make a fine 32 textured soil and scatter the fertiliser. In ignorance, you could plant 33 amongst the existing weeds in lumpy ground and omit the fertiliser and 34 your crop would be thin and patchy. 35 36 So is it when you muddle along in your earthly self-centred thoughts and 37 live entirely in your own human knowledge, strength and will. You are 38 Letter 6 234 limited in everything you do. And, all unknowingly, you create the very 1 circumstances which will limit the harvest of your endeavours. 2 3 The moment that you realise from whence you have truly come, 4 Seek the Power on which you may draw to accomplish every single 5 thing in your life, 6 and take urgent steps to clear out the weeds, 7 thus purifying the soil of your consciousness, 8 you will draw on the POWER 9 which will imbue and prosper your daily experiences and activities. 10 11 You could say the POWER is your fertiliser but this would be completely 12 inaccurate and false. 13 14 Fertiliser is inanimate chemical food for the plant – whereas the POWER 15 on which you can draw through daily meditation, is the LIFE which will 16 invigorate your entire being, your life and even your plants, and the bricks 17 of your houses and your equipment far beyond your present belief. People 18 who have given their entire willpower to living this Truth, see the 19 undeniable fruitage in their lives and the ‘seeing’ increases their faith and 20 determination. Thus do they enter a circle of blessedness. They marvel that 21 other people can resist this truth and choose to remain outside the spiritual 22 and earthly harmony in which it is possible to live. 23 24 If you are prepared to listen and ponder and meditate on the following 25 pages, you will begin to understand what has been hidden from the 26 beginning of creation. 27 28 29 5. Cleansing the Consciousness 30 31 Whilst doing all of the very necessary work of mental/emotional cleansing, 32 use my words in the foregoing pages describing ... ‘THAT’... WHICH 33 HAS BROUGHT YOU AND ALL THE WORLD INTO VISIBLE 34 BEING to build up an awareness and contact with ITS powerful DIVINE 35 CONSCIOUSNESS. Out of that contact will come the inspiration and 36 strength to accomplish the cleansing more swiftly. As the cleansing takes 37 38 Letter 6 235 place, you will experience new found happiness and fulfilment in every area 1 of your life. 2 3 You will also receive inspired directions in regard to your daily lives, either 4 during your meditation or like a ray of light in your mind when you are at 5 peace and thinking of some mundane matter. If you do not discount or 6 reject these directions but follow them – faithfully and carefully – you will 7 be taking your first steps to becoming, eventually, a great and successful 8 planter and reaper of creative ideas in your environment. Everything 9 connected to you will blossom, flourish and prosper. Everything will 10 respond and bless you with newness of life. 11 12 If you discipline yourself in meditating daily with undeviating devotion, 13 you will eventually begin to feel a response and inflow of THAT WHICH 14 BROUGHT YOU INTO BEING, and the words you are using will take on 15 new meaning. The words will be imbued with UNIVERSAL LIFE. 16 17 You will be filled with joy and will rejoice exceedingly, because you will 18 then KNOW the power is real and active in your mind and life. 19 20 You will come to rely ever more confidently on the power beginning to be 21 manifested in your affairs. You will want to draw others into your state of 22 blessed harmony for other people will be aware of It and ask you about 23 It. Not only this – you will be experiencing a new kind of brotherly love 24 and will want to share what makes you happy, with other people. 25 26 I cannot emphasize this Truth enough, this need to meditate, since so many 27 people give up the search and the self-discipline of daily listening before 28 they have fully cleansed their consciousness and arrived at that state of 29 inner purification so necessary to making perfect contact with the 30 UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS – the Source of your Being. 31 32 When you do make contact – seeming miracles happen! This is the 33 commencement of the Universal Power taking on form and shape in your 34 soul, body, mind, heart, and circumstances. 35 36 37 38 Letter 6 236 I tell you truly – you may trust my words implicitly – if you persevere, 1 there will come a moment when you actually feel the contact, and know 2 that you have made contact. 3 4 You have then reached a most crucial time in your spiritual/human 5 development! 6 7 For a few hours so many souls feel uplifted and joyful but then the daily 8 cares intrude into their minds, and they intellectualise the experience. They 9 explain it away in human terms. 10 11 Do not do this – for you will lose what you have been given! 12 13 You will greatly delay your spiritual progress. 14 15 If you read these words and are afraid to believe them, or believe they are 16 foolishness, or feel you will lose prestige if you believe them – you are 17 making a creative form in consciousness which will negate any constructive 18 response you may have originally had to this Letter. 19 20 So I say to you – cherish your moments of belief, preserve your special 21 times of contact with ... ‘THAT’... WHICH BROUGHT YOU INTO 22 BEING, believe in them, and hold them fast in your consciousness and 23 gradually you will move forward on to the heights of ‘spiritual’ 24 consciousness – to great insight and joy. 25 26 Again, I say, do not put these Letters to one side. I cannot sufficiently 27 emphasize your need to think about them, recall what they have to say. If 28 you cannot remember, then return and read them yet again, and yet again, 29 and yet again, until they have been absorbed into your consciousness. 30 31 The more you meditate on them daily, so will they be clarified in your 32 mind and will come to have ever greater meaning for you. Eventually, you 33 will find that they have been like food and drink, building up your morale 34 and determination to help change your present conditions into those of 35 harmony, widespread growth, prosperity and peace. 36 37 38 Letter 6 237 Great inspiration and joy will be yours when you come to realise that the 1 immensity of ‘That Which Brought You into Being’ is radiant, rapturous 2 ecstatic Power – beyond your present capacity to dream and imagine – It is 3 Reality – 4 5 IT is the SOURCE of BEING – the SOURCE of everything that you see 6 in your natural living world and in many levels of existence beyond the one 7 you presently inhabit. 8 9 When you are abundantly receiving Divine Consciousness into your mind, 10 yourself, into every facet of your existence, then you will begin to see the 11 enormous difference, you will look back at the times of stress and 12 unhappiness and see that gradually the limitations of your life will have 13 yielded to greater blessedness. This becomes an ongoing process in your 14 life. 15 16 Be of good heart – It is truly I, the Christ, who is reaching out to YOU 17 and the world through the medium of these Letters. 18 19 I particularly want to impress on your minds the way I have deliberately 20 made statements in the past pages to lift your thoughts to a higher level of 21 consciousness, depicting the benefits to be derived from working to elevate 22 your consciousness by ridding it of the negative traits mentioned at the 23 beginning of this Letter 6. 24 25 I want you to realise fully that I have only come to help you rid your 26 self of the undesirable ego-driven thoughts and emotions presently 27 controlling your mind. I am also here expressly to encourage and ‘help 28 you’ – yes, ‘help you’ – develop within your mind and heart all the love-29 based thoughts and emotions which will bring you into harmony with 30 Divine Consciousness. It is my most urgent and loving purpose to bring 31 you out of the grey shades of existence which you presently inhabit – 32 into the ‘sunshine’ of spiritual enlightenment that awaits you when you 33 have conquered the ego-drives, become unified with your soul and 34 ‘Father-Mother-Life’ and moved into the harmony of unconditional 35 love for all. 36 37 38 Letter 6 238 Therefore, I will repeat the list of negative characteristics set out at the 1 beginning of this Letter 6. 2 3 I want you to read them carefully and watch your own reactions and 4 feelings as you go through them slowly. 5 6 Criticism, sarcasm, judgmentalism, rejection, denigration, enmity, 7 intolerance, hatred, jealousy, aggression, violent impulses, thieving, 8 falsehoods, double and devious dealings, slander – 9 10 How do you begin to get rid of any of those you know to be part of your 11 consciousness? 12 13 Do not be too ashamed to face up to them, since you are a human being 14 and have been born under the influence of these characteristics of the ego. 15 So do not be too afraid or too downcast to face up to them. 16 17 Take the first step in total honesty – and write them down. 18 19 The second step is to take the sheet of paper and lie down and place it on 20 your chest. Close your eyes and reach out in thought to the Divine Reality 21 – your Source of Being, which you should now realise is your Loving 22 Procreator – your true ‘Spiritual Father-Mother’ – which radiates 23 unstintingly and continually and consistently – UNCONDITIONAL 24 PARENTING LOVE. 25 26 Give time to quietening your mind until you feel that you are moving 27 beyond your own consciousness. 28 29 Then ask, in perfect faith, and expect an immediate answer, since you are 30 operating in consciousness, for help in removing, dissolving, overcoming 31 the false and unnecessary rejection ego-drives in all the days to come. 32 33 Emotionally, you make it clear to your ‘Spiritual Father’ or ‘Divine 34 Reality’ – and therefore to yourself – that you want no more of these 35 ego-negatives in your consciousness. You ask for the inspiration and 36 strength to make every effort to avoid or deny them, from that day 37 forward. 38 Letter 6 239 By following this course of action, you are creating a NEW 1 CONSCIOUSNESS FORM which now begins to infiltrate and take over 2 your present consciousness. 3 4 YOUR INTENTION 5 now becomes your reality. 6 7 The former negative characteristics written on your piece of paper and 8 taken to your ‘Spiritual Father’ are now in a limbo of rejection in your 9 consciousness. This conscious rejection is also the means of drawing Divine 10 Power into your consciousness to help you strengthen your resolve and 11 remembrance to discard any impulses which may erupt from the rejected 12 characteristics. 13 14 Therefore, as you can probably see – the surrender and meditation have set 15 in motion unseen work in consciousness of which you will probably be 16 unaware until you later wake up to the fact that the characteristics have 17 disappeared. 18 19 I would earnestly urge you to take the paper of characteristics into 20 meditation several times. Each time you do so, you draw into your own 21 consciousness, a further injection of ‘Father-Mother-Consciousness Life’ 22 power into your purpose of overcoming and ridding your consciousness of 23 unwanted consciousness forms and forces. 24 25 When they have been dissolved, they will no longer draw into your 26 circumstances the negative and unhappy shadows which plagued you 27 before. You will be travelling a higher path to freedom. 28 29 As you progress, you will come to perceive little faults of consciousness in 30 your mind and heart which never seemed to be wrong before, and when 31 this happens, you must go through the same procedure of writing them 32 down and taking them in utter faith to your ‘Spiritual Father’. 33 34 Now, there is one more thing you must do to complete this rebuilding of 35 your consciousness. 36 37 38 Letter 6 240 In place of – 1 2 criticism, sarcasm, judgementalism, rejection, denigration, enmity, 3 intolerance, hatred, jealousy, aggression, violent impulses, thieving, 4 falsehoods, double and devious dealings, slander – 5 6 you must write down on a piece of paper – in gold letters if possible, to 7 give you a sense of beauty and glow about the attributes – the golden 8 qualities of Divine Consciousness of which you want to be possessed by – 9 and to express – in future. 10 11 To be in perfect harmony with your ‘Divine Reality’ – your ‘Spiritual 12 Father’ – each attribute will be founded on unconditional love and will 13 promote the highest good of others. 14 15 For no longer will you seek to put others down in order to make yourself 16 feel greater and more self-confident. Your entire consciousness will be 17 directed to affirming other people and building up everything within your 18 orbit. You will seek to nourish, nurture, teach, protect, maintain, fulfill the 19 needs of others, and seek to lovingly establish order out of chaotic mindless 20 actions. 21 22 Having written your golden aspirations on your sheet of paper, again lie 23 down and reach out to your ‘Divine Reality’ and ask that the beautiful 24 impulses – the nature of the Divine may gradually spread through your 25 mind and heart and become your own consciousness. When this happens, 26 your soul will be like a baby chick pecking and pecking, breaking its shell to 27 emerge into the wonder of the great big world to be united with mother 28 hen, patiently waiting for her child to rejoin her. This is how it is with me 29 and all other Christed souls. We wait and watch and help the people who 30 long to find out the cause of their emptiness of spirit, who set their hearts 31 on transcending earthly occupations, whose minds are being drawn to 32 higher purposes in life, and who dream of coming into perfect attunement 33 with their own souls and their DIVINE SOURCE OF BEING. We yearn 34 with love over the spiritual travellers more than the travellers even suspect. 35 This means that we yearn with love over you who are reading this Letter. 36 37 38 Letter 6 241 When you are again united with your Source of Being, you will have 1 achieved your true purposes on earth. You will have accomplished your 2 true mission in eternity. And now – let your REAL LIFE begin! You will 3 have entered the Kingdom of Heaven! 4 5 I will not tell you what qualities to write for your new consciousness – these 6 must come out of your present perceptions of the highest and best. Again 7 study the Divine Nature of Divine Consciousness which I perceived so 8 clearly in the desert and described for you in Letter 1. 9 10 Let this Divine Nature become your own nature. 11 12 I want you to know that when you embark on this journey in true sincerity, 13 I will be at your side in every eventuality. It is my dearest wish that you will 14 come to know that I am with you and that I am sending you support and 15 strength in your quest to become unified with your ‘Divine Reality’. 16 17 18 6. About ‘Christianity’ 19 20 I am now about to speak to you about more mundane affairs and as you 21 read the following pages, I want you to review what is happening to your 22 mood or feeling of well-being. 23 24 This is still an exercise in the recognition of what is happening in your 25 consciousness as your thoughts change and you employ a new set of words. 26 27 Please read the next pages very carefully, whether or not you are a 28 professing Christian, even though you may be strongly tempted to skip 29 them. Write down your responses, ideas, feelings – particularly any 30 changing feelings of depression or pleasure. 31 32 Make a note of the number of the page when the words begin to lighten 33 your mood and lift you on to a higher plane of peace and happiness. 34 35 This is a most important exercise, for, unless you do it, you will 36 continue to read about ‘consciousness’ forever, but will never reach a 37 deep understanding how it is the basic energy of your existence, of 38 Letter 6 242 ‘matter’, your body and environment, your life events, your MOODS 1 and your spiritual aspirations. 2 3 You will not begin to realise that CONSCIOUSNESS is the be-all and 4 everything in your existence and experience – until you notice how 5 ‘ideas and opinions’ can raise or lower the frequencies of vibration of 6 your consciousness. 7 8 I want you to become aware of the words you use in your daily lives, the 9 quality of life they create for you, and the impact they make on others – 10 either lifting their moods into peace and joy or leaving them depressed and 11 depleted. 12 13 Furthermore, it is my earnest intention to reach those of you who are 14 presently adherents of the Christian religion and are struggling with past or 15 present religious conditioning, thus finding it difficult to extricate your 16 perceptions from dogma in order to move freely within the finer 17 frequencies of vibration of higher spiritual knowledge. 18 19 You may be fearing damnation if you even read these pages – and yet they 20 have a drawing power for you, and you intuitively feel that you are reading 21 about the TRUTH of EXISTENCE which you have not been taught by 22 your ministers. You are torn by your pressing need to know the Truth, and 23 your fear of displeasing ‘God’ in whatever form you presently perceive 24 ‘Him’ to be. 25 26 ✤ I, the CHRIST, am well aware of the distress these Letters are 27 causing to many sincere people and I long to bring you through your 28 disquiet to perfect peace of mind and joy. 29 30 For this reason, it is an absolute necessity to first analyse your present 31 beliefs and the origins of church doctrines before continuing to teach you 32 the deeper Truth about the ‘nature’ of the Universal and the nature of man 33 himself. 34 35 To fully understand the origins of Christian doctrine, you must travel back 36 in time to the beginnings of Judaism and there find the ‘rationalisations’ of 37 38 Letter 6 243 the human mind which struggled to define in words what was felt 1 intuitively to be a probable source of being. 2 3 Those of you who are struggling to free yourselves of past myths and 4 erroneous beliefs, must now come to clearly perceive for yourselves – and 5 understand – the fundamental difference between ‘church belief’ and the 6 TRUTH of EXISTENCE I am presently attempting to explain to you. 7 8 Until you can clearly discern the ‘origin and form of your present beliefs’, 9 you will not be able to shake yourselves completely free of the illusions of 10 your past conditioning within the church. You will have a ‘foot in both 11 camps’ – a dangerous position to be in. This state of mind will give rise to 12 great mental conflict and may cause you to abandon the search and return 13 to the old, comfortable, emotionally secure religious forms which are 14 leading you nowhere. So beware and do not allow yourselves to be 15 intimidated by threats of displeasing ‘God’ and likely damnation. 16 17 18 7. The Origins of a Belief in a ‘Super Individual 19 Godhead’ 20 21 Therefore, we will begin with a description of the origins of a belief in 22 ‘God’, a name which has meant many different things to mankind. This 23 belief began when the ancient Hebrews walked the desert plains and 24 questioned the origins of creation. It was imagined that in some way the 25 SOURCE of CREATION must surely be a ‘superhuman man-god’ 26 invisible and far transcendent to earth and human kind. Some of the 27 ancient Prophets were mystically aware that the Source of Creation was 28 diffuse and present – in some way – throughout creation and was also sited 29 in the eternal dimension but this mysticism was not available to the average 30 human mind. 31 32 You must also understand that, despite the present ‘seeming reality’ (in 33 your minds) of such a ‘God’ from your readings in the Bible, no one has 34 ever glimpsed such a ‘superhuman man-god’ in any form whatsoever, 35 except, perhaps, Moses who claimed he saw Him in a ‘burning bush’ and 36 described Himself as ‘I Am that I Am’. 37 38 Letter 6 244 All that people have known of such a 'superhuman god’ has been derived 1 from reading the colourful descriptions of ‘God’ given by Prophets during 2 their sojourn on earth. It is a hallmark of how illusory are religious beliefs 3 that religionists return only to the ancients for their ‘truth’ since they 4 cannot believe that ‘God’ is truly real, eternal and equally able to speak to 5 people in your day and age. 6 7 Your ministers are terrified of any beliefs which do not meld into the 8 old ones. They never consider – or are afraid to consider – that perhaps 9 spiritual knowledge within the earthly dimension – is evolutionary! 10 11 I want you to ‘see’ that a ‘fabric of belief’, a mixture of rationalisations and 12 beliefs, has been concocted to make a web of mental/emotional security 13 with which to enmesh and trap the minds and hearts of people. All that 14 people are taught in the Christian faith is emotionally-based and emanates 15 from ‘hearsay’, derived from early reports of my life and death on earth. Yet 16 these are believed fanatically. 17 18 Christians are taught that: ‘God is Love – and God is aware of your sin and 19 punishes, disciplines, rewards the doers of good and sends misfortunes to 20 the evil-doers’. This is an exact description of human activity and 21 consciousness! 22 23 Christians are taught that I, the Christ, in the persona of Jesus ‘died for the 24 sins of the world’. 25 26 I was the ‘unblemished Lamb of God sacrificed to pay the price for people’s 27 sinning’! I made a supreme sacrifice of myself to accomplish this strange 28 feat of ‘payment of sin’ down the ages. 29 30 I again entered my body after death by crucifixion and appeared many 31 times in the body to comfort and teach my mourning disciples. I even ate 32 food during my appearance to them. 33 34 After forty days, I ascended out of sight of my disciples, taking my body up 35 into ‘heaven’. 36 37 38 Letter 6 245 As I asked in Letter 3 – what would I do with a human body in ‘heaven’ – 1 in the life beyond? 2 3 Because I said at my last supper with my disciples that they should 4 remember my last meal with them by breaking bread and passing it to each 5 other, and should each drink from the same cup of wine, and remember 6 that my body was crucified and my blood spilt to bring them Truth of 7 Being, this incident was converted into the bizarre belief that with pomp 8 and ceremony at the altar, my body was transferred to wafers which 9 communicants should swallow with all due reverence. 10 11 My body! What good would my ‘body’ – spiritualised or not – do for the 12 communicant? 13 14 Can you see how the mind can be conditioned into accepting illogical 15 nonsense which can endure almost two thousand years because it was 16 backed by a great hierarchy of Popes, Cardinals living in palaces, immense 17 wealth, and upheld in earthly pomp and ceremonious prestigious 18 circumstances? 19 20 I want you to know the truth about that fateful night – what you call 21 my Last Supper. 22 23 Though painful to do so, for the sake of greater clarity, I have brought 24 myself down in consciousness frequencies of vibration right into the 25 conscious recollection of my thoughts and feelings during my last meal 26 with my disciples. 27 28 Although a strong man, enlightened, and certain that I had a destiny to 29 fulfill which I could not avoid – did not want to avoid – I was also 30 deeply sorrowful as we commenced our meal – the eating of the Passover. 31 My disciples had been my friends and had stood by me during some 32 difficult circumstances. I was sad to be leaving them and fearful for their 33 well-being. 34 35 What would happen to them when they found themselves alone without 36 my guidance and protection? They had depended on me more than they 37 knew. 38 Letter 6 246 I recalled my years teaching the people. I felt a deep sense of irony as I 1 remembered my return from the desert – dirty and unkempt but literally 2 possessed by my joyous concern for my fellowmen, and intensely excited 3 that I could now put their feet to the right path, implant in their minds 4 the truth concerning existence, show them how to overcome their fears, 5 their sickness, poverty, misery. I was going to conquer the world! 6 7 But how differently it had all turned out! Tomorrow I would hang on a 8 cross! 9 10 It was true, however – I had achieved much success. I mused over the 11 instances of healing and the people’s joyful acceptance of the ‘Loving 12 Father’. I could understand why the High Priest and the Council hated 13 me. Instead of fear, punishment, and animal sacrifices, I had brought the 14 people the reality of the ‘Father Love’, proving it by healing terminal 15 cases. 16 17 I brought my attention back to my disciples who were talking to each 18 other whilst eating. They were still unaware of the challenge that lay 19 ahead of me – my crucifixion. Although I had repeatedly warned them, 20 they refused to accept my words as truth. They thought I had become 21 frightened of the Chief Priest and wondered why. 22 23 I had extricated myself from threatening situations before. 24 25 As was customary at the Passover, they were speaking about the 26 circumstances surrounding the escape of the Israelites from Egypt. John, 27 who was highly imaginative, was giving them a colourful account of 28 Moses calling together the Israelites and telling them that, at last, they 29 would finally leave Egypt and escape from their life of slavery into 30 freedom in the desert! For this reason, Moses directed the head of each 31 family to kill an unblemished lamb and with handfuls of herbs, paint the 32 blood of it on the door posts of their dwelling. Moses said that angels 33 would come at night and fly through Egypt killing the first born of all 34 Egyptians and stock, leaving only the first born of the Israelites who 35 would be saved by the blood on their door posts. 36 37 38 Letter 6 247 As I listened to them, and saw their smiles and nods of acknowledgement 1 of this ‘wondrous’ happening, I realised with a pang of anguish how 2 little they truly understood my description of the ‘Heavenly Father’. I 3 heard John’s words concerning: Blood, blood, blood – blood of the 4 unblemished lamb, blood on the doorposts, blood of the Egyptian 5 children and livestock. As ever, I marvelled at the centuries old Jewish 6 preoccupation with blood, and briefly remembered that Abraham was 7 even prepared to sacrifice his only son, intending to slaughter and offer 8 him as a sacrifice because he believed God had told him to do so. I then 9 thought of the daily animal sacrifices in the Temple! To me, the entire 10 concept of ‘blood-letting’ as a way of paying for ‘sin’ was an absolute 11 abomination. 12 13 But I remained silent and did not argue with the men. I realised that 14 their minds were filled with these traditions, as solid and enduring as 15 rock. This was our last supper together, our last meal all at one table. It 16 should be a time of peace between us and a loving farewell. 17 18 Doubly momentous for my disciples because the Passover was so sacred 19 an event for their Jewish minds and this I would have to accept in the 20 spirit of love and understanding. 21 22 Previously, I had not celebrated the Passover since the tradition sickened 23 me. I preferred to go into the hills quietly to meditate, leaving my 24 disciples to eat the Passover with their families. Because of my previous 25 attitudes, they did not wonder at my present silence. 26 27 Now, I half lay, half sat, unable to relax as I usually did – tense, wrought 28 up, compassionately warm towards my disciples – yet half annoyed with 29 them. 30 31 I wondered how I might leave these confused, somnolent followers an 32 effective token of remembrance – some ritual to bring back to their 33 muddled minds all that I had tried to teach them. I wanted to shake 34 them out of their sanguinity. 35 36 37 38 Letter 6 248 As I listened to their talk about Moses and his various miraculous 1 activities, it came to me that if they were so preoccupied with blood – 2 then blood I would give them to remember me by. 3 4 I bent over the table and picked up a loaf of bread and broke it into 5 several pieces and said quite roughly: ‘I am like your Passover Lamb. 6 Pass it around, take your share, eat, and do this in remembrance of me 7 who has brought you the only real TRUTH the world has ever heard. 8 9 Let this bread be a symbol of my body which is about to be broken on the 10 cross.’ 11 12 They stopped talking and stared at me. ‘Go on, eat!’ I told them. 13 14 As in a dream, they quietly took some bread and passed it around, 15 chewing a little of it. 16 17 I then picked up the large goblet of wine and told them to drink from it 18 and pass it round. 19 20 ‘This wine is a symbol of my blood. I came to give you the TRUTH. 21 Truth about God – Truth about life. But I have been rejected. My blood 22 will flow for you.’ 23 24 Again, in silence, they drank from the goblet and passed it to the next 25 man. Their faces were strained but they said nothing. It was obvious that 26 all were shaken by my words and did not like them. 27 28 I knew that Judas had been given money to point me out to the Chief 29 Priest’s soldiers when the moment was right. I knew, also, that the night 30 of the Passover was to be the night. I said to Judas: ‘Go quickly and do 31 what you have to do.’ 32 33 Judas looked at me for a long moment and I saw the pain and indecision 34 in his eyes. He was having second thoughts but my time had come and I 35 wanted to get it over and done with. 36 37 ‘Go,’ I said harshly. Judas got up and left the room. 38 Letter 6 249 The disciples were amazed at the way I had spoken and asked what it 1 was he was going to do? ‘He is going to the Chief Priest to tell him where 2 to find me. They are going to crucify me – just as I’ve told you.’ 3 4 I looked at the various expressions on their faces, doubt, shock, horror, 5 with a degree of painful cynicism. Then there was an outpouring of 6 resentful interrogation. What would happen to them? They had left home 7 and family for me. They would be losing a life of freedom and security if 8 I were crucified like a common felon. 9 10 I said they would abandon me. They vehemently denied such a thing – 11 but they did. 12 13 I was too tired to argue with them, and I had grown so strong, so secure 14 in the knowledge that the ‘Father’ was within – and with me at all times, 15 I could afford to forgive their disloyalty. 16 17 And, at the end of it all, I would be released from my body and able to 18 ascend into the realms of Light I had so often sensed but never fully seen 19 with earthly vision. It was a thought bringing me deep comfort and a 20 happy sense of expectation. 21 22 So I smiled at them and said: ‘It is good you have done what I asked in 23 commemoration of me – and of my death yet to come. Continue to break 24 bread and drink wine together, remembering I have ever loved you and 25 will remain with you in spirit until you join me where I go. Do not fear, 26 you will be guided, you will be inspired, you will be made strong, and 27 you will speak with clear, clear voices. 28 29 ‘My only warning is this. In the future, much that I have taught you will 30 be forgotten. Much that I have told you will be reasoned away by human 31 thinking or distorted by human myths.’ 32 33 Then there was panic and a clamour: ‘How will this be?’ 34 35 I smiled and raised my hands. ‘I have told you what will happen in the 36 distant future. 37 38 Letter 6 250 ‘Meanwhile, be true to all I have taught you and do not doubt any word 1 I have spoken.’ 2 3 Then it was time to go to the garden of Olives, the place where the Chief 4 Priest’s soldiers would seek me. 5 6 My disciples wanted to ask more questions – but now I had reached the 7 end of my speech with men. I wanted only to prepare myself in total 8 silence for my ordeal, moving in spirit into a state of secure, consistent 9 attunement and communication with the ‘Father’. 10 11 We walked to the garden and I retreated to my favourite rock. Sheltered 12 from the wind, I sat down and pulled my cloak around me. Closing my 13 eyes, gradually I felt myself moving into a great inner stillness of spirit 14 and a powerful silence. Then the Power Itself descended and pressed in 15 on me and possessed my mind and heart. It filled me with such supreme 16 love that I knew I was supported and sustained in love, and could retain 17 my love for all, no matter what happened to me. That was all that 18 mattered now that my hour had come. 19 20 That is the truth behind the breaking of bread and drinking of wine in 21 commemoration of me, my life and teachings. And as you, who are reading 22 this Letter know, all that the ‘Father’ gave me to know my last night on 23 earth, has come to pass. 24 25 Because I spoke of the ‘Father’, the ‘Son’ and the ‘Holy Spirit’, the church 26 decided at the Council of Nicene that I must have been referring to ‘Three 27 Persons in One’. Consequently, people pray to the ‘Father’ to ask for 28 benefits, implore the ‘Holy Spirit’ to instruct them spiritually and pray to 29 the ‘Son’ to save them from their sins. 30 31 Can you begin to ‘see’ how ‘earthly and humanly conceived’ are these 32 beliefs? 33 34 Can you also see how ‘emotionally based’ they are? 35 36 Because of the emotionalism and the promise of a ‘free trip to heaven on 37 the heels of the Saviour’, the beliefs have become a humanly conceived 38 Letter 6 251 religious structure to enshrine an empire of Church within earthly empires 1 – Rome, Austria, Spain. They have been the excuse for wholesale torture, 2 and death by burning and execution of dissidents. They have inspired wars 3 between nations. 4 5 But the ‘spiritual perception’ and ‘creativity’ arising out of some of the 6 beliefs have also contributed much to existence in the past two millennia. 7 8 These beliefs have been the reasons for building of cathedrals and churches, 9 monasteries and convents, giving people a stable purpose, the ability to 10 express their artistic gifts and provided work for the less talented. The 11 beliefs have also directed millions of people’s consciousness towards the 12 higher realms of beautiful thought and love. They have even been the 13 impetus behind mysticism and enlightenment when spiritual souls have 14 come to see the Reality previously hidden by the beliefs. 15 16 Whilst this has been happening, the beliefs have also created the conditions 17 for the development of echelons of religious superiority and immeasurable 18 grandeur and wealth. These are humanly conceived and created edifices of 19 ‘ego-impulses’ and are therefore, from a spiritual standpoint – entirely 20 spurious. 21 22 23 8. The Truth Regarding ‘Sin’ 24 25 It must also be understood that down the centuries, people perceived that 26 facets of human behaviour were detrimental to the welfare of others. They 27 witnessed killing, stealing another’s wife and possessions, causing much 28 pain and grief in the community, making life difficult and at times, 29 intolerable. It was reasoned that surely this behaviour must be contrary to 30 the will of what they termed ‘God’. They gave this behaviour the name of 31 ‘sin’ and termed it ‘evil’. Eventually, their Prophets reasoned that such 32 aberrant behaviour must emanate from an ‘evil’ force opposed to ‘God’ and 33 they called it ‘Satan’. 34 35 They threatened and punished each other in the belief that ‘sins’ were evil 36 and that their ‘God’ would punish men for their wrongdoing against each 37 38 Letter 6 252 other. This behaviour is practised to this day in the churches. Ministers try 1 to control people by fear. 2 3 THE CONCEPT OF ‘SIN’ against Jehovah, the Eternal and infinitely 4 Mighty Creator, was a clever and powerful method of controlling other 5 people! 6 7 The church beliefs are a tragic travesty of all that I tried to teach the people 8 in Palestine. 9 10 Moses first enshrined the belief in ‘sin’ and ‘punishment’ in the form of the 11 Ten Commandments. 12 13 Moses said that they were given to him by ‘God’ and that if the Israelites 14 broke them they would have to suffer the penalty – in some cases, this 15 meant death by stoning. They were taught that by breaking the Laws, the 16 Israelites would be sinning against their ‘God’. 17 18 The exact truth is, Moses went to the mountain to pray for a means by 19 which to control the unruly Israelites. In answer to this prayer – the Ten 20 Commandments were inspirationally given to him to help him in his task 21 of bringing the Israelites safely through their desert sojourn with the least 22 degree of trouble-making. 23 24 Religionists are happy to accept and wholeheartedly believe in a ‘God’ 25 which reputedly instructed Moses to engage in aggressive procedures and 26 massacres when conquering the ‘promised land’. A beautiful and productive 27 land was callously grabbed from hard working people who were slain in 28 their thousands. This was regarded as the right thing to do since ‘God’ had 29 promised them a beautiful land in which to settle. To this day, religionists 30 believe that since ‘God’ spoke to Moses, it must be ‘God’ who decreed the 31 ensuing bloodshed. There are many similar horrific descriptions of war and 32 bloodshed in your Bible considered permissible – just and right – because it 33 was believed that ‘God’ had instructed them to go to war – against Gentiles. 34 35 Can you not see in the history of the Jews, the rampant EGO-DRIVE in 36 which even ‘God’ is ‘used’ to exempt them from blame? In the moment of 37 38 Letter 6 253 self-aggrandisement, it became permissible and equitable to ignore the Ten 1 Commandments and indulge in wholesale massacre. 2 3 They believed no sin was involved because the killing had been ordained by 4 ‘God’. What a ‘God’! 5 6 Can you not also perceive why it was necessary for me to be born in 7 Palestine to live amongst the Jews in an effort to help them see that their 8 traditional beliefs and practices were all contrary to the very Nature of the 9 DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS which had truly given them being? 10 11 Since then, down the centuries, men have battled with the concept of ‘sin’ 12 and many sincere people have grieved concerning the way they offend ‘God’ 13 and they beg for forgiveness. Long ago, they sacrificed animals beyond 14 number in the Temple in Jerusalem, to appease ‘God’ and to hopefully 15 escape the effects of their sinning. Since that time, innumerable books have 16 been written on the subject, expressing grief and horror at the condition of 17 men’s souls, seeking ways to change their behaviour, beating themselves 18 with whips to torture the flesh and make it pay for its wrongdoing in 19 thought, words and deed, and many of these books have been applauded by 20 ‘Christians’ throughout Europe and housed within the archives of religious 21 institutions. 22 23 They bind people to my age-old persona of ‘Jesus’, preaching the ‘salvation 24 of man from punishment for his sins’ by my death on the cross. As I have 25 explained elsewhere, these beliefs are physically impossible and contrary to 26 the facts of creation. No payment is extracted for ‘sin’ by any superior 27 ‘Deity’. This is a human concept entirely – and pagan. All blood-letting of 28 any description for the purpose of religious rites is paganism. The Christian 29 church has presented its followers with nothing less than a ‘glorified’ 30 version of paganism. 31 32 When people make other people unhappy in any way, they are creating 33 their own future ‘comeback’. Not as retribution but as a ‘consciousness 34 activity of creation’. 35 36 Therefore, it is a matter of urgency that these beliefs in ‘sin’ and ‘salvation 37 by my death on the cross’ should be strongly combated – and replaced – by 38 Letter 6 254 the spiritual understanding given you in these Letters. Before leaving this 1 subject of religious doctrines, I want to make it clear that some spiritual 2 seekers within the Christian church, down the ages, have sufficiently 3 purified their consciousness to become strongly aware of a ‘Power’ they 4 have called ‘God’ and have come to recognise that the ‘Source of Being’ is 5 not as taught by the Church. But only a few people have been sufficiently 6 spiritually evolved to move beyond the parameters of religious beliefs to feel 7 the full inflow of ‘Power’ since the vast majority of people can only 8 conceive Truth within an earthly terminology. 9 10 I, the CHRIST, have to tell you that to this time, not one of all the ‘saints’ 11 has even glimpsed the reality of creation and the truth behind human 12 behaviour as I am presenting it to you now. 13 14 The time has surely come when you must now be told the truth concerning 15 ‘sin’ and human behaviour and what people are presently doing to the 16 world and to themselves – providing you have fully abandoned the age-old 17 myths of religious doctrine and are presently eager, receptive, and gladly 18 opening your hearts completely to the realities of existence. If you are none 19 of these things, then what I have to say will have no meaning for you. 20 21 Believe me – you cannot mix your old religious beliefs with the Truth of 22 Existence. If you try to do so, you may be sure that you are not seeing 23 Truth but only your own adaptation of what you believe you have gained 24 from these pages. 25 26 If you continue the search for Truth of Existence but remain in a divided 27 state of conviction, you may continue the search at great cost to yourselves, 28 torn by indecision, fear, and a continuing inability to perceive the true 29 meaning of the new teaching. Your developing perceptions will be partially 30 obscured by ‘messages’ arising out of the old conditioning of your conscious 31 and subconscious mind. You may not realise the enormity of such a 32 problem at this present time, but it is a tremendous problem because your 33 present deep beliefs are your present truth on which you construct your 34 daily lives. They are your reality. Your convictions and strongly-held beliefs 35 may be completely illusory but if you fully believe in them in your 36 subconscious, they become absolutely real for you. No matter how 37 compelling of your attention may be any new ideas contradicting your 38 Letter 6 255 beliefs, your consciousness will be split and will give enormous discomfort – 1 even anguish to you. 2 3 Remember – your consciousness is the fabric out of which you make your 4 lives. 5 6 This consciousness fabric is the ground of your every response to every 7 single thing which happens in your mental, emotional and physical lives. 8 Your consciousness is your reality. 9 10 This statement may be expressed in two ways, both of which are the truth 11 of your existence. 12 13 Your consciousness creates your reality, irrespective of what the actual facts 14 of your earthly life may be. When people believed the earth was flat, they 15 were afraid to venture too far over the ocean lest the ship should fall over 16 the edge. The people who believed in a flat earth, lived according to that 17 belief. 18 19 When Galileo said the earth was round, he was considered a heretic but his 20 perception of the ‘roundness of the earth’ enabled sailors to take a new look 21 at the world and set out to discover what lay the other side of the ocean. It 22 required a change in their belief to make this possible. 23 24 You are in a similar position in regard to these Letters. Those people who 25 discount and ridicule them are like the people who believed in a flat earth 26 and were afraid of falling over the edge if they sailed too far to the west or 27 east of their known environment. Their horizons were severely limited by 28 their false beliefs. So are the horizons of those people who believe the world 29 to be solid, also severely restricted. 30 31 Day after day, they lament and grieve over the misfortunes which have 32 befallen the world, believing there is no escape from them. 33 34 But the people who can grasp and welcome the Truth of Consciousness I 35 am presently giving the world, are like those who perceived that travel on 36 the oceans could be limitlessly undertaken in all directions, providing they 37 had the will to set out on such a journey. 38 Letter 6 256 Therefore, your state of consciousness is the most important consideration 1 in your life ... not your relationships or possessions or your position in life. 2 Tend to your consciousness and the blessedness in all aspects of your life 3 will follow. 4 5 By your consciousness you feed yourself with inner love and harmony, joy 6 and beauty, even in the backstreets of a slum. 7 8 With such a consciousness, you will find yourself being removed from the 9 streets of the slum into an environment in keeping with your inner self. So 10 do you climb out of unpleasant circumstances. 11 12 From the foregoing, you should now be able to see that only you create the 13 ‘quality’ of your internal world, whether you find yourself externally in 14 prison or in command of a battleship! And you can enhance your 15 surroundings by radiating to them the life force which animates your 16 thinking. 17 18 And again, your consciousness is your reality, – not your husband or wife, 19 children, home, garden, possessions, qualifications, workplace, friends. For 20 whatever place your people and your possessions occupy in your 21 consciousness – good or evil – this ‘place’ is only your personal perception 22 of them. The ‘reality’ of these people is not truly known to anyone. No one 23 has access to the innate goodness hidden in an apparently negative 24 character. Conversely, no one may suspect the hidden drives and desires of 25 a seemingly personable human being. 26 27 Your external life only impinges on your consciousness. It does not – 28 cannot – create or determine your conscious responses. You are the ‘creator’ 29 of your responses. Your type of creation depends entirely on your deepest 30 perceptions and beliefs regarding existence. 31 32 Furthermore, you can, at any moment, choose to gradually dismantle your 33 past inner world in order to create a more harmonious inner Kingdom of 34 increasing love, vitality, and joy, although your outer ‘objects’ – people or 35 possessions – remain the same. The spiritual power of the ‘fabric of your 36 consciousness’ will be radiated outwards and absorbed by the people, plants 37 and bricks and mortar in your immediate vicinity. There will be definite 38 Letter 6 257 changes and improvements in all that comes within your orbit. It is your 1 destiny in this life – or future lives – to arrive at this full and complete 2 realisation. When you do, you will put your foot to the path of self-mastery 3 and then gradually move forward to becoming a true master of your human 4 consciousness world, interpenetrated and assisted by DIVINE 5 CONSCIOUSNESS. 6 7 I, the CHRIST, commend this Letter to you. I have put you in full 8 possession of some of the important facts of creation which will enable you 9 to transcend the ego – the guardian of your individuality – and to return to 10 the UNIVERSALITY of BEING from which you have really come. You 11 have within your hands, the means by which you can move into 12 unconditional Love, Joy and Personal Fulfilment. 13 14 Remember that I have said that I yearn over the spiritual traveller’s 15 progress. As you move along the path I have outlined for you, there will 16 be times of confirmation that I am indeed with you on your journey. 17 You will see them – retain your faith in them. 18 19 At all times, I uphold you in Divine Love for I am Divine Love in 20 action. Believe this and find rest in my Consciousness enfolding you. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Letter 6 258 Christ’s Letter 7 1 2 3 In this Letter, Christ describes the truth concerning the sexual act – what really 4 takes place spiritually and physically. How children are born on different levels 5 of consciousness. He explains men and women’s place in the world order. 6 7 8 Introduction: The Miracle Associated with Letter 7 9 10 Recorder: There is a strange – miraculous – happening attached to the 11 following Letter. 12 13 When Letter 7 was completed, the Recorder was clearly told to use the 14 parable from Matthew 13.v3. as opening paragraphs. 15 16 A little later, it came over her powerfully to add a paragraph on the second 17 page marked with **. 18 19 Letter 7 was printed out. When collating the pages she was astounded – 20 shattered – to find that half of the first page was now taken up with the 21 words: 22 23 I am the LIFE, the TRUTH, and the WAY 24 25 … words which had not been typed into the computer! 26 27 It appeared to be a ‘footer’ for a page. But such a ‘footer’ could only be 28 typed in by using the precise and specific Word Perfect instructions to 29 create a ‘footer’. 30 31 Furthermore, only two lines are normally allotted to a ‘footer’. A half-page 32 would not be a ‘footer’! 33 34 Still shocked by the event, the Recorder searched every file in the computer 35 to see whether, at any time, she had used such a footer and forgotten it – 36 but found nothing. 37 38 Letter 7 259 A computer mechanic was called in, shown the text on the computer, and 1 the print itself, but was unable to explain how it could have happened. To 2 this time, no one has been able to explain it. 3 4 For those who may not be aware of it, this statement I am the LIFE, the 5 TRUTH, and the WAY, was made by JESUS CHRIST when describing 6 himself during his mission in Palestine. 7 8 The text had already been quoted and explained by Christ in Letter 7, but 9 he had used the words in a different order. 10 11 When you read the paragraphs marked ** on the second page, in 12 conjunction with the ‘footer’ on the first page, they will undoubtedly take 13 on new meaning for you because they are obviously linked. 14 15 First of all the wording of paragraph ** was energetically dictated and typed 16 on the computer, and at some time immediately afterwards, the ‘footer’ 17 was added to the bottom of the first page. 18 19 Another mystery! How is it that this ‘footer’ was not noticed at the time of 20 printing? The Recorder lives alone. No one else could have had access to 21 the computer. 22 23 The Recorder regards this intervention – and contravention of Word 24 Perfect procedures, as CHRIST’s own personal signature ... something he 25 might have done when on earth. 26 27 28 1. The Meaning of the Parable of the Sower 29 30 Again, this is I, the CHRIST, who has come to you through a Letter to 31 whomever can receive my words. 32 33 The following parable is as applicable to your modern era as it was to the 34 times of the Jews, more than 2000 years ago. I commend its truth to you 35 who reads these Letters. 36 37 38 Letter 7 260 ‘A sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seeds fell along the path 1 and the birds came and devoured them. Other seeds fell on rocky ground, 2 where they had not much soil, and immediately they sprang up, since they 3 had no depth of soil, but when the sun rose they were scorched; and 4 withered away. Other seeds fell upon thorns, and the thorns grew up and 5 choked them. Other seeds fell on good soil and brought forth grain, some a 6 hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. He who has ears to hear, let him 7 hear ...’ 8 9 ‘Hear then the meaning of the parable of the sower.’ 10 11 I am the LIFE, the TRUTH, and the WAY 12 13 14 When anyone hears the message regarding the Kingdom and does not 15 understand it, the evil one, (the selfhood) snatches away what was sown in 16 his heart; this is what was sown along the path. 17 18 As for what was sown on rocky ground, this is he who hears the message 19 and immediately receives it with joy; yet he has no root in himself, but 20 endures for a while, and when tribulation or persecutions come on account 21 of the message, immediately he falls away. 22 23 As for what was sown among thorns, this is he who hears the message but 24 the cares of the world and the delight in riches choke the message and it 25 bears no fruit. 26 27 As for what was sown on good soil, this is he who hears and receives the 28 message and understands it; he indeed bears fruit, and yields, in one case a 29 hundredfold, in another, sixty, and another thirty fold.’ Matthew 13. v.3 30 31 ** My purpose in sharing this knowledge of the Truth of Being with you in 32 these Letters, is to enable you to grow in spiritual love and wisdom and 33 bring forth the fruits and blessings of such spiritual love and wisdom in 34 your every moment of evolving consciousness. I long for you to be richly 35 joyful. 36 37 38 Letter 7 261 Therefore, let us, together, plough into your human soil of consciousness, 1 turn it over, get rid of the stones of despair, break down the clods of non-2 comprehension with deepening wisdom, pull out the weeds of your negative 3 mental/emotional patterns with my help, fertilise your soil of consciousness 4 with ever increasing faith. Then sow ever more beautiful seeds born of your 5 evolving spiritual perceptions and unconditional love. My joy will be your 6 joy in this endeavour – and your joy will be added to my joy. In this unity 7 of purpose and achievement, you will eventually feel that you are indeed of 8 my spirit and my spirit is being poured into you. In this way, we will 9 experience the oneness of THAT out of which we have both taken our 10 individuality. My thoughts will become your thoughts untainted by your 11 former ego-consciousness. ** 12 13 I have described the process – the path – along which you will travel to 14 achieve your most sublime and perfect heart’s desires. 15 16 And so I say to you, although this Letter may be difficult to accept at first, 17 and will require time and effort to fully understand, it is a strong link 18 between your consciousness and mine. 19 20 In my transcendent state, I can do more for you when you call upon me 21 than I could if I were to return to earth in a physical body when you might 22 see me with your eyes and hear me with your ears, but your understanding 23 of Truth of Being might be limited. 24 25 In this mode of contact with your consciousness, you can receive me direct 26 into your mind and heart when the preconditions to such contact have been 27 fulfilled. 28 29 For I tell you truly, the more time and meditation you devote to these 30 Letters, the more will it become possible for you to receive higher 31 inspiration and instruction from me, personally, because with every reading 32 of these Letters, the more will your own frequencies of consciousness be 33 raised towards my spiritual consciousness frequencies – and eventually we 34 will be able to reach a true meeting place of consciousness. Then – 35 abundant will be the fruitage in your life. 36 37 38 Letter 7 262 To explain why this is so – I must tell you that my consciousness descends 1 through many differing planes of vibrational frequencies of consciousness to 2 meet the needs of those seeking help and inspiration. The many differing 3 planes of consciousness, my consciousness passes through, are all distinct 4 from each other. 5 6 7 2. Vibrational Frequencies of Consciousness 8 9 Each level of consciousness frequencies creates and manifests as different 10 conditions of existence, since the highest and lowest vibrational 11 frequencies of consciousness are produced by the highest or lowest spiritual/ 12 mental/emotional patterns or forms of consciousness. By high and low 13 patterns, I mean those which are closest and furthest from Divine 14 Consciousness Intent. 15 16 As you know, each frequency of vibration of sound waves produces its own 17 unique and individual note and tone. Similarly, habitual mental/emotional 18 thought forms produce their own vibrational frequencies in consciousness 19 and these in turn, produce the outer conditions in which that consciousness 20 resides. 21 22 The higher the frequencies of vibration of consciousness, the more 23 beautiful, harmonious, joyous and fulfilled are the lives of those who reside 24 within those frequencies. The lower the frequencies, the more harsh, bitter, 25 acrid, and miserable are the lives of those who resonate to such frequencies. 26 Their lives are punctuated with disasters, deprivation, and brutality. 27 28 The higher the frequency of vibration of consciousness, the more spiritually 29 loving and beautiful are the thoughts, the creative imagination, the ideals 30 and beauty of colour and life forms, for they are rising closer and closer to 31 the dimension of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS where the frequencies 32 have become so heightened as to level out and enter into powerful 33 equilibrium – the ALL POWER of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS – 34 the Source of All Being – LOVE. 35 36 To you, the outer conditions may appear to be those in which the body 37 resides but the truth is, it is the consciousness which dwells within, 38 Letter 7 263 experiences and responds to the outer conditions. The body is but a vehicle 1 making the human consciousness visible to others, and the condition of the 2 vehicle itself is a manifestation of the level of spiritual/mental/emotional 3 consciousness which inhabits it. 4 5 Therefore, as I said before, as an observer of individual need and in 6 response to pleas for help, my consciousness descends through the various 7 levels of existential consciousness to reach the sincere suppliant, for, to give 8 the answers, I must first receive the need. And, as I said on the second page, 9 these Letters are a link, a means of your communication with my 10 consciousness to enable you to be spiritually drawn to, and made receptive 11 – and then deeply understand and use all the knowledge I wish to share 12 with you to bring you up the ladder of spiritual consciousness to its 13 ultimate heights of the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. 14 15 Because I am in near perfect equilibrium myself, I have the spiritual power 16 of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS to a near perfect degree. I am 17 imbued with the nature of Universal Consciousness. 18 19 Therefore, my entire consciousness – irrespective of other people’s thoughts 20 or words, belief or non-belief, love or hatred, acceptance or rejection of me, 21 remains that of pure unconditional LOVE. 22 23 It never falters or changes. My attitudes are consistently those of pure 24 LOVE, CARING and COMPASSION which I experience as a profound 25 yearning to uplift, heal and prosper. Therefore, it is perfectly possible for 26 some people, if sufficiently sensitive to consciousness vibrational 27 frequencies, to become aware of my presence, or love, or extra life force, 28 when they are in a state of conscious yearning, seeking, praying to know 29 me better or evolve spiritually. 30 31 As I speak of the lower frequencies of consciousness which cause trouble 32 on earth, you will be aware of my wholly compassionate acceptance of 33 them, for these are but a manifestation of people’s painful struggles and 34 suffering whilst trying to find their way towards the LIGHT of their 35 SOURCE of BEING. I am coming to people – not to condemn – but to 36 uplift and strengthen them. 37 38 Letter 7 264 I radiate my Christ Consciousness towards you by receiving and holding 1 your name and spiritual form in my mind when you appeal to me for 2 assistance. And according to your receptivity and freedom from magnetic 3 ‘bonding-rejection’ impulses, a little of the Divine Nature of Being is 4 absorbed by your present consciousness vibrational frequencies which then 5 experience a strong sense of upliftment. 6 7 Therefore, it should be clear to you that as you unload your earthly 8 consciousness of its emotional bondage by mentally/emotionally rejecting 9 the patterns of emotional thought you perceive to be out of harmony with 10 Divine Love, so will you become more and more aware of higher 11 inspiration invading your mind – even your solar plexus – giving you 12 guidance in times of need when you are unable to perceive the right course 13 of action or unable to clear yourself of emotional ego-thinking when 14 reacting to a troublesome situation. With my help, you can live in two 15 dimensions – that of the physical world in which your body resides, 16 bringing you your experiences – and that of the higher standpoint of Christ 17 Consciousness which will enable you to transcend the ego-thinking and 18 radiate thoughts and feelings into your situations from that state of being I 19 termed the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’. 20 21 I am not alone in this work. There are innumerable most highly, 22 transcendent, spiritual, beautiful, lovingly-intelligent souls, possessing 23 entrance to the dimension of Christ Consciousness, working with me to 24 help people. Although we are in the dimension of Christ Consciousness, we 25 are all individuals. We are not replicas of each other. We all express the 26 Christ Consciousness in differing glorious ways – the emphasis of our 27 activities placed on differing facets of creativity. We have powerful 28 imaginations and are able to create and bring into visible, individual form 29 within our own dimension, those things which are way beyond your present 30 comprehension. 31 32 You will hear that all over the world, people are receiving inspiration, and 33 are aware of the Christ Presence. My inspiration radiated to the world at 34 this time, is received by different natures and different minds. Due to their 35 prior mental conditioning, the inspiration will lead each person along a 36 different path. The messages I am able to insert into their consciousness 37 will wear differing faces. In some cases, the messages will be grossly 38 Letter 7 265 distorted by the recipient who is psychically receptive but possesses an 1 orthodox mind which clings to the beaten religious tracks of yesteryears. 2 Any message will be interpreted according to the beliefs already in control. 3 Any message received which might contradict accepted beliefs will be 4 hurriedly pushed out of mind and authorship attributed to Satan. For this 5 reason, it has been possible only to reach the mind which is open and eager 6 for truth rather than traditional teaching. You can be certain, however, 7 that my personal message will always awaken people to the urgent need 8 to move away from the restricting and erroneous tenets of all dogma 9 and institutionalised religion. The message will open up channels of 10 consciousness leading to the growth of spiritual awareness. It will be 11 leading people into ever higher and higher dimensions of celestial 12 thought, as opposed to earthly and materialistic concepts. It will impart 13 a more vivid appreciation of the true nature of your Source of Being 14 and the universe in which you presently live. 15 16 I prophesied, when on earth, that the time would come when I would 17 return as ‘lightning flashes from east to west across the sky’. This was a 18 graphic description of the way in which I am presently working. Perhaps, 19 after the foregoing paragraph, you will accept the ‘lightning’ has struck 20 worldwide in such a form as to reach those who are eagerly hoping for my 21 return. My Truth is intended to uplift and illumine the minds of those 22 who are seeking to waken people to the many causes of misery and 23 future destruction of the planet. Countless ‘old souls’ are acting 24 selflessly in hundreds of different ways to alleviate the suffering of 25 people in need, devoting all their energies, time, earthly status, to the 26 promotion of love for nature, animals and their well-being and 27 protection, and the future health of the planet itself. Although these 28 lovely souls may not be aware of it, none of these concerns arose out of 29 earthly human thought, exclusively geared towards selfish needs, but 30 from the dimension of Christ Consciousness where all living things are 31 seen to be an expression of the Love/Intelligence of the Source of All 32 Being. 33 34 In this Letter I want to explain clearly that I have come through the 35 medium of these words to assist receptive people in all stratum of society – 36 labourer to General, clerk to President, to work entirely from the 37 standpoint of LOVE. 38 Letter 7 266 3. IMPERATIVE That Actions and Reactions be 1 Brought into Alignment 2 3 4 There are spiritual/scientific materialistic reasons why it is absolutely 5 imperative that people should devote all their mental and emotional 6 energies and sensitivities to bringing their actions and reactions into perfect 7 alignment and harmony with unconditional LOVE – DIVINE 8 CONSCIOUSNESS. 9 10 To remain within the worldwide state of consciousness as it exists at this 11 moment is to remain on the steady downward slide into countless diseases, 12 misfortunes, upheavals, and deepest suffering. 13 14 Men and women can live in two dimensions of existence in your world – 15 either exclusively from the level of ego-impulses which are the controlling 16 forces behind and within all the daily phenomena which comprise the 17 human daily experience – or – mentally/emotionally poised within Divine 18 Consciousness whilst their bodies are still living on the earthly plane. 19 20 The fruits of the ego consciousness are discords, disruptions, climatic 21 upheavals and abnormalities, wars, addictions of every kind, poverty, 22 diseases, murder, robbery, lying, cheating, slandering, backbiting, low 23 miserable thoughts, envious thoughts, angry thoughts, bad humours, 24 judgementalism, criticism, sarcasm, rejection of other people, etc. 25 26 These consciousness frequencies are forever bringing forth ‘mirror 27 reflections’ of the circumstances and feeling reactions which gave them 28 birth – and are continually subject to the ‘highs’ and ‘lows’ of fulfilment of 29 expectations and disappointments, swinging between happiness and misery. 30 31 Those who, through prayer, meditation, self-discipline and determination, 32 manage to purify their consciousness of ego and lift it by defining and 33 entertaining ever more sincerely loving thoughts towards other individuals 34 and the world generally, gradually ascend in consciousness to the 35 vibrationary frequencies of the realm of Divine Consciousness – the 36 Kingdom of Heaven, where they live comfortably and at ease in harmony 37 with the Universal Laws of Existence. 38 Letter 7 267 Such people find that no matter what may be the troubles and uproar in the 1 world around them, they are nourished, healed, protected, cared for, and 2 maintained in perfect peace of mind – providing they remain within the 3 spiritual frequencies of vibration. 4 5 When they allow themselves to be drawn down into selfish disputes and any 6 negative human condition involving any of the attributes of ego, the peace 7 abruptly disappears and they find themselves trapped in the consciousness 8 frequencies of vibration which are fed by similar consciousness frequencies 9 of other people in their environment. 10 11 They are like a fly caught in a spider’s web and the ensuing battle to 12 extricate thoughts from the lower frequencies of consciousness vibration can 13 be exhausting and painful. 14 15 At such times, constant meditation and prayer, a plea for help, strength 16 and guidance in achieving the ‘right emotional attitudes’ are the only 17 means by which a spiritual traveller can find his way back from the 18 entrapping lowered energy fields, to a state of harmony with the 19 heavenly consciousness frequencies of vibration. 20 21 You may think that the foregoing is too difficult to understand and not 22 necessary in your search for spiritual upliftment. On the contrary, this 23 understanding of the nature of your consciousness is highly important. If 24 you should find yourself descending into lowered consciousness frequencies 25 of vibration and experiencing the conflict between what you are ‘feeling at 26 the moment’ and what you know you ought to be feeling or would like to be 27 feeling – you will experience more control if you realise you are suffering 28 because you have allowed your normal spiritual consciousness vibrational 29 frequencies to drop. Pinpoint the reason and take it to Divine 30 Consciousness for a resolution of the inner conflict. In time, guidance as to 31 the correct attitudes and affirmations to clear the problem will be given you 32 swiftly in response to your prayer. 33 34 Furthermore, as you lift your level of ‘consciousness frequencies’, you will 35 find that you are inwardly strengthened in spirit and life force – and the 36 opposite occurs when you find yourself entrapped in lower consciousness 37 vibrations, either through a personal descent into lower thought frequencies 38 Letter 7 268 or by being emotionally drawn into them through communication with a 1 negative or egotistic personality. When this happens, you will experience a 2 loss of energy. This loss of energy results in a depletion of physical 3 energy in your body cells. 4 5 Therefore, when deliberately setting out on a spiritual journey, you should 6 visualise yourself as being like a traveller boarding a train bound for the 7 destination of your choice. If, when travelling, you leap out of the window 8 on glimpsing verdant valleys or exciting cities offering pleasures of some 9 sort, and go wandering into highways and byways far removed from the 10 journey you had originally undertaken, you will find it very difficult to 11 resume that original journey. First of all, you will have to go through a 12 cleansing of the lower consciousness energies you absorbed during your 13 jaunts into other areas of interest. This may take a long time and you may 14 have to go through other painful experiences to enable you to go through 15 the necessary cleansing of your consciousness again. Everything you do in 16 life, you are either moving forward spiritually, or moving into areas of 17 consciousness detrimental to your search and long-term journey towards 18 higher levels of spiritual consciousness. You never escape the processes of 19 consciousness nor from the inexorable working of the Laws of Existence. 20 You cannot put your life on hold as you dodge off to have a little fling 21 which you think won’t matter since no one will know. Whatever you do is 22 an action in consciousness and whatever it is – promotional of your well-23 being or contrary to your highest good – will have its repercussions of a like 24 nature. 25 26 Everything in your life is related to some other activity in consciousness. 27 Nothing is isolated from everything else. People think that what they do 28 today is in a compartment. They think that ‘today’ becomes yesterday and 29 is past, it can have no bearing on their ‘today’. But – unfortunately for 30 them – they will find it cropping up in their experience as ‘reaping time’ in 31 six months, a year or even ten years ahead – when the consciousness 32 energies have attracted what is necessary to bring about their visible 33 manifestation. Then people wonder – why did this happen to me? Why me? 34 35 You must understand that when you embark on a spiritual journey, you 36 have set foot to a path which will lift your consciousness vibrations to 37 higher levels. Carelessness and inconsistency will lead you into a condition 38 Letter 7 269 of swinging between levels of vibrationary frequencies. These times of 1 inconsistency are fraught with emotional pain. As you swing, the original 2 momentum of spiritual energy which previously lifted your spiritual vision, 3 dies away and eventually you complain it is hard to get back to prayer and 4 meditation. It is difficult to make the contact with Divine Consciousness 5 that you were able to make before you went off on some pleasurable jaunt 6 which led to a dropping of your consciousness frequencies. In this way, by 7 giving in to overpowering impulses, you make life difficult for yourself, you 8 walk a more rocky path. 9 10 At the same time, the impulses within your consciousness indicate that 11 certain areas of your human consciousness need refining. The impulses 12 become the necessary means to teach you some important lesson. In fact, no 13 one can move on to the narrow path leading to the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ 14 and remain there without divergence or deviation until they have 15 thoroughly experienced the fruits of their hidden impulses. By fully 16 experiencing all they have to offer, people eventually arrive at a clear 17 understanding that they were false enticements – not worth the pain and 18 tremendous effort involved in getting back on the spiritual path again. 19 Only when the deeply ingrained impulses have been indulged and the 20 results imprinted in the consciousness, can a deliberate mental and 21 emotional choice be made to live life on a higher spiritual level. When this 22 final decision is made decisively and positively, the former impulses are 23 then erased from the consciousness. 24 25 But I have to tell you that when you do make the choice to live your life on 26 a higher spiritual level, you have not necessarily come to the end of your 27 problems. In ignorance of what is real and false in higher spirituality, you 28 may find yourself attracted to different cults which will lead you further 29 into a wilderness without ending. 30 31 I, the Christ, have come, through the medium of these Letters, to show 32 you how to choose the highest goals in your human existence and your true 33 final destination on your earthly ‘train’ journey. 34 35 In your spiritual quests, you are like people being presented with many 36 beautifully coloured travel brochures depicting the pleasures and luxuries of 37 various exotic holiday resorts where you can relax and renew your strength. 38 Letter 7 270 One spiritual teacher holds up the enticement of a journey leading to a 1 specific goal – the resolution of some mental/emotional problem, whilst 2 another teacher offers another goal and another path to follow. Each of 3 these spiritual teachers are offering alleviation of some kind of human pain 4 and suffering which they, themselves, have experienced in the past and 5 overcome. Each one has eventually found relief in their own unique way. 6 There is no doubt that they all have some valuable message of one kind 7 or another to share with people who are bewildered by the problems of 8 living and do not know which way to turn for help and comfort in their 9 difficult existence. 10 11 But I have come to you from the highest vantage point of spiritual, 12 universal existence, through the medium of a mind carefully cleansed 13 and impregnated with spiritual life and dedicated to the work, to carry 14 this message to people who are ready to receive it. 15 16 I have come to you to show you who you really are in the deepest 17 recesses of your individuality ... and who and what you can become. 18 19 Just as importantly, I have come to show you the means by which the 20 transition from the human consciousness to the higher realms of 21 spiritual consciousness may be achieved. 22 23 24 When I was on earth, I said: I am the Truth 25 The Way 26 And the Life.’ 27 28 And so I was – and am. 29 30 In these Letters I am giving you the Truth. 31 I am showing you the Way 32 To achieve Abundant Life. 33 34 35 36 37 38 Letter 7 271 4. Your True Source of Life and Being 1 2 It is weakening to the soul to need another agent as a spiritual ‘crutch’, 3 therefore, to depend even on myself must be recognised as a temporary 4 measure. For this reason, I am making every effort through my Recorder, to 5 enable you to realise that your true support, mainstay, ‘SOURCE OF LIFE 6 and BEING’ are drawn directly from the all-powerful dimension of 7 Universal Consciousness in equilibrium. 8 9 I have come to YOU – you who are reading this Letter – to help YOU find 10 LIFE more abundant and what I termed, when on earth, the Kingdom of 11 Heaven. 12 13 What did this statement mean in human terms? What did I mean when I 14 said ‘Life more abundant’? 15 16 It is easier for me to describe my meaning to yourselves in 2001 than it was 17 to spell it out clearly to the people in AD.1, but I know that for many 18 people whose inner spiritual perceptions have not yet been opened, what I 19 am about to say will be deemed fantastical. 20 21 22 5. Truth of Your Physicality 23 24 Therefore – to help you understand – I must remind you and ask you to 25 fully realise – that you are not bodies possessing consciousness – you are: 26 27 ‘Divine Consciousness individualised into separate ‘consciousness 28 beings’ and made visible on your earth by means of electrical particles 29 drawn and bonded together into elements, to give you visible living 30 form according to a fundamental physical pattern’. 31 32 To understand the Truth of Existence and the origins of your physicality, 33 you must make daily efforts to rid yourselves of the limited earthly 34 perception that the body receives its ‘beingness’ and is conceived and 35 developed entirely – and only – according to unchangeable physical/ 36 scientific laws. 37 38 Letter 7 272 In place of your old limited human beliefs, you must make daily efforts to 1 develop a strong, clear realisation that your ‘personal reality’ – your soul – 2 is drawn directly from All Reality – SOURCE of BEING. 3 4 Your physical body also draws Life from All Reality at the moment of 5 conception, but it is also tempered by the initial plane of ‘consciousness 6 vibrational frequencies’ out of which your body was conceived. It is 7 constricted and encapsulated ever more strongly as the years pass, by the 8 magnetic-emotional ‘bonding-rejection’ impulses which control the human 9 consciousness. 10 11 What do I mean by that? 12 13 What I am going to tell you has enormous implications for the future of 14 mankind – that is, if those of you who are capable of doing so, will make 15 every effort to understand it. 16 17 In fact, the way you view these Letters will determine the course of your 18 future lives. They will mean to you the difference between remaining stuck 19 in your present parameter of consciousness vibrational frequencies or 20 gradually moving forward yourself to higher levels of consciousness and 21 producing children who will benefit from the exercise of the knowledge I 22 am about to give you. 23 24 When I was on earth I made the oft-repeated – but never understood – 25 statement: 26 27 ‘What is born of the flesh is flesh – and of the spirit – spirit.’ 28 29 I meant that some people have a natural spiritual ability to return to the 30 original frequency of spiritual-emotional consciousness in which they 31 were conceived – and, in later years, can be reborn – take on new 32 spiritual mental awareness in the same spiritual frequency of vibration 33 of conception, and thereafter live, and evolve, and work from it. 34 35 The original frequency of spiritual-emotional consciousness of 36 conception will become the platform for the child’s spiritual journey. 37 38 Letter 7 273 Those conceived only of ‘fleshly lustful desires’ find it difficult to 1 perceive any ‘truth’ beyond the evidence of their ears, eyes, touch and 2 smell. 3 4 If you doubt the foregoing, pause and reflect on the undeviating 5 principle of existence: ALL CREATION IS CONSCIOUSNESS made 6 visible. 7 8 9 6. ALL Creation is Consciousness Made Visible 10 11 Every living thing only thinks and acts out of that level of spiritual or 12 ego-consciousness in which they reside. 13 14 Before conception takes place, the sperm is imbued with the total 15 consciousness of the male, the future father, and the ovum is imbued with 16 the total consciousness of the female, the future mother. 17 18 During intercourse, changes take place in the mental/emotional 19 consciousness of the man and woman. They may sense a deepening of love, 20 caring, and drive to express their longing for greater closeness and harmony 21 of spirit – this is a true spiritual/physical union. Alternatively, as their 22 desire for union with each other changes to an ever stronger desire for self-23 satisfaction – this becomes an ego activity – reaping only ego reactions. 24 However, whatever the condition of consciousness of the participants in the 25 act of union, their consciousness of desire to achieve the ultimate climax, 26 strives and drives the physical organs to move in a rhythm producing 27 psychic/physical energy which gradually rises up into the brain, creating a 28 higher and higher momentum of vibrational energy to reach a peak of near-29 delirium and delight, bursting into an explosion of momentary ecstasy and 30 glorious fulfilment – and then follows release and a gradual descent into 31 human consciousness again. 32 33 At the very moment of delirium/delight, the human consciousness rises to 34 touch the Divine Life Force which ignites the sperm in the male and the 35 ovum in the woman. Conception may not take place, and both sperm and 36 ovum return to normal physical consciousness. 37 38 Letter 7 274 When conception takes place, sperm penetrates the ovum and they are 1 united in the highest vibrations of Divine Life, in spiritual and physical 2 fusion. In united consciousness, they too ascend into their own moment of 3 equilibrium and joy to become one both within Divine Life Itself and 4 human father/mother consciousness. 5 6 This moment of ‘consciousness union’ takes place within the very highest 7 dimension of Divine Life Consciousness and is a moment of unimaginable 8 rejoicing and joy, for the two elements of male and female are again 9 conjoined, united and merged in equilibrium to become one to produce a 10 child. This moment of union is a reenactment of a person’s return to the 11 glorious and ineffable ecstasy of the Divine Consciousness of Universal 12 Equilibrium. 13 14 When intercourse is prompted by pure heartfelt love between man and 15 woman, the united human consciousness ascends, during intercourse, 16 into higher and higher levels of ‘consciousness vibrational frequencies’ 17 until they are caught up in the vibrational frequencies of – Divine 18 Intelligence/Love Consciousness. Such a child, conceived in such 19 circumstances, is born of spirit. 20 21 Lovers know when they truly love and come to each other in pure 22 tenderness and love because such intercourse is a moment of union of 23 mind, emotions and body, and lingers in their consciousness afterwards, 24 making it difficult for them to draw apart from each other. They are aware 25 of transcendent beauty, a renewal of emotional love instead of satiation, and 26 an all encompassing harmony. These men and women are joined by Divine 27 Consciousness. 28 29 Sadly, their personal EGO-CONSCIOUSNESS can eventually taint the 30 love they felt for each other and, gradually, largely replace it, leaving them 31 separated and alone, sad and emotionally/physically weakened, wondering 32 why such a beautiful, exalted state of love could ever dwindle and die. 33 34 These Letters can be the means of their overcoming the ego-drive and 35 rediscovering their previous love on an even higher and more spiritual level. 36 In which case, man and woman will become more whole than ever before. 37 This may or may not bring them together in a new sexual attraction 38 Letter 7 275 transcending all other depending on their state of consciousness – whether 1 it has itself transcended the desire for physical fusion. 2 3 Physical union undertaken in any other emotion leads to a condition of 4 ‘flesh entering flesh’ and is but a receiving and giving of earthly – 5 frequently negative – vibrational frequencies producing like-minded 6 progeny of such a union. Even if a child is not conceived, such intercourse 7 is detrimental to both partners, since there is an exchange and absorption of 8 each other's consciousness energy into the body, which, if negative – 9 hostile, or critical – can be damaging to one another. Remember that 10 ‘consciousness energy’ is compounded of ‘Father-Intelligence’ and 11 ‘Mother-Love’ electromagnetism. 12 13 The energy exchange between sexual partners is of the same energy out 14 of which the mental/electrical and emotional/magnetic fields of the 15 body are formed. All is consciousness. Therefore, when consciousness 16 energies within body fluids and mental/emotional attitudes and 17 thoughts are exchanged and absorbed, you are each of you affecting the 18 mental/emotional/physical condition of the partner. 19 20 Intercourse should, to be healthy and life-giving, only be undertaken in 21 true heartfelt love, where the good of the loved one is more important 22 than the good of the lover. 23 24 It should never be used to heal emotional rifts or wounds. 25 26 Intercourse may be a joyous act undertaken after a difference of opinion 27 and anger, where there has been sincere mutual forgiveness and a full 28 restoration of – and renewed love for each other – but never to cover the 29 hurts and effect a false sense of emotional receptivity in the other partner. 30 31 No doubt such intercourse will give them a temporary sense of well-being 32 and transient goodwill since their consciousness energies will have been 33 lifted into higher vibrational frequencies – but this is a TEMPORARY 34 ALLEVIATION OF THEIR PERSONAL CONSCIOUSNESS ONLY. 35 36 When partners go to each other still bearing hidden resentment or critical 37 denigrating thoughts about the other, those negative consciousness forms 38 Letter 7 276 are transmitted into the electromagnetic fields of the partner and create a 1 sense of inner disturbance of which the partner is not fully aware. 2 Nevertheless, the relationship is being gradually eroded without either 3 partner being fully aware that this is happening. 4 5 This is the reason why the physical attraction between partners 6 dwindles and dies. It is destroyed by hidden negative critical thoughts 7 and feelings which little by little, affect each other profoundly on every 8 level of their being. 9 10 As their frequencies of vibration drop, they will find themselves being 11 drawn into the thoughts and feelings which previously drove them into 12 arguments with other people, and consequently the problems will be 13 repeated day after day. When people use sex as a panacea – it becomes a 14 frustration and disillusionment sets in, leading to a loss of respect and love 15 for each other. 16 17 Therefore it is essential for people to realise that fights and quarrels arise 18 out of their own hidden ego-consciousness drives which gain control of 19 their loving feelings – and the ego-drives must be healed before couples can 20 reach a new level of mutual understanding, consideration and consistent 21 love for each other. 22 23 Not only this, but the condition of consciousness of each partner eventually 24 affects their environment, living conditions and success or lack of it in their 25 daily lives. It also affects the children, creating a family of mutual co-26 operation, and healthy mental/emotional patterns – or the dysfunctional 27 family where no member is in true sympathy or acceptance by the other. 28 29 You may say that the successful or dysfunctional family conditions arise 30 purely from their innate characters and the way they perform in their 31 daily roles. 32 33 It is perfectly true that the family life is a product of character and 34 performance, but I want you to consider the dysfunctional family which 35 breaks up, the partnership and sexual cohabitation ends, parents move 36 away from each other – and move on to entirely new lives because they 37 38 Letter 7 277 have managed to disentangle themselves from the unhealthy or critical 1 consciousness they were absorbing during the sexual act. 2 3 If strong enough to do so, each partner discovers a ‘new self’, builds a 4 new environment and goes on to new success. 5 6 However, those partners who live truly in love with each other, 7 considering each other’s needs together, giving and taking in equal 8 balance, offering emotional support when needed, or loving counsel 9 (not advice) when this is asked for, will find that the family is glued 10 together by the absorption of each other’s dynamic consciousness 11 energies. 12 13 In the light of the previous paragraphs, it may now be understood that 14 prior to intercourse there should never be a sense of grievance, buried 15 hostility, contempt, denigration. Any such feelings must be fully resolved 16 before sex is resumed. In a relationship where discussion and freedom of 17 speech is accepted as normal, each partner should resist the act of sexual 18 love until a powerful inter-force of responsive love has been built up, and 19 the consciousness of both partners is in a state of pure equilibrium. 20 21 As for rape – this is the most heinous act against another and will draw 22 to itself its own just rewards at some time in the future. It proceeds out 23 of an especially warped and distorted ego-consciousness. The 24 frequencies of consciousness vibrations of such people are so low and 25 ponderous as to be personally destructive. 26 27 In the olden days, society was continually taught and sermonized. In 28 western countries, the Ten Commandments were rightly presented as being 29 the true foundations of a civilised and humanised culture, teaching self-30 control and readily acceptable to all religions worldwide. 31 32 Today, with the strengthening of the ego-consciousness due to the 33 influence of the entertainment industry and media, ego lusts have control. 34 35 36 37 38 Letter 7 278 7. Consciousness Energies 1 2 You must also understand – and accept – that consciousness energies are 3 energies as real and active as are the energies of heat and sound. Just as 4 sound waves can penetrate certain substances, so do the consciousness 5 energies of one person infect like a virus the consciousness energies of 6 another mind with their own brutal tendencies. 7 8 These energies may not be expressed in exactly the same way as the rapist, 9 but rest assured that transmitted consciousness energies do implant a new 10 idea or a new feeling within an innocent party. Your scientists are not 11 prepared to believe in telepathy, but telepathy is a fact of life, although dull 12 conscious activity may be so self-oriented as to not recognise that new 13 impulses have originated in someone else’s mind. 14 15 I will say no more on this subject, except to warn those in high places of 16 church, law and government who fail in their responsibilities towards 17 people at this critical time. They will eventually perceive the enormity of 18 their lack of moral performance whilst undertaking their earthly duties. 19 They will feel the imprint of the lives of those who have been harmed and 20 destroyed due to their moral negligence, rebound upon their own lives. 21 EVERY action has its like repercussions. 22 23 Perhaps you will now realise why the present sexual trend in the world 24 is causing the most dire conditions worldwide. 25 26 For you to fully understand what I am talking about, I want you to 27 strive to VISUALISE and REALISE that the Nature of Divine 28 Consciousness of Universal Equilibrium is limitless Power, since the 29 equilibrium-harmony arises out of equal constraint between the 30 universal impulses of: 31 32 • the male and female, 33 • intelligence and love, 34 • the will to experience and the will to remain acquiescent, 35 • the yearning to be active and the yearning to hold back and maintain 36 the status quo, in order to form bonds and stability. 37 38 Letter 7 279 These primal IMPULSES of Being, as I explained in Letter 4, are the 1 ‘Reality’ which has given life, form, shape, being, to all visible things. 2 3 This dimension is a state of beauty, joy, harmony, rapturous ecstasy, 4 reverence, intelligence, love. It is all that the earth can demonstrate – 5 but on a scale beyond your even remotest conception. 6 7 Try to take into your consciousness the meaning of the two foregoing 8 paragraphs. Understanding and making the meaning your very own, will 9 change your whole perspective of your Divine origins and of existence itself. 10 In these paragraphs directly above, I have described to you – the nature 11 and essence of LIFE – which comes into action within the sperm and 12 ovum when they are united in giving form to a child. 13 14 This is your truth, your reality, your soul, psyche, your deepest state of 15 being. 16 17 Instinctively you are aware of this. The baby is the embodiment of joy. 18 The joy it expresses as it develops consciousness of its relationships and 19 environment, comes out of the deep well of Divine LIFE Which has 20 grown it cell by cell, according to genetic instructions, into its present 21 form. 22 23 24 8. The Difference Between the Soul and the Psyche 25 26 What is the difference between the soul and psyche? I am now going to 27 explain the difference which your earthly psychologists may dispute, but 28 nonetheless, this is the truth. The Soul is the ‘Divine Flame’ – a metaphor 29 used to describe the essence of Divine Life which is drawn into individual 30 being at the moment of conception. 31 32 LIFE FORCE takes on personal form and releases the energy of ‘electrical 33 force of activity’ and the magnetic impulses of ‘bonding – rejection’ to 34 embark on the intricate work of construction of the body. 35 36 37 38 Letter 7 280 Therefore, you have, at the core of your being, 1 your soul – Divine Reality 2 this is Divine Intelligence/Divine Love 3 4 Which is the powerful Divine Impulse to create, grow, nourish, 5 nurture, heal, protect, fulfill every need, within a system of perfect law 6 and order. 7 8 This is the Reality which is your soul. 9 10 Therefore, when you have overcome the ego impulses and invited the 11 SOUL to hold dominion in your thoughts and feelings, you will be 12 driven to express all of the Divine Impulses described above. You will 13 be possessed by a desire to only promote the highest good of all living 14 things and the universe itself. You will have become a true messenger 15 from Divine Consciousness, expressing all Its qualities of Being. 16 17 Until that time of soul reunification with Divine Consciousness, the 18 psyche occupies the deepest recesses of your human consciousness and 19 draws its awareness from your soul. It is the hidden instinct within you 20 which knows right from wrong. 21 22 23 9. The Ego 24 25 The ego is also formed at the moment of conception. 26 27 As the baby develops, the ego begins to make itself felt. It is the foundation 28 of your human selfhood which gives you individuality. It is the energy of 29 your human consciousness. 30 31 It makes you distinct and unique from everyone else. 32 33 In order to preserve your individuality, the ego must protect you from 34 outside attack of any kind and it must give you what you need to help you 35 prosper, flourish, grow and be happy. 36 37 38 Letter 7 281 This is Divinely ordained and not to be treated with contempt. The ego 1 constitutes an ‘all-important’ and very necessary nucleus of consciousness of 2 creation, development and growth. 3 4 The ego is exclusively governed by the electrical current of activity 5 consciousness – the ‘go-go’ impulse apparent in all living things, even in 6 plants which turn and display their foliage to catch the sun in the best 7 possible way. This is a movement conceived in the ‘go-go’ electrical field 8 and in the ‘bonding-desire’ emotional field in the consciousness of the plant 9 to enable the plant to grow and enjoy the warmth of the sun. 10 11 The ego in every living thing is the seat of the ‘earthly consciousness’ only. 12 In no way does it resemble in any shape or form the Divine Reality which 13 constitutes the soul. The ego-drive, the drive which is directed exclusively at 14 getting what it wants to make the individual entity happy and to protect it 15 from attack to ensure its survival, and will trample on other entities or 16 species to achieve its purposes, pertains to the earthly dimension only. This 17 ego force is active within every living thing from the least amoeba to the 18 mightiest king. 19 20 You could call the Ego-Drive the Protector and Dictator of the living 21 Universe. 22 23 It is at this point that the majority of people in your world today 24 become confused when contemplating the possibility of the existence of 25 a ‘God’. 26 27 They review the activities of various species driven by their ego-28 consciousness, the one feeding on another to obtain sustenance and 29 these people decide that this ‘savagery’ must be the working of the 30 creator. 31 32 How then can the creator be a ‘God of Love’? 33 34 This is one of the misapprehensions and beliefs I would like to sweep 35 away. It is my purpose that all people should come to realise that: the 36 entire universe has, at its basic core and foundation in all things, the Divine 37 Life Force which inspires and respires through all of creation. It is the 38 Letter 7 282 hidden but powerful Equilibrium out of which all things have taken being, 1 form and shape. 2 3 It is the ‘scientists’ space’ in which is conducted the ‘Movement and 4 Bonding of the Electrical Particles’. 5 6 It is both the impenetrable and forever unknowable ‘ground of existence’ 7 and also the hidden Source of all substance of all things in the universe. 8 9 The Ego is the tool of Divine Creativity to produce individuality out of 10 the UNITY OF ITS OWN BEINGNESS. 11 12 What I am about to say will be hotly disputed by your scientists – 13 nonetheless, I am about to refer to the souls of those ‘earthly’ beings whose 14 intellect is sufficiently evolved to debate and decide on a course of action 15 and – with even only partial understanding – respond intuitively and 16 intelligently to what is happening in the environment. These entities of all 17 more advanced species are the genius of their kind. Do not judge the inner 18 development of any species, human or otherwise, by their outer physical 19 bodies. All living things are individualised out of the same Divine Life. 20 21 Some psyches are enabled, by their increasingly spiritualised mental/ 22 emotional fields to peer through the ego consciousness and embark on 23 neighbourly, caring acts which can only proceed from the promptings of 24 the soul drawn from the Divine Reality. Therefore, the greatest respect and 25 consideration should be accorded to all living things. 26 27 Where the species has evolved to the point of formulating clear ideas and 28 thoughts and putting them into sounds and words – and the spiritual 29 development of the psyche can penetrate the ego consciousness – the psyche 30 begins to question: 31 32 ‘Is this all there is to life? What are our life purposes?’, etc. 33 34 When this happens, the soul is beginning to impress the psyche with an 35 urgent need to reach out to its Source of Being which it instinctively knows 36 does exist and is its true home and resting place. The soul’s hidden but 37 38 Letter 7 283 continual longing to be reunited with its Source of Being can now be felt by 1 the psyche. 2 3 If there are people who never reach this vital development in their lives, it is 4 because their ego mental/emotional processes are so strongly geared to the 5 exercise of intelligence and reason that when other people ask questions 6 such as: ‘How did life begin? Is there a God? 7 8 ‘How has such a wonderful universe been designed and created?’, the ego of 9 the non-seeker and non-believer is conscious only of its own omnipotence, 10 and sets out to disprove there is any higher dimension out of which the 11 earth could have taken form. It argues away the voice of the soul relayed 12 through the psyche, and with each argument entombs itself more firmly 13 within the perceptions of the material and visible world which represent 14 their only security. 15 16 Therefore, the soul remains imprisoned within the ego mental/emotional 17 electrical/magnetic chains, and the human mind remains convinced that 18 there is no soul – that the earthly dimension of existence and the physical 19 life force are the only realities. 20 21 If such people’s minds are determined to reject any inspirational whispers 22 from the psyche/soul, the body suffers minor ailments, relationships are 23 strained and life generally is stressful; a disease may follow. This is because 24 such a person is drawing only on the limited resources of energy drawn 25 from the food they put in their mouths. This energy proceeds from a 26 chemical process and not from the Source of all Life. 27 28 Whilst you have drawn your life initially from the Divine Reality and It 29 has given you being, you also draw your physical energy from your food 30 and the digestive processes which manufacture enzymes to break down the 31 food into a usable form which feeds the physical cells throughout your body 32 and mind. This is the life of the body. 33 34 Many people live and die drawing exclusively on the energy derived from 35 their physical processes. 36 37 38 Letter 7 284 The type and amount of energy drawn from physical processes is greatly 1 affected by the mental/electrical and emotional/magnetic fields of the living 2 entity. 3 4 5 10. Personal Life Force 6 7 These electrical and magnetic fields surrounding every living thing from an 8 amoeba to an elephant and human being, are the personal Life Force 9 radiations from the soul, combined with the personal ‘consciousness-10 awareness’ radiations of the entity’s mental/electrical ‘go-go’ activity and its 11 emotional/magnetic ‘bonding-rejection’ impulses. 12 13 These electrical/magnetic fields are profoundly affected by all the thoughts 14 and feelings which pass through the minds and emotions of the entity. In 15 turn, the ‘fields’ profoundly affect the physical processes of the body itself. 16 They raise or lower the health of the body according to the state of the 17 personal consciousness – whether it is in harmony with the Life Force 18 radiations of Divine Intelligence/Love or in conflict with them due to 19 selfish ego-drives. 20 21 A miserable entity dwindles and dies. A happy entity flourishes. This is 22 a basic fact of existence. In the final analysis, each living entity feeds 23 upon its own inner state of contentment or frustration. 24 25 You can see the truth of this statement in the physical and consciousness 26 development of a baby. 27 28 A contented, happy child flourishes, laughs easily, is filled with joy. Contact 29 with a loving mother, enhances the child’s well-being. The loving, 30 contented radiations from mother to baby feed the little one’s consciousness 31 radiations, and in turn, build up strength in the tiny body. 32 33 As the child develops, its developing personality begins to ‘colour’ its soul 34 radiations with bright or dark consciousness force which either reinforce the 35 child’s health or depletes it. 36 37 38 Letter 7 285 A person with a strong psychic sense can see the electromagnetic fields 1 becoming dim when an individual or animal is being depleted of field 2 energy although at the time, neither individual nor animal may be 3 registering physical dis-ease. It may be a day or so before the body itself 4 begins to manifest the consciousness energy depletion in some form of 5 exhaustion or illness. 6 7 You have on earth, people who have developed equipment to record this 8 phenomenon, and in years to come, this will be the recognised method of 9 diagnosing and treating an oncoming ailment. 10 11 Furthermore, as the technology of spiritual-scientific knowledge evolves, 12 the exact mental/emotional state responsible for the physical depletion 13 will be first revealed under hypnosis and recorded electronically in 14 frequencies of vibration on screens. 15 16 This will be followed by an electronic investigation depicting the 17 frequencies of vibration of the various parts of the body on similar 18 screens. This process will involve colour changes, for every pattern of 19 consciousness is first manifested both in frequencies of vibration and 20 colour. 21 22 By comparing the mental/emotional frequencies of vibration with the 23 frequencies of vibration of the body parts, the organ depleted of energy 24 – together with the mental/emotional cause will be pin-pointed. 25 26 No longer will psychiatrists delve into past experiences, probing, 27 pigeonholing, producing pronouncements as to the likely origins or 28 causes of mental/emotional/physical disorders and then providing 29 human rationalisations with which to combat them. 30 31 The truth of the spiritual state of the ‘inner man’ will be clearly revealed 32 and will lay the sure foundation for the necessary spiritual instruction 33 and meditative, mental work to be done to enable him to regain health, 34 vitality, new perspectives and goals – and a deepening capacity for 35 unconditional love. 36 37 38 Letter 7 286 Naturally, drugs will no longer be used to raise the consciousness radiations 1 of the sufferer, since the depletion of Divine Life – soul energy is 2 responsible for the illness. He or she will be taught how to deliberately, 3 systematically raise the frequencies of vibration of the affected area of the 4 body and how to deal with the personal circumstances causing the 5 psychological discomfort and depletion of soul energy. 6 7 The patient will also be dramatically assisted by an inflow of Divine energy 8 from the hands of those who are true channels of pure spiritual life. With 9 the revitalising procedures, new perceptions and control of the ego-drives, 10 the physical condition will be quickly cleared up within days – if not 11 immediately. 12 13 However, on reading these Letters, you can begin to effect your own 14 healing. Paramount in your self-treatment must be these instructions 15 regarding the Divine Reality powering existence, and the right way to tune 16 into It and draw Divine Life into the healing process. 17 18 When you begin to draw on the Life of the Divine Reality by means of 19 your spiritual search, asking questions, meditating, reading and praying, 20 you begin to open your psyche up from its enclosed ego-consciousness 21 earthly dreaming; you draw into mind and emotions the nature of 22 the Divine Reality Itself. All that passes through your mind and emotions 23 is passed into the electromagnetic fields surrounding you. These contribute 24 to your strength. 25 26 As your electromagnetic fields are energised by the power you draw 27 from Divine Reality, so is the power passed back into your physical body 28 and each organ becomes ever more healthy and any dysfunctions are 29 gradually cleared up. It is vital for you to remember these physical/ 30 electromagnetic field processes because the knowledge will both inspire and 31 encourage your daily meditation and attunement with the Divine Reality. 32 33 34 11. The Soul-Psyche-Ego-Physical Development 35 36 If your sincere search and meditation are directed towards the TRUTH of 37 BEING and not at some earthly religious forms of belief, or superficial, 38 Letter 7 287 spurious ‘spirituality’ or any material objects you believe to possess 1 ‘powers’, you will find that, gradually, your own nature is changing and you 2 begin to be aware of otherness and their needs as you never did before. You 3 become more empathetic, understanding, caring, compassionate and gentle. 4 In fact, the soul qualities of Divine Life now begin to control your natural 5 ego impulses for satisfaction and self-defense. 6 7 I want to warn you that you will have now entered a new and difficult time 8 – an era of conflict between the ego-drive which has habitually insisted on 9 fulfilling its ‘wants’, perhaps at the expense of other people, and the psyche-10 soul which is beginning to realise that ‘love is the law’ and the rights of 11 other people have to be balanced equally with the rights of self – the ego. As 12 the psyche absorbs more and more of the soul – Divine Reality into its 13 consciousness, the old ego-drive begins to release its grasp and the inner 14 daily conflict becomes even more intense. 15 16 The psyche-soul, now working through mind and heart, discovers it is 17 balancing the needs of other people against the validity of its own needs and 18 it becomes weighed down and weary of the endless internal struggle of self-19 questioning and self-judgement. When the psyche is reaching this point of 20 perception, it indicates that the pull of the human consciousness is thinning 21 to such an extent that the soul is now drawing close to and becoming 22 reunified with the Divine Reality. 23 24 The soul acknowledges through the medium of the psyche, that it loves the 25 DIVINE LOVE that is the Divine Reality more than it loves anything 26 earthly and longs to be fully united with its SOURCE of BEING. 27 28 The psyche finally surrenders the ego-consciousness drives to Divine 29 Reality and begs that it may be enabled to yield the ‘ego’ – to go 30 through the death of the self-hood. This happens when people are truly 31 reaching the apex of their spiritual life and they usually need a spiritual 32 master to guide them through it. 33 34 This ‘death of the self-hood’ should never be undertaken as a means of 35 achieving greater spiritual insight. It is highly dangerous and will not 36 succeed in achieving greater spiritual or earthly life. It will be greatly 37 destructive to the psyche and ego before due time. 38 Letter 7 288 It will hinder the whole process of soul-psyche-ego-physical development. 1 No one should entertain such a thought in order to be more advanced 2 in spiritual perception and truth. Such an act of ‘willpower’ will be self-3 defeating since it is born entirely of the ego-drive to be more important 4 spiritually. 5 6 When this experience of ego-mastery takes place at the right time – in the 7 right way – the soul, through the medium of the psyche, is free, to a large 8 extent, to commune direct with the Divine Reality since the continual 9 chatter of the ‘ego-consciousness’ is stilled. The pull of the earth is no 10 longer paramount. Self-centred ambition fades; the desire for personal 11 possessions dissolves. 12 13 Peace reigns in the mind. The soul, now speaking clearly through the 14 psyche, longs to uplift, nourish, contribute to the growth of other souls, 15 educate, uplift, and nurture with understanding and tenderness without any 16 desire for recompense or self-aggrandisement. 17 18 As the soul is drawn into ever closer contact and attunement with Divine 19 Reality, its only earthly goal is to treat the neighbour or other people with 20 the same kind of concern and consideration it needs for itself to flourish 21 and be content. Giving becomes as easy as breathing – eventually it 22 becomes a privilege to work for and with other people for the promotion of 23 their highest good. This is Divine Love in action. 24 25 However, there is no sentiment in Divine Reality. 26 27 The intention behind individualisation was to enable Divine Reality Itself 28 to experience Its own Nature of creativity, joy and personal fulfilment. 29 30 Therefore, when I was on earth, I drew the lines between giving and 31 receiving quite clearly when I said: 32 33 ‘Do unto others what you would have them do to you’. 34 35 This statement was a loving warning that as you sow so will you reap. It was 36 also a guideline to behaviour. If you do unto others what you would like 37 38 Letter 7 289 done to yourself, then you can be sure that you are acting only from the 1 standpoint of love. 2 3 If other people do not want what you would like done for you – then you 4 live by trial and error; you have taken a positive step towards fulfilling an 5 act of true love and if it is rejected, you have given yourself an opportunity 6 to find out what would be more greatly appreciated in the future. In this 7 way do you grow in the act of love. 8 9 I also said: 10 11 ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself’. This meant that you should 12 have equal concern for your neighbour’s comfort as you have for your own. 13 14 It also means that whatever you wish on to other people you would be 15 happy to have wished on yourself in like manner. 16 17 It means that you must think the thoughts about others which you would 18 be happy for them to think about you! 19 20 It means that your entire consciousness should be directed at caring, 21 concern for others, no matter what they may be doing hurtful against 22 yourself. All human beings are living in a jungle of human desires, 23 goals, frailties, disappointments, anger and frustration. Out of this war-24 torn consciousness come many weak and ill-judged responses and 25 actions. 26 27 Therefore, behold the frailty, forgive the unkindness, and let it go back into 28 the nothingness out of which it came. The only TRUTH and REALITY in 29 your life is Divine Consciousness Intelligence/Love. Hold fast to this 30 realisation at all times. 31 32 To find the Kingdom of Heaven, in which the soul is in harmony with 33 Divine Reality, there must come a time in your development when you no 34 longer want to be drawn into the earthly perceptions and consciousness of 35 human beings towards each other. You long to withdraw entirely and focus 36 on spreading your own contact with Divine Reality to others. Beware that 37 38 Letter 7 290 you do not force your spiritual way on others, irrespective of whether or not 1 they are on the spiritual path themselves. 2 3 At the same time, you must preserve your own serenity by not allowing 4 others to take advantage of your good nature. You must clearly draw your 5 lines of right and wrong – prevent the selfishness of others encroaching on 6 your privacy which is likely to destroy your peace of mind. 7 8 To ensure this, there is no need for your ego-consciousness to assume 9 dominance again. You can guard your privacy peacefully. You have been 10 given the intelligence to achieve this necessary purpose with the highest 11 degree of LOVE. Remember that the spiritual edifice of consciousness 12 vibrations which have been constructed out of your contact with Divine 13 Reality and your daily mode of thought, feeling and living, should be 14 sacrosanct and you have to take care not to become entrapped again in the 15 lower vibrations of others’ thoughts and reactions. 16 17 At all times, your highest purpose on earth is to promote the highest 18 earthly and spiritual GOOD of every other living entity – human and 19 lesser. Not by descending to the vibrationary level of those in need but 20 by reaching out and offering the wisdom which has brought you into 21 your sanctuary – your holy of holies in mind, emotion and living 22 conditions – if there is a willingness to listen and accept. Otherwise, 23 hold your peace. 24 25 Sympathy and compassion should be detached. Empathy will drag you 26 down and embroil your spiritual consciousness vibrations in the human 27 vibrational level. This will possibly create conflicts where you had sincerely 28 only intended to uplift and heal. Avoid this since it will deplete your 29 energies and defeat your spiritual purposes. 30 31 Pure LOVE is concerned only with upliftment and spiritual progress, 32 healing and achievement of the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’. 33 34 Divine LOVE is a warm compassionate feeling – primarily charged with 35 the longing to enable the loved one to: grow, create, be nourished and 36 nourish others, to be healed and to heal others, to educate and educate 37 38 Letter 7 291 others, to protect and protect others, to fulfill his needs and for him to 1 fulfill the needs of others, all within a clear system of law and order. 2 3 This is DIVINE LOVE/LAW in action. 4 5 When your highest purpose has become the Divine Purpose in action, the 6 ego, the nucleus of your individuality, is now controlled by your soul. The 7 ego-drive becomes your true defender and true protector of your personal 8 comfort – but it now works entirely in harmony with the directives of your 9 soul which draws its nature from Divine Reality. 10 11 I repeat – there is no sentiment in Divine Reality, no removing any 12 boundaries ensuring law and order, to suit the demands of the egotist, no 13 weak ‘giving in’ and yielding to the obstinacy of others. 14 15 At all times, it must be borne in mind that ALL PEOPLE should respect 16 one another. They must respect the rights of others to privacy, safety, peace 17 of mind and harmony. If differences arise, they can be dealt with, with 18 mutual respect. The more spiritually evolved you are, the more will you 19 respect the highest and the lowest of social stratas, accounting them to be 20 equal – ‘not in the sight of God’ as human beings like to say, but within 21 your own spiritualised perceptions of the fundamental equality of the 22 souls within all beings. 23 24 Respect and DIVINE LOVE belong together. True LOVE is highly 25 respectful of the beloved. 26 27 Where there is respect between two people, this frequently leads to the 28 highest form of love. 29 30 If you have found this Letter difficult to accept, remember that the human 31 mind is limited in its understanding of dimensions beyond the earthly 32 plane. Do not let the reasoning of the ego hold you back from your 33 soul’s journey. 34 35 In my next Letter, I will develop the theme of DIVINE LOVE and will 36 enlarge on ego self love showing you exactly how the magnetic emotions are 37 presently controlling your thoughts, feelings and lives. I will outline the 38 Letter 7 292 steps by which they can be overcome and eventually dissolved from your 1 consciousness. 2 3 My purpose is to lead you along the path of self-discovery and spiritual 4 advancement that you may enter immediately into Light not only when 5 you pass on into the next dimension of existence but also whilst you are on 6 earth. 7 8 At the moment you are living in a shadowy burdened existence instead of 9 consciously living within and entering into the ‘Divine Consciousness’ and 10 allowing IT to permeate and gladden your thinking and your life 11 experiences. 12 13 Know that my Christ Consciousness is with you always and you can 14 have immediate access to me when you call. Let this be a comfort to you 15 – but not a crutch. I am but your gateway to your own illumination and 16 your own ascent into Christ Consciousness yourself. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Letter 7 293 Christ’s Letter 8 1 2 3 In this Letter, Christ explains the reality of men and women, how to live within 4 the LAWS of EXISTENCE and come into a harmonious blessed state of being 5 in which all things are abundantly provided, health is restored, and joy becomes 6 a natural state of mind. Every individual can reach this interior state of 7 blessedness, and peace will then become the norm. 8 9 10 I have come to you again to speak of: 11 12 1. The True Nature of Existence 13 14 The TRUTH OF BEING is this: 15 16 YOU who believe only in the material world, live entirely in the earthly, 17 finite world. You live within a dimension of the manifestation of your 18 beliefs. 19 20 Those whose spiritual perceptions and lives have been raised in frequencies 21 of vibrations to merge with the spiritual frequencies of vibration of the 22 spiritual dimension can perceive that they live in two dimensions. They are 23 fully aware of this truth. And they live according to this truth, and evolve 24 into ever higher frequencies of being. 25 26 They are no longer bound by human belief but live within the realisation 27 that they live within infinity in which are no limitations. The higher their 28 vibrational frequencies of consciousness, the more aware they are that they 29 live within infinity and that only they themselves set the limits on what 30 they can aspire to. 31 32 Those whose perceptions have been heightened in this way whilst still in 33 their bodies, have seen that there is only one dimension of actual 34 ‘individual being’ and this dimension is ‘Divine Consciousness Activity’. 35 36 They may also come to fully realise there is the further dimension of 37 Universal Consciousness in which the Universal resides in perfect 38 Letter 8 294 equilibrium and may be penetrated by none, because within this dimension 1 any individuality would be immediately drawn into the Unity of Being. 2 3 When a soul reaches, in understanding and realisation, the topmost level of 4 the frequencies of vibrations of consciousness – Christ Consciousness – 5 the soul can look down and review the levels of vibrations ascending and 6 descending to those of humanity on earth and know, with love and 7 compassion, humanity is trapped in the lower vibrations of Divine 8 Consciousness hidden within the Ego-Drive, wholly unaware of the Truth 9 of Being, the soul’s true identity and the earthly truth of the ego. Neither 10 does it have the slightest awareness of the immense purpose behind its 11 existence and the eventual mission it must embark upon. 12 13 The task of the newborn soul is to experience, through means of its sheath 14 ‘the psyche’, all that these lower frequencies have to offer and grow as a 15 result of the mental/emotional events and experiences arising out of their 16 thoughts and feelings. The soul must learn, through trial and error, the 17 state of consciousness which makes it immensely happy or burdened with 18 grief and sorrow which initiate various physical limitations. 19 20 The purpose of life on earth is not to discover a means to experience 21 undeviating joy and bliss, although this is what each soul longs for. 22 23 Such bliss and joy would hinder the soul’s progress into the higher 24 spiritual vibrations of consciousness. 25 26 Eventually after many lifetimes of ‘highs’ and ‘lows’ of comfort and sorrow, 27 the psyche will wake up to the truth of its being and will realise that it has 28 within itself the potential to draw on Divine Consciousness for insight, 29 understanding and knowledge and to raise its spiritual consciousness 30 vibrations to those of health, well-being, protection, inner growth, spiritual 31 nutrition and to radiate to others the nature of Divine Consciousness 32 Itself. 33 34 As I have said before CONSCIOUSNESS is LIFE and LIFE is 35 CONSCIOUSNESS. 36 37 Where there is LIFE – there is CONSCIOUSNESS. 38 Letter 8 295 Where there is CONSCIOUSNESS there is LIFE. 1 2 EVERYTHING in existence is defined by vibrational frequencies of 3 consciousness. Light, Sound, Colour, all physical phenomena both living 4 and inanimate. If you can change the frequencies of vibration of any single 5 thing, you change the appearance of that thing – be it sound, colour, gas, 6 liquid, physical organs. 7 8 When physical organs present an appearance of ill-health, it is because the 9 normal frequencies of vibrations of that physical organ have been reduced 10 and the LIFE within the organ has been depleted. Science presents the 11 universe as being ‘matter’ possessing consciousness but the truth is: 12 13 The universe is CONSCIOUSNESS which has taken on the appearance of 14 ‘matter’ as a result of a descent into the lower frequencies of vibration of 15 consciousness. 16 17 This is the true reality of existence – nothing else. 18 19 Your existence is all a matter of frequency of vibrations. The higher the 20 spiritual perceptions and the adherence to spiritual thought, the more swift 21 are the personal vibrational frequencies in the body, the vitality is raised 22 and illness eventually disappears. 23 24 The scientific fraternity believes you live entirely within the human 25 dimension comprising the solar system, and the galaxies of stars. Science 26 believes the human intellect is the highest point of intelligent reference at 27 any time, having evolved in response to changing environment and climatic 28 conditions and is purely the product of brain activity. According to science, 29 your emotions are wholly real and valid and what you think and feel is 30 beyond all dispute, these constitute the only ‘reality’ of existence. Normalcy 31 is computed according to the ‘average’ thoughts, actions, and responses to 32 the environment. This is perceived as the human ‘reality’. 33 34 Any talents which transcend the ‘average’ output of ‘average’ minds is 35 reckoned as being ‘genius’ arising from unusual mental powers. The ‘below 36 average’ output is said to be due to retardation due to some physical cause – 37 genetics, birth trauma, etc. Science believes the physical dimension is the 38 Letter 8 296 beginning and the end of existence. Science is so set against any possibility 1 of self-delusionary beliefs that it will accept as being ‘real’ any phenomenon 2 provided it can be computed, estimated and proved by instruments. 3 4 If you think about this carefully, you will come to realise that what 5 science holds fast to as fact is, in reality, only belief created by drawing 6 conclusions through the exercise of the five senses. 7 8 So is it with every other facet of your existence. In your earthly dimension, 9 facts take place second by second but the moment they have happened, they 10 become memory-beliefs and memories are not always accurate. Whatever 11 feelings and thoughts you have about the past are not facts but points of 12 view, beliefs, and are, therefore, not facts – nor the Reality behind them. 13 14 This applies to every facet of your existence. The Truth is: you live in a 15 worldly dimension composed entirely of your beliefs arising from your 16 responses to what happened a hundred, thousand or ten thousand years 17 ago. 18 19 At one time, people believed the world was flat. Therefore, for them, they 20 lived in a flat world and were afraid to sail the seas too far in one direction, 21 because they were in danger of falling off the edge of the world. For these 22 people, their world was flat, while today, with knowledge, your world is 23 accessible in every direction. 24 25 People, in the past, and also in the present time, directed their lives 26 according to ‘old wives’ tales’, the power of the ancestors and other legends. 27 They believed in them so implicitly, the limitations imposed by these 28 beliefs restricted people’s actions and activities. 29 30 Dancing was believed to be sinful and wicked by certain ‘Christian’ sects 31 for instance. Therefore, many people who would have derived great 32 happiness and release from stress when dancing, were wrongfully denied 33 this pleasure. 34 35 Religion comes under the same heading. Beliefs are the very substance of 36 religion. They are founded on age-old happenings which are nothing but 37 belief. The beliefs may have been relevant to the general mindset of those 38 Letter 8 297 times, but they have long since become irrelevant in a constantly changing 1 world, yet they are strictly adhered to and become the focus of worship, 2 festivities, celebrations, mourning – and more destructively – they become 3 the reason for men killing one another and causing horrific misery to 4 women and children. 5 6 Certain religions claim that ‘God is everywhere and in all things’ but also 7 affirm dogmatically, that no one knows the ‘mind’ of ‘God’, or the reasons 8 why people kill one another – it may be in God’s plan, they say. With 9 mindsets composed of a conglomeration of illogical beliefs, where can 10 mankind, at this present time, find any certainty of beauty, joy, health, 11 well-being, love? 12 13 Religious ideas present a ‘God’ whose ‘will’ can bring life and healing or 14 death and destruction. In such beliefs, there is no certainty of anything 15 other than uncertainty. 16 17 With such a belief, any sickness or abnormality can be excused as being 18 ‘God’s Will’. It is your BELIEFS which control all your expectations of 19 what life may hand out in the future. 20 21 Healthy agnosticism, the kind of mindset which accepts it does not know 22 the nature of ‘God’ or whether there is any ‘God’ at all but is perfectly open 23 to the conviction imparted by enlightenment, is preferable to fanatical 24 beliefs in half-truth or non-truth. 25 26 How blind is the human race generally! 27 28 People are like moles living within their tunnels, convinced they are capable 29 of ‘sizing up’ the entirety of their existence by using their senses of hearing, 30 smell, very limited vision and touch. 31 32 Thus may you descend the scale of life forms and witness thousands of 33 species living lives entirely defined and limited by their senses. What they 34 can perceive as ‘real’ constitutes their personal ‘reality’, their particular 35 world. Every strata of existence experienced by various species of living 36 things, is distinct from every other within the earthly dimension. This 37 38 Letter 8 298 includes the human mind which is literally possessed by religious doctrines 1 and dogmas and imprisoned in scientific theories and mathematic formulas. 2 3 Religious doctrines have been conceived by human reasoning in an effort to 4 explain the teachings of spiritual Masters, whose minds have moved beyond 5 the human sphere of intellect into the heavenly spheres of inspired 6 perception of ‘Universal Reality’. 7 8 Scientific concepts are also the product of the human senses rationalising 9 and giving names to phenomena viewed by human sight during 10 experimentation. 11 12 When, therefore, the human intellect is able to set aside such limited beliefs 13 and ascend into contact with the ‘Reality’ beyond the ‘highest human 14 reasoning, logic, and rationalisations’ which are termed ‘knowledge’, such a 15 mind enters the higher spheres of ‘LIFE-CONSCIOUSNESS’. It is imbued 16 with ‘universal truth’ which is literally beyond the scope of the ‘normal’ 17 human mind to perceive or accept or understand. The human mind cannot 18 understand any experience beyond that of the electromagnetic parameters 19 of earthly existence and the functions of the brain – until Divine 20 Consciousness enlightenment enters the entire human system of mind, 21 emotions and subconsciousness – then the underlying unity and harmony is 22 revealed. 23 24 When altogether new spiritual perceptions are presented to a religiously 25 indoctrinated mind, these are perceived as being from ‘Satan’ or sheer 26 lunacy or imagination. This is natural since when the emotions are severely 27 aroused and challenged, as happens when deep beliefs are contradicted, the 28 magnetic-emotional ‘bonding-rejection’ impulses of the ego-drive 29 immediately come into action. 30 31 Any thesis or proposal which causes the conditioned mind acute mental 32 discomfort, dismay or puzzlement, will be rejected instantly and a 33 whole barrage of ‘proofs’ will be summoned from the beliefs in the 34 conditioned mind to back up such rejection. But the proofs are merely 35 beliefs. 36 37 38 Letter 8 299 This is an entirely natural mental-emotional process within the purely 1 human dimension. 2 3 Therefore, if this – my TRUTH – is offered to those whose mindsets are 4 firmly established and conditioned by fear or strengthened by the human 5 will to adhere to such programmed beliefs, it is only natural that the 6 TRUTH will arouse unruly emotions and be quite violently, possibly 7 virulently rejected. 8 9 The foregoing is a description of normal mental-emotional activity within 10 the human dimension. 11 12 It should not be criticised since a conditioned mind is made to feel 13 completely insecure and ‘adrift’ or ‘all at sea’ when confronted with an 14 entirely new concept. These human idioms describe exactly what happens 15 when an indoctrinated mind is challenged by an entirely new perception of 16 what was previously held to be so dear, so safe, so right! 17 18 When first reading these Letters you can determine for yourselves where 19 you stand mentally and emotionally. 20 21 Are you blocked from spiritual progress by your stubborn adherence to 22 present beliefs? 23 24 Are you able, after due thought, to realise that all you are so sturdily 25 upholding is only – ‘belief’ – irrational belief? 26 27 It is absolutely vital to your spiritual development that you should, at long 28 last, fully understand the principles of your human mind and emotional 29 functioning. You think you do, but you do not understand it at all. You can 30 only understand it by coming out of it entirely, transcending it, moving 31 into higher dimensions of perception and experience – entering into 32 TRUTH ITSELF. 33 34 Only then do you begin to perceive that you and every other person in the 35 world, have lived and directed your lives almost entirely by human ‘beliefs’ 36 – not TRUTH. 37 38 Letter 8 300 There are many people who believe wholeheartedly that if they pray for 1 a certain object or experience, or the bestowal of the right guidance in a 2 certain situation, they will truly receive the right object, experience or 3 guidance which will enhance their well-being. 4 5 They believe that when (if !) their prayer is answered, they will whole-6 heartedly rejoice and immediately follow the lead, irrespective of 7 present conditions, because, coming from the Divine, it can only be the 8 right answer conducive to happiness. 9 10 However, when faced with the arrival of the longed-for object, or 11 experience or guidance – the recipient of Divine Grace sometimes 12 becomes so disturbed and disoriented, unable to accept that there has 13 been an intrusion of Divine Consciousness exactly as asked for, that he/ 14 she does not know how to deal with it. 15 16 If minds are so disturbed when what they have asked for is actually 17 given them in an unexpected way – where is the true FAITH and 18 BELIEF which they were so certain they wholly possessed in 19 abundance? 20 21 Do you not also see that belief, not Truth – has orchestrated the whole 22 symphonic movement – with the exception, of course, of the Divine 23 Consciousness intervention – the answer to the prayer. This 24 intervention is the only ‘reality’ in the whole procedure – the rest is 25 belief and hope – mental gymnastics using past experiences by which to 26 measure the present. 27 28 Your only TRUTH is Divine Consciousness which leads only to growth 29 and perfection – if you fully trust it to do so. 30 31 Pause here and read and reread the foregoing paragraphs because what 32 goes on in your consciousness is the fabric of your experiences and lives. 33 34 So question yourselves: do you really PERCEIVE – REALISE – 35 UNDERSTAND the Reality as being the source of all knowledge and 36 creativity? Or do you merely pay lip service and superficial mental 37 acknowledgement to Divine Consciousness? 38 Letter 8 301 Do you fully and completely live, minute by minute, in the realisation 1 that UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS is the only Reality and Highest 2 Intelligence operational within creation? 3 4 Do you consistently depend on Its supremely effective guidance or do 5 you think that you would rather live by your own finite will and 6 sometimes muddled emotional impulses? 7 8 And, if you are given direct guidance to follow a certain lead, but stop 9 to think whether the guidance is leading you where you think you want 10 to go, are you fully surrendered to the Highest Intelligent Authority – 11 Divine Consciousness? 12 13 Is this not an indication your ego is still in control? Even these Letters, 14 when circulated as intended, will come to be ‘beliefs’, not the pure spiritual 15 perception of ‘WHAT IS’ out of which these words have come. 16 17 Only by taking these words into meditation, after asking for spiritual 18 illumination, will the spiritual ‘Reality’ behind the words eventually 19 come like a shaft of light into the mind. 20 21 When this happens, you will KNOW that you know. 22 23 Those of you who have evolved sufficiently to live in two dimensions, YOU 24 whose minds can move beyond the realm of human intellect into the higher 25 dimension of ‘Universal Reality’ will probably encounter many people, in 26 time to come, who will reject these Letters as imagination, but be not 27 dismayed. 28 29 Remember what I am telling you now. 30 31 YOU are residents of two dimensions and none may pass beyond the 32 dimension of ‘mere intellect’ until the prerequisites to spiritual 33 enlightenment have been fulfilled. These are a true spiritual awakening 34 leading to deep insight into the activities of the ego and self-35 hood......followed by remorse......remorse...... remorse. This is the 36 ONLY WAY. 37 38 Letter 8 302 For remorse, in turn, leads to the rejection of the magnetic-emotional 1 dimension of ‘rejection-bonding’ which, in its more virulent forms, 2 humans described as ‘sin’. 3 4 When a person penetrates the spiritual dimension and is imbued with 5 ‘LIFE’ characteristics, the person begins to realise and eventually 6 KNOW that the human ego-drive to ‘look out for the self’ actually 7 shuts the SOUL off from the continuous inflow of DIVINE LIFE’ into 8 the mind, heart, body, relationships and daily experiences. 9 10 ‘Looking out for yourself’ is a human, earthly experience. 11 12 Total, sincere, surrender of the self-hood to ‘FATHER-LIFE’ removes 13 the block between the spiritual dimension and the soul. 14 15 A person no longer has to ‘look out for himself’, all that DIVINE LIFE 16 is, now flows into the individual’s body, mind, heart, experiences and 17 relationships. 18 19 Such a person lives by ‘instinct’ and follows hunches which always work 20 out perfectly in the long term. ‘DIVINE LIFE’ IS ALWAYS THERE TO 21 BE ACCESSED, whenever the person surrenders self-will and turns to IT 22 for every need. 23 24 You must remember that I am referring to the time when you penetrate the 25 human dimension of intellect and move beyond your reliance on 26 ‘intellect’ and material means to get you what you want out of life. Many 27 people think they have reached this place of spiritual development but are 28 deluding themselves. 29 30 When a person abandons logic – and knows beyond all doubt that 31 guidance can be utterly relied upon to achieve inspired goals, your life 32 changes. Benefits flow into your experience when you fully realise that 33 Divine Consciousness is the unseen Reality – the Power – at work behind 34 the outer appearances of your life, moving ‘intelligent energy force’ to 35 manifest your needs. You do not have to deny appearances, or pour 36 thought-power into a condition you are seeking to resolve. 37 38 Letter 8 303 All you have to do is surrender self-will and KNOW that as your limited 1 intellect yields, so does the Infinite Reality move in to order your life in an 2 altogether new way, to wean you away from all your supports of the past, 3 bring to your mind a new vision for a new endeavour, and lead you into 4 new areas of activity. But when this happens, you have to be prepared to 5 ‘let go’ completely. 6 7 You have to release your grip on the securities of the past and know that 8 even greater securities of a different nature await you as you follow your 9 inspiration. 10 11 Since this state of spiritual/human existence and harmonious well-being 12 depend entirely on a person’s ability to make true contact with Divine 13 Reality, it is imperative to return again and again to an in-depth study of 14 Divine Reality Itself and the way in which the ego-drive is ceaselessly at 15 work within the human consciousness blocking out the intuitive directions 16 of the Divine Life within the mind. 17 18 At the moment you are living in a shadowy burdened existence instead of 19 consciously living within and entering into ‘Divine Consciousness’ and 20 allowing IT to permeate and gladden your thinking and life experiences. 21 You remain locked within the mental-emotional framework of 22 electromagnetic impulses until you set your willpower to consciously 23 dissolving the fabric of your humanly conceived beliefs and come to see 24 clearly that your Reality is Divine Consciousness – not your family, or 25 bank book. When you achieve this insight, you will enter into LIGHT – 26 and the LIGHT will abide in you. 27 28 Because of the discomfort and the tug-of-war between the evolving soul and 29 the human ego, (which demands to ‘look good’ rather than ‘BE GOOD’, 30 and yet cannot bear the thought that it may ever be imperfect), there are 31 few people receiving inspiration and passing it on to others at this time, 32 who will speak about the need to go through a period of inner cleansing. 33 34 Modern people are conditioned to instant service, instant light, instant 35 heat, instant food, drink, clothes and entertainment, and therefore are not 36 attracted to a TRUTH which involves self-sacrifice, hard work and total 37 dedication to the goal. Besides which, many of these teachers are making a 38 Letter 8 304 good deal of money out of their activities and they must present a ‘Truth’ 1 that will sell! 2 3 If your modern teachers speak of a path of attainment to the highest 4 dimensions by means of the transference of personal mental illumination, it 5 will still be necessary to undergo the inner intense self-examination and 6 purification of the bonding-rejection of ‘magnetic emotions’. 7 8 If you are truly on the upward path to the highest spiritual dimensions, 9 your road will be characterised by moments of bright clear-sighted self-10 inspection and self-realisation, followed frequently by self-loathing. This 11 dark and painful feeling is the magnetic emotion in reverse. 12 13 Where before, the ego clung to its essential vision of itself as being the 14 greatest and even greater than others, it now begins to glimpse the 15 agonising fact that perhaps it is not only slightly – but very imperfect. Any 16 person reaching this spiritual level of development will find they are now 17 travelling the road to true humility. 18 19 Take heart when you find this happening to you. You are now pushing 20 away the debris of past erroneous beliefs about yourself and your illusory 21 self-hood. Remember that it is your ‘intention’ or ‘motivation’ or 22 ‘conviction’ which gives creative power to do whatever you want to do. 23 24 The moment that you desire with all your heart to reverse your normal 25 trend in your magnetic-emotional patterns, you have set this process in 26 motion. 27 28 If you clearly define the goals you wish to achieve and keep them ever 29 before your vision in writing or in mind, very shortly you will discover that 30 the desired changes have taken place in your consciousness. When this 31 happens, you will feel a lightness in spirit and will have moments of pure 32 joy. You will be proving that the TRUTH of BEING does bring ‘captive 33 hearts’ into the perfect freedom of spiritual living. 34 35 At the same time, you have to understand that your ego must, (of necessity 36 to enable you to survive), make you believe you are of value to yourself and 37 other people. Any external serious challenge regarding the value of the self 38 Letter 8 305 is highly destructive. A desperate fear and internal subsidence of confidence 1 will lead to the conviction that you are without value in the world, and 2 suicide can be the natural outcome. Therefore, your progress will and must 3 be gradual. 4 5 No one should ever expect people to be wholly changed by words of advice 6 or times of inspiration. Growth can only take place very gradually – one 7 insight at a time. 8 9 A true spiritual insight will imbue a person’s mind with an altogether new 10 point of view which will enable him to begin to approach certain related 11 circumstances in life differently. This insight must direct the person’s 12 actions until it has been absorbed completely into the consciousness for 13 eternity and becomes part of the soul evolution. 14 15 For instance, a man may have the idea that he will be successful in life if he 16 enforces his will aggressively on those who come within his orbit. He 17 believes he will be better heard if he shouts. 18 19 Then he may wake up to the fact that no one likes him much and he is 20 avoided by employees and ‘friends’. He may become more aggressive 21 because he now feels humiliated, or, if he is an evolving soul, he will 22 question what he can do about his isolation. The moment that DIVINE 23 LIFE seeps into his consciousness PSYCHE and makes him realise that he, 24 himself, avoids people who shout, he will have a flash of inspiration. 25 26 He will realise that, to be happy and successful, he should treat others as he 27 likes to be treated. You may argue that this perception is not necessarily 28 inspired but is born of common sense, that he himself was responsible for 29 arriving at this realisation. However, this is not so. Ego thoughts are 30 dictated solely by the ‘bonding-rejection’ impulses, any new wisdom comes 31 from ‘LOVING INTELLIGENCE’. 32 33 This may be the last inspired flash of insight he will ever have, but if he is 34 truly on a spiritual path and seeking the highest dimensions of attainment, 35 he will gradually perceive that this first overcoming of the ‘ego’ is not 36 enough. He will begin to see other previously unsuspected selfish patterns 37 of behaviour. He will define a further goal just out of reach at that moment, 38 Letter 8 306 but very shortly, with prayer and meditation, he will have achieved that 1 goal also. In this way, his consciousness frequencies of vibration will be 2 elevated and he will gradually move towards the ‘Celestial Kingdoms of 3 Consciousness’ – the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’. 4 5 Alternatively, a woman may only feel secure by not disturbing the present 6 status quo. She is afraid to speak out when treated with a lack of respect. 7 Such a meek person, whilst more comfortable taking refuge in silence, will 8 also suffer deep resentments because people do not respect her passive 9 personality. Such people usually turn to religion for comfort and 10 reassurance and because of non-comprehension of the laws of existence; she 11 will probably remain static in her meekness till the end of her time on 12 earth. 13 14 Indeed, because of my words recorded in the gospels: ‘Blessed are the meek 15 for they shall inherit the earth’, the church has taught that meekness is to 16 be commended, she may feel that her ‘meekness’ is the way to the LIGHT. 17 18 However, if the meek little lady should find the TRUTH concerning her 19 ‘being’ and should find the right way to make contact with ‘Universal 20 Consciousness’ she will eventually be told inwardly and clearly that, 21 spiritually, she is the equal of everyone else. She will be inspired to express 22 herself well. She will be given the strength to speak ‘her truth’ in a more 23 confident and attractive way. 24 25 People will begin to respect this new person and she will be manifesting the 26 inner spiritual development gained during her times spent in meditation. 27 28 Remember, you are not on earth to ‘please God’, as your church may tell 29 you. You are on earth to ‘express’ ‘God’ and to make ever closer and closer 30 contact with Universal Consciousness until you become free of the 31 magnetic-emotional bondage. 32 33 I must make it clear that my words have been mistranslated in the gospel. I 34 said: ‘Blessed are those with peaceful hearts for they will inherit the earth’. 35 36 If you contemplate the world, you will see that those countries with 37 ‘peaceful hearts’ prosper and live in harmony with their neighbours. Where 38 Letter 8 307 there are upheavals and genocide, this turbulence is the direct manifestation 1 of the ‘consciousness’ of the inhabitants. Such a consciousness destroys a 2 country and begets poverty and illness. 3 4 Sometimes, a country such as Tibet, adoring its own isolation and spiritual 5 rituals and beliefs, may be suffocating under the weight of its own human/ 6 spiritual creations. The inhabitants need to be forced out into the turbulent 7 world that they may put their beliefs to the test. They also bring ‘what is 8 real in their thinking’ to others who are burdened with magnetic-emotional 9 responses to life. They have been the means in a small way, of relieving the 10 pain experienced in modern society. 11 12 Whilst on this journey towards LIGHT, the Celestial Kingdoms of ‘Divine 13 Consciousness’, you will undoubtedly undergo rocky and bumpy 14 experiences until you achieve your true goal. You will experience times of 15 wondrous joy and times when your heart is heavy and your emotions 16 dragged this way and that because you feel there is an impenetrable barrier 17 between yourself and Divine Consciousness. 18 19 You may have heard of these dark times of inner distress when a person no 20 longer knows what he is meant to be doing or where he should be going. 21 Then, suddenly, just when this spiritual isolation is no longer bearable, and 22 the traveller has surrendered his inner self completely, Light illumines the 23 mind, and the person will see some marvellously deeper truth concerning 24 existence, will perceive, more clearly, his SOURCE of BEING. He will be 25 filled with joy because ‘God has spoken’. 26 27 Yes, ‘DIVINE LIFE’ has penetrated his consciousness, and lifted him 28 safely along the path leading to the attainment of the highest spiritual 29 consciousness of the Celestial Kingdoms – the Kingdom of Heaven. 30 31 Therefore, the way forward is through the means of such moments of 32 profound revelations. They must be treasured and remembered otherwise 33 all the spade work of the self will be lost, and the seeker will be continually 34 pushed back to where he began the search. 35 36 Faith must be strong at all times. Dithering about avails nothing. When I 37 descend into your planes or dimensions of ‘consciousness’, I have seen 38 Letter 8 308 seriously inclined seekers of Truth uplifted for a few hours and joyfully 1 telling people of their experience, and then, a little while later, doubting 2 what they were so certain they had received earlier. This slows down the 3 process of spiritual development. These times of doubt should be 4 strenuously resisted and overcome by meditation and prayer. For what is 5 DOUBT but an undermining of what you have known and believed in! 6 7 DOUBT is a negative creative consciousness force directed against the very 8 experience of ‘DIVINE-LIFE’ which lifted your spirit on high! 9 10 You create within yourself a little war between your experience of Divine 11 Consciousness and your human blindness. You will probably destroy the 12 memory of that divine moment and erase all vestiges of spiritual upliftment 13 and development it brought into your consciousness. This conflict will 14 leave you feeling jaded and dis-spirited. And you will probably never realise 15 that all alone and unassisted – you have wrought this negative 16 transformation in yourself! 17 18 People, on the spiritual path, frequently do this to themselves and hinder 19 their spiritual development, never stopping to question what right they 20 have to relapse in this self-indulgent exercise. 21 22 People use their minds recklessly, blighting their lives and the lives of other 23 people with their thoughts and words arising from their ego-drive. For it is 24 only your thought life and emotional upheavals which end in quarrels and 25 mayhem – not your faces, bodies, hands and legs unless the quarrels end in 26 physical abuse. But even bodily conflict has its origins in the frustration of 27 the ego within mind and emotions, and conveyed to the limbs to vent the 28 uncontrollable wrath. 29 30 In this way, marriages – and friendships – begin in mutual joy and 31 eventually end in misery and mutual rejection – because people find it 32 impossible to channel their ego-drive into life and love-preserving modes of 33 self-expression. 34 35 Parents and children express mutual love until the teen years, and then 36 hatred enters the scene and sours the relationship when children rebel 37 against authority and parents react with self-righteous abuse. Again, there is 38 Letter 8 309 no need for such conflict. Parents must surely realise that every generation 1 fights to find its feet in the adult world and do things more innovatively 2 than did their elders? How can young people thrive if shackled to youthful 3 bondage? 4 5 When children become young adults, this is ‘growing time’ for parents, 6 who must now prepare for the next stage of their life – the more inspired 7 use of their latent talents, and then old age, acceptance of their past follies 8 and mistakes, and, at last, a peaceful transition into eternal Light. 9 10 Why quarrel? Why fight? People wholly controlled by ego let fly and 11 hammer away for their ‘rights’. Spiritually mature people solve problems 12 by discussing them empathetically. 13 14 What does this mean in human terms? It means – listening to the other 15 person with the spoken or silent acknowledgement that the way the other 16 person felt/feels in a certain situation is as valid and worthy of respect as 17 were/are your feelings. 18 19 When overtaken by a serious confrontation in which neither of you are 20 prepared to yield an iota of ground, go away on your own and take time to 21 realise that what you are engaged in is a ‘battle of consciousness’. The battle 22 is not enjoined only as a result of what was actually done and said in a 23 moment of extreme heat – what really took place was the upshot of what 24 you both are – in consciousness. 25 26 This involves your backgrounds. The conflict springs from the personality 27 itself, the type of ego-drive a person possesses, the basic perceptions of right 28 and wrong, the normal attitudes each have towards other people and life 29 generally. Therefore, when you have conflict or confrontation, tell your 30 opponent you are taking time off to stand still and quieten your mind to be 31 able to listen more helpfully. 32 33 Then – be very wise. Call on Divine Consciousness for an intervention of 34 Loving Consciousness into the situation. 35 36 37 38 Letter 8 310 Try to realise – and visualise – that both of you stand in the Light of 1 Divine Consciousness, equal in soul origins, equal in destiny – equally 2 real, equally human, equally unique. 3 4 Until you can fully immerse yourself in this realisation – this state of mind 5 – you are not yet ready to stand in the Divine Light to lovingly sort out 6 your conflict and hurt feelings. 7 8 Return to your opponent and suggest you should meet and each have five 9 or ten full minutes in which to clearly, quietly, explain your point of view, 10 your perception of what was actually said – what the fight is really about, 11 how feelings were hurt, how the matter should be resolved. 12 13 Choose to let the other speak first and again surrender the situation to 14 Divine Consciousness. 15 16 If there is a great deal of bitter accusation taking place, try to subdue your 17 own ego and remain absolutely silent and calm. This will be a great help to 18 the other speaker, since he will feel he is being heard. It will obviate the 19 feeling of frustration. Rationally, realise you are helping your opponent but 20 do not puff yourself up for being superior! 21 22 Try your best to see how much of what is being said is true about yourself – 23 whatever it may be, if valid, bite your tongue and accept it. Be glad and 24 rejoice – because in that moment you have had a moment of insight into 25 your own human consciousness, giving you an opportunity to get rid of a 26 facet of ego-drive. 27 28 Every time, you are able to rid yourself of a little ego-drive, you allow your 29 soul more ‘breathing space’ and room for more active control of your 30 personality. You also rise in consciousness frequencies of vibration and feel 31 a degree lighter within yourself. 32 33 By these means you grow psychologically – and spiritually. 34 35 Listen to the feelings of the other person. Try to restrain your own and 36 empathise with your sparring partner’s emotions. Feel ‘his’ hurt, ‘his’ 37 indignation, ‘his’ anxieties. Put aside your own – and feel his. 38 Letter 8 311 [ ‘His’ represents both genders for brevity. ] 1 2 Ask yourself – If someone had said or done to you what you have said or 3 done to the other, how would you feel? If you can set aside your ego 4 sufficiently to be able to consider this, then you are on the way to 5 overcoming the kind of ego-drive which puts ‘self’ above every other 6 consideration and is unable to see any other point of view. 7 8 Before speaking, calmly wait in silence until your sparring partner’s ten 9 minutes are fully up – even if it means he finishes before time and both of 10 you remain in silence for a while. 11 12 Acknowledge as pleasantly as you are able, that you have heard what he 13 has said and you can understand why he is upset. In that instant of self-14 control, realise that you have gained a modicum of control over yourself 15 and you have taken the first step to healing the situation. 16 17 On the other hand – if you have not truly understood what he has told you 18 then you are mentally blocking something he is saying which you do not 19 want to hear or receive. Therefore, again, your ego is in control. Control it 20 and invite him to explain further – and again do your best to put yourself 21 in his place. Feel his pain. Understand his anger. 22 23 When you have received the other person into your understanding and 24 acknowledged it, his ego defences will begin to lessen, you will see him 25 begin to relax. Both of you will feel better. 26 27 Having done this, quietly, slowly, carefully – you then give an equally clear 28 picture of the way that you felt in the circumstances. Do not use words 29 calculated to set your opponent down and thus upset him. 30 31 Remember that: 32 33 • you are making an effort to control your ego as a prelude to 34 unconditional love. 35 36 • you are working to achieve peace and understanding between you – 37 not points. 38 Letter 8 312 • your reply should not lead to further conflict because you have used 1 words likely to further upset him. If it does – then your ego has won 2 the round against you. Your psyche has lost. 3 4 If you are both living in the spiritual frequencies of consciousness, it will 5 follow that your opponent will accord you the same response of listening, 6 thinking and acknowledging your position, as you gave him, but if he lives 7 entirely in the earthly consciousness frequencies, you may encounter 8 difficulties. 9 10 He may feel you are trying to score points by being ‘holy’, ‘superior’ or 11 ‘bigger’ in some way. Calm him down; tell him it is painful to have conflict 12 between you. You are only trying out a method to ensure both of you get a 13 fair hearing from the other, and reach a truly mutual forgiving 14 reconciliation instead of a superficial one when hurt feelings are left to 15 fester in the mind and heart and body. 16 17 You should each give the other the right to disagree in gentle words – 18 giving valid reasons for the disagreement. Find the fortitude within yourself 19 to recognise that you, as a human being, cannot possibly be always right 20 since you, like everyone else, has been born with a controlling ego-drive 21 which forces you to take up and strongly defend the position of ‘top-dog’. 22 Remember that whilst you believe yourself to be ‘top-dog’, he too believes 23 the same thing. Humanly, he believes himself to be at least on an equal 24 level with yourself if not superior. Whatever his ego causes him to think 25 about himself, and his point of view, is exactly the same as your ego causes 26 you to think about your opinions and ideas. 27 28 When you can bring Divine Consciousness into the arena of your human 29 consciousness, you have literally received – with compassionate acceptance 30 and love – the human reality of each of you into yourselves, have dissolved 31 the negativity between you and raised the frequencies of your consciousness 32 vibrations, leaving you feeling lighter and more vibrant. Since this leaves 33 you in perfect peace, no longer in conflict, this is extremely important to 34 your well-being. 35 36 If, however, you should refuse to listen and empathise and accept, with 37 loving forgiveness, the ‘truth’ of another person, the rejection creates an 38 Letter 8 313 emotional ‘magnetic rejection’ energy which joins and reinforces other 1 residues of rejection energy force within the consciousness electromagnetic 2 fields of your entire system. ‘Rejection magnetism’ depletes the ‘bonding 3 magnetism’ between cells and ill health sets in. 4 5 This fact of existence is the ground of all psychosomatic medicine. People 6 who constantly blame and judge others and keep a wholly closed mind in 7 regard to their own part in conflict, eventually experience some kind of 8 radical breakdown in their physical or emotional make-up. If they can 9 monitor and work on this tendency to exercise control, judge others and 10 exonerate themselves from blame, and can eventually give their ‘soul’ full 11 mastery in their personality, the breakdown of whatever kind it is, will 12 ultimately disappear completely. 13 14 If, during conflict with another, you give time, space and understanding 15 but only encounter stubborn resistance in the form of a continual statement 16 of personal aggrieved feeling, then you are dealing with ego blindness and 17 the only thing to do is to laugh, concede defeat, and walk away. 18 19 Providing you walk away with forgiveness and understanding of their 20 controlling ego, you may have conceded defeat but you gained a victory 21 over self and refrained from introducing negative vibrations into your 22 consciousness field. 23 24 The very worst thing you can do to promote discord is to tell a person ‘they 25 shouldn’t feel a certain way’ or ‘they do not mean what they are saying’. 26 These two sayings are a gross violation of the dignity and respect due to the 27 other and you have rejected the ‘human reality’ of the other person. 28 29 You may question a person: 30 31 ‘Do you really mean what you are saying?’ If the answer is ‘yes’ then it must 32 be accepted and the discussion should continue from that point. 33 34 Never ignore what another person is trying to tell you because you do not 35 want to face up to what is being said. This is cowardice and gives points to 36 your ego. Be brave and listen – with both ears open to receive the truth 37 behind the words. 38 Letter 8 314 You must accept the ‘reality’ of a person – whether you agree with it or not, 1 even if a facet causes you shock or displeasure. Remember, you do not 2 know the full circumstances out of which that human consciousness has 3 grown into its present form. 4 5 If you judge, criticise, condemn in any way, you have erected a barrier 6 between yourself and that person which will not be removed, no matter 7 how much you may wish to overlook everything negative in him and 8 become friends in the future. Unknowingly, what you reject in him will 9 remain in your consciousness as a foundation for future discords which will 10 build up and eventually outweigh the affection. 11 12 Unwittingly, you will say things in the future reflecting your underlying 13 secret mistrust or displeasure. Instead of accepting his weaknesses with love 14 and helping him deal with and overcome them, you will put him on his 15 guard against you and he will never fully trust you. Your ego and his ego 16 will have had a secret battle which neither of you will be aware of 17 consciously. 18 19 Love could turn to hate. Remember – your life is a STATE OF 20 CONSCIOUSNESS in which thoughts and feelings are deposited as in a 21 safety box. Let acceptance and caring be the steel of which the box is made. 22 When you have an encounter with someone to whom you are drawn, if 23 only in friendship, and you discover that there are elements in his past 24 which are contrary to your principles – you have the option: 25 26 • to remain in contact with him, fully accepting his past, and possibly 27 in future situations pointing out the characteristic logically and 28 lovingly, helping him grow, or if this is impossible, 29 30 • promptly removing yourself from the situation until you can see his 31 problems from the perspective of loving acceptance inspired by 32 Divine Consciousness and you find him receptive to your principles. 33 34 You must never accuse a person of acting out of an ego-impulse. All 35 human beings are ego-driven to a greater or lesser extent. Never take a 36 stance which will humiliate another! 37 38 Letter 8 315 When I was on earth, I urged people to forgive and to abstain from 1 judgment, criticism, condemnation. 2 3 The church has misinterpreted this as meaning you must ‘please’ God by 4 loving others and abstaining from the negative emotions. 5 6 This is not what I meant at all. There is no ‘God’ who needs to be ‘pleased’ 7 by your behaviour. 8 9 You are masters of your fate in that you always ‘reap what you sow’. All of 10 the foregoing pages have been directed at giving you details of how to avoid 11 sowing weeds in your vegetable patch, how to remain healthy, happy, 12 prosperous. 13 14 A time will come in your spiritual development when you will awaken 15 to the enormous gift you have in your head – the gift of creative, 16 intelligent thinking, and you will also become aware of the enormous 17 responsibility you bear towards the way you use it. 18 19 There are wonderful people in your world who have used their minds in 20 such a way as to gain insight and growth from the daily challenges in their 21 lives. Step by step, by probing, analyzing, moving on to new viewpoints, 22 higher understanding, they fashion new ideals for themselves. 23 24 They adopt these ideals as guidelines for their future behaviour. By these 25 means they are able to purify their thinking, words, actions, in order to 26 redefine their mode of conduct in the world and of attending to 27 relationships. 28 29 These are ‘self-made’ people – but rarely do you find that they have not also 30 drawn strength, insight, inspiration, emotional stability from the higher 31 source – Divine Consciousness or their perception of what they may call 32 ‘God’. 33 34 When on earth, I told the people a story – the parable of the ‘Ten Talents’. 35 I said that a Lord of much wealth was going abroad for a while and he left 36 each of his three servants a sum of money. 37 38 Letter 8 316 To one, he gave ten talents, to another – five – and the last one he gave one 1 talent. 2 3 When he returned, he asked each servant what use they had made of the 4 money. 5 6 One said he had doubled the master’s investment, and the other said he had 7 gained half again, and the last man said he had sat on it, fearing to lose 8 what he had been given. 9 10 The master complimented the first two servants on their efficiency and 11 ingenuity, but he was angry with the servant who had not attempted to 12 make anything at all of the one talent left in his care. 13 14 Each one of you in the world have your own amount of ‘talent’ with which 15 to work. 16 17 If, on your own initiative, you find it hard to discover the best way to make 18 a profit out of your personal talent and resources – draw on Divine 19 Consciousness through meditation, and little by little, the ideas will surely 20 come, and these will be exactly suited to your own personality. 21 22 At the same time – consider how you have used your talents throughout 23 your life time. Have you been engrossed entirely in creating happiness and 24 pleasures for yourself – or have you devoted time also to the upliftment or 25 improvement of the life of others? 26 27 It is a terrible thing to have been given talents above the average and to end 28 your lives having squandered them in self-indulgent modes of living. 29 Whatever lessons you have failed to learn, whatever growth you have 30 evaded, whatever development in spirituality you have deliberately avoided 31 – are mountains you have created for yourself to climb in your next lives. 32 They will obstruct your path and will have to be dealt with – spiritually – 33 or again repeated in a further life. 34 35 It is not necessary to make a great way in the world, achieve advancement 36 or wealth or fame. 37 38 Letter 8 317 You can use your talents as a parent, seeking the best means of becoming 1 successful in your job of promoting your children’s well-being. What higher 2 calling is there than to be a ‘good loving parent’, more especially if you take 3 as your role model the Divine Father-Mother Consciousness which is 4 entirely directed at growth, nutrition of mind and body, healing of mind 5 and body, regeneration of mind and body, protection in every form and the 6 fulfilment of every need of mind, emotions, body – within a system of Law 7 and Order and Unconditional Love. As a parent – have you measured up to 8 the Consciousness of your Divine Source of Being? 9 10 Some of the people who have made best use of their talents have been 11 servants – those who have looked after other people’s children with 12 devotion and love, cleaning the house with conscientious attention to 13 detail, creating a peaceful calm and caring environment for the employer 14 with love and gentleness. These are the great souls, the ones who have made 15 paths for themselves leading directly into the Kingdom of Heaven. 16 17 Alternatively, there are people who have used their talents for the purposes 18 of the destruction of others to feed their vanity and the cold emptiness 19 within their own hearts. Ultimately, their use of their minds has led to their 20 own destruction. Think of the people in history and in the present time, 21 who have brainwashed others into rebellion. They have become dictators. 22 Then think about the likely end of such dictators. 23 24 Such people have abused the privileges bestowed by ‘mind power’ and they 25 eventually pay the price, but not before they have ruined thousands of lives 26 for no good reason, for there could never be a ‘good’ reason for turning 27 countries into war-torn wildernesses and ruining a prosperous economy. 28 29 Think of families where emotional and mental abuse is rife. This is an 30 abhorrent use of ‘mental power’. It rebounds to the abuser in many, 31 many ways – ill-health, sickness, addictions, depression and loss of self-32 esteem. 33 34 However, do not use your brains, intellect, insight, knowledge, education as 35 a platform from which to criticise, judge or condemn others who do not 36 measure up to your own standards of efficiency or goodness in any area of 37 your life. 38 Letter 8 318 At the same time – since to criticise, judge and condemn is as natural as 1 breathing to the human ego, do not attempt to deny your perceptions of 2 what might be improved. To do so is to deny the reality of the 3 evolutionary process. The purpose behind existence is to experience – and 4 improve upon your experiences. Therefore, do not judge or condemn or 5 reject the deficiencies you observe in others but take your perceptions 6 immediately to Divine Consciousness and continually ask for a Divine 7 Resolution of the problem. Hold fast to the realisation that wherever, 8 whenever, Divine Consciousness is drawn into a problem the end result is 9 always growth and development for all concerned. 10 11 Try to bear in mind always, you are on earth to bring Divine 12 Consciousness down into your daily life, relationships and 13 circumstances. You are there to use your minds for this special purpose. 14 15 When I said I have come to help you find ‘LIFE more Abundant’, I meant 16 that I have come to help you work through your magnetic-emotional 17 bondage and to find and make true contact with DIVINE LIFE – the 18 Source of your being. 19 20 Out of this contact comes increased LIFE which far transcends the ‘physical 21 life’ you draw from your food alone. 22 23 Out of this contact comes spiritual direction, protection, and a Divinely 24 Inspired Path. 25 26 You could call this ‘The Path of Christ Consciousness’. 27 28 When you have perceived some deeper truth previously hidden from your 29 consciousness, you must accept and rejoice that Divine Consciousness has 30 penetrated your human consciousness and spoken within your mind. Give 31 sincere thanks and treasure this gift and reverence it. Never take it for 32 granted, otherwise you will block further entrance of LOVING 33 INTELLIGENCE. 34 35 You will wonder why you feel so alone again. 36 37 People speak of being transformed by the ‘inner Spirit’. 38 Letter 8 319 The terminology of ‘inner Spirit’ is not wrong. I have gone to great lengths 1 to try to rid your minds of old terminology which may have an inaccurate 2 meaning for you. At the same time, I want you to understand that once you 3 have grasped what I really mean, (for I have been so grossly misinterpreted 4 in the past that I do not want this to happen again), you must not be 5 bound down by the terminology itself. 6 7 So long as you know what the ‘inner Spirit’ really is – ‘DIVINE-LIFE 8 CONSCIOUSNESS’ operating out of INFINITE UNIVERSAL 9 CONSCIOUSNESS and has nothing to do with the ‘spirits of the departed’, 10 you may use the terminology which has most meaning for you, provided it 11 is the meaning given you in these Letters. 12 13 To return to my original statement at the beginning of this new section. 14 15 It is frequently said that people can be ‘transformed by the power of the 16 Spirit’. 17 18 Such a transformation is not possible. There is nothing ‘real’ in your human 19 self which can be transformed. Your soul has been drawn from ‘DIVINE-20 LIFE CONSCIOUSNESS’ and is therefore perfect. 21 22 23 2. Your Human Personality 24 25 Your human ‘personality’ is ephemeral and composed only of magnetic-26 emotional ‘bonding-rejection’ impulses. Consequently, Divine Life must 27 gradually impregnate more and more of your consciousness to impel 28 you to strip away these gross impulses in order to reveal the spiritual 29 Reality. Perhaps I can best explain this to you by using a parable. 30 31 A girl of great beauty was kept hidden within heavy grey veiling and an ugly 32 face was painted on it. Thus, the truth of her being was kept secret and few 33 ventured near her because of her unattractive appearance. She grew up and 34 realised that the cause of her loneliness and misery, loss of freedom of 35 movement and health, were due to the veils. But she was so accustomed to 36 them that she felt she would not survive without them. However, she was 37 fortunate enough to meet an ‘enlightened mentor’ from another country, 38 Letter 8 320 and was ultimately persuaded to discard just one veil. After much searching 1 for the inner strength to do so, she begged her ‘mentor’ to help her. He 2 lifted her hands and together they discarded the veil on which the ugly face 3 had been painted and she felt much better for having rid herself of it. She 4 began to feel a sense of joy. After a while, she was eager to rid herself of 5 another veil and again her ‘mentor’ came to her and helped remove it. And 6 so it continued. 7 8 The more she shed, the lighter she grew, and she gradually glimpsed the 9 reality of nature around her, she could see the trees clearly, the birds on the 10 boughs and listened enthralled to their beautiful songs, she saw the beauty 11 in other people’s faces, and began to feel the flow of love in her heart. Life 12 was now becoming a truly Divine gift to be treasured. Daily she gave thanks 13 to her ‘mentor’ for helping her become such a happy person. 14 15 Finally, the time came when she could no longer bear the final veil around 16 her. She knew it was shutting her off from even greater light, beauty, 17 harmony and loving contact with other beautiful people. Although she did 18 not know how she would manage without it, she retired into the silence 19 with her mentor and pleaded to have this last veil removed. 20 21 This was a time of agony since the veil appeared to be a part of her being. 22 But she begged and pleaded and in a moment of brilliant Light, the veil 23 was burnt off her. The form that was left was her Reality – and she came 24 into perfect inner freedom! 25 26 However, her individualised Reality now had to find a way to function in 27 the environment; this was unexpectedly difficult. 28 29 Because her perceptions of Reality surrounding and within herself were 30 now so clear and transcendent, the ground of her communication with 31 other people had radically changed. She was no longer at peace in the social 32 and business environment, nor could she remain a member of her 33 community. 34 35 People looked at her and said, ‘Oh, this is who you are, and you have no 36 veil, how dreadful. We find you very odd – even a little mad.’ They turned 37 their backs on her. 38 Letter 8 321 What do you think she did? Did she long to go back to the time when she 1 was veiled as heavily as others? No, she had found such peace, joy and 2 fulfilment of need, she left her community and went into a retreat and 3 joined other souls who would recognise her true identity and respond to it 4 with love and joy. 5 6 Tell me, was her veiling, her personality, transformed? No, with the help 7 of her ‘mentor’, she removed her own veiling when she was convinced by 8 her ‘mentor’ ( DIVINE-LIFE CONSCIOUSNESS) it was the right thing to 9 do. As she removed the different layers of veiling, she came closer and closer 10 to intimate knowledge of the Reality-Soul hidden by her veiling (the 11 personality). 12 13 You can probably understand now that the human ‘personality’ is like a 14 mental-emotional cobweb, sometimes a dirty veiling of mass interactions 15 between magnetic ‘attraction/bonding’ and magnetic ‘repulsion/revulsion’. 16 Spiritually evolved people can see this dirty ’veiling’ clouding the skin of 17 people whose language is coarse and their thoughts solely centred around 18 earthly ego activities. 19 20 Alternatively, as an individual leaves behind levels of earthly thoughts and 21 responses, the skin begins to clear and a light shines in the eyes. Whilst the 22 ‘earth personality’ is imperceptibly dying away, the body becomes more 23 ‘spiritualised’. This is clearly visible to people who have the gift of spiritual 24 perception. 25 26 Do not be afraid of future withdrawal from the earthly mindset. You will 27 relinquish it, little by little, with infinite relief. Your true goal in life will 28 become ever more clear and your determination to reach it will grow ever 29 more strong. 30 31 You may argue that you are not often mentally or emotionally engaged in 32 magnetic-emotional thoughts and feelings. But when you examine your 33 spontaneous thoughts, you will find that you are completely dominated by 34 magnetic ‘attraction-bonding’ and magnetic ‘repulsion-revulsion’ thoughts 35 all day long! Your mind keeps up a ceaseless chatter of comments and 36 judgements, criticisms, wants, don’t wants, reactionary feelings verging on 37 resentment or rejection, longing for certain things and fears that the 38 Letter 8 322 longings will not be fulfilled, striving for success and irritation or anger 1 with those who stand in the way of that success. 2 3 When the ego is in control, the one who prays does so with faith and 4 yearning. Immediately, after prayer, on meeting someone, the trauma just 5 taken to ‘God’ to be dealt with in the right way, is sorrowfully aired to gain 6 the comfort of human sympathy, but – the consciousness form and force 7 released during prayer, the ‘asking, the faith and the yearning’, are now 8 cancelled by the self-pity. 9 10 The mind is usually a bog, a quagmire, of conflicting ideas. 11 12 During stress, a person may strive to focus on a life-giving affirmation or 13 perception but, like a playful puppy tossing a paper bag filled with air, the 14 thought is soon swept out of mind and the stressful thinking the person was 15 trying to avoid has once again taken hold. And so it goes on in the mind, 16 back and forth, until the person longs to escape the conflict. 17 18 Your internal dialogue will probably go along lines similar to: 19 20 ‘I don’t want to get up. I don’t want to get breakfast. I don’t want to make 21 sandwiches, I don’t want to go to work, I don’t want to meet so-and-so 22 today, I don’t want to do the laundry, I don’t want to do this, that and the 23 other.’ 24 25 And so the litany of ‘rejection of life’ continues with thoroughly disgruntled 26 people all day long. 27 28 However – instead of mentally complaining, the dialogue may be along the 29 lines of ‘I don’t FEEL like ...’ All these feelings come from ego-drives which 30 rejects such activities since they are perceived to be a bore, uncomfortable 31 or a burden. 32 33 Alternatively, you may wake up and say or feel ‘It’s Saturday, I must hurry 34 and dress and get to the market, there are things I want to buy. I must get 35 some of those strawberries before they are sold out. I must get down to the 36 sales to find some bargains. I’m going to speak nicely to my husband to give 37 me some money. I do hope I see Patrick when I go to his office. I want that 38 Letter 8 323 new Boss to like me, so I’ll work extra hard and I’ll look attractive for him. 1 I hope my husband buys the new car. I’m certain I’ll find a parking space if 2 I remain positive. I hope I get a bonus.’ 3 4 All these foregoing ideas come from the ego-bonding impulses. ‘I want’. 5 6 You may also string together several ‘bonding’ and ‘rejection’ feelings: 7 8 ‘I hope my children go to sleep early so that I can relax. I hate it when they 9 call for water and want me to read to them when I’m so tired, but I ought 10 to be a good mother and spend a little time with them.’ ‘I hope’ ‘that I can’ 11 ‘I ought’ ‘good mother’ ‘spend time’ are all connected by the magnetic 12 attraction-bonding. These are the things you ‘want’ for yourself. These 13 thoughts also arise from fears – fears of being asked to do more than you 14 feel you can do at this moment. Fears of failure as a mother. Fear is a direct 15 impulse experienced from the ego which demands that you measure up in 16 order to be acceptable to yourself and other people and yet is very much 17 aware that you do not! 18 19 With the development of civilisation, the magnetic bonding-rejection 20 impulses have become so complicated and interwoven that they are difficult 21 to differentiate and discern. ‘I hate it’ ‘call for water’ ‘want me to read’ ‘I’m 22 so tired’ are all magnetic rejection-revulsion feelings and since it requires 23 more energy to reject and push away than to accept and bond with, the 24 conflict within you will end up by making you feel even more dispirited 25 and tired, even feeling guilty, but unable to find the strength to do what 26 you would really, deep down, like to do: ‘spend more time with your 27 children, read to them and mother them.’ This would give you a sense of 28 satisfaction and well-being, because, at an even deeper level you know you 29 would be experiencing and expressing love – whereas all the ‘wants’ and 30 ‘don’t wants’ are a coating hiding the feeling of love. 31 32 When you are in tune with your deepest recesses of being and are 33 experiencing and expressing ‘love’ – you are truly at peace and happy. 34 35 At the same time, notice that in this interior monologue which goes on all 36 the time in caring mothers, the little interjection of: ‘I ought to spend a 37 little time with them’ is an insight drawn directly from DIVINE-LIFE- 38 Letter 8 324 CONSCIOUSNESS but you will probably believe it is your conscience 1 telling you what you ought to do. 2 3 Perhaps you are beginning to see that your mind and emotions are like a 4 war arena with conflicting ideas following each other so rapidly that you are 5 completely unaware of what you are doing to yourself. Your mind is a see-6 saw. Your beliefs, opinions, reactions, change according to any changes you 7 find in relationships and environment – a see-saw of likes and dislikes, 8 resentment and friendship, possessiveness and rejection. All of this hub-bub 9 arises out of superficial understanding of all that is really taking place in 10 your environment at a subterranean level. You are like boats sailing the seas. 11 You can see the sky, but you have no inkling at all of the growth, 12 movement and life activity taking place under your keel. 13 14 This means that you may think you are relating to someone in a real way 15 but underneath the surface and behind their pleasant exterior, your friend 16 may feel lonely in your presence and aching to be understood and spoken to 17 on a level more sensitive and empathetic, more suited to their needs as well 18 as yours. Take for instance, the following example. On the face of it, it 19 appears to be completely harmless both to yourself and other people, but an 20 analysis will show you it is anything but innocuous. 21 22 ‘I hope that bad-tempered woman is away from work today.’ 23 24 First, to be able to make such a statement, in your hidden consciousness, 25 you have reviewed her behaviour and condemned her for the problems she 26 causes by her bad temper. You have hung a label around her neck – ‘bad 27 tempered woman’. You have created a consciousness energy force with her 28 name on it. It won’t do her any good. You ‘want’ magnetically (not 29 spiritually) that she should be absent from work to make life more pleasant 30 for you. 31 32 In the above statement you reveal you are in the grip of ‘ego’ completely, 33 since you did not pause to wonder whether she was subject to any problem 34 of ‘character personality’, any hidden sickness, misery, financial problem, 35 causing her to be short-tempered. The hope she will be absent is in the 36 nature of a ‘curse on her’. If your thinking was sufficiently passionate and 37 38 Letter 8 325 powerful, she will probably pick up the negative consciousness energy force 1 and suddenly feel too unwell to go to work! 2 3 The same principle is involved in the development of emotional tension 4 into nervous breakdowns. 5 6 At the onset of emotional tension, the mind and emotions begin to race 7 with magnetic-emotional ‘rejection-repulsion-revulsion’ feelings. A person 8 engages in continual thoughts such as: ‘I can’t cope’ which is a rejection 9 and outright denial of any existing energy that the person does have to deal 10 with the crisis. ‘I can’t bear it’ also denies personal strength. ‘I hate this 11 happening to me’ ‘I hate the person doing this to me.’ ‘I hate having to 12 change my life-style’ ‘I hate, I deny, I refuse, I object, I oppose, I don’t 13 deserve’. A particularly virulent consciousness form (thoughts) ‘I’ll get my 14 own back’ is a mixture of magnetic-bonding-rejection. In reality, the 15 ‘consciousness’ of such a sentence is: 16 17 ‘I hate him and what he has done so much that I will teach him a lesson. I 18 will do to him exactly what he has done to me. I’ll make him pay!’ 19 20 This is pure revenge. Revenge is a boomerang which magnetically returns, 21 bestowing suffering of some kind on the thinker. If he is on the Path to 22 Christ Consciousness, it will also teach the sender a much needed lesson. 23 All these foregoing thoughts and feelings including the killer resentment 24 bring on nervous – even physical – breakdowns. 25 26 There may be some people reading these Letters who will remember my 27 confrontation with the fig tree near Bethany. I was hungry and foolishly 28 looked for figs when they were out of season. 29 30 When I found none, I said to the tree ‘may no one ever eat of your fruit 31 again.’ And the tree withered to its roots and was dead by the following 32 day, much to the astonishment of Peter. 33 34 This was a time when I, as Jesus, was thoroughly irresponsible in the use of 35 my ‘mind power’ and caused damage for which I was contrite. [ I explained 36 the true reasons for this incident fully in Letter 3. ] However, when speaking 37 38 Letter 8 326 to my disciples, I also used it as an example and warning of the power 1 exercised by mind over living things. 2 3 Let it be said, also, that on that day, I whipped and drove the money 4 lenders out of the temple, and harshly denigrated the Scribes and Pharisees 5 to their faces. All these activities were magnetic-emotional bonding-6 rejection impulses. Deliberately, I set the seal on my soon-to-be death by 7 crucifixion. I knew exactly what I was doing for my time on earth was 8 drawing to a close and to tell the truth, I was eager to leave your world. 9 10 When people first come on to the spiritual path and seek a ‘Higher Power’, 11 many are taught by ‘self-help’ teachers to engage in magnetic-emotional 12 bonding thoughts to a greater degree, although such teachers have no idea 13 that their instructions are serving to strengthen the power of the ego. 14 15 The spiritual aspirant is taught: 16 17 ‘If you meditate: ‘God’ or the ‘power of my subconscious’ will help me get 18 all my needs’, ‘I’m going to visualise the house I want and I know I’ll get 19 it’, ‘I’m going to buy the clothes I need and have faith that I’ll somehow 20 find the instalments’. They concentrate on ‘having faith’ and on getting 21 what they need or want. 22 23 At the beginning of their change in consciousness and the exercise of their 24 faith, they do indeed feel great benefits. The desired objects do come into 25 their lives, they find doors opening, they achieve success. This phenomena 26 reveals that the material planes of their consciousness are becoming more 27 spiritualised and as a result there are improvements in them. Life is less 28 hard. 29 30 But your lives are meant to express every level of your consciousness – 31 mind, emotions, body. 32 33 When you have mastered the physical realms of consciousness, your next 34 adventure into spirituality is in the realm of your emotions. Therefore, 35 suddenly, in the midst of your plenty, the winds blow and the rains fall 36 upon your previously stable emotional consciousness, creating manifold 37 miseries of every kind. These can be in the nature of loss of family, health 38 Letter 8 327 or possessions, sudden setbacks of numerous kinds in numerous areas of 1 your life. It is at these times that so many lose their previous faith. ‘Positive 2 Thinking doesn’t work!’ they affirm. 3 4 No, positive thinking on its own does not work; neither does the ‘power of 5 your subconscious’ since it is only a facet of your entire spiritual/human 6 being. When your emotions are in upheaval, you are being called to 7 examine your entire consciousness, your beliefs, your feelings towards 8 yourself and others, your faith in a spiritual dimension – even the meaning 9 of death and your life afterwards in a higher dimension. This is an 10 extremely painful time in the lives of people. All are subject to this time of 11 upheaval in one form or another. It can be a time of tremendous inner 12 growth and a movement into happiness or an ongoing time of bitterness 13 and resentment. 14 15 This is the time to wake up fully and realise that the outcome of the 16 experiences are entirely up to you – not fate or destiny – but you – either 17 working on your own or devotedly and consistently with Divine 18 Consciousness arriving eventually at the height of felicity. 19 20 It is at this time also, that a person is challenged to use the mind 21 constructively, reaching for the highest insights and ideals with which 22 to master the emotions. 23 24 The difference between reactive thought – arising from impulsive ego 25 responses to uncomfortable situations – and creative, intelligent, 26 thoughtful thought, will become clear. 27 28 When this takes place – and the insight is put into daily practice – self-29 mastery is close at hand. 30 31 Only the teachers who can lead you through all the levels of self-realisation, 32 remorse, awakening, changing mental/emotional patterns, moving ever 33 upward into higher spiritual frequencies of vibrations until reaching true 34 ‘God-realisation’ – are the Teachers of Truth – who can truly lead you 35 into the Kingdom of Heaven. 36 37 38 Letter 8 328 If the first level of development, seeking material satisfactions through 1 positive thinking were wholly satisfactory to seekers and brought them all 2 they hoped for, the whole world would, by now, have been converted to the 3 belief in ‘positive thinking’. 4 5 However, this is the starting point of the previously quiescent soul’s 6 spiritual journey and is not to be rejected or criticised. The psyche wakes up 7 to the fact that beyond the earthly dimension there is some spiritual 8 dimension called ‘God’, a ‘person sitting up there’ or a ‘universal power’ 9 which answers prayers. Remember we are talking about ‘consciousness’. The 10 psyche is becoming aware that there is more to life than the daily grind and 11 wants to experience ‘whatever it is’ because deprivation in some area of 12 existence – health, financial means, happiness, love, etc. is causing ‘it’ to 13 seek help. 14 15 Here, we have the same magnetic-emotional bonding at work. ‘I want’. 16 However as the awakening psyche becomes an observer of what is going on 17 in mind and emotions, through its filtered contact with ‘LIFE 18 CONSCIOUSNESS’, it will begin to ‘see’ some of the magnetic-emotional 19 ‘bonding-rejection’ activities it is engaging in. Eventually, it will be 20 sufficiently enlightened to turn from the ‘possessive-repulsion’ feelings and 21 will pray for help to overcome them. 22 23 It is usually at this time that the right Teacher for that soul will come into 24 his life. If the soul has travelled the road of life several times, then it will be 25 some Teacher who has evolved sufficiently to lead the seeking soul out of 26 the chains and bondage of the ego-drive and forward into Light. 27 28 Remember, in your approach to others, be careful of their ‘egos’. It is their 29 sole means of internal survival until they have gained a real and lasting 30 glimpse of Divine Consciousness and they also perceive that they have 31 within – and transcendent to themselves – a source of strength, power and 32 inspiration. 33 34 You must also realise that in becoming individualised into bodily form and 35 mental-emotional activity, you are subject to the laws of existence. You 36 have been given individuality and identity and infinite potential of 37 achieving Christ Consciousness and there is a price to pay for these. 38 Letter 8 329 For, perhaps, many lifetimes, (until you are educated into this rare 1 knowledge of ‘self’), you will experience the vagaries and multitudinous 2 complexities of life and relationships. In many lives in the past, you may 3 have done outrageous things considered by others to be ‘sin personified’ but 4 these magnetic personality experiences will have contributed to bringing 5 you where you are today in spiritual perception. 6 7 Therefore, you should be able to accept that there is no ‘sin’ against a ‘God’ 8 and there is no ‘sin’ against others. The ‘ego’ can only have total control 9 and do reprehensible things because the ‘soul’ is still asleep within the heavy 10 cobweb bondage of the magnetic personality. Where this is the case, there is 11 no possibility of persuading such a person he has done wrong against 12 others. There is no interior illumination from Light to show him a better 13 way to live. IT is entirely blocked by the ego magnetic consciousness. 14 However, the pain such a person experiences (since everything he does to 15 others will return with full measure and more), will ultimately make him 16 question existence, and asking questions is the means by which to receive 17 answers from ‘DIVINE-LIFE’. 18 19 I began this section by saying that people believe they can be transformed 20 by ‘Spirit’. 21 22 Now, you understand why I said ‘there is nothing to be transformed’ There 23 is nothing ‘real’ or ‘eternal’ in the personality. There is a great need to strip 24 it away to reveal the Divine within. 25 26 In Palestine, I called this process a ‘dying to self’ which has proved to be a 27 frightening statement. Because of it, many people have been deterred from 28 stepping on to the path leading to the highest spiritual dimensions. And 29 yes, that last step in the stripping process is indeed like a death. 30 31 A person loses an essential part of his human/earthly self whilst undergoing 32 it, but the relief and the inner peace experienced when the struggle is finally 33 over, cannot be described. Joy fills the heart. There is true security, rest and 34 tranquillity in the silence of the mind. At last, the struggle for personal 35 control is over. The person becomes a ‘master’. There follows a time of 36 spiritual rest and recuperation. 37 38 Letter 8 330 This is later followed by a stepping into a new dimension of ‘being’. 1 2 Nothing in the human scene, ‘matters’ as it did before. 3 4 People criticise you? Previously, the magnetic personality would have made 5 you feel angry because of your insecurity, your driving need to appear 6 perfect to everyone, in order to gain approval. If you do not have approval, 7 the ego argued, how will you survive? What will your life be like? 8 9 When the voice of the ‘ego’ has died away, there is no need to seek security 10 for you are SECURE! 11 12 You know that you are sustained, maintained, nourished, protected, healed 13 by ‘DIVINE-LIFE CONSCIOUSNESS’ no matter what others may think 14 of you. Your joy, gladness, happiness, personal fulfilment and contentment 15 are all inside you. In fact, you no longer need ‘otherness’ at all. 16 17 Except, you are a part of all ‘otherness’, and when the Light fills you, you 18 have a driving need to render to others all that ‘DIVINE-LIFE 19 CONSCIOUSNESS’ is pouring into you every moment of the day as you 20 keep in constant touch with this beautiful dimension within you. 21 22 No longer do you reject the personality of others, everyone is acceptable to 23 you, everyone is in need of love and now you have plenty of that to give. 24 No longer is it a struggle to ‘love unconditionally’. It comes spontaneously. 25 26 Whatever faults you may have left, whatever mistakes you make in your 27 attitudes to others, as a result of remnants of the ‘ego’ left behind, these are 28 revealed to you but you do not shy away from self-knowledge but rather 29 embrace it with love and thanksgiving. You discover that recognition and 30 acceptance of the negative human reactions in yourself is both wholesome 31 and healing. You happily accept and take responsibility for whatever 32 mistakes you make and then when you have discerned the ‘loving way’, you 33 let it go. You will experience inner peace, knowing that you have learnt 34 something else valuable which will stand you in good stead when next you 35 are challenged by earthly experiences. The time for deep remorse is over, 36 since it has now done its work of releasing you from magnetic-emotional 37 responses to life which brought you suffering in the past. 38 Letter 8 331 You have now entered what I termed ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ when I was on 1 earth. You will find that all your needs are supplied and you will KNOW 2 that any needs in the future will also be met almost spontaneously. This 3 knowledge keeps you in constant touch with ‘DIVINE-LIFE’ and gives you 4 an immense sense of security. 5 6 With the peace of mind and tranquillity come joy and happiness, and a new 7 sense of youthful well-being. Minor, or chronic or even terminal ailments 8 will be cleared up and you will again enter into a new phase of existence. 9 Each time you learn a lesson, you leave something of the human dimension 10 behind you and move forward into a higher frequency of spiritual 11 consciousness. 12 13 I am describing for you the rewards which await you when you have 14 struggled and dealt with the magnetic-emotional bondage of ‘attraction/ 15 bonding-rejection/repulsion’. It is these which initially give you 16 individuality but which become fetters of the soul and from which you 17 must break free in order to get off the treadmill. 18 19 This treadmill is the span of your present human life, continually turning, 20 continually bearing you into experiences you do not enjoy. When, at last, 21 you are able to transcend, in spirit, your magnetic-emotional reactions to 22 life, the treadmill will begin to slow down and then, suddenly, you will find 23 that you are almost stationary and you will begin to experience the beautiful 24 quality of life I have described above. 25 26 Would that I could remove this burden imposed on you by your earthly 27 humanhood. I know your suffering, your times of despair, your grief in the 28 lonely night, your hours of mental and emotional turmoil. As I descend 29 into your consciousness frequencies to transmit my messages and to 30 understand what needs to be said to you, I become aware of your earthly 31 conditions and these words are my response to your most urgent needs for 32 relief and healing. 33 34 Do not doubt these words are from me. Take comfort from them and 35 KNOW that as you study these words they will, in time, bring you deep 36 illumination within your soul which will bring about the longed-for 37 changes in your life and self. 38 Letter 8 332 3. How to Meditate 1 2 When you meditate, take up the position which is most comfortable for 3 you. You do not have to go into physical contortions. Rest and relax. Tell 4 yourself to relax and release all your limbs – including your head, neck, face 5 – into a state of utter limpness. 6 7 I must impress on you that meditation should be – eventually – as 8 simple as slipping into slumber. 9 10 The purpose of meditation is to enable your entire consciousness to 11 move beyond the boundaries of intellect and reason. 12 13 There are teachers who will tell you to ‘imagine’ ... whatever you are 14 told to ‘imagine’, you can rest assured you are not being assisted to go 15 anywhere except into new imaginative realms of your own thought 16 processes. What this method of ‘meditating’ will achieve for you will be 17 a relief from the thoughts and stress that your ego pressures are creating 18 for you. In the world of imagination, the ego may – or may not – be 19 dormant. 20 21 Before commencing meditation, prepare by fully realising you are about to 22 make contact with ‘DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS’ both within and 23 transcendent to your consciousness – therefore IT is also out there and 24 around you. Visualise exactly what this means. 25 26 Remember, at all times, that what you THINK about is what you are 27 tuning into. 28 29 Your thoughts are ‘searchlights’ making contact with what you seek. 30 31 Remember that every ‘thought’ has its own frequency of vibrations in 32 consciousness. Believe, know this, for this is true. The more spiritual the 33 thought, the higher the frequencies of vibration. 34 35 ‘Consciousness forms’ embodied by words are not visible but are ‘specific 36 entities of being’. 37 38 Letter 8 333 They have the life of consciousness within them. They are magnetised to 1 like ‘consciousness forms’. Like is drawn to like. 2 3 Think ‘dog’ and visualise what you mean, and your thoughts are attuned to 4 the dog species. 5 6 Think ‘UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS’ or ‘DIVINE LIFE’ with 7 understanding of what you mean – and your thoughts will be directed 8 into ‘UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS’ – DIVINE LIFE. 9 10 If you have fully understood all that I am trying to tell you, you will 11 KNOW that your meditation reaches its target. 12 13 Know this and you will find your faith strengthening. 14 15 Your faith remains weak because you only hope, or wish, or magnetically 16 ‘want to’ tune into LIFE-CONSCIOUSNESS, because you hope you will 17 derive some benefit from the exercise. 18 19 Do you not see how ‘earthly’ is such an approach to THAT WHICH 20 GAVE YOU ‘BEING’? 21 22 Is it reverent? Does it befit a person who is seeking true contact, and 23 expects to do so? 24 25 Whilst INFINITE UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS is not the mythical 26 ‘God’ on high as depicted in the Old Testament, IT is the Infinitely 27 Powerful Reality everywhere present, manifesting ITS own designing, 28 intelligent, evolutionary, loving caring for all that IT has brought into 29 being. 30 31 This is what you must realise you will eventually approach, whilst you are 32 still on earth, when you reach the highest dimensions, after your magnetic-33 emotions have been dissolved not only from your mind, but also your 34 subconscious, and solar plexus. 35 36 37 38 Letter 8 334 First of all, you will be getting in touch with FATHER-MOTHER- 1 DIVINE LIFE which is ever active within your entire system and the 2 universe. 3 4 Remember IT is in equilibrium within the infinite universal dimension, 5 and active within the world. ‘Father-Activity’ sets the goals. ‘Mother-6 Love’ directs the way the plans will be developed to promote the highest 7 good of that which is being adapted, or healed, or protected. 8 9 [Countless people will say that these statements above are all imagination. 10 They can scoff as they will. Those who manage to make contact with 11 ‘Father-Mother-Life-Consciousness’, another name for DIVINE-LIFE 12 CONSCIOUSNESS but denoting its double qualities – will verify that the 13 foregoing is an accurate description of spiritual evolution which follows 14 such contact.] 15 16 To return to your meditation. 17 18 First of all, before attempting to enter your meditative state, memorise the 19 following prayer so that the words become your own. 20 21 When you have become perfectly relaxed, start your meditation with this 22 prayer. Say it slowly and visualise the meaning of each word to enable you 23 to enter into the consciousness of the word and enable the energy 24 consciousness of the word to enter into your deepest self. As you say this 25 prayer, your eyes should be closed and your gaze lifted towards your 26 forehead. 27 28 29 Meditation Prayer 30 31 FATHER-MOTHER-LIFE, you are my life, my constant support, my 32 health, my protection, my perfect fulfilment of every need and my 33 highest inspiration. 34 35 I ask you to reveal the true Reality of Yourself to me. I know it is your 36 WILL that I shall be fully illumined that I may better receive awareness 37 of Your Presence within and around me. I believe and know that this is 38 Letter 8 335 possible. I believe that you protect and maintain me within perfect 1 LOVE. I know that my eventual purpose is to EXPRESS YOU. 2 3 As I speak to you, I know that you are perfectly receptive of me, for you 4 are UNIVERSAL LOVING INTELLIGENCE which has so marvellously 5 designed this world and brought it into visible form. 6 7 I know, that as I ask YOU to speak to me, I am sending out a 8 consciousness searchlight into your Divine Consciousness and as I 9 listen, YOU will be penetrating my human consciousness and coming 10 ever closer to my increasingly receptive mind and heart. 11 12 I commit myself and my life into your care. 13 14 _____________________________ 15 16 Each time you say and visualise this prayer, you create a spiritual 17 consciousness form which will become stronger and ever more elevated in 18 frequencies of vibration as the true meaning of the prayer deepens in your mind 19 and heart and your perceptions heighten. 20 21 After the prayer, relax ever deeper and let your mind go as blank as you can. 22 If thoughts intrude, gently recite ‘Divine Life’ or ‘Father-Mother-Life’ to 23 yourself and again quieten your mind. 24 25 After many months of sincere meditation, you may come to feel that your 26 body is suddenly jerking, like a person entering sleep and then suddenly 27 waking up. If this happens, be thankful as your consciousness is penetrating 28 the barriers of your previously created consciousness forces encapsulating 29 your soul. 30 31 When you feel yourself entering a different deep state of consciousness, so 32 deep you are barely breathing, know that you are beginning to attain your 33 goal. 34 35 At the end of your meditation, always give glad and grateful thanks. 36 37 38 Letter 8 336 Remember that nothing you can think, say, or do, can in any way reduce all 1 that ‘Father-Mother-Life-Consciousness’ is. 2 However, any disbelief will form a barrier between you and Father- 3 Mother-Life. 4 5 I want to warn you: when you are trying to still your mind and thoughts, 6 you may feel ill-at-ease, physically uncomfortable and even distressed. This 7 is because – initially – you will come up against the black wall of your own 8 ‘consciousness’ and this can be extremely disconcerting – even painful. 9 10 Bless the experience and ask ‘Father Life’ to penetrate your consciousness 11 next time you listen. Then get up and put the experience behind you. 12 13 When you find that you are at last entering into the silence, then rest 14 equably, knowing that you have now entered what one might call the ‘holy 15 of holies’ because, at last, you are achieving contact with ‘Father- Mother- 16 Life’ within you. It will take time for this highly spiritual experience of the 17 Silence to become a daily routine. 18 19 Remember you have a lifetime of ego baggage to discard and dissolve. 20 21 No matter what you sense or are aware of during your meditation, when 22 you come out of it, expect to sense a difference in your life. Remember that 23 expectation is a ‘consciousness form’ and as you ‘expect’ you are opening 24 the way for that which you ‘expect’ to be magnetised into your experience, 25 whatever it may be you are needing or dealing with. 26 27 If you do not feel any new lightness of spirit, despite your sincere 28 expectations, do not deny changes or doubt the possibility of them. 29 30 Remember your consciousness is electromagnetic, of the same substance as 31 your physical body, and it is the foundation of all experiences in your life. 32 33 Continue to expect – as you do so you are building up the power, the 34 energy of your ‘expectations – consciousness forms’ which will draw to 35 themselves the manifestation of all that you are expecting. 36 37 38 Letter 8 337 ‘Father-Mother-Life-Consciousness’ can only be magnetised into your 1 individual consciousness by faith, sincere expectancy, and the willingness to 2 open yourself to the cleansing of your magnetic-emotional ‘bonding-3 rejection’ impulses. 4 5 How many of you presently go into meditation in this way and come 6 out EXPECTING changes? 7 8 How many lose heart when they have felt some change and then nothing 9 for a little while? 10 11 Bear in mind that I told you that you are subject to rhythms of ‘high’ and 12 ‘low’. When you are in your ‘lows’, the flow of Divine Life in your system 13 has dropped and the frequencies of vibration of your consciousness also 14 drop. 15 16 Consequently, contact with ‘Father-Mother-Life-Consciousness’ during 17 these times, at the beginning of your search, is almost impossible. In the 18 early days of your seeking Truth, during your meditation, you are very 19 much in touch with your subconscious, and you will find that there is an 20 irritating resurgence of all the old negative thoughts and memories you had 21 thought you had overcome. 22 23 When you enter your ‘highs’, you will find a resurgence of your spiritual 24 self and will rejoice in this. Your meditations will be more positive and 25 productive of contact with ‘Father-Mother-Life-Consciousness’. If you 26 will have the courage to persist and exercise self-discipline during the ‘low’ 27 times as well as the good, you will find eventually, that the ‘lows’ will get 28 less ‘low’ and any former depression will be lifted. 29 30 Remember, that each time of ‘prayerful consciousness’ brings you closer to 31 your goal, although you may remain completely unaware of this. 32 Nonetheless, things are happening for your ultimate good – believe in 33 them. 34 35 When on earth I said: 36 37 I have come to give you FREEDOM 38 Letter 8 338 I have come to bring you ‘LIFE MORE ABUNDANT’! 1 2 The secret of your tiredness, exhaustion, inconsistency, instability, fear, 3 despair, depression, lies in your magnetic-emotional ‘bonding-rejection’ 4 responses to life and the subconscious patterns which sometimes take over 5 and project you into situations you never intended to create. 6 7 Because of these ‘natural impulses of individuality’, you are certainly not 8 free, you are under the control of the magnetic-emotional bondage both in 9 your conscious and unconscious mind. 10 11 You live in the grip of the Ego which has given you individuality and 12 bound you in fetters of emotional responses to life. 13 14 However, the time comes for the sincere and ardent seeker, the person who 15 gladly follows the path of ‘Christ Consciousness’ – THE CHRIST WAY – 16 when ‘he’ meditates and penetrates the magnetic-emotional areas of the 17 brain, to receive enlightenment which is impressed within the very topmost 18 areas of the brain under the skull. New cells are impressed with new 19 knowledge. 20 21 This is an ongoing process, and you will probably feel this ‘opening’ taking 22 place in your brain. 23 24 You now begin to operate more and more within the Superconscious mind 25 which is in ever greater contact with ‘Father-Mother-Life-26 Consciousness’ until the time comes when you can no longer bear the ‘ego’ 27 thoughts and feelings dominating your normal every day consciousness and 28 you die the death of total self-surrender. 29 30 When this happens, ‘Father-Mother-Life-Consciousness’ will fill your 31 vision to the exclusion of all else. You will be entering the ‘consciousness 32 frequencies’ of what I termed, on earth, the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’. 33 34 This phase will be characterised by a gradual withdrawal from the kind of 35 life you enjoyed before. Your thought life will become ever more purified, 36 and you will find yourself responding to situations, events and people, in a 37 more dispassionate way. Whilst you may be less emotionally warm or cold 38 Letter 8 339 than before, you will now be in the first wave-lengths of what you term 1 ‘unconditional love’ and will do everything from the point-of-view of 2 promoting the highest good of everyone, which means: for their growth, 3 nutrition, healing, protection, fulfilment of their legitimate needs within a 4 system of law and order. 5 6 You will love more deeply than ever before but there will be none of the 7 ‘human’ sentiment which can cause so many errors in communication and 8 action. 9 10 When you have gained true inner knowledge, you will be able to transcend 11 the emotional baggage, you will be able to meditate and draw 12 upon ‘Father-Mother-Life’ and you will feel new energy entering your 13 system, giving you new buoyancy. You will laugh, be more playful, find 14 happiness in little things, love the world, feel brimming gratitude for every 15 little blessing entering your life. You will find the blessings multiplying in 16 your experience and showering your daily path. 17 18 How does the person behave, who has come through to freedom from the 19 ‘ego’? 20 21 Eventually, such a person is totally free of fear. There will be absolute 22 conviction that wherever he goes, he is protected. Although he may go 23 through potentially dangerous experiences, he will emerge unscathed. He 24 will know that he has no need of sword or gun to protect him. He is 25 protected against every negative eventuality wherever he is. 26 27 He will fear no sickness, since he will know that every built-in device in his 28 system to keep him healthy is fully operative and working efficiently. 29 30 He will know that he will never ‘want’ for the things needed to make his 31 life happy and comfortable. Continually, he will praise and give thanks 32 to ‘FATHER-MOTHER-LIFE’ for all things already received and that will 33 be received in the future. 34 35 He knows he will be guided to be at the right place at the right time. 36 37 38 Letter 8 340 He also knows that he can ask for whatever is needed and the response will 1 come swiftly. 2 3 But the asking will come from his spiritually enlightened centre and he will 4 never seek for anything selfishly but will always pray for things within the 5 context of what will be good for his environment, community, family, 6 friends. 7 8 He will have an open mind, knowing that TRUTH is infinite and whilst he 9 may know much, there is always a further dimension to explore. This is 10 what makes life in any dimension, even the Celestial Kingdoms of 11 consciousness, so exhilarating and purposeful. 12 13 In his daily life, the enlightened soul will wake up with a mind empty of all 14 but praise and thanksgiving. Eventually, he will be aware of the chores 15 awaiting him, and giving thanks for the energy and the willingness to 16 perform these tasks, he will go away to do them without any inner 17 resistance or reluctance to start. 18 19 As a result of this attitude to daily routine, he does not waste energy on 20 resistance in any shape or form. If there is a special reason to resist some 21 suggestion or coercion, he will do so calmly and reasonably without 22 magnetic-emotional feelings of annoyance or rejection. 23 24 He becomes the dispassionate observer, doing the right thing at the right 25 moment. 26 27 He possesses his soul in patience, waiting for guidance, waiting for the right 28 doors to open, waiting for confirmation that any plans are indeed divinely 29 willed into being through his mind and heart and energy. He becomes a 30 true man manifesting ‘Father-Mother-Life-Consciousness’. 31 32 He also takes on the feminine characteristics of universal love and becomes 33 the embodiment of: Intelligent love or loving intelligence. 34 35 She takes on a more masculine characteristic of strength and strong sense of 36 direction. 37 38 Letter 8 341 If instruction is needed by a person, he/she will exhibit loving intelligence 1 and the person will be uplifted by his/her words. 2 3 If healing is needed, he/she will demonstrate intelligent love and the person 4 will be healed. 5 6 This is the goal to which I lovingly commend you. 7 8 The Path to Christ Consciousness is outlined in these Letters. 9 10 When you achieve it, you will rejoice and say it was worth every moment of 11 the rocky and bumpy times which will now be behind you forever. You will 12 be free to climb into higher dimensions, each one bringing you new 13 experiences and joys. 14 15 You will become founders of a new order on earth which will form the 16 spearhead of a new surge of spiritual evolution. 17 18 When this spiritual evolution spreads to the general masses in many years to 19 come, people will finally learn how to live in peace with one another. 20 21 These things will surely come to pass, for the SEEDS of such a future 22 have been sown within these Letters. Whoever welcomes them into their 23 consciousness and endures in faith will eventually find them blossoming 24 in beauty, joy and harmony and bringing forth fruit in their daily lives. 25 26 27 28 Believe – for I, the Christ, have spoken. 29 30 31 I came – and have come now – to help you find ‘LIFE more 32 abundant’ and ‘Infinite JOY’ 33 34 35 36 37 38 Letter 8 342 Christ’s Letter 9 1 2 3 In this final Letter, Christ ties up loose ends of His other Letters and tells 4 people plainly how to overcome the ego, gain true self-esteem and experience the 5 joy of perfect inner peace. He touches on racism and a personal message of 6 encouragement and love to all who are drawn to His Letters. 7 8 9 10 1. Why I Can No Longer Return in a Bodily Form 11 12 I, the CHRIST, have come through the medium of these Letters because I 13 cannot return in bodily form – or take on human personality again – since I 14 reside in and am, myself, of such fine and heightened vibrational 15 frequencies of consciousness that no human physical form could contain 16 my spiritual consciousness. 17 18 My only means of reaching you has been through the medium of a human 19 being – sensitive, clairaudient, obedient and dedicated to ‘God’, born to be 20 the channel through whom I could watch the tumult of her active, eventful 21 life and world events. I have been able to intimately review the conflict and 22 pain unknown in centuries past because scientific and technological 23 discoveries, and the lessening of moral and conventional values, have led to 24 new highly stressful conditions of modern living and new ways of relating 25 to each other. Through the medium of this pliable mind, the modern 26 human condition has, to a slight degree, become subjective for me. 27 28 Without this knowledge of the human experience, these Letters could not 29 have been written in a form which is intended to be helpful to the human 30 condition at this time. 31 32 The process of partial overshadowing began before her birth, continued in 33 her youth and life. 34 35 Beginning with the thorough deprogramming of her mind and full 36 cleansing of old concepts, my ‘Recorder’ has been deliberately subjected to 37 every type of human experience, bearing witness to the struggles and sorrow 38 Letter 9 343 involved in modern living. With my instruction, she has climbed out of her 1 many diverse holes of distress, culminating in the death of her ego and 2 mental/emotional bondage to materialism; she is learning how to move into 3 the consciousness frequencies of universal love and has had personal 4 experience of the Reality of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS... so has she 5 been sufficiently cleansed to receive, ever more clearly, my teachings to 6 distribute throughout the world. 7 8 Under my influence, she has withdrawn from social life into seclusion and 9 aloneness and has ultimately become dependent on me for her daily will-to-10 live, and I work through her total minute-by-minute readiness to receive 11 my words whenever cosmic and her personal consciousness energies enable 12 her to hear and receive me. I rely on her honesty and dedication to wait to 13 hear me accurately and I make it clear when it is I who speak. Until I speak 14 – she is unable to write. 15 16 I have told you this that you may understand out of what CHRIST 17 CONSCIOUSNESS energies, these Letters have taken form. 18 19 20 2. These Teachings are Relevant to Every Aspect of 21 Your Earthly Lives and to All Nations 22 23 I have come again in this Letter to bring together all the loose ends of 24 my other Letters and present them WITHIN A WORLD CONTEXT, 25 showing how these teachings are relevant to every aspect of your earthly 26 lives and to all nations. 27 28 These Letters are meant to be the impetus – the spur – to a personal 29 opening of the mind and heart to your SOURCE of BEING and 30 eventually, to become the means of your perfect understanding of the 31 effects of individual and mass thought and behaviour on every facet of 32 your earthly existence. 33 34 Whereas, in the past, the laws given you for national behaviour have been 35 directed mainly at ‘You shall not ... if you do – this will be the penalty’, 36 true spiritual laws are entirely different. 37 38 Letter 9 344 They are expressed like this: 1 2 ‘Because you and your place in earthly existence have been created in this 3 way ... if you work harmoniously with the Laws of your Existence ... you 4 will open your entire system of soul, mind, emotions, body, and personal 5 circumstances to the consistent inflow of Divine Consciousness, your Life 6 Force. The fruits of your disciplined behaviour will return to bless and load 7 you with health, harmony and prosperity. 8 9 ‘If, on the other hand, you ignore these Laws of Existence, and continue 10 living as you did before you received this message, then your lives will 11 continue to be punctuated by turmoil, difficult climatic conditions, pests in 12 your crops, financial disasters, famines and stressful lives.’ 13 14 I have spoken through these Letters – expressly – to enable you to reach 15 true, consistent peace of mind and spiritual love, joy, and inner healing 16 of mind, emotions and body. 17 18 You should have understood by now that this was also the sole purpose 19 behind my last mission to people on earth – to show them how they 20 themselves were creating their own misery. 21 22 You have been taught by ‘Christian’ churches that you who have been 23 created by ‘God’ must ‘worship and please God’ by keeping his Laws. 24 25 But this is not truth. ‘Worshipping god’ is a pagan ritual. When people 26 ‘worship god’ they set ‘god’ apart and above them – ‘unreachable and to be 27 feared – for who knows what evil he might send on earth if people did not 28 act according to his will’. 29 30 But that was not the message I brought to earth. I spoke of the ‘Father’ 31 which supplied all needs, which answered when called, which healed 32 when requested to do so, which was both transcendent to people and 33 also ‘within them’, meaning that the Creator was universal. 34 35 The Jewish religion taught that only the Chief Priests could approach the 36 ‘Holy of Holies’ and make supplication for the people. The populace could 37 approach Jehovah only through the priests by bringing birds and animals to 38 Letter 9 345 be offered as burnt sacrifices to appease Jehovah for the people’s ‘sins’. By 1 these means, the Jews obtained ‘forgiveness of sins’. 2 3 I repeatedly taught the people that they would receive the ‘Father’s’ 4 forgiveness of sins according to people’s willingness to forgive others – for 5 it would be done to them according to their own ‘sowing’. I also taught the 6 people to approach the ‘Father’ directly and pray in simple terms, asking 7 for what they needed in life, and assured them that they would be heard 8 and their prayers answered, providing they prayed with total faith – with no 9 doubt in their minds. You must understand that everything I taught the 10 Jews was in direct conflict and opposition to what their Religious Elders 11 taught them, which was why the Priests hated – and crucified me, since I 12 was robbing them of their exalted positions as ‘personal henchmen’ of the 13 ‘Almighty’. 14 15 Because, for fear of reprisals after my death, the disciples did not break 16 entirely free from the Old Testament, much of the Old Testament thought 17 was carried forward into the ‘Christian’ religion. 18 19 Instead of animals, the body and blood of ‘Jesus’ were substituted to be the 20 sacrifice offered by priests upon the altar. After many years and the entry of 21 Rome as protector of the ‘Christian’ religion, like the Jewish priests before 22 them, the ‘Roman’ priests dressed themselves in costly vestments and used 23 silver and gold appurtenances for religious ceremonies. 24 25 In the time of Paul, this would have been unthinkable. His was a simple 26 message of ‘salvation by my death on the cross’ which was not the message I 27 brought to my countrymen in Palestine. He was perpetuating a Jewish 28 tradition of ‘sacrificing another to pay for one’s own sinning’. What 29 shameful cowardice! Yet, Paul also performed a great service to humanity, 30 since he set in motion a movement which would be the means of blessing 31 all races equally. He outlined a mode of thought and daily conduct which 32 would bring harmony into the lives of those who tried to live according to 33 his teachings. 34 35 In all probability, some Jewish traditionalists will vociferously reject my 36 words again, the second time of coming. They will resent my constant 37 allusion to the ancient Jewish practice of sacrificing animals and birds in 38 Letter 9 346 the Temple to please God and obtain forgiveness of sins, but no matter 1 what their objections may be, the historical fact remains that the Temple 2 was a place for offering burnt sacrifices and the smell thereof hung over 3 Jerusalem. And all the while I knew that the whole edifice of the Temple 4 was dedicated to a myth, a figment of man’s imagination, a rationalisation 5 of what men’s minds could not comprehend spiritually. 6 7 I was there! I felt the hot stones under my sandalled feet and the sun on my 8 head. I argued with the Pharisees, bore their mockery and sneers with some 9 amusement and watched them as they dogmatically taught a burdensome 10 way of life of continual obedience to a worthless tradition concerning eating 11 and drinking which was entirely unnecessary! 12 13 I was there! At times, my amusement ignited a spark of mischief in my 14 mind and I handed out to the Pharisees the same kind of analytical 15 mockery of their personal habits, their ostentatious clothing and their laws, 16 as they applied to me and my teachings. 17 18 ‘He is a fool!’ they said, and loudly ridiculed my statement ‘The Kingdom 19 of God is within you’. 20 21 ‘Tell us – how could ‘God’ be within a person?’ they shouted derisively. 22 23 Using a barrage of contemptuous arguments, they called on the Prophets 24 and compared their concepts of the Almighty Jehovah with my 25 descriptions of the simple ‘Father’ ‘who even had thought for the birds’. 26 How could this be, they demanded, when birds were regularly sacrificed in 27 the Temple for payment of men’s sinning? Would Moses have instituted 28 such a holy practice of burnt sacrifices if birds and beasts were of any 29 consequence in the eyes of the Almighty? 30 31 I remained unmoved as they launched their verbal attacks at me. They only 32 had the conviction of Jewish tradition to support their statements – whilst 33 my mind had been imbued with the true knowledge of existence itself 34 during my illumined experiences in the desert. I had been given 35 understanding of the universality and creative GOODWILL of the ‘Father’ 36 which enabled me to perceive and do things which no Chief Priest or 37 Pharisee or Sadducee or Scribe could ever do. 38 Letter 9 347 Because I understood the nature of our SOURCE of BEING, I could, with 1 confidence, put my hands upon a crippled man and raise him up to 2 wholeness again. Who could measure this knowledge against the ridiculous 3 traditional laws of the Priests? The Priests and Pharisees and all the rest of 4 the religious hocus-pocus knew that none of them could do such things – 5 and for this reason, they hated me for challenging their authority, they 6 loathed me for my strength in the face of their opposition, and they reviled 7 me for drawing crowds of people when a healing was done which no one 8 could deny. 9 10 There it was, done in the open, for all to see – an act of love which the 11 Priests averred only God could do and therefore I must be a child of Satan! 12 Furthermore, they did not see the healing as an act of love but rather as an 13 inexplicable blasphemous usurpation of the role of ‘God’ – they accused me 14 of ‘showing off’ my magical powers but could not tell me how I came by 15 such magical powers, therefore they decided I must be a son of Beelzebub. 16 17 Now that I have explained the situation, it should now be as clear to you 18 who read these words – as it was so very clear to me at that time in Palestine 19 – that the whole hierarchy of Judaism was composed of self-centred, self-20 important, mixed up men who lived only by rules and laws. When 21 challenged to use their minds, their brains, they could not cope but fell into 22 highly emotional spasms of vitriolic outrage. Was it any wonder that, when 23 brought before their council, I held my peace and refused to communicate 24 with such obtuse minds? 25 26 Yes, I was truly there in Palestine, more than 2000 years ago. I lived 27 amongst the ordinary men and women who had been taught to fear 28 Jehovah in a very real way; who were obsessed with paying for burnt 29 sacrifices to ward off punishment for their sins. I was raised, indoctrinated 30 in the fear of Jehovah – but I had been born to bring the Jews out of their 31 long slumber of myth and fallacies – to set them free of a burdensome 32 history of wars and bloodshed, brawling and arguments, of demanding a 33 head for the loss of an eye, of hidden and secret sinning which counted for 34 nothing if a man was not found out. If he was, then the whole weight of the 35 Mosaic Law descended on his head without compassion or mercy or even a 36 hesitant thought as to the true circumstances surrounding the transgression. 37 38 Letter 9 348 Because I had been born with a mission to open up the minds and hearts of 1 the Jews to the Reality which had given them life and being, even from an 2 early age I rejected the Jewish teachings. Some secret depth of spiritual 3 instinct rebelled against the age-old Jewish intention to let some other 4 living thing carry responsibility and ‘pay the price’ for their own 5 waywardness and sinning. Even more than this, I could not accept that a 6 ‘God’ who was supposed to have created such a wonderful world would 7 rejoice in burnt sacrifices of his own creation for which he had provided 8 abundantly. 9 10 I found it impossible to have respect for such illogical beliefs and practices. 11 After my illumination in the desert, I became passionate in my rejection of 12 Jewish traditions. 13 14 Just as I came in human body over 2000 years ago, to rescue the Jewish 15 nation from an edifice of artificial and man-made burdensome religious 16 practices, so have I come through the medium of these Letters distributed 17 worldwide, to make it abundantly clear that the ‘Christian Religion’ in no 18 way reflects my true CHRIST message either as I taught it in Palestine – or 19 at this present time when these Letters will arouse the fury and 20 condemnation of orthodox ‘Christians’. The Christian religion, as it stands 21 at this time, is only a hotchpotch of the muddled thinking of my disciples’ 22 selective recollections and Paul’s worthy homilies and other early writings. 23 Much later, when the impact of Christianity lacked the visual effect of the 24 gods and goddesses of the Romans, the Christian religion was adorned with 25 ‘theatrical’ but ‘expedient’ nonsense to impress those whom the 26 Ecclesiastical Empire of Rome desired to draw into their fold. This empire 27 later imposed monetary burdens on the gullible people even more 28 iniquitous than the taxes demanded by the secular Roman Empire on 29 conquered nations. Even Caesar did not demand payment for souls to gain 30 entrance to heaven! 31 32 You may wonder why I am so explicit in my rejection of ‘Judaism’ and 33 ‘Christianity’. It is vital to the success of the distribution of my CHRIST 34 MESSAGE that people should fully understand the true nature of religions 35 which held humanity in their grip until the twentieth century. Until they 36 do realise the mythical foundations on which they have placed all their 37 convictions, people will find it difficult to let go of their cherished beliefs. 38 Letter 9 349 Please understand that when I make such statements, I am referring to 1 ‘Christian religion’, to the ‘tenets of faith’, to the ‘dogma and theology’. I 2 am not referring to those great spiritual souls who have sought – and 3 continue to seek God and Truth beyond the dogma and beliefs. Many of 4 these have received my inspiration into their minds and hearts but are 5 afraid to let go their cherished beliefs. They are hampered by religious 6 practices. The time has come for them to let them go and grow in 7 spirituality and awareness of their true SOURCE of BEING and take their 8 congregations with them. 9 10 To the ‘Christian’ Churches of every denomination, I say ‘Wake up!’ The 11 time has come for you to rouse yourselves from a long unnatural sleep when 12 reason has been suppressed by hypnotic and emotional traditions. These 13 have been handed down through the centuries by a succession of people 14 claiming to be the highest authority on all that I taught in Palestine. Do 15 not be afraid of the consequences if you examine your past beliefs and want 16 to cleanse them from your thinking. Get rid of the cobwebs of illusion and 17 – THINK! 18 19 When ‘Christian’ ministers fully accept that I, the Christ, have truly 20 returned to speak to people worldwide, ‘like lightning striking from East to 21 West’ and are ready to teach my true message from the pulpit – you will 22 find your churches filling again with people eager to find and make contact 23 with the Reality which will lead them to live in total harmony with their 24 TRUTH of BEING. 25 26 Alternatively, you ministers of religion, who wilfully and egotistically 27 continue to teach the dogma of ‘Christianity’ to save ‘face’ and your 28 stipends, will watch your religion die a natural death during the next thirty 29 years and will be abandoned by your congregations who are already sensing 30 that your words are only words – in which there is no spiritual life. You will 31 see your churches taken over by those who have realised that I, myself, have 32 indeed returned to humanity to show them the way to find and enter the 33 ‘Kingdom of Heaven’. 34 35 There will also be those whose positions of authority are threatened by 36 these Letters from CHRIST – from me. They will oppose them mightily. 37 There will be vilification of every kind through the services of every type of 38 Letter 9 350 media – from people who have no scruples in stirring up public wrath to 1 make money from destructive, vindictive sensationalism. 2 3 I have to tell you that the greater the uproar worldwide, the more swiftly 4 will my Letters reach and convince those people who are weary of the old 5 beliefs, that at last they have heard the simple TRUTH of BEING. They 6 will swiftly respond to its love and call to leave the lower levels of human 7 consciousness to start their ascent to the higher spiritual levels where they 8 will begin to experience the first inflow of interior peace and contentment. 9 10 There will be conflict throughout the entertainment industry, since more 11 and more people will recognise – and turn against – the violence and 12 degradation with which their entire consciousness of mind, emotions, body, 13 have been fed by ‘DEGENERATES’ obsessed by making themselves a 14 fortune. These spiritual ghouls have understood the strange fascination of 15 the unholy and macabre for ignorant people who have been so surfeited 16 with the security, comfort and luxury in the 20th century, they no longer 17 find contentment in them. They need excitement to stimulate their jaded 18 consciousness. 19 20 Were the lives of people truly as horrible as is depicted on the 21 entertainment they watch daily, they would turn from their screens in 22 search of something beautiful and easeful to rest their tortured nervous 23 systems. And yet, if you will reflect honestly on the conditions of your 24 present lives, you will realise that they are already becoming a terror-25 inducing mirror image of all that your entertainment industry has given you 26 in the past 50 years. 27 28 People have been fed on the worst scenarios possible by cinema, TV, books 29 and media sensationalism and are now complaining that the former sense of 30 security they previously enjoyed has been whipped away from them. I see 31 you on earth, presently barricaded behind electric fences, high spiked walls, 32 guarded by security men who themselves traitorously murder the people 33 they guard; I see men and women who previously walked the streets and 34 country lanes fearlessly at night, now locked up behind security gates – 35 afraid of the most despicable and brutal attacks. I see races traumatised by 36 their own people. I see genocide, revolutions, bombing, assassinations, 37 mindless killings of every description. The murdered come through into 38 Letter 9 351 their next existence still traumatised by the shock of their unexpected 1 passing. I see them and minister to them – if they are able to see and receive 2 me. 3 4 Many, many people are far from ready to move on to a higher form of 5 existence and so they dwell in the shadows until they are released through 6 rebirth. Earthly life has become the hell which you depict on your screens 7 and in your literature. Why? Because your so-called civilised ‘culture’ 8 permits brutality in all its perverted forms, to enter your homes through the 9 medium of your TV for your titillation and excitement. You wanted it – 10 and now you have it in its most real form – within your own daily 11 experiences. No one is immune from these disasters you have brought on 12 yourselves. 13 14 Do you wonder that I, the Christ, have returned to you at this time to 15 explain to you what you have done to yourselves? 16 17 How would it be possible for any spiritual embodiment of LOVE to remain 18 remote from such agony of spirit and fail to reach out to render help when 19 help is possible? Therefore, as I said before, I am not alone in my work. I 20 speak for every Master as I speak through these Letters. 21 22 Every Master is ministering to those who follow his earthly teachings. 23 24 Every Master is calling on their adherents to read, heed, pray that they 25 may absorb the TRUTH within these pages and strive to cleanse their 26 thoughts and actions and become the embodiment of love to all. 27 28 But these Letters will set in motion a Season of Change. 29 30 When people truly wake up to what has been done to their consciousness, 31 worldwide, by greedy, unscrupulous and degenerate tycoons, they will 32 experience extreme anger. The public will begin to recognise the insidious 33 and devious ways in which they have been gradually enticed into the webs 34 of abomination. 35 36 And I, the Christ, have to tell you that when this happens, you will no 37 longer find the word ‘abomination’ old-fashioned and out-of-date. You will 38 Letter 9 352 clearly perceive the difference between wholesome, life-giving consciousness 1 forms – words – and destructive consciousness patterns. 2 3 You will rebel and nationally call the destructive ‘consciousness forms’ – 4 abominations. 5 6 Conscientious and truly loving parents will become particularly vocal 7 against the present form of entertainment and will prevent their children 8 from continuing to view the decadence of unpleasant, emotive language, 9 unbridled violence, and promiscuous, emotionally superficial sex, presently 10 on offer on your screens, in books and media. Your society is riddled with 11 these low, despicable consciousness creations which are carried through into 12 human lives and human actions. 13 14 Parents will also come to realise that since the CONSCIOUSNESS 15 FORMS created within their children’s minds are the ever enlarging 16 foundations of their children’s future lives as adults, they will begin to 17 investigate the ETHICAL VALUES taught in schools. No longer will 18 parents be concerned about the religions taught in school, since these will 19 only be of interest to a minority, but they will be very seriously interested in 20 the kind of philosophies for living, attitudes, arguments, conflicts, 21 statements, encouraged or tolerated in schools in the future – by teachers 22 and by pupils alike. 23 24 Groups will band together to start small schools on the foundation of these 25 Letters, since the old factual material will be abandoned as obsolete. 26 Emphasis will be placed on languages, the arts, logic, the art of effective 27 inspiring communication, the development of constructive creative 28 imagination, mathematics and science, and manual skills. 29 30 The curriculum will be centred around the development of an ability to 31 differentiate between truth and myth, to perceive clearly the highest values 32 to be adopted and cherished, and the most constructive, productive way to 33 use them in life – to improve conditions for the self, the nation, and the 34 world generally. The child will also be taught to become proficient in those 35 sciences and manual skills which will enable him to work joyfully and 36 successfully in his chosen field of endeavour. Children will be tutored 37 within a new aura of concern and love and shown how they can contribute 38 Letter 9 353 to such concern and love in the classrooms. They will be encouraged to 1 work with joy and happiness. If this does not come easily, the unhappy 2 child will be shown how joy and happiness may be achieved and will be 3 rewarded when successful. 4 5 People will be valued according to their commitment to seeking higher 6 levels of spiritual thought and their dedication to serving the interests of the 7 underprivileged and communities generally. 8 9 It is a matter of extreme urgency that people worldwide should 10 recognise that the TRUTH is – you have been born to individualise and 11 express the UNIVERSAL – the SOURCE of your BEING – in an 12 evolutionary manner, eventually reaching peak – 13 14 INDIVIDUALISED manifestation of your SOURCE of BEING – 15 16 CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. 17 18 AND you have also been created to be cared for, nurtured, provided 19 with your every need in order to ensure your health, perfect well-being, 20 and harmonious prosperity whilst on your soul’s journey to 21 individualised reunion with your Source of Being – Divine 22 Consciousness. 23 24 Until you do grasp this TRUTH of BEING, you will never achieve your 25 true potential on earth either physically or spiritually. 26 27 No country, religious organisation, and no single person, no matter 28 how humanly exalted he may be thought to be, will be able to alter the 29 contents of these Letters since 30 31 I – the CHRIST 32 33 am also radiating the TRUTH of BEING worldwide to everyone who is 34 on the level of spiritual frequencies to be able to receive the TRUTH. 35 Such people will receive, revere and adopt IT fully, without reservation, 36 to be their own guidelines for their thoughts and actions. 37 38 Letter 9 354 If there are those who cannot understand or receive the Letters, it will 1 be only because they are not yet ascended to the necessary level of 2 consciousness to be able to empathise with them. Their growth will 3 come later. 4 5 Therefore, I say to those who have not yet experienced the quality of life I 6 have described as being yours by Divine WILL, do not ask what is the 7 matter with life or people or circumstances – or with you. 8 9 Look inside your own thought processes, your own attitudes towards life, 10 generally, your feelings towards other people and yourself – and find out 11 what kind of thoughts – and expectations – you regularly indulge in. These 12 create a powerfully creative consciousness energy force which you are 13 emitting throughout the day. It will attract to you exactly what you fear and 14 expect. Sometimes, the negative creative consciousness form is deeply 15 buried in your subconscious, implanted there many years ago due to certain 16 circumstances. Or the negative creative consciousness impulse may have 17 come through from a past life. In any event, if you have been subjected to 18 consistently bad experiences, examine your inner state of consciousness and 19 find out what kind of negative expectations possess your subconscious. 20 Discover, also, what are your attitudes and feelings towards other people? 21 22 Are you consistently living within the harmony of the Laws of 23 Existence? Are you expressing ‘unconditional love’ on every level of 24 your life – towards every single thing in your experience? 25 26 Are you able to see the ‘light of the soul’ within all living things – or 27 can you see only their ego-drive – their darkness? 28 29 Do you realise that for the people whom you may reject or criticise, I – 30 the Christ – have the highest love and compassion for them at all times? 31 Whom you may be rejecting, I am radiating to them my unconditional 32 love. 33 34 Bear in mind, at all times, that your SOURCE of BEING is in two states – 35 36 in equilibrium and in activity. 37 38 Letter 9 355 The ACTIVE state of your SOURCE of BEING is the dimension in which 1 you have been conceived and given individualisation. 2 3 The EQUILIBRIUM of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS is the 4 dimension of perfect silence and stillness, in which the underlying 5 IMPULSES OF CREATIVITY are locked together in an embrace of 6 mutual restraint. 7 8 When you fully realise, accept, understand that in every ‘learning 9 session in your school on earth’, you always have access to the Divine 10 Loving Intelligence which resolves every problem the perfect way, you 11 are then lifted beyond the reach of panic and pain. 12 13 You solve your problems swiftly and smoothly and realise that your own 14 store of wisdom and knowledge are being increased in many ways. 15 16 In this way, do you evolve on every level of your being. 17 18 Whilst my purpose in coming to you through the medium of these Letters 19 has been to show you the way to live in harmony with the Laws of 20 Existence, to help you avoid unnecessary pain, limitations and deprivation 21 caused by your ignorance of the Laws, I also want to imprint in your 22 consciousness that everyone is subject to rhythms in their lives. Everyone 23 goes through the high periods when an inflow of blessedness brings you all 24 the things you have wanted and you are on a peak of human happiness and 25 success. You rejoice! Then comes the time when suddenly the rhythm of life 26 changes, resources dry up, relationships become difficult and precarious, 27 your career takes a downward turn, or obstacles occur which keep you static 28 for a long time. You may ask yourself what you have done wrong. 29 Previously, you worked very successfully within the LAWS of EXISTENCE 30 but now there are daily challenges and nothing you think or do is truly 31 alleviating the stress of your daily life. 32 33 When – if – these times come upon you – be still and quiet within your 34 heart and mind – and know that you are still drawing life and direction 35 from Divine Consciousness, despite appearances to the contrary, 36 despite the superficial agonies. At these times it is essential to withdraw 37 and take stock of the ways in which you may have slipped in 38 Letter 9 356 consciousness during your ‘up’ times – and strengthen your dependence 1 on Divine Consciousness. 2 3 Without these dark periods of depression, you would not grow in 4 spiritual stature. They have a special message for you so do not give way 5 to despair or bitterness. Although you may feel fragile, this is your 6 winter season of self-discovery and inner renewal which will ultimately 7 prove to be of greater blessing than ever were your ‘peak periods’. Take 8 heart and do not lose faith. Hold on patiently until winter gradually 9 yields to your spiritual spring again. 10 11 Persevere in relaxing and confidently waiting for the time when Divine 12 Life will again flow into your mind, heart and earthly life and all you 13 had hoped for will begin to manifest in your experience. And 14 throughout this time, realise and hold on to the fact that if you are no 15 longer aware of the inflow of Divine Consciousness during your 16 meditations, it is not because you have been abandoned but because 17 your own cosmic – and therefore your personal consciousness 18 vibrations – are at a low ebb and you are no longer able to rise to 19 experience the vibrations of Divine Consciousness as you did 20 previously. Although you may not feel them, rest assured that always 21 you are enfolded in them and in DIVINE LOVE. 22 23 I also want to remind you and impress upon your consciousness that the 24 moment the most impoverished of human beings can understand the true 25 nature of their origins and can make use of the knowledge, they can begin 26 to pull themselves out of their rut and can then rise to any heights they 27 choose for themselves – providing, daily, they tune into the SOURCE OF 28 THEIR BEING and draw on Its Infinite Power, Life, direction, 29 inspiration and guidance. 30 31 You are not victims of fate – you are victims of your own creative 32 consciousness until you realise that your consciousness is entirely of your 33 own shaping. When this glorious Truth dawns within your own 34 consciousness, you will begin to turn your life around and will eventually 35 discover that you can work to become a Master and achieve complete 36 freedom in DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS. 37 38 Letter 9 357 Try to remember that, in your spiritual search, your aim should be to keep 1 your consciousness frequencies as steady as possible within your highest 2 spiritual perceptions. This is extremely difficult for the human mind to do, 3 since it eagerly reaches out for new forms of spiritual/mental stimulation 4 wherever the interest is aroused. 5 6 But I have to tell you, it is not enough to read these Letters and then turn 7 to other books, hoping to find some higher, more inspirational truth. 8 9 I, the Christ, tell you, truly, there is no higher truth or higher way on offer 10 to you at this time. 11 12 You may sometimes feel you have found something higher, because on the 13 level of your present human consciousness you can relate to what is written 14 more easily – but you can rest assured that SPIRITUAL TRUTH of 15 EXISTENCE is the only KNOWLEDGE which will bring you eventually 16 to CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS which is your true destination and none 17 other. 18 19 CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS is the spiritual consciousness of all the great 20 Masters. There is no higher. To increase your understanding, you may seek 21 out those authors who have already found for themselves and are practising 22 what is written in these Letters, but do not follow those who still follow 23 other writers and quote other authorities and are still seeking a way through 24 human thought into the vastness of spiritual Truth – beyond human 25 thought. They, like yourselves, are still in the foothills of consciousness – 26 they have not yet penetrated the mental/emotional ozone to draw close to 27 the precincts of SPACE. 28 29 Do not follow those who are finding pleasure in – and writing of ‘marvels’ 30 in occult practices and are seeking to lead you into experiencing them also, 31 advocating the use of material substances to increase energy in different 32 areas of your lives. When you use material substances such as crystals, 33 candles, incense, joss sticks, you focus your human consciousness on those 34 things which have human meaning for you and give you pleasure. In this 35 way, do they anchor your human consciousness to the ‘effects’ of human 36 consciousness, continually leading you back into fixed levels of human 37 consciousness. Whereas, if you want to ascend into true spiritual 38 Letter 9 358 dimensions of consciousness, your goal is to penetrate and then transcend 1 the earthly human consciousness dimension. 2 3 The only true energy, true dynamic healing Life Force comes from your 4 consistent contact with DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS. As you journey 5 upwards, you will become acquainted with the finer vibrations of the astral 6 planes but do not loiter in these levels since they are only manifestations of 7 higher physical forms of consciousness and should not be your true goal. 8 9 Attunement with Divine Consciousness and total self-mastery should be 10 your reason for living, and your only goal. When you have achieved it, all 11 you have ever wanted for yourself will be yours – in a new, transcendent 12 and eternal way. 13 14 You may read these Letters and decide you want to continue as you are – in 15 your ego-consciousness, trusting Divine Consciousness to help you 16 through the difficult patches. But I can tell you that life itself will 17 eventually convince you that any other way does not bring the rewards 18 which your soul, hidden and silently waiting for release, is longing to 19 experience – particularly that of full reunion with Divine Consciousness. 20 21 The greatest gift you can give yourself – or anyone else – is to gratefully 22 accept into your own mind – and try to imbue in other receptive minds – 23 the full inspired understanding of who ‘you and they’ really are and what 24 can truly be accomplished when ‘you and they’ abandon self-will and look 25 to the SOURCE of their BEING for help, guidance and fulfilment of every 26 need. 27 28 Become a Light to yourself – and whomever can receive it. 29 30 At the same time, no one can absorb learning on an empty stomach; 31 therefore a certain amount of physical nutrition should be given to help the 32 process of spiritual-physical evolutionary development, if you are trying to 33 teach the materially impoverished. Be willing to give to others and know 34 that as you give, you become part of the ‘give-and-receive’ system of the 35 entire universe. 36 37 38 Letter 9 359 It is impossible to give and not receive in return – unless you yourself 1 believe you live only on the supply from your work, your bank account and 2 investments. When this is what you believe, then this is what you will 3 experience. 4 5 Until people truly wake up and open their eyes to the full realisation that 6 they are the individualisation of the SOURCE of their BEING, which is a 7 combination of PERFECT IMPULSES of Creativity and Love, they will 8 remain attracted to the enticements of materialism, satisfactions of body 9 lusts, and the desire for self-promotion above all others – which ranges from 10 take-overs and strikes in business and industries, and gross disharmonies in 11 relationships to murder, rape and war. Wherever a person exerts his ego 12 over another, angry discords abound. 13 14 This is the very first Law of Existence which must be publicised 15 throughout the world. 16 17 How then, should human nature strive daily to live in a world naturally 18 dominated by ego-drive – the overpowering desire for self-satisfaction? 19 20 The answer lies in my statement: ‘Do to others as you would be done by’. 21 22 This is the first step to overcoming ego-drive. 23 24 When involved in argument, let there be full justice rendered by each 25 party to the other. 26 27 Listen – absorb – heed – make amends as far as possible. 28 29 Make certain that in your demands you do not make inroads on the well-30 being of the other party – be it personal, pleasure, business or industry. 31 32 Remember that as you do to others, so will it eventually be done to you. 33 34 Remember that your thoughts, words and actions of today will take on 35 form in your experience in days, months or years to come. Sometimes, the 36 sowing will take years to grow into its harvest and the sowing will have been 37 forgotten. However, rest assured, whatever you do today will return to you 38 Letter 9 360 in some related form, although you may never recognise it as such or 1 perceive the connection. 2 3 Whatever you would have people say about your mistakes – say those 4 things – and mean them – about the mistakes that other people may make 5 – friends or strangers. 6 7 Give the acceptance and forgiveness you would like to receive. What is 8 true forgiveness? It is a state of understanding the other person and 9 their reasons for their behaviour so clearly that you can say in all 10 honesty – there is nothing to forgive. 11 12 The loyalty, kindness and generosity you would like to receive when in 13 trouble – give to others when they are struggling with heavy burdens. 14 Never turn to them a cold shoulder. 15 16 Learn to look at a person or a situation with the eye of kindly 17 discernment. See them as they are at this moment and then remember that 18 I see them with compassionate love. 19 20 If you see a real need of improvement in them – for their own good and the 21 future enhancement of their well-being – look at them only with heart and 22 eyes of love and see them as they can be in the future. Take them in 23 thought to their SOURCE of BEING and know that your prayer has surely 24 blessed them and opened doors to their development. Seek guidance from 25 Divine Consciousness as to whether you can broach the subject of their 26 ‘improvement’ and ask how this may be done to ensure their happy 27 acceptance of counsel and ultimate success in personal development. 28 29 If someone wants to tell you how you have hurt them at any time – 30 stand or sit still quietly and know that this is a true challenge to your ego-31 drive. This is your big moment – your greatest testing-point. 32 33 How will you handle it? Will you make excuses and defend yourself, 34 considering, even saying, that your actions should not have hurt the other 35 person – and were fully justified in the circumstances? If this is how you 36 respond, then your ego-drive is still in perfect control of your 37 consciousness. 38 Letter 9 361 If, however, you can realise that the great moment of truth is upon you – 1 and because of this awareness – you are able to remain quiet and calm, 2 listening to the other person’s descriptions of their hurt at your hands, you 3 are succeeding in the first overcoming of your ego. 4 5 The next urgent step is to put your own need to defend yourself firmly 6 aside and sincerely empathise with what the speaker is saying. You will only 7 be able to do this sincerely if you can be self-effacing enough to enter a 8 place of inner silence where you can fully enter into their hurt, hear what 9 they are saying and receive their pain into your heart. If you can do this, 10 you will have got inside their skin. And when you can get inside their skin 11 and feel their pain, you will want to apologise from the very bottom of your 12 heart for what you did; the pain you inflicted ignorantly and unknowingly 13 will become your own pain and you will not rest until you have managed, 14 through loving words, to remove all residue of pain from the other person’s 15 consciousness. You will then have healed the hurt and it will also be 16 eliminated from your electromagnetic consciousness system. You have won 17 a great victory over self. You will have reached that point of inner strength 18 and endurance when you can truly perceive the reality of other people as 19 being of equal validity with your own. You have recognised and accepted 20 that others can be hurt by your actions in just the same way as you have 21 been hurt by others. 22 23 After reaching this great moment of truth in your life, you will find 24 yourself able to move between yourself and others quite comfortably, able 25 to see events from their perspective as easily as you can see your own. A 26 great balancing between the needs of other people and yourself takes place, 27 and you enter into a state of peace since you are now confident that you 28 treat others fairly and with generosity of spirit. You have now begun to 29 remove the barriers between yourself and other people and are receiving 30 them into your heart. 31 32 You have also begun to remove your own defences and because of this, you 33 will find that – at last – you are achieving true self-esteem and peace of 34 mind. 35 36 This new understanding of the feelings of others will inspire in you a great 37 respect for them. You will always want to deal with them justly, giving 38 Letter 9 362 them their dues, never wanting to take advantage of their good-nature, 1 never wanting to put them down, reduce their self-esteem, always ready to 2 encourage and pick them up when they’re in pain – physical or emotional. 3 4 You will find yourself doing these things for yourself also. You will become 5 your own counsellor, support, healer. 6 7 You will see each person, no matter what their status, as of an equal basic 8 reality as your own and you will see that you are the equal of everyone else 9 be he King, Pope or President for underneath the externals, you have both 10 come out of the GREAT UNITY of BEING. 11 12 Therefore, you will no longer feel inadequate in any situation, because 13 you have moved forward in the strength and wisdom drawn from 14 Divine Consciousness, and recognise that you, too, have equal rights 15 with everyone else. 16 17 Quietly, calmly, you will not allow others to take advantage of you. You 18 will be able to speak your mind clearly and honestly with due regard for the 19 feelings of the other person. You will no longer want to denigrate another 20 and reduce their self-esteem. Rather, will you make every effort to save their 21 self-respect yet relating your truth in a clear, but loving way. 22 23 Remember, when stating your truth to another, it is not within your 24 province to tell them how they should act in any given circumstance or how 25 they should react to your words. 26 27 However, standing by UNIVERSAL VALUES of perfect honesty, 28 conscientious work, goodwill towards all, caring for the under-29 privileged, a person is entitled to demand that these values should take 30 precedence over every other consideration of EXPEDIENCY within a 31 group or community enterprise or national endeavour. 32 33 You also have a perfect right to say how you are made to feel by a person’s 34 belittling behaviour towards you – should you be aware of a need to do 35 so. It is probable that your caring honesty may be necessary to solve or 36 clarify a certain situation for the good of all. 37 38 Letter 9 363 State your case with kindness – gently tell them how you feel in the present 1 unpleasant circumstances and explain what has made you feel that way. Do 2 not say ‘You did such and such a thing’ because they will feel you are 3 blaming them and immediately you will arouse the ego defence mechanism 4 in the other person. Thereafter, the confrontation will become difficult and 5 unpleasant for both of you. To get through to ego-driven people you must 6 continually speak in such a way as they will never feel threatened. This is 7 the art of loving communication and you can only learn it by trial and error 8 and dedicated practice! 9 10 Each time, you conquer ego in yourself, it becomes that much easier to 11 relate to others because you are reaching an understanding of the function 12 of ego in all people. 13 14 As time passes, and you are gradually released from the grip of your ego-15 drive, you will find that, more and more, you can listen to others with soul 16 empathy and love. If they behave in a way which would have hurt or 17 offended you previously, you will feel the welling up of laughter instead. 18 You will then know that your soul is in direct touch with Divine 19 Consciousness – for Its natural state is that of laughter. 20 21 22 3. Laughter 23 24 Laughter is a consciousness impulse which ripples across your skies, from 25 one planet to another, through your Milky Way and out into the furthest 26 reaches of infinity. As infinite as Divine Consciousness, it came into 27 existence at the moment of the Big Bang. 28 29 What is Laughter? It is a spontaneous consciousness response to a situation 30 where two events or two incidents or two people, do not – in the natural 31 order of things – belong together, they are strangely at odds or in 32 opposition to each other. 33 34 It is a ripple effect experienced in all living things of higher species capable 35 of certain judgments or perceptions. It eliminates stress. The ‘ripple effect’ 36 is felt over the diaphragm which guards the heart and nervous system. 37 38 Letter 9 364 As you have seen on examining the nature of creation, everything possible 1 has been done in the evolution of design and growth of living bodies to 2 make a perfectly adapted body to suit the environment to enable the 3 occupier of the body to be comfortable and happy and live without stress. 4 Stress is inimical to health. 5 6 It is contrary to the WILL of DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS. 7 8 A spontaneous and hearty burst of laughter is first experienced as a rush of 9 rippling consciousness through the head, bringing a lightening of the entire 10 consciousness. This is immediately followed by the physical ‘ripple effect’ of 11 laughter, experienced as a light beating of breath on the diaphragm to break 12 up any tension and to smooth away any residue of bitterness. 13 14 Sometimes laughter in an extremely amusing situation is prolonged to such 15 an extent that the person eventually feels exhausted – but also happy and 16 rather sad that the laughter is finished. 17 18 Most people will testify that laughter promotes a feeling of well-being, even 19 if there was discord just a minute earlier. If a person can genuinely laugh, 20 seeing the absurdity of a situation, where there has previously been 21 annoyance or hurt, the tension is released and friendly relationships are 22 restored spontaneously. 23 24 Laughter is a gift of love for a creation possessed by, and needing relief from 25 their egos. 26 27 As the ego-drive gradually relinquishes its hold over your mind and 28 emotions, you will find that laughter bubbles up spontaneously and brings 29 a wonderful feeling of release. The ‘ripple effect’ of laughter raises your 30 consciousness frequencies of vibration not only because it is energy released 31 where you most need it – over your heart – over your diaphragm, the seat 32 of your emotions, but because LAUGHTER is directly of Divine 33 Consciousness. 34 35 Therefore, laughter is Divine. 36 37 38 Letter 9 365 LAUGHTER and your inner child. As you read these Letters and meditate 1 and your levels of frequencies of consciousness vibrations are raised, you 2 will discover that old mental patterns are no longer comfortable in your 3 mind. You will seek ways and means of ejecting them from your 4 consciousness. As you move upwards spiritually and are ever more desirous 5 of unloading unwanted human ego-drives, the conflict in your sensibilities 6 will become increasingly burdensome, and you now long and pray for relief. 7 You will find that when you turn to Divine Consciousness and 8 passionately ask for Divine Assistance, the help will surely come. You 9 will successfully get rid of unwanted thoughts and reactions, and you will 10 then discover that laughter becomes more and more spontaneous. 11 12 You will also discover tensions are smoothed away and that you are 13 becoming much lighter in thought, easier in relationships, more caring, 14 much more appreciative, more aware of life itself and all that it has to offer 15 in sight and experience. You will enjoy simple pleasures more, you will be 16 less jaded in appetites, you will need less food, less entertainment, will be 17 more content with your own company, and will eventually begin to rejoice 18 in your own company because DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS will be 19 infusing your human consciousness with Its own exalted State of WELL- 20 BEING. 21 22 Little by little you will be returning to your ‘child’ condition which views 23 the world with happy, enquiring gaze. 24 25 This is not senility. It is a state of greater awareness and vibrance no matter 26 what your age may be. 27 28 This is the ‘state of being’ I meant when I said that ‘Unless you become 29 as a little child you shall in no wise enter the Kingdom of Heaven’. I 30 actually said that when you enter the Kingdom of Heaven, you become a 31 little child – a child in wonder and joy. 32 33 I have given the world these Letters that those who read and absorb them 34 may eventually enter the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ and reach that state of joy 35 which comes of purity of mind and innocence. 36 37 38 Letter 9 366 4. Spiritual Exercises 1 2 If people tell you to enter into ‘spiritual exercises’ and ‘imagine’ certain 3 conditions – be sure that if you follow these instructions you will only keep 4 yourself rooted in the material dimension of ego. Imagination has nothing 5 to do with ‘spirit’. Imagination is the exercise of your own human 6 consciousness which you should be trying to transcend by entering into 7 higher levels of spiritual consciousness. These levels are not those of 8 imagination but those of ‘Reality’ – regular spiritual levels of frequencies of 9 spiritual consciousness vibrations. The spiritual frequencies are those of 10 Divine Spiritual Consciousness, not of earthly mental imagination. 11 Therefore, beware whom you would accept as your teacher. 12 13 Only absolute ‘Stillness’ and ‘Silence’ of your consciousness will open the 14 door to the entry of Divine Consciousness into your mind and that is what 15 everyone should be seeking. If you are thirsty and you need a drink – why 16 imagine you are beside a lake? Go to the lake itself and take a drink of pure 17 refreshing water. Again I say, imagination is not spiritual – it is the exercise 18 of your will within your present level of consciousness. 19 20 21 5. Racism 22 23 For you who have come to understand the truth concerning ‘who you really 24 are’, I want to talk to you about the worldwide concern regarding ‘racism’. 25 26 I would have you know that this talk of RACISM arises only out of the ego-27 drive of those people who have felt themselves despised and rejected 28 because of their racial differences. These feelings are rooted so deeply in the 29 ‘self’ that no matter how circumstances may change for them and they may 30 be able to progress in life, even becoming characters of extreme importance 31 on the world stage of life, there always remains the feeling of inadequacy 32 and resentment against the people who first made them feel inferior. 33 34 It should be understood that such feelings of inferiority are not unique to 35 black races. 36 37 38 Letter 9 367 These feelings of ‘extreme lowliness’ are experienced by the majority of 1 people subjected to the caste system in India, class distinctions in the 2 European culture, and in those countries where ‘differences’ are made into 3 mountains of separation of one person from another. These painful and 4 undermining feelings of ‘lesser status’ are experienced even by the so-called 5 exalted personages who are never quite comfortable in their positions of 6 authority. 7 8 This feeling of inadequacy and unworthiness is endemic to the human race 9 as a whole, no matter what the position, or race, or education of an 10 individual may be. 11 12 The feeling of ‘worthlessness’ arises to a large extent from the deep, deep 13 awareness of the psyche that ego-behaviour is contrary to the highest 14 principles of human existence. When this natural inbuilt drive of 15 ‘unworthiness’ is reinforced by proximity with other apparently more 16 prestigious or successful people, then this natural feeling of inadequacy 17 takes on agonising overtones. 18 19 The only means of overcoming the ethnic painful feelings of rejection, even 20 when highly successful, is to reach the clear realisation that if there had not 21 been the kind of ethnic upheavals, removals, arrival of strangers and aliens 22 with their different languages, cultures, educational processes and their 23 subjection of your natural states and modes of living, the various races 24 would not now be occupying the positions of responsibility and worldly 25 status as some have achieved at this moment. 26 27 Therefore, the only healing and life-renewing course of action is to 28 meditate, ponder, reflect, and ask for Divine Light on the subject until you 29 can, in all honesty say: 30 31 ‘Lord – I am sincerely glad and happy that all those terrible things took 32 place. Because of them, I am where I am today, because of them I have been 33 given an opportunity to test and experience the extent of my endurance, 34 intellect, emotions, talents. I can measure myself against the achievements 35 of other races – and perhaps continue to learn how to rise still further from 36 my beginnings. I thank You for the strength and inspiration to show my 37 basic equality with everyone else – I send out my thoughts of love and 38 Letter 9 368 gratitude to those who laid the foundations for my present good all those 1 many, many years ago.’ 2 3 You can also reflect upon the fact that it was inevitable, according to the 4 LAWS of EXISTENCE, that those who were connected with slave trading 5 and other tragic events, or were responsible for handing out pain and 6 torture to other human beings, should return in a future life as a member of 7 the down-trodden races and suffer grievously. When born into black races, 8 it is more than likely these people were vociferous in their demands for 9 equality and humane treatment for black people. Such a person may even 10 have been your great grandfather or father – and you may be wondering 11 why life has treated the ‘poor soul’ so badly. Alternatively, the ‘white 12 people’ who manacled the black people and kept them in dungeons, at this 13 time, may still be creating mayhem for other people by occupying the 14 stratum of society of all races which are rebelling vociferously against the 15 past. It may well be a past which they themselves had helped to bring into 16 being. 17 18 IT IS A FACT that people are reincarnated into different strata of society in 19 different races to enable the soul to learn some meaningful lesson as it 20 journeys upwards towards CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. 21 22 Bear in mind the fundamental principle of existence. You, yourselves, 23 create your tomorrows. 24 25 You bring into being, also, whatever you need for your upliftment by 26 reaching out for it. Whether you are aware of it or not, as you reach out for 27 an improvement in your life conditions, you are spontaneously reaching 28 into higher levels of spiritual consciousness. 29 30 As I have already told you – the DIVINE WILL is to release creation from 31 stress, and therefore, those lessons needed to take you upward towards 32 Divine Consciousness will come into your experience. Therefore FORGIVE 33 – for you have no true knowledge of the journey of your soul through many 34 centuries of earthly existence. You have no knowledge of what you, 35 yourself, did in lives gone past. Forgive the present, forgive the past and 36 accept that much good has come out of it, learn to bless and love those 37 whom you thought injured you or your ancestors. 38 Letter 9 369 And you who presently occupy skins which carry the power of privilege – 1 consider other races and their problems, and reflect upon the fact that you 2 may, in a future life, occupy an underprivileged body and come to know, 3 first hand, what it is like to be born with a sense of being a second class 4 citizen. Reflect also on your past lives, ponder what you may or may not 5 have done to bring about your present situation. The truth about RACISM 6 is this: 7 8 Every single entity under the sun has descended from Divine Consciousness 9 in one way or another. At the very inmost roots of their being, everyone is 10 united in ONENESS. 11 12 Therefore, where do the differences lie? 13 14 They arise out of the development of species, genetics, conditioning, 15 traditional teachings, customs and educational and family habits of relating 16 with others and the differences in thought patterns. 17 18 It is not the colour which divides you. A small child of every race and 19 colour because of its innocence and spontaneity of self-expression will find 20 acceptance in the heart of most adults. It is the CONSCIOUSNESS which 21 divides you and which is felt on every level of your being – for you are all, 22 despite your materialised bodies, CONSCIOUSNESS FORMS expressing 23 consciousness patterns and CONSCIOUSNESS FORMS receiving 24 consciousness patterns from others. 25 26 The consciousness of each individual is their reality – not their skin or 27 appearance – and it is the consciousness of people which either attracts or 28 repulses others. 29 30 You can rest assured that you will only overcome your sense of racial 31 differences when your mental/emotional thought patterns are in sympathy, 32 and when your VALUES by which you choose to live throughout your day, 33 are the same. Until that time comes, it is useless for people to be angry with 34 one another for experiencing racial differences. They are endemic to the 35 human condition. 36 37 38 Letter 9 370 If you want to be accepted completely into another race, you have to 1 change your values, your perceptions, your ideas, modes of living and of 2 relating to others to match everyone else’s in that race. Racial differences 3 then die a natural death. 4 5 If you are not prepared to take on the ‘consciousness’ of the race you wish 6 to join, then acknowledge, accept and RESPECT with LOVE the 7 differences in consciousness. No one has the right to demand you should 8 ignore the differences. 9 10 MOST IMPORTANTLY OF ALL: Choose the highest standards on offer 11 in the world, work to embrace and use them – and then all skin colours 12 will take on a new and inner beauty which none will be able to resist. All 13 people will then willingly bond in perfect harmony. 14 15 Physical appearances of every colour will also change and take on new 16 inner beauty. 17 18 When these Letters have been distributed throughout the world and 19 groups of people bond together to live within the spiritual Laws of 20 Existence, such groups will find they are living harmoniously protected 21 lives, although there may be mayhem going on around them. 22 23 Everywhere, those who bond together to learn how to enter – and live 24 within – the Wholeness of Being which I termed the ‘Kingdom of 25 Heaven’ over 2000 years ago, will discover that their circumstances are 26 surely changing. 27 28 I urge you to meet together on a Sunday to speak of your many 29 blessings, give sincere wholehearted thanks and raise your minds in 30 praise of That Which has given you Being. 31 32 Meditate together to draw Divine Consciousness through your minds 33 into world consciousness that the nature of the Divine may, more and 34 more, imbue the nature of the world psyche with Its own transcendent 35 Love. 36 37 38 Letter 9 371 Your groups will emit spiritual consciousness energy which will 1 influence mind energies around you. 2 3 I would have you remember that the world was not in such a dangerous 4 predicament when the churches, worldwide, met on Sundays to worship 5 God. 6 7 Those days are now past. You will not worship God. 8 9 You will build up a strong awareness of Divine Consciousness 10 universally present. Its universality and scope of creativity will be ever 11 more firmly entrenched in your minds by means of sincere praise. In 12 the silence and stillness, you will all reach out to DIVINE 13 CONSCIOUSNESS and invite IT lovingly to take possession of your 14 mind and heart. Thus, little by little will you become unified, and the 15 Divine Consciousness will, more and more, take possession of the world 16 as was Its earliest intention. 17 18 19 6. Reincarnation 20 21 There are many who will ask how it is that at the moment of conception, a 22 soul can be drawn from Divine Consciousness, but the body itself may be 23 used as a vehicle of self-expression in its coming life-span by another soul, 24 who is ready to reincarnate. 25 26 When a soul is ready to enter earthly conditions on its next span of earthly 27 learning, the soul is drawn to the parent – or parents – who can offer those 28 conditions which will enable it to take its next necessary step forward in 29 spiritual evolution. At the moment of conception, the old soul infuses its 30 personal consciousness of past lives and past spiritual progress into the 31 conception process and becomes the soul of the fertilised ovum. 32 33 Some mothers are almost immediately aware of an alien consciousness 34 within them. The new consciousness the mother has received in her womb, 35 sometimes deeply affects the course of her thinking, her pregnancy and state 36 of health. Once the child is born, the mother feels that she has been 37 restored to her normal self. Sensitive mothers frequently experience an 38 Letter 9 372 awareness of the direction their child’s life will take and may think that this 1 awareness is really born of her own wishes for her baby. Reincarnation is 2 not haphazard or without a consistent plan directing its action. 3 4 The purpose is always to provide the journeying soul with many entirely 5 different experiences which will enlarge the soul’s hidden store of worldly 6 knowledge. It provides stimulating and necessary changes of scenery and of 7 family and environmental personalities, of characteristics drawn from 8 genetics, but always that thin thread of the soul’s journey will be buried in 9 the subconscious mind and will surface to influence the present 10 incarnation, although the person may be wholly unaware of it. Therefore, it 11 is possible for characteristics, strongly held views, or passionate ambitions 12 to be perpetuated from one incarnation to another. 13 14 Sometimes the ambitions are formulated in one lifetime and only brought 15 into a successful manifestation in the next lifetime under entirely different 16 conditions. In such cases, before rebirth, a soul must wait until the world 17 conditions will further the hidden ambitions of the soul successfully. If you 18 can imagine a soul first plunging into a red pond and coming out dyed red 19 and entering life as a red person with all its natural red racial tendencies, 20 and educated in childhood to live ‘red’ lives, you will understand that the 21 soul leaves that life with much that is red in his consciousness. 22 23 Next he will plunge into a blue pool and he will emerge blue with all the 24 characteristics of blueness – and the life style of blue people. When he 25 leaves the world again, he will have accumulated facets of blue 26 consciousness mixed with the red. And so it goes, life after life, the same 27 soul growing through differing experiences of colours, religions, status, 28 marriages, sexes, countries, politics, until finally, he wakes up to the fact 29 that this is what is happening to him and he decides he is tired of all the 30 various colour combinations – he wants only to ascend into LIGHT. Then 31 his true spiritual journey starts – and gradually, by moving into one life 32 after another, he sheds the red, blue, yellow, green, black, brown, purple 33 accumulated in past lives, until at last, freed of all the illusions and false 34 concepts of past lives, his soul steps out into LIGHT and reincarnation is 35 no longer necessary. The soul is strong, resourceful, creative – but the 36 individuality of the soul is still inviolate and he begins to ascend into 37 38 Letter 9 373 different levels of spiritual LIGHT beyond the frequencies of vibration of 1 the world. 2 3 As I said in this Letter, I am with you always, radiating the TRUTH of 4 BEING in consciousness. The more you read these Letters, the more 5 you will become aware of my Presence and my Love and through this 6 contact my loving purposes for you will be fulfilled. Only you will be 7 able to break the contact. I am radiating Love no matter how you feel. 8 9 I leave you with my LOVE and longing for your speedy journey into 10 Spiritual Light. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Letter 9 374 Christ’s Articles Christ’s Articles 375 1 - Cracks in Your Planet 1 2 3 I have come this time, not to speak beautiful passages of spiritual 4 encouragement to arouse your spiritual yearnings but to reach into your 5 daily lives with your own colloquial language to shed LIGHT on what 6 people are daily doing to themselves – their bodies, lives, relationships and 7 to the planet generally. 8 9 It is their thoughts – leading to words – leading to actions with which I am 10 particularly concerned at this time. 11 12 People of all races and cultures – heed me! 13 14 The majority of thinking people realise that all your scientific technology 15 and widespread industrialisation are slowly killing your planet. 16 17 You recognise this. 18 19 But when will you wake up to the even more vitally important and 20 compelling realisation that your ego thoughts, words, actions are equally 21 destructive of your planet because these are consciousness energy forms – 22 and consciousness energy forms are precisely what your world is created 23 from – consciousness energy forms. 24 25 Your entire world is nothing more than a giant consciousness energy form 26 composed of billions of individual consciousness forms sprung from and 27 based upon the Void of Universal Consciousness which you could term 28 ‘God’ and have been evolved from apparent nothingness to its present state 29 through the process of your own desires and longings. 30 31 Therefore, you must try to understand that when, daily, you pour your ego 32 consciousness through the medium of your thoughts, words, actions, into 33 your world, you are sending out consciousness forms which are entirely 34 contrary to the Laws of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS. 35 36 37 38 Article 1 - Cracks in Your Planet 376 You are helping billions of other like-minded people to create a destructive 1 force in direct conflict with your SOURCE of BEING, UNIVERSAL 2 CONSCIOUSNESS which underpins and sustains all existence. 3 4 Inevitably, CRACKS IN THE STRUCTURE OF YOUR PLANET take 5 place and people experience tornados, earthquakes, floods and blizzards – 6 which are ALL physical manifestations of the breakdown of UNIVERSAL 7 LAW, which is UNIVERSAL LOVE, governing your world. 8 9 Does this indicate that ‘god’ love has been withdrawn from the world? 10 11 No! There is no such thing as ‘punishment from ‘god’ – because no such 12 individualised ‘human thinking’ god exists. This is a myth which should be 13 erased from people’s minds. 14 15 But your planet and you yourself, have been individualised out of 16 UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS which ITSELF is a Law which I 17 constantly reiterated when on earth – the LAW of FAITH in good and evil. 18 The LAW of CONVICTION. 19 20 Whatever you truly believe in – good, bad and indifferent will eventually be 21 manifested in your lives. 22 23 Therefore, be warned, and use the knowledge in this document to free 24 yourself of the world’s most destructive consciousness – ego consciousness. 25 26 Going to church will not help you. Sunday worship will not release you. 27 28 Your only hope of shaking yourself free from ego and the world’s 29 destructive consciousness is to follow the CHRIST WAY. 30 31 The Christ Way is the WAY which I, personally followed and lived after 32 full enlightenment in the desert – enlightenment which enabled me to 33 return to Nazareth and embark on a new life of healing, teaching and 34 control of the elements. Because my teaching was in direct opposition to 35 Judaic teaching of retribution, and a vengeful Jehovah, I was eventually 36 crucified. Any other explanation of my crucifixion is spurious and wholly 37 untrue. 38 Article 1 - Cracks in Your Planet 377 Prior to my six weeks in the desert in Palestine, I was an idle non-achiever. 1 After enlightenment, I was sole keeper of the secrets of creation and 2 creativity. 3 4 My enlightenment is fully explained in Letter 1 and my full transcendent 5 perception of the truth of existence itself, is outlined in my Letters. 6 7 These are offered free to all who have the will and courage to WALK my 8 CHRIST WAY leading ultimately to enlightenment, freedom from ego and 9 entry into the Kingdom of Heaven. 10 11 Enlightenment can come in various ways – it can come as a mind-blowing 12 experience which immediately transforms your perception of your 13 SOURCE of BEING and your previous intellectual understanding of your 14 world. True Enlightenment is an inflow of Divine Consciousness into your 15 human consciousness which you will never lose and which permanently 16 transforms your attitudes to your Creator and your life generally. 17 18 Or – through persistent study of my Letters, little moments of 19 extraordinary insight, little times of illumining shafts of LIGHT will enter 20 your mind which will shift the focus of your inner sight – or clear the lens 21 through which you see the world and judge the validity of all its opinions 22 and beliefs. 23 24 Gradually, you shed the illusions which previously blinded you and you 25 find yourself gaining mastery of your mind and actions, leading to 26 wholeness in every aspect of your individual being. 27 28 Walking the CHRIST WAY – as set out in my Letters – is a lifetime work 29 leading directly to freedom from anxiety and want. 30 31 As you read, you will find in them both my Presence and my Love. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Article 1 - Cracks in Your Planet 378 2 - Create Wonderful Lives 1 2 3 ‘Create beautiful lives, wonderful sex.’ 4 5 I have come again to talk, colloquially, about your lives and the way you 6 approach your daily living. You get up in the mornings and have absolutely 7 no idea of what really lies ahead. You plunge into your routine and speak 8 sentences and say words without a second thought of their likely impact on 9 your environment or of what they may do to your listeners or of what you 10 are laying up for yourselves in the future. 11 12 You believe you are in control of your life but, in fact, you are all acting 13 heedlessly and in total ignorance of what, minute by minute, you are 14 creating for yourselves. 15 16 Just as importantly, you carry around an emotional burden which no 17 amount of interesting events or exciting experiences can wipe from your 18 heart and consciousness. Everywhere you go, the emotional burden lowers 19 your consciousness vibrations and moves down into your nervous system 20 and then into your physical cells, reducing the life force in them and their 21 mode of functioning – including their efficiency in self-repair. 22 23 When you encounter opposition, your human ego stands up bristling in 24 self-defense. Your Ego’s job as ‘Custodian of your Individuality’ is to ensure 25 your survival. Therefore, it springs to your defense and you feel that 26 opposition in any form, is intolerable and not to be borne. 27 28 As a result, you find your minds and emotions becoming agitated, resentful 29 and heated, and you want to hit back, to make the opposition go away, 30 whether it is justified or not. 31 32 This is something that people must understand about the Ego – it is 33 absolutely lacking in insight, objectivity or spontaneous sense of justice. 34 35 When you are controlled by the Ego Impulses, the consciousness vibrations 36 you are now emitting are so off balance, so devoid of good sense, that they 37 adversely affect the people around you and create consciousness blueprints 38 Article 2 - Create Wonderful Lives 379 of so much disharmony that they begin to affect your future 1 experiences, activities and situations. 2 3 It is vitally important to your future welfare and lives that you wake up to 4 the fact that you are not victims of your circumstances and the experiences 5 in your lives – but the CREATOR of them. 6 7 For instance, if, during the day, you create a rumpus or argument with 8 work mates or boss, when you return home from your work to your nearest 9 and dearest in the evenings, you may be still controlled by your resentful 10 Ego. If so, you no longer speak from the quietness of your truth or from 11 any spiritual values you may possess – for these will now be discoloured and 12 distorted by the run-away emotions you created for yourself at work earlier 13 in the day. 14 15 Equally, in the morning, you may emerge from your home (which should 16 be a place where your spirit is renewed and your heart uplifted in warmth), 17 but you walk through your front door swathed with the disquiet of early 18 morning grumpy reactions to and from your partner. 19 20 Perhaps you had a row with your partner over one grievance or another and 21 tried to heal it with sex, only to find that whilst the sex seemed to bring you 22 emotionally closer again, it did not really satisfy, and it did not heal the 23 resentment. You must understand that when you have unprotected sex, you 24 exchange not only your body fluids but also your consciousness. 25 26 Many people’s consciousness is constantly so reactive, even hostile, towards 27 mankind and life generally, that it not only reduces the physical health of 28 the individual but also adversely affects the partner’s physical and emotional 29 wellbeing. 30 31 When, after a hurtful row you have sex to ‘make-up’ the quarrel, you are 32 then also infused with the consciousness of your partner’s bad feelings. All 33 unknowingly, you take those to work with you as well as your own. 34 35 I am explaining to you exactly how your earthly world (which you call 36 solid), but is really CONSCIOUSNESS energy – is fashioned out of bad 37 temper consciousness forms or those of love and good humour – affecting 38 Article 2 - Create Wonderful Lives 380 your health and performance in life for good or ill. Whatever kind of 1 consciousness you are creating, you leave your energy imprint on everything 2 you encounter … including your car, your computer and anything else you 3 may be using during the day. 4 5 ‘How can this be?’, you will probably ask. 6 7 Because the entire universe with all its galaxies, is only CONSCIOUSNESS 8 – LOVE/INTELLIGENCE in Its highest form working through the 9 interactions of electromagnetism. ELECTROMAGNETISM is really the 10 ‘stuff’ of human mind power and emotional impulses – as they are seen 11 within the field of earthly life. 12 13 Read Letter 5 and Letter 6 until you fully understand that nothing is solid. 14 All you see, feel, touch, are really CONSCIOUSNESS IMPULSES made 15 visible through the interplay of electromagnetism. 16 17 When you have fully understood this and have seen the true place you 18 occupy in creating good health or non-health, happiness or non-happiness 19 FOR YOURSELF AND OTHER PEOPLE – you may then be persuaded 20 that the only sensible way forward is to – 21 22 WALK CHRIST’S WAY ….… the WAY of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE 23 24 How can you begin to change your normal thought patterns and master 25 your unruly emotions? 26 27 You can do it by exercising willpower. But when you rely on your 28 willpower, you are leaning on the same ego consciousness as causes you to 29 lose your sense of emotional balance. This is like using treacle to wipe away 30 a mess of treacle. 31 32 Or you can learn to control your Ego by seeking to know and make contact 33 with the SOURCE of your BEING, Which I termed the ‘Father’. 34 35 Read Letter 7 and Letter 8. 36 37 38 Article 2 - Create Wonderful Lives 381 You are not alone. With consistent prayer and meditation, eventually you 1 will make contact with THAT which will prove to be your greatest source 2 of good and comfort in the world. 3 4 No doubt, many people will be wondering whether Christ approves of or 5 condemns condoms. Christ’s vibrant answer to this is: 6 7 No new, creative ideas ever come from the human brain cells. People who 8 invent and create something new, receive the new idea from the Universal. 9 Whatever comes from the Universal can be used to benefit creation. 10 11 The creation of the condom was one of the most loving and wonderful gifts 12 and blessings to appear on earth both outside and within the bonds of 13 marriage It has brought relief to women sorely burdened by the demands of 14 importunate men. It has been the means of sparing unwanted children the 15 misery of an unloved existence. Countless children may have been born into 16 poverty and died early deaths. With the arrival of Aids, the condom is 17 certainly a means of protecting a partner. 18 19 But, it must be understood, there are facets of existence where MORALITY 20 should be exercised. Letter 9 is very clear on what is TRUE sexual morality, 21 true SPIRITUAL and blessed sex, which the Church knows nothing about. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Article 2 - Create Wonderful Lives 382 3 - Is There Really a God? 1 2 3 I have returned to speak to you in colloquial language to address various 4 problems which people have to deal with when on earth. 5 6 I am doing this, through the mind of my Recorder, because those who have 7 truly embraced the TRUTH contained in my Letters and who try to 8 govern their daily lives by this deep understanding of the secrets of creation 9 have eventually found great relief from former burdens. 10 11 They have discovered, with joy, that mankind is not born to be a victim of 12 circumstances. They have found that they have a real, reliable ‘MEANS’ of 13 overcoming difficulties or bearing setbacks with inner strength and even 14 happiness. 15 16 What is this ‘MEANS’? 17 18 It is the SOURCE of all BEING – not the Jehovah type God described in 19 the Bible but the UNIVERSAL LIGHT of BEING which is experienced by 20 true mystics. As time goes by, people with a longing to delve more deeply 21 into spiritual TRUTH (not religion) will discover they have a natural 22 capacity for mysticism. 23 24 When this happens, such people will no longer ask: 25 26 ‘Is there really a God?’ 27 28 but will know beyond all doubt that there is a magnificently powerful, 29 universal FIRST CAUSE or UNIVERSAL SOURCE of BEING out of 30 Which all things have taken individualised form; in which magnificent 31 CONSCIOUSNESS ENERGY all living and inanimate things are sustained 32 and maintained throughout their worldly lives… and ever after. 33 34 Can you grasp how wonderfully uplifting and gloriously exciting it is to 35 discover that you are not really a burdened soul, a victim of circumstances, 36 born to be stuck in the rut into which you were born or the ravine into 37 which you have fallen in later years? 38 Article 3 - Is There Really a God? 383 Can you understand how exhilarating it is to come to the full and clear 1 realisation that this UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS ENERGY has been 2 within you all these years, secretly and quietly maintaining the growth, 3 nutrition, healing, protection from germs, ensuring replacement of dying 4 cells, giving added strength to muscles and tendons when called to do so by 5 extra exercise … all these wonderful activities within your bodies have taken 6 place without any help from you. 7 8 Can you see that you are daily, nightly, supported by – what you do not 9 know? 10 11 Scientists can explain all these activities but they cannot start to explain 12 what great IMPULSE of BEING impels them into action. 13 14 I can tell you – because I was given full enlightenment on earth and because 15 I have ascended through the various levels of LIGHT until I am on the very 16 edge of the ETERNAL EQUILIBRIUM in which our mutual FIRST 17 CAUSE, SOURCE of all BEING resides in a VOID of Stillness and 18 Silence. 19 20 I know the true nature of our FIRST CAUSE because I am an almost 21 perfect individualisation of IT myself. 22 23 YOU and I, who am the Ascended Christ, formerly known as ‘Jesus’ when 24 on earth, have BOTH come from the same SOURCE which I called the 25 ‘FATHER’ because, after enlightenment, I realised that IT is the TRUE 26 FATHER/MOTHER OF ALL CREATION. 27 28 Human parents are only the vehicles of creation through which the 29 SOURCE of BEING works. 30 31 Trust me, for I know beyond all doubt and tell you truly – 32 33 Whilst your human parents may let you down, When you walk MY WAY – 34 the CHRIST WAY – you will eventually find that the FATHER is an 35 unfailing SOURCE of supply, healing, guidance, presenting of unexpected 36 opportunities, inspiration and joy. 37 38 Article 3 - Is There Really a God? 384 No matter where you may be on earth, what trouble you may be in, what 1 disgrace you are facing, what lack of money may be dogging you, right 2 within you, around and above you, you have the SPIRITUAL MEANS on 3 which to call with all your heart and mind – and the answer will surely 4 come – IF YOU DO NOT DOUBT. 5 6 Many people will disagree with this statement and scoff. But it is also true 7 that they have lived in a state of disbelief. 8 9 Those who have chosen to walk, minute by minute, MY WAY – CHRIST’S 10 WAY – will agree with my words for they will have learnt how to meditate 11 properly – quietening the mind, experiencing a little of the Stillness and 12 Silence of the Void and the Universal Equilibrium – the very Source of 13 Creation – and thereby drawing on the SOURCE of all creativity and 14 perfection. 15 16 Let no one dare to condemn or criticize these words, until they, too, have 17 managed to quieten their chattering minds and entered the Silence. After 18 such an experience, no human mind can resist the call of the Divine to seek 19 THAT Which has given them life and raised them up to adulthood. 20 21 Go to Letter 1 to discover what I learnt through total enlightenment in the 22 Desert in Palestine. When you have fully absorbed the full TRUTH 23 concerning existence and begin to try to put the knowledge into daily 24 action as I did – you, too, will find miracles happening, ever more swiftly, 25 the more deeply and fully you absorb and practice the eternal Verities. 26 27 To fully understand your SOURCE and your true relationship to IT – read 28 Letter 5 and Letter 6 – read them again and again so that you will never 29 again think of your world as being solid matter – but will immediately 30 recognize that it is only composed of ETERNAL CONSCIOUSNESS and 31 the magnificent IMPULSES which comprise the NATURE of all BEING. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Article 3 - Is There Really a God? 385 4 - Chase the Bogeys 1 2 3 CHRIST explains in colloquial language – 4 5 ‘WHY YOU MUST ALWAYS LOOK UNDER YOUR BED before you go 6 to sleep at night.’ 7 8 What does this usually mean in your world? It means that when you are 9 young, you sometimes have a fear of bogey men hiding under your bed and 10 so you must look to see if they are really there. 11 12 When you WALK CHRIST’S WAY, you must always examine your 13 mindset before you sleep, to discover what fears you are harbouring. When 14 you have discovered whether you have any and what they are, you must 15 remind yourself that just as your imagination placed bogey men under your 16 bed when you were a child, so do you, as an adult, imagine catastrophes 17 that NEED never happen. 18 19 Please note: I say: ‘Need never happen.’ – not – ‘May’ never happen. 20 21 I say this because no matter what your problems may be, they remain only 22 in your mind as ‘problems’ until you have given them enough mind power 23 to manifest themselves as ‘apparent realities’ in your life. 24 25 Problems may be grave POSSIBILITIES according to the way your affairs 26 stand at the moment. For instance, you may be headed for dismissal from 27 work, you may be so short of money you do not know how to manage next 28 week, your child may be falling behind at school or facing expulsion – 29 whatever the problem, it does not become a true problem until it manifests 30 as a reality in your life. In the meanwhile, they remain MAYBE’s for the 31 future but already they are making you cringe and walk around with heavy 32 heart. 33 34 But even if the fears should manifest as apparent realities in the future – 35 even on the very brink of disaster, things can CHANGE! 36 37 38 Article 4 - Chase the Bogeys 386 PEOPLE in the world, who constantly WORRY, usually feel that nothing 1 GOOD is sure or reliable, yet the very opposite is true. Oh, you dear, dear 2 people, if only I could lift your consciousness high above the world, take 3 you behind the scenes of visible matter to the unseen dimension of spiritual 4 creativity where everything truly begins to come into being. You could then 5 see for yourselves that the SOURCE of your BEING, your only SOURCE 6 of SPIRITUAL UNCONDITIONAL LOVE has put in place everything to 7 fulfill your every need, but you, because you do not understand the reality 8 behind existence, create your own lack and limitations, sickness and 9 disasters. You create them with your criticism, complaining, being grudging 10 in praise of others’ achievements, grudging in affection to all people around 11 you, grudging in generosity to those who are experiencing poverty. 12 13 To discover why this is so, read Letter 1 until you fully understand the 14 TRUE NATURE of your SOURCE of BEING which I called ‘the Father’ 15 when I was on earth. 16 17 When you walk CHRIST’S WAY (MY WAY) you know very well, beyond 18 all doubt, that your absolute faith and conviction in Divine Protection will 19 bring you out of your troubles and will rescue you from possible loss or 20 pain. 21 22 To find out just why people who truly WALK CHRIST’S WAY can possess 23 such faith and conviction, read and reread Letter 5 and Letter 6 until you 24 fully realise that the things you can see, feel and touch are really only 25 IMPULSES made visible through the good services of electromagnetism. 26 27 When you WALK CHRIST’S WAY, you also know, just as I did when I 28 was on earth, there are just some things you have to go through – because 29 they are a natural consequence of something you have done in the past. It is 30 a result of something you did – it will now return in the form of a necessary 31 lesson which will bring you spiritual growth …out of which will come 32 spiritual blessings. 33 34 BUT … When you truly WALK CHRIST’S WAY – you accept the lesson 35 without resistance or resentment because, CHRIST LIKE, you too, KNOW 36 … that you will be given the strength and inner comfort to go through the 37 lesson with the least distress. 38 Article 4 - Chase the Bogeys 387 Read Letter 3 in which I speak of my time on earth and the few weeks 1 before my crucifixion. You will see that ‘mind control’ in any eventuality is 2 the only way to face up to life and overcome its obstacles. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Article 4 - Chase the Bogeys 388 5 - Walking in Love 1 2 3 WALKING IN LOVE – BECOMING LOVE 4 5 As I said to you in my last article, this series of notes to you will be practical 6 and down to earth, using colloquial language to reach you more easily. 7 8 I know that as soon as you hear a message concerning ‘love’, you may react 9 with a lift of your shoulders, thinking: 10 11 ‘Yes, that is what they all say. Very easy to say Christ has sent a message 12 about Love – but tell us something new, something real!’ 13 14 The very first thing I want to tell you is this: 15 16 There are two kinds of love – both completely different. They arise in two 17 different dimensions of being. 18 19 One is Spiritual and unattainable by the human consciousness until it has 20 gone through specific stages of initial ego-cleansing. 21 22 The second love is human and has nothing to do with Spiritual Love. 23 24 When a person’s soul begins to free itself of the Ego, it begins to impress 25 within the person’s consciousness an urgent need to get rid of the barriers 26 which shut one person off from another and to feel spiritually at peace with 27 other people. This is an advanced state of the soul which will now meet a 28 personal Master to lead him/her through the various stages of death of the 29 Ego. 30 31 If you examine the nature of human love, you will find that it is entirely 32 based on ‘a desire for something which will give you pleasure’ – whether it 33 be new clothes, different foods, a new house, more opulent car, new 34 partner. 35 36 That is why human love evaporates with time. If you come across a man or 37 woman who continue to care deeply about their spouse’s welfare after 38 Article 5 - Walking in Love 389 many, many years together, you can be sure that certain aspects of the lover 1 is ascending into the spiritual dimension and absorbing a capacity for 2 unconditional love from higher realms. 3 4 When you encounter the mindset: ‘I no longer love you and want someone 5 else’, you will recognize that this is Human Love, governed by Human Ego 6 speaking, and the consciousness of that person is quite unable to say 7 anything different as that is the level of their personal spiritual perception 8 in your world. 9 10 Therefore, they are not in any way to be judged – 11 12 Now if you have one facet of your consciousness already in the spiritual 13 dimension, you will be able to reply quietly and patiently to the partner: 14 15 ‘I see. I understand your statement. You must do what you feel you have to 16 do in the circumstances. Go in peace. Would you like me to help you pack 17 and call a taxi?’ 18 19 If, on the other hand, such a statement is ever made to a HUMAN 20 consciousness, governed by the Ego, he/she will yell: 21 22 ‘I always knew you were a s.. of a b…. I don’t want to see your ugly face 23 again …’ or words conveying a similar message of angry rejection. 24 25 - OR - 26 27 He/she will scream: ‘After all I’ve done for you. Is that the way you repay 28 me?’ 29 30 - OR - 31 32 He/she will weep and say: ‘You know you don’t mean what you’re saying 33 (although he has made it quite clear he means what he is saying) and you 34 cling to his leg whilst he drags the partner out of the door. 35 36 37 38 Article 5 - Walking in Love 390 ( I told you I would use colloquial language to get through to you. My Recorder 1 is shocked and did not know what I really intended doing before we started 2 these articles. ) 3 4 I think that you are now beginning to understand ‘Ego language’. Because 5 you recognize: 6 7 ‘I WANT’ or ‘I DON’T WANT – SO I REJECT.’ 8 9 BOTH FEELINGS ARE PERFECTLY LEGAL and LEGITIMATE 10 (according to Universal Law) providing you are not making anyone else 11 suffer by stealing, or running away from them. 12 13 If you read Letter 7 and Letter 8, you will come to understand exactly 14 what I mean by Ego Love and SPIRITUAL LOVE. You will learn how to 15 move through the Ego Barrier to make contact with the spiritual vibrations 16 of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE to make it possible for you to feel and 17 express true, spiritual, unconditional Love. 18 19 This is essential if you intend to Walk Christ’s Way. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Article 5 - Walking in Love 391 6 - You are NOT Alone! 1 2 3 I have come to speak to you in colloquial language, as far as I am able, to 4 reach people who have not yet found my Letters and who, presently, see no 5 reason to read them. 6 7 In fact, my Letters, explaining what I taught in Palestine and giving further 8 explanation of the origins of creation, will give receptive people the means 9 to overcome every difficulty encountered in existence. 10 11 This may sound like a far-fetched claim but it is nonetheless true. 12 The Letters give you the information known to true Masters who showed 13 that they had control of ‘atomic states of being’ by controlling the elements 14 and creating food and objects from nothing. I also controlled the elements, 15 healed and created necessities, and was only able to do so because I 16 possessed the deep and secret knowledge I have shared with you in 17 my Letters. 18 19 Do not compare my message to you with the messages from others. 20 21 Everyone has their unique mission and purpose in life – and mine is 22 EXCLUSIVELY to give you the exact means to lift yourselves out of your 23 present turmoil of existence – nothing else. Therefore, my messages may be 24 repetitive but they are directed solely to inspiring and helping you to make 25 a decision to follow CHRIST’S WAY – MY WAY, no matter how difficult 26 you may find that way to be. You will persevere because along My Way, 27 you will find rewards which will prove to you that you are definitely on the 28 right path. 29 30 But you cannot put foot to My Way until you realise fully and completely 31 that the entire universe is CONSCIOUSNESS – AWARENESS made 32 visible through the interaction of electrical particles and magnetism. 33 34 This is fully explained in Letter 5 and Letter 6. But reading alone will not 35 make you a Master. A true Master understands that the ORIGIN of all 36 creation is UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS and that IT is the Divine 37 Source of all Love and Intelligence. To be a true Master, a person has to 38 Article 6 - You are NOT Alone! 392 understand the way the universe has come into being, know, intimately, the 1 true nature of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS, and has to so purify 2 himself of the impulses of the Ego, that he is absolutely free of all ego 3 impurities in his mind and emotions. 4 5 When he reaches this state of inner cleanliness of thought, feeling and 6 action, never demanding of others but willing and eager to give to the 7 uttermost of all he possesses, because he knows perfectly well that he can 8 have anything he needs, he will be a perfectly open channel of DIVINE 9 CONSCIOUSNESS which is the creative Impulse within this dimension of 10 visible creation. 11 12 When he has achieved such a state of inner purity and cleanliness, he will 13 live in a state of inner joy, peace, and unconditional love. He will 14 understand the living world and the difficulties such living things encounter 15 and feel an immediate and spontaneous love and compassion for all. 16 17 He will have transcended the world and its millions of self-interests, self-18 indulgences, experiences of despair, fear, revenge, hatred, slandering, gossip, 19 rejection of others. All these worldly activities will go on around him but he 20 will not experience them himself. He will only feel boundless compassion 21 and love for them. He will only long and yearn passionately, to TEACH the 22 world the TRUTH OF BEING. 23 24 He will make every sacrifice with joy, to help people understand the 25 TRUTH and live it in their every thought, word, deed. He will do this, 26 because it will be painful for him to know that as people stubbornly persist 27 in their own way, thinking, feeling, reacting, in any way that their emotions 28 prompt them to do, they are only creating more of the same misery which 29 has driven them to seek a way out of it. 30 31 When people eventually find their way out of the morass of their chaotic 32 thinking and emotional reactions, they discover that this is the only true 33 way to happiness and they are exceedingly relieved and grateful that they 34 have managed to surmount their habits of thought and feeling which 35 previously pulled them down into experiences causing them pain and 36 misery. 37 38 Article 6 - You are NOT Alone! 393 Do not marvel or question that it is truly I, the CHRIST, speaking to you. 1 I come to speak to you through the total emptiness of my Recorder’s mind 2 and heart – and speak those things which are necessary for you to know to 3 start to put behind you the sadnesses and despair of the past, and to give 4 you the courage and incentive to start anew, daily meditating and drawing 5 into your human consciousness the Divine Consciousness which brought 6 you into being in the world. 7 8 Above all, I want you to understand you are not alone in your struggle to 9 live comfortably and happily. You are not alone in your battle to change 10 your habits of thoughts and feeling. The more you call upon for Divine 11 Consciousness, even if it is only a momentary connection you set up, you 12 are drawing into your consciousness new life and moments of Intelligence 13 and Love which will inspire you to an even greater degree as you persevere 14 and DO NOT LOSE HEART. 15 16 As you call on me, you will make contact with my Christ Consciousness 17 and will eventually be aware of my response and instruction when you have 18 questions to ask. 19 20 Remember that it takes time to purify your thoughts and emotions and 21 negative reactions to other people. 22 23 Until you have got rid of your deep and darkest feelings of anger, vitriolic 24 criticism, rejection, resentment and frustration, you will not be able to hear 25 my Voice. 26 27 Remember that to receive even my first whispers in the silence of your 28 meditation or during a moment of inner quiet, you have to make changes 29 in your consciousness, you have to become fully aware that LOVE is the 30 only way to freedom, and this takes patience and time. 31 32 You are not alone. We who have moved into the highest echelons of 33 spiritual realisation and Divine Consciousness have only love for you and 34 our most urgent desire is for your escape from travail and your progression 35 into Light, wisdom and unconditional Love. 36 37 38 Article 6 - You are NOT Alone! 394 7 - My TRUE Mission 1 2 3 I know how very difficult your life is. As I descend from the heights of 4 spiritual Joy to make contact with earthly vibrations, I, myself feel the 5 changes of consciousness within myself and feel the pressure of the heavy, 6 burdensome vibrations and your thoughts upon my soul. 7 8 When I came to earth over two thousand years ago, my Mission was to 9 enlighten the minds of people who had taken on and into themselves, a 10 religion part pagan – part mystical. The people, who had so imbued 11 themselves, were arrogant and convinced they were the chosen people of a 12 God – Jehovah – whom they ardently believed in but who did not exist. 13 14 Their Prophets spoke of their mystical perception of some transcendent 15 spiritual consciousness. They used imaginative language to describe this 16 GOD. They created mental images of greatness and grandeur. They also 17 produced the desired effect of controlling the people by fear of reprisals 18 from Heaven in the shape of personal loss, disease, deprivation, pests and 19 climatic disasters. 20 21 The purpose behind my, Jesus’, life in Palestine, was to teach the Jews that 22 their perception of their CREATOR was entirely wrong. But their fanatical 23 adherence to their treasured religious beliefs was impenetrable and 24 consequently, instead of achieving my purposes on earth, I was crucified 25 because of them. 26 27 It is not possible for me to return to earth in any form – either as a child, 28 which could not contain my powerful vibrations, or as a Celestial Being. 29 The multitudes would be unable to see me. Just as there are things seen and 30 heard by animals which are invisible to the human eye, so do I remain 31 invisible to people who are on an earthly wavelength. 32 33 Consequently, I have had to prepare the mind of an evolved soul who took 34 on human form to bring my message to earth. Those who are sufficiently 35 spiritually evolved to hear – will hear. Those who are not yet ready, will not 36 hear and will not be able to receive – at this present time. But all people are 37 38 Article 7 - My TRUE Mission 395 on the upward walk leading eventually to the very highest Celestial 1 Kingdoms. 2 3 So what is my True Mission this time – through the mind of another? 4 5 It is to try to make people fully aware of the way in which their universe has 6 been brought into visible manifestation and being. 7 8 This is the most important message ever brought to earth, since it goes way 9 beyond superficialities, to the very basic level of all creativity and deals with 10 the part that humans play in that creativity: in the creativity of their 11 personality, health, relationships, environment, experiences and events in 12 their lives. It explains the reasons for their success in their daily lives – or 13 their lack of it. It outlines the sure way to change persistent failures into 14 success. 15 16 This article is to draw your attention to the vibrations of consciousness. As 17 your thoughts change, so do the vibrations because these are responsible for 18 the appearance of all things. When trees are newly felled, they are healthy 19 and their vibrations are of a certain frequency. But when the wood has lain 20 on the ground for many, many years, the vibrations gradually drop – and 21 the wood visibly rots. 22 23 You should understand that the appearance of the wood is only changing 24 because the vitality and vibrations are gradually fading away. 25 26 Therefore, it should be easy to understand that the reality of everything 27 under the sun is really within the underlying energy which supports it, not 28 in the thing which can be touched, seen and heard. 29 30 The same applies to your bodies. In the beginning, vibrations in a healthy 31 body are normal. Later on, through wear and tear and negative thoughts, 32 the vibrations begin to drop to such an extent that the tissue changes and 33 sickness sets in. When you are tired, exhausted, your vibrations in your 34 body drop somewhat and it is no longer so easy to move around. After rest 35 and sleep, the vibrations are restored and you feel able to continue your 36 daily activities again. 37 38 Article 7 - My TRUE Mission 396 Everything in existence is CONSCIOUSNESS appearing as different 1 materials in plants, animals, humans, and in inanimate things such as the 2 elements and stones, earth, metals. 3 4 Everything you encounter is really electrical particles vibrating at a certain 5 rate, producing certain appearances. Change the vibrations of a thing 6 radically – and inject it with a new consciousness – and you have a different 7 commodity. 8 9 In this way could I, with the powerful use of my visual imagination and 10 belief, draw together the electrical particles to create food. When you 11 visualize what is needed, and believe with all your heart and mind that this 12 electromagnetic blueprint will draw to itself the components to make it real 13 in the world, eventually it will manifest itself. 14 15 This revelation has been around for a long time but the even greater 16 revelation has been overlooked. 17 18 Beware of what you may be creating for yourself when you have no idea you 19 are doing it. 20 21 Beware of those judgemental, critical thoughts which can harm another 22 human being – and can return to harm you also. 23 24 Beware those unguarded emotional moments when you wish certain 25 circumstances or events on another. Destructive thoughts bring about 26 destructive consequences. 27 28 Have you found that things continually go wrong for you? Examine your 29 attitudes and your thoughts about other people. 30 31 Remember that electricity sends out the message and magnetism brings it 32 back – sometimes with interest. 33 34 Remember that when you look upon things with grave disfavour, or 35 irritation, you are interfering with their natural vibrations which make 36 them what they are. 37 38 Article 7 - My TRUE Mission 397 Beware, lest, unwittingly, you bring your own house down around your 1 ears! 2 3 Beware when you contemplate the weather. Don’t complain about the rain 4 and say you wish it would stop. It may stop longer than you want it to. 5 Don’t complain about the sun and wish it would rain – it may come in 6 floods. 7 8 When you WALK CHRIST’S WAY – MY WAY – you will take everything 9 in the world which is posing problems to DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS – 10 the ‘FATHER’ and ASK for adjustments or needs which will be entirely 11 suitable for you. 12 13 In this way, the ‘FATHER’ which is intimately connected with you, within 14 you and around you, will respond with the right input of 15 CONSCIOUSNESS to put all things right for you. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Article 7 - My TRUE Mission 398 8 - When are You Going to WAKE UP? 1 2 3 When I last spoke to you, I was saying as clearly as I could through my 4 Recorder’s mind: 5 6 WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO WAKE UP, GROW UP AND DECIDE 7 YOU WILL HAVE THE COURAGE TO CAST ASIDE YOUR OLD 8 WELL-LOVED MYTHS OF A BLEEDING CHRIST ON A CROSS, 9 PAYING FOR YOUR SINS? 10 11 When will you accept MY Truth – the truth that I, Jesus, was seen to be a 12 threat to public peace and a THREAT TO THE JEWISH LEADERS 13 because I taught the people about a God of Love. A GOD Which did not 14 need sacrifices! 15 16 I taught people that FORGIVENESS was essential to experience a happy 17 and healthy life, whilst the Jews taught ‘an eye for an eye’ and that their 18 GOD sent them into Holy Wars against the ‘pagans’. 19 20 I, the true Christ, taught them that they should not be worried about 21 unclean drinking cups but should watch what came from their minds and 22 mouths. 23 24 Those who have insight and understanding will recognize that I have 25 returned and am enlarging on this simple theme and explaining WHY I 26 taught the principles of life which people now need so urgently to save 27 themselves and the planet from wholesale disaster. 28 29 Read Letter 1 until you fully understand it. 30 31 Read Letter 5 and Letter 6 until you fully realise: 32 33 • that you THINK and FEEL with the same energy as your world is 34 created from. 35 36 • that your thoughts are electromagnetic blueprints which eventually 37 externalize as events and things you have either longed for – or 38 Article 8 - When are you Going to WAKE UP? 399 greatly feared – OR, as those things which, good and bad, you have 1 done to others. 2 3 Don’t dismiss these Letters as having no bearing on your lives. 4 5 They explain exactly why LOVE is the very stuff of which your body has 6 been fashioned. When you live with anger, resentment, and dislike in your 7 hearts, you are actively creating negative forces which gradually undermine 8 your health and destroy your bodies and your lives. 9 10 Because the Letters describe the true NATURE of ‘THAT’ Which has 11 brought all visible things into conscious being and your exact relationship 12 to IT, with the Letters’ help, you can change your own self. 13 14 You can become the kind of person YOU will be happy to live with. 15 16 Never again, will you have to be told to love and respect yourself. 17 18 When you have read and reread And LIVED my Letters daily, you will 19 respect and esteem yourself spontaneously – naturally – JOYOUSLY. 20 21 You will rejoice in WHO you really are and in your limitless potential for 22 creativity. 23 24 THIS IS NOT A NEW AGE teaching. 25 26 My CHRIST TEACHING remains and will remain the same throughout 27 eternity: 28 29 ‘It is the ‘Father’ – DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS – does the work of 30 creativity in me – and will do so equally in you when you overcome the 31 ego.’ 32 33 ‘When you, too, BECOME Universal Love.’ 34 35 36 37 38 Article 8 - When are you Going to WAKE UP? 400 9 - Human Love Brings Disappointment 1 2 3 LOVE – LOVE – LOVE – is the only way to healing, wellbeing, 4 prosperity, true success, happiness. 5 6 I know that you regard this talk of LOVE as being sanctimonious or 7 sentimental, or advice that will make you ‘please’ ‘God’ – or ‘pleasing’ to 8 ‘God’ – or that will make you a ‘good’ person as opposed to a ‘wicked’ one. 9 10 But this is the way that your grandfathers thought. Never, at any time 11 during or since my life in Palestine, did I ever make a statement to help you 12 become a ‘better’ person. 13 14 This is a Jewish misinterpretation of my earthly teachings. 15 16 Such interpretations must now be discarded as swiftly as possible. 17 18 They cloud your inner perceptions and spiritual vision. 19 20 They prevent sincere spiritual seekers from accepting the TRUTH of 21 BEING. 22 23 Knowledge of the TRUTH of BEING enabled me to leave the desert in 24 Palestine a changed man, a spiritual Master and Healer in control of atomic 25 elements. 26 27 It is now time, for those who are ready, to absorb that knowledge and begin 28 to construct the lives it is within their power to construct. 29 30 This is why I have deliberately set up a means of reaching the world 31 through the dedicated co-operation of the Recorder, to try to lift you out of 32 worldwide beliefs taught by Christian Churches – beliefs which are blinding 33 your spiritual vision. 34 35 The BELIEF that you were created by the kind of ‘God’ which views the 36 earth as a schoolmaster views his school, marking up black crosses for bad 37 behaviour and awarding ‘golden stars’ for good work. 38 Article 9 - Human Love Brings Disappointment 401 A GOD whom ignorant people worshipped for thousands of years, A GOD 1 who needed GIFTS and WORSHIP to sway ‘HIM’ from sending 2 punishments in the form of pests, diseases, floods, epidemics, death: 3 4 • a GOD who delighted in the sacrifice of birds and unblemished 5 animals, 6 7 • a GOD who could only be reconciled to the world he had created, 8 through the bloody death of his so called only SON. 9 10 I, the true Christ, can only say to the Christians in the world: ‘What a very 11 exemplary, noble-minded GOD you have fashioned for yourselves! A GOD 12 to be feared – but never revered!’ 13 14 I, the true Christ, can only ask the Christians in the world: ‘What is there 15 in your personal nature or character which drives you, in this more 16 enlightened age, an age of evolving brotherly love, to cling to and violently 17 defend the old Christian Dogma, which, logically speaking, has not a single 18 provable truth to commend itself to your reasoning mind?’ 19 20 You have made for yourselves a GOD which you, yourselves, would never 21 emulate, whose dictatorial behaviour your countries have legislated against 22 by passing LAWS on HUMAN RIGHTS. 23 24 Your Human Laws have outlawed the stick in your schools, yet you cling to 25 and defend a religion which is all about the ‘big stick’… 26 27 ‘Believe in Jesus Christ or you’ll go to hell.’ 28 29 Since I, The CHRIST, am Universal LOVE Itself – please stop reading for 30 a moment and try to understand that such a statement could never, ever be 31 made by myself. Try to understand that my intervention by means of your 32 Internet was inevitable. 33 34 I will leave you here to give you time to absorb my message. I commend to 35 you Letter 2 and Letter 3, describing as best as possible, the real persona of 36 Jesus who lived and was crucified in Palestine over 2000 years ago. 37 38 Article 9 - Human Love Brings Disappointment 402 10 - Consciousness Energy 1 2 3 ‘Keep your Consciousness whole, unfragmented.’ 4 5 It is of the greatest importance to your health, relationships, success in life 6 and your happiness, that you should fully understand the true nature of 7 Consciousness (Letter 5 and Letter 6 onward) and of your own unique 8 Consciousness. 9 10 You must fully grasp that what you THINK – and FEEL – and what you 11 DO, is a ‘consciousness energy’ which forms the entire fabric of your 12 experiences in life. It is the driving force behind all that happens to you and 13 what you do. It is the ground on which you build your life and the reservoir 14 of strength giving impetus to your daily life. It is all you ARE beyond your 15 soul, at this present moment. It is the full scope of all you can be and do at 16 this precise moment. 17 18 The state of your consciousness limits or promotes your wellbeing. 19 Therefore, the contents of your consciousness, the degree of your spiritual 20 awareness, insights, perceptions, beliefs, knowledge, standards of behaviour, 21 qualities of nature, morals – are your treasure from which you build your 22 life. You can only build on what you are at this present time. And what you 23 construct will be built of the elements or bricks of your consciousness – 24 nothing else. 25 26 Therefore, as hundreds of thousands of people are finding worldwide – if 27 you want to change your life, you must first change your consciousness. 28 29 (Letter 7 describes how to do this, very clearly.) 30 31 When you drive a car, you make very certain (if you are wise) that every 32 part of the car is in good working order. Every tiny contributing factor to 33 the trouble-free running of your car must be attended to – the battery 34 topped up and leads connected, spark plugs cleaned and tuned, petrol in 35 tank, oil in sump and so on. 36 37 38 Article 10 - Consciousness Energy 403 Therefore, to create a happy successful life, you must take the greatest and 1 daily care of the various elements and facets of your consciousness. 2 3 You will remember and try to practise non-criticism and non-4 judgementalism for these are destructive of others and eventually, we find 5 ourselves in a similar firing line. You will try to control your anger, 6 searching your mind for reasons why the target of your anger behaved as 7 they did. This will defuse your anger. You will try to find lovable traits 8 about everyone you meet or see throughout your day, otherwise, you will, 9 all unknowingly, be radiating an offensive consciousness energy which will 10 be picked up and resented by others. 11 12 Possibly, all of these facets of consciousness are already known to you. But 13 now I want to tell you about the dangers of fragmenting your 14 consciousness. 15 16 You do this even when you tell a white lie. A black lie is a horrendous insult 17 to your own consciousness and to the consciousness of your listener. You 18 may think that it is of no consequence but when you lie you send out a 19 stream of false consciousness on which you expect other people to build 20 their responses. 21 22 Such a hitch in your consciousness, since you know you have lied, creates 23 holes in the fabric of your own consciousness. 24 25 Where there are holes in your consciousness there is a hiatus in the life 26 force you expend on activities and goals, and a foul-up in the consciousness 27 which keeps you healthy and happy. Even in your communication, it will 28 cause a lack of the vibrancy and certainty that those with whole and healthy 29 consciousness fabrics, are able to impart when speaking to others or even 30 simply leaving a spoken message. 31 32 A healthy consciousness is created when you treat others as you would like 33 to be treated. Therefore, fulfill your promises or make provision that the 34 breaking of a promise will not cause undue frustration or unhappiness or 35 difficulty. 36 37 38 Article 10 - Consciousness Energy 404 Tell the truth in such a way as your listener will not be offended. Love 1 always finds a way. 2 3 Do not ‘fabricate’ stories to make yourself a hero or heroine or victim. 4 5 Do not exaggerate a circumstance in any way since you can send another 6 person away with a falsehood in their minds. This can be more injurious to 7 them than you can imagine. Never, ever cause another person to stumble or 8 fall along their daily path. 9 10 Let everything you think, say and do, be a harmonious whole directed in 11 your mind and heart by love and concern for every other person’s 12 wellbeing. In this way, you create the foundation of a whole, happy life for 13 yourself. You create the type of consciousness which is easily attuned to that 14 of Divine Consciousness. 15 16 Then, miracles happen. 17 18 If you lack success, examine your consciousness. Do you keep your word? 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Article 10 - Consciousness Energy 405 11 - Christ Consciousness 1 2 3 It is not enough to be concerned about your life on earth. You should be 4 equally concerned about your life and wellbeing when you move into the 5 next dimensions. 6 7 Here, more than ever, you find yourself within the dimension of ‘Being’ 8 which is the outer manifestation of your own consciousness but to an even 9 greater extent than when you are on earth. 10 11 When on earth, you do create your own unique environment from the 12 fabric of your overall consciousness, but you can also partake of your 13 neighbour’s environment when you meet or live together. This means that 14 when you are on earth, you can move into a more pleasant environment, 15 meet more pleasant people than your own consciousness normally creates or 16 attracts towards you. But this incompatibility leads to friction and 17 discomfort. 18 19 People either feel out of their comfort zone or stifled by the higher 20 consciousness they encounter and can’t wait to get back to the lower 21 consciousness environment in which they feel at ease. Some people are 22 drawn and born into a consciousness strata in which they feel they are 23 aliens and spontaneously begin working, even in childhood, to move away 24 into the strata of consciousness in which they will be able to thrive. 25 26 The level of CONSCIOUSNESS you die with, is the level you will bring 27 back. 28 29 Sometimes, a person with a high level of spiritual perception may be drawn, 30 at birth, into a family of lower spiritual levels because the environment will 31 strengthen their awareness and increase their spiritual stamina as they 32 struggle in their early years to return to their rightful consciousness ‘home’ 33 in the spiritual stratum on earth – and later, in the next world. 34 35 Just as you experience your undeveloped consciousness when you pass over, 36 so do you go into the higher dimensions which reflects your own 37 consciousness when you have reincarnated several times and worked on 38 Article 11 - Christ Consciousness 406 gaining spiritual insight. You find that you and everyone else you 1 encounter, is of the same consciousness. You will be magnetised into the 2 conditions which are compatible and by reason of your own creativity, you 3 can perfectly contribute to. 4 5 If, on passing over, the consciousness has been ego-oriented and vicious, the 6 individual will quickly reincarnate, since the feeling of discomfort will be 7 intolerable. Gladly, such a person returns to earth in another identity. At 8 this level of existence, earth conditions seem to be preferable to those in the 9 astral world. It takes many lifetimes before the soul awakens to the fact that 10 escape is only possible when the human mind sets itself to try to lift the 11 perceptions and consciousness to a more endurable comfort zone. 12 13 The more spiritual the consciousness of a person before they pass over, the 14 more that they have looked back over their lives, gained insight into the ego 15 control of their minds and feelings, the damage they have done to other 16 people’s lives, the unhappiness they have caused, the greater the spiritual 17 progress will they make. 18 19 As they experience burning remorse, so does the pain of the remorse 20 eradicate the ego-domination in their minds and hearts, until, little by 21 little, they eventually leave this life fully aware that the PATH of 22 UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is the only way to follow. 23 24 Such people fully understand, acknowledge and are clearly aware that all 25 misery – sickness, deprivations, lack of success, unhappiness are derived 26 from lack of LOVE in one’s approach to life, people, environment. 27 CRITICISM is the biggest obstruction of all to inner happiness because it is 28 highly destructive. It is reflected in the person’s life because when you 29 judge, judgement comes home to roost, as the saying goes. 30 31 Criticism of others interferes with their wellbeing and consequently, as we 32 damage others even in the slightest, again, the damage will return with 33 interest. 34 35 Therefore, when you undertake to walk Christ’s Way, you must understand 36 that it is a path of relentless self analysis and finding the courage to look at 37 38 Article 11 - Christ Consciousness 407 your actions in the light of LOVE, willing to see the truth about your 1 thought and emotions. 2 3 As you move forward along the path, it becomes easier to move into a 4 perception of the truth of others, of what drives them, motivates them, 5 causes them to make mistakes in their relationships, in their workplace and 6 close family. 7 8 The more you can empathise with others, understand what motivates them, 9 perceive the difficulties which push them into ill-considered actions, the 10 higher becomes your own spirituality, your own sense of compassion and 11 love towards those who – you now realise – are really doing the very best 12 they can in the environment and circumstances they have created for 13 themselves. 14 15 From this standpoint, it becomes easier and easier to apologise, until the 16 time comes when, seeing the truth of the other person so clearly, you 17 cannot wait to forgive and erase all tension and criticism of them from your 18 thinking. 19 20 When it comes your time to pass over, such an illumined person, living in 21 peace and harmony with the entire world, will move into a state of utter 22 blessedness and joy. They move into Light and there is no looking back at 23 earth. At last, they find that they have moved into that dimension of Being 24 where they are content and fully at peace. 25 26 After a while, they begin to notice that there are even higher dimensions of 27 existence and they set about preparing, enlarging, expanding their 28 consciousness to absorb even higher vibrations of Divine Consciousness and 29 they become ever more creative and radiant transmitters of 30 UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. 31 32 Such people are truly the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. 33 34 35 36 37 38 Article 11 - Christ Consciousness 408 12 - Life More Abundant 1 2 3 I said, when I walked the earth in Palestine, 4 5 ‘I HAVE COME TO BRING YOU LIFE MORE ABUNDANT’. 6 7 Has anyone in the Christian Churches ever truly understood this statement? 8 9 Life More Abundant in your human minds may mean more energy, vitality, 10 health – perhaps even riches. 11 12 But from my perspective of having BECOME the individualisation of LIFE 13 ITSELF, I meant something so far beyond your human perceptions at this 14 moment, that I know this is the right time to try to lift your consciousness 15 to the higher levels of spiritual consciousness where you will begin to 16 glimpse the TRUTH I was trying to reveal to the Jews in Palestine. 17 18 LIFE MORE ABUNDANT!! 19 20 In the earlier words of this statement, I tried to make it clear that your 21 human perceptions are limited. In fact, unless you have already been on a 22 true spiritual path, seeking the Reality of THAT which gave form and 23 consciousness to all creation, you will be bound down by your ruling 24 ‘Sovereign’ – the Ego. 25 26 The EGO sorely limits the breadth of your human perceptions and vision, 27 since it forces your consciousness to focus exclusively on your own 28 happiness and survival. 29 30 It is only when the soul of a person first sends out a message to its human 31 consciousness that there is more to life than ‘the self’, that the individual 32 begins to want to discover more about life and about the Origins of life. 33 34 As the consciousness of the human mind is gradually woken up from its 35 long subordination to the Ego, so does it begin to question much that lies 36 beyond its present knowledge. At the beginning of its quest for greater 37 knowledge of the unknown, it will probably be drawn to a religion, since it 38 Article 12 - Life More Abundant 409 would seem, humanly speaking, that the Churches must hold within their 1 wisdom and teachings, the secrets of the Source of Life. 2 3 This Christian subservience to Religious human domination, claiming to 4 know the secrets of the universe, is a good kindergarten for the opening 5 consciousness of Ego-directed minds. 6 7 Thou shall worship God; Thou shall not kill; thou shall not steal; thou shall 8 not commit adultery and sleep with your neighbour’s wife; thou shall not 9 slander and tell lies; thou shall not envy your neighbour’s goods; and so on. 10 11 All these rules belong to the control of the Ego Kingdom. They do not 12 apply to the spiritual realms of the soul. The soul knows nothing of such 13 human impulses. 14 15 The very first injunction: ‘To worship the Lord thy God’ is a pagan concept. 16 17 PAGANS put up fetishes to worship. SPIRITUAL ADEPTS move beyond 18 this elementary human practice and begin to experience the Infinite – 19 Divine Consciousness which is transcendent of all forms of consciousness 20 on earth. 21 22 When coming into membership of a Church – especially a Christian or 23 Jewish religion, the first instruction is to remember at all times that you 24 have come from a great SOURCE which has given you individuality and 25 consciousness. Because this is so, you must refrain from the Ego Impulses. 26 27 The Ego Impulses impel you to grasp those possessions which you believe 28 will make you more comfortable or happy, and to push away, defend 29 yourself, physically if necessary, from those elements and things which 30 make you uncomfortable or are perceived to be dangerous to your life and 31 wellbeing. 32 33 On entering a religious observance, your immediate attention is drawn to 34 God and you are taught that to ‘please’ God and ensure your own 35 happiness, you must avoid all the ego impulses listed above. But this is still 36 an ego-driven precept. Since the unacknowledged purpose behind it is the 37 aim of finding happiness and security. 38 Article 12 - Life More Abundant 410 If you belong to a Christian Church, then there is usually the 1 following: ‘Unless you please God – you sin.’ 2 3 As you may be able to see, this statement places severe limitations on your 4 ability to appreciate life. You are placed in a mental cage imprisoning your 5 mind within these dire warnings that unless you please God, you will sin, 6 and punishment inevitably follows. How this punishment will be 7 recognized is never said, BUT THE THREAT LIES OVER CHURCH 8 GOERS’ HEADS. Some people are greatly depressed by this teaching. 9 10 This is a severe restriction of the LIFE IMPULSE which is, in its fullest 11 sense, boundless JOY, enthusiasm, laughter, love, spontaneity, a feeling of 12 wellbeing and an inbuilt sense of optimism – that life will never let you 13 down – that you will have enough to eat, drink, clothe yourself and 14 everything needed to make your lives happy. 15 16 LIFE is an active stream of consciousness having its origins in UNIVERSAL 17 CONSCIOUSNESS. IT unites – and ignites – dormant SEEDS in plants, 18 animals and human beings, and impels them to grow according to an innate 19 plan which science calls DNA. 20 21 This is the true universal, eternal LIFE IMPULSE which is yours by right 22 of birth into this world. You can witness it in children, before their little 23 minds, coached by adults, begin to wonder whether LIFE is really so secure, 24 and free of pain and misery, as they thought it was. Instinctively, babies lie 25 on their backs and wave their arms and legs and gurgle with laughter. 26 ‘BEING ALIVE is GOOD’, they are saying. Providing, of course, they have 27 had the good fortune to be born into loving families which cater to all their 28 needs. 29 30 But there is a far deeper ASPECT OF LIFE – which is really UNIVERSAL 31 CONSCIOUSNESS become active within Its own creation of the galaxies 32 and earth itself. 33 34 It is an aspect that was given me to perceive clearly and UNDERSTAND 35 when I was in the Sinai Desert in Palestine. I saw that the ORIGIN of 36 LIFE, the SOURCE of our BEING, always manifested Itself through all 37 living things from the very least to the greatest, from a pansy to an 38 Article 12 - Life More Abundant 411 elephant, in a very special way, an intelligent way. It was so consistent, you 1 could call IT the NATURE of THAT which has brought all created things 2 into visible being. 3 4 ITS NATURE is also the SOURCE of all earthly wonder, joy, happiness, 5 personal fulfilment and creativity. 6 7 No matter where living beings, humans and animals, may go, they are 8 literally supported minute by minute by the indwelling NATURE of 9 our SOURCE of BEING There is no escaping it. BUT – until I came to 10 earth, and then, not until I returned through the mind of my Recorder, has 11 this great TRUTH been taught, showing its full significance. 12 13 You do not have to chase happiness, or success, expansion of your dreams, 14 or health – because ALL OF THESE are already within you, being 15 impressed in you by your SOURCE of BEING, your SOURCE of LIFE. 16 All these things you so earnestly and rightly long for – are YOURS. But 17 they do not appear to be yours, because they are hidden under all your 18 mental structures, beliefs, opinions, created and handed down by your 19 ancestors and their ancestors before them – and it is high time that you, – 20 as many of you as are capable of taking necessary action, can launch into a 21 wholesale reupholstering of your mental programme. 22 23 Strip away the myths, strip away your bogey men, your fears, your despair, 24 your frustrations, your anguish, and wake up – STAND UP and REALISE 25 that they are all in your mind, born of your personal mental conditioning, 26 AND GET RID OF THEM. 27 28 More easily said than done, you will no doubt be thinking, but the GREAT 29 TRUTH of BEING is THIS. 30 31 ‘YOU ARE NOT ALONE.’ 32 33 There are teachers who will preach positive thinking – but I never did that. 34 I told you clearly that the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS WITHIN YOU. 35 36 What I meant was that LIFE is the source of ALL you could ever want – 37 providing you allow it to work in you by sweeping away all doubt AND by 38 Article 12 - Life More Abundant 412 BELIEVING THAT IT WILL BRING YOU INTO PROSPERITY, JOY 1 AND FULFILMENT to the extent you can rid your minds and emotions 2 of old ego thoughts and feelings. 3 4 THIS is what I meant when I said: ‘I came to bring you life more 5 abundant’. I came – and I am come now – to awaken you to the fact that 6 LIFE within you, grows you first of all, then it grows your plans, hopes, 7 expectations, it brings to you all the necessary assistance to enable your 8 plans, hopes and dreams to grow in the right and perfect way which will 9 bring life to other people also. IT enters into your difficulties and brings 10 healing where your heart is sore or your bodies succumb to illness. IT 11 mends catastrophes in your life in the same way as IT heals broken bones. 12 IT fulfills all your needs as they arise – in the perfect way. And LIFE, unlike 13 human beings, maintains a system of order in all IT undertakes to do. 14 15 All these are ‘LIFE MORE ABUNDANT’ – more than you dreamed 16 possible. Put my words to the test. 17 18 Make a clear form of your dearest wish in your mind. Take it to Divine 19 Consciousness in silent meditation, ASK, give sincere thanks that you are 20 receiving. The request is now filled with LIFE and must come into manifest 21 being in exactly the same way as a seed grows when put in earth and 22 watered. Wait, give constant thanks for receiving, never doubt, and you will 23 receive a very clear answer. 24 25 It is possible that having read this message, that ‘all things beautiful and 26 wholesome, including healing, are already yours’, you wonder why it is that 27 you still have your chronic illness or poverty despite your prayer and your 28 belief. You seriously question how much you can really believe. 29 30 I can only say that true belief is a relatively rare condition. 31 32 What is TRUE BELIEF? 33 34 It is a moment of overwhelming transcendent conviction when you KNOW 35 way beyond all negative and fearful disbelief, that LIFE IS more powerful, 36 more transforming, more perfectly in control of atomic elements than any 37 sickness can ever be. Then – as hundreds of chronically and critically ill 38 Article 12 - Life More Abundant 413 people have testified down the ages, the longed-for unimaginable miracle 1 takes place, and suddenly there is felt an inflow of heat and power, perhaps 2 a Light is seen, and wholeness of mind and body are experienced where 3 before there was sickness. 4 5 It can be done. Miracles also occur over a longer time span and are 6 therefore discounted but may well be as much a result of ongoing faith as 7 the quick spontaneous healing. Other miracles of ‘fulfilment of need’, take 8 place far more than you realise they do. Seek to BELIEVE, pray for BELIEF 9 – and when you least expect it, it will be given you. Seek to be absolutely 10 consistent in all your efforts to find and make contact with the Divine – 11 and it will surely be given you. 12 13 It is a LAW OF EXISTENCE that when you ASK you will receive. When 14 you SEEK, what you seek will be revealed to you. When you knock it will 15 be opened to you. 16 17 Take comfort. Believe! 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Article 12 - Life More Abundant 414 13 - If You Believe... 1 2 3 I am coming down to speak to you colloquially through my Recorder at 4 certain times, to try to awaken in you the realisation that all of your 5 troubles, distress and limitations are already within you. 6 7 This is because your thoughts arise from your indwelling characteristics. 8 And all that you experience in your life is the manifestation of your habitual 9 thoughts and words. 10 11 Many of you speak of having ‘Power’ but what I am trying to give you is 12 the most ‘Powerful’ Truth in your universe. 13 14 It literally MAKES or BREAKS your lives, health, possessions, relationships 15 and happiness. 16 17 There are very popular talk shows seeking to help people change their 18 perceptions, attitudes, thoughts, words and actions in order to live more 19 constructively and happily in relationships. The human mind is asked to 20 dredge up enough energy and willpower to eliminate its own wrong 21 thought patterns and words. 22 23 Since all THOUGHT arises from congenital and planetary vibrations, this 24 is a very difficult thing to do – and few there are who manage to do it. 25 26 There is another way which, if followed consistently and faithfully, ensures 27 that people will be successful in their attempts to turn their lives and 28 emotional state around into that of success and joy. 29 30 The way is CHRIST’S WAY which I have outlined in my Letters dictated 31 through the specially prepared mind of my Recorder. 32 33 Since these Letters were first distributed, people have tried to live according 34 to the Truth contained in the Letters and have reported great changes 35 taking place in themselves and in their lives and environment. 36 37 38 Article 13 - If You Believe... 415 Following CHRIST’S WAY leads to a great deal more than simply being 1 able to get on better with other people. It leads to an ongoing, yet secret, 2 positive change taking place in a person’s consciousness, so that after a 3 while, they find that, all unconsciously, they are reacting easily and happily 4 in more constructive ways to external stimuli. 5 6 They find that the things which they have sincerely longed for are, at last, 7 coming into their experience. 8 9 They can carry burdens more easily, more certain of an eventual successful 10 outcome. They spontaneously find that they reject old critical thought 11 patterns with distaste. They wonder how they ever indulged in such 12 destructive thinking towards others. 13 14 Instead of personal change becoming a daily struggle, they find there is 15 some Super Power – Life Force – Divine Consciousness entering in their 16 minds quietly and silently, enabling them to find new HAPPINESS. 17 18 My Letters to the world are tremendously important, and urgently required 19 by those who can understand them. They go into the scientific facts already 20 known to scientists – but they go even beyond these into the true 21 CAUSATION of scientific facts. 22 23 They are vitally important because they explode old myths which HAVE 24 HELD PEOPLE BACK IN THEIR SEARCH FOR SPIRITUAL TRUTH. 25 26 They explore the so-called mysteries of creation and life itself. 27 28 Very importantly, they clearly describe the origins and true nature of the 29 Ego and the right way to deal with it when it hinders the best interests of 30 the self. 31 32 The Letters also describe the origins of creativity and the ‘ground’ out of 33 which all created things have taken form and being. 34 35 If you believe that I ever existed as ‘Jesus’ in Palestine, hopefully you will be 36 sufficiently open minded to accept that, when most needed in your world, I 37 38 Article 13 - If You Believe... 416 have indeed returned through the prepared mind of my Recorder to speak 1 to you directly. 2 3 If you have no belief at all, unfortunately, I cannot send my spiritual 4 consciousness vibrations to enter your brain cells and switch your thoughts 5 around or open your perceptions. To do this against your will, or without 6 your invitation, would leave you permanently brain damaged. 7 8 So, until life experiences trim away your mental obstructions, you will 9 remain unable to accept the great TRUTHS expressed in my Letters. 10 11 But you are as much within the radiance of my Spiritual Thought as are all 12 others who gladly listen, hear, and follow my words. 13 14 I am always here for you, but whilst you disbelieve – you shut out all 15 spiritual insight emanating from me. 16 17 Those who believe can be assured that my Truth is real and valid because 18 the Truth I have set out for you as clearly as I can through my Recorder, 19 was the Truth given me in the Desert in Palestine. 20 21 It was as a result of this TRUTH THAT I COULD COME OUT OF 22 THE DESERT AND BEGIN TO PREACH and HEAL. 23 24 I beg you, WAKE UP! You can come to me for comfort, spiritual insight 25 and emotional strength. I am very much alive in Celestial Kingdoms. 26 27 You can meditate and open your hearts to Divine Consciousness and 28 receive Its healing, guidance, spiritual insight. 29 30 But you can only receive to the extent that you truly believe you are 31 able to make true contact with me and the Infinite. 32 33 But if you BELIEVE, you have but to ask – NEVER DOUBTING – and it 34 will be done for you. 35 36 It is my most ardent longing that you may heed these words, and really 37 study and practise all the Letters have to teach you. 38 Article 13 - If You Believe... 417 I long for you to experience real happiness, real spiritual security, real 1 fulfilment of all your needs in a way which will have no drawbacks. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Article 13 - If You Believe... 418 14 - URGENT Message from Christ! 1 2 3 I am coming through the mind of my Recorder because there is something 4 URGENT I have to say to you! 5 6 Love your enemies; forgive those who ill-use you; pray for those who speak 7 evil of you, … and if you cannot do this in your own strength, seek by all 8 possible means to do it in the power of spirit – Divine Consciousness. 9 10 PRAY and MEDITATE and ask for help. It will be given you if you persist. 11 12 If the ego persists in forcing your thoughts downward again to virulence 13 and anger and raising all kinds of arguments as to why you should condemn 14 someone who has deeply hurt and even wounded you physically, go into 15 meditation again and again, seeking insight and relief from your dilemma, 16 asking to have these troublesome recurring angry and vindictive thoughts 17 removed from you – 18 19 NOT to please God 20 21 – as you have been taught by the churches, but to protect yourself from the 22 whiplash of your angry thoughts which rebound in your lives bearing 23 violent upheavals and further rows and arguments to deal with. 24 25 FOR – whatever power you give to resentful thoughts, that power will send 26 a direct electrical stream of consciousness to the person who hurt you, – 27 28 AND the stream of consciousness returns, zinging its way back to you in 29 due course, like a boomerang. 30 31 You must know that every electrical field creates a like magnetic field – the 32 two always work together – so that WHAT GOES OUT EVENTUALLY 33 RETURNS. 34 35 36 37 38 Article 14 - URGENT Message from Christ! 419 This is a scientific law of existence but what science does not yet admit is 1 this: 2 3 • Electrical force powers the mind; it is the consciousness impulse of 4 ‘Get Going’ in the mind. 5 6 • Electrical force is a facet of consciousness. 7 8 • Two-faced Magnetism powers the human and animal emotions – it 9 ‘attracts’ and it ‘repels’. It is the impulse of human love and the 10 impulse of hatred. 11 12 • Magnetism is experienced by all living things as emotion – feeling. 13 14 I have described this Truth fully in my Letter 5 and Letter 6. 15 16 Not only this, scientific medical knowledge has discovered (what I 17 understood so well in Palestine, over 2000 years ago) that all the thoughts 18 taking form in your brain descend into your pituitary gland via your 19 hypothalamus, and the negativity and emotional trauma (lowered 20 vibrations) they contain is passed on to your organs, blood and entire body, 21 causing a depletion in energy and eventual illness. 22 23 This is the phenomenon producing psychosomatic ailments acknowledged 24 by the medical profession. 25 26 When in Palestine over 2000 years ago, I told the Jews not to worry about 27 drinking from unwashed cups but to take note of and be concerned about 28 what came out of their mouths. I have translated what was reported in the 29 gospels in the New Testament into the kind of words I actually spoke to the 30 Jews – who did not have the remotest idea of what I was trying to tell them. 31 And sadly, the various ‘Christian’ churches are just as ignorant today. 32 33 How could they understand – they did not have the enlightenment I 34 received in the Desert which illumined my mind and imprinted in my mind 35 the spiritual knowledge of the Origins of Creation and Laws of Existence. 36 37 38 Article 14 - URGENT Message from Christ! 420 But YOU, who live in your world today, have had countless teachers 1 coming to earth, explaining scientific facts; and also mystics who have led 2 you into metaphysical, spiritual truths, preparing you for my Letters which 3 contain the very highest Truth of all – the True Nature of your Source of 4 Origin which you term 'God', and the Universal Laws of Existence. 5 6 I now want you to think about the truly terrible and outrageous works 7 certain people initiate in your world, – despite all these Teachers of facets 8 of Truth. 9 10 The ongoing bloodshed in Iraq is a case which should make you all think 11 deeply about the likely boomerang from such destructive actions. 12 13 I want you to think of this situation from a spiritual viewpoint which does 14 not CONDEMN but sees the ‘truth’ inherent in the thoughts and actions 15 involved in the situation. 16 17 Here you had a man, Saddam Hussein who was determined to take power 18 in Iraq and bring about peace and plenty for his people. Unevolved in true 19 spirituality, he used most harsh and violent ways to control a nation, to 20 silence those people who gave him problems. These people used violence in 21 an uprising against him and he poured violence back on them. Here were a 22 tyrannical Dictator, and a sect of people of the same mental and moral level 23 – their spiritual vibrations, despite all the prayer and outward religious 24 show, were as dark and dense and low as it is possible to attain in your 25 world today. Hussein and these unruly people deserved each other. 26 27 The Iraqi people tolerated him, some even admired and applauded him, 28 because he kept peace for a volatile nation and gave them a chance to live 29 their daily lives as peacefully as their innately aggressive natures would 30 permit them. 31 32 He fell afoul of the USA, ANGERED ITS LEADERS, and equally 33 governed by ego, these Leaders decided to punish Saddam Hussein by 34 imposing sanctions. Later on, a humanitarian impulse prompted the 35 inauguration of a system ‘Oil for Food’ which helped the hungry people of 36 Iraq and gave America access to the oil they needed. But this measure was a 37 38 Article 14 - URGENT Message from Christ! 421 severe blow to Hussein’s pride and did not alleviate the national deprivation 1 of general luxury and everyday goods enjoyed by their neighbours. 2 3 I want you, people of the world, to give empathetic thought to the 4 enormous volumes of resentment, hatred, and anguish brought about by 5 this action of a nation strong in their Abundant Wealth, armaments, 6 trained soldiers, sailors and airmen. 7 8 I want you to understand that such NATIONAL EMOTION becomes a 9 ‘living force’ of destruction of huge proportions. 10 11 It is certain that NO ONE truly on the path of CHRIST’S WAY – MY 12 WAY – would ever have followed such a sadistic course. Faced with the 13 problem of having to deal with a Saddam Hussein, such a leader, 14 enlightened in the spiritual and scientific Laws of Existence, would have 15 called a session of enlightened people to meet to meditate and to ask for 16 guidance. 17 18 My guidance would most certainly have been to call a meeting with Saddam 19 Hussein and to point out the tragedy which would eventually result from 20 the impasse between the two countries. An enlightened Leader, instead of 21 ‘lording it’ over Hussein and threatening him with war, would have asked 22 him and his advisors to draw up a document, an agreement which both 23 countries could live with in friendship, and which would promote a growth 24 and domestic enrichment programme for both countries. 25 26 Such an enlightened Leader would then read the Iraqi proposals to establish 27 peace and harmony, would discuss them peacefully with a sincere desire to 28 establish well-being for all. He would call on his enlightened people to 29 meditate and bring back any adjustments WHICH HAD BEEN 30 RECEIVED FROM MEDITATION. 31 32 In this way, the people under Saddam Hussein would have been gradually 33 freed from the stranglehold of a tyrant, Saddam himself would have seen 34 the benefits derived from a peaceful approach, instead of an aggressive one, 35 and Arab States would have been impressed by the success of the venture. 36 This would also have caused the Muslims to rethink their present 37 interpretation of the Qur’an. 38 Article 14 - URGENT Message from Christ! 422 But what is the acknowledged and generally accepted WORLDLY WAY? 1 2 What has the ‘Human Spirit’ – the Human Ego accomplished today? 3 4 Consider whether there can be any lasting benefit from this behaviour, 5 outlined below? 6 7 A peaceful nation, a peaceful people, already deprived of normal trade 8 facilities with other nations, have been bombed nightly. Their buildings, 9 built with great effort and expenditure of money, and offering various 10 services to the people, are destroyed. 11 12 Night after night, innocent people have been subjected to the terror of 13 bombs, asking themselves – ‘Where will they fall? Who will be hit? Will 14 they find us in the rubble? Will we lose a family member? Will we all be 15 killed?’ 16 17 What have these people done to deserve such a terrifying ordeal, other than 18 knuckle down and try to live as happily as they could under a tyrant whom 19 the USA hates? 20 21 Prior to this, in the USA, another tyrannical fanatic sent planes to destroy 22 the twin towers of the Trade Centre in New York. A great cry of fury, 23 anger, revenge arose from the American people. They lost many people – 24 loved ones – in the destruction. Every year, there are Christian church 25 services remembering the dead and a great many tears are shed in the deluge 26 of grief thinking of them. 27 28 Think for a moment: ‘Christian Services’ – is there any talk of 29 FORGIVENESS of those who were instrumental in this destruction? 30 31 Are Americans shedding tears for the innocents who died under the hail of 32 bombs deposited night after night for no good reason other than a vitriolic 33 hatred of Hussein? Do they hold services for the Iraqian dead? Do they 34 even consider that they have murdered innocents – who had no protection 35 against the horrific USA weapons and had never done them a moment’s 36 harm? 37 38 Article 14 - URGENT Message from Christ! 423 Just consider the weight of the emotional distress unleashed by all of this 1 insufferable and arrogant destruction of another country – destruction 2 which has freed all the rebel fighting groups which Hussein had kept in 3 check. Unleashed a most foul mode of killing others – the suicide bombs. 4 Every time such bombs go off – thus killing innocent bystanders – the 5 Americans who supported war against Iraq, should realise that it was their 6 support which made such suicide bombing possible. 7 8 Just consider the unleashing of the gigantic, untold emotional vibrations of 9 horror, hate, revenge, and retaliation that is now directed at America. 10 11 How do the Americans think that all this ‘Hatred Energy’ will be 12 manifested against them? 13 14 Because it will be manifested as death and destruction. It is a Law of 15 Existence. Even ‘Christian’ churches claim to believe this law. 16 17 Where there is no FORGIVENESS there is retribution in the form of 18 Cause and Effect. 19 20 FORGIVENESS, complete and total and LOVING, dispels the violent 21 hatred energies. Without forgiveness, they gather momentum from the 22 ongoing resentment of the opponent. 23 24 Read the article on ‘Cracks in Your Planet’ and then ask yourselves how all 25 this terrifying load of hate will be manifested. Who, in America, will – 26 SOONER OR LATER – be the targets? 27 28 Therefore I tell you clearly: In your home, in your community, in your 29 town, in your State, in your country – FORGIVE whoever has injured you 30 in any way – big or small. Let this word ring out across your land through 31 any means you have. 32 33 And if you cannot forgive easily because your ego will not let you – then 34 bring your hurt and anger to Divine Consciousness (which I termed the 35 ‘Father’ when in Palestine) and ask for Its inflow of Spiritual Directing 36 Power to gently ease and remove the burden from your minds. 37 38 Article 14 - URGENT Message from Christ! 424 Will your religions tell you this? No, they did not when I was in Palestine, 1 and they will not now. 2 3 Indeed, those who occupy the highest positions in the most powerful 4 nations, and cause the most horrific damage in the world, are received with 5 pomp and ceremony, smiles and handshakes by the religious leaders of the 6 various ‘Christian’ religions. The blind grip hands and give blessings to the 7 blind. 8 9 To hear TRUTH – YOU MUST COME DIRECT TO ME. I am truly 10 alive and universal in being; COME and I will receive your call and will 11 lovingly respond to it. 12 13 Have the courage to join CHRIST’S WAY and to follow the teachings I 14 have brought the world in my Letters. They will show you how to remain 15 in tune and accord with the LAWS of EXISTENCE. 16 17 They will help you come into harmony with the universe itself. And all 18 things will then work towards your greatest good and happiness and 19 protection. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Article 14 - URGENT Message from Christ! 425 15 - The True Kingdom of Heaven on 1 2 Earth 3 4 This is the CHRIST speaking, January 2006. 5 6 The true KINGDOM of HEAVEN on earth. 7 8 I would that you could see and experience the world as it really could be for 9 you. The living world, the entire creation ringing with joy. Your world has 10 been created by LOVE, designed by LOVE to meet the personal needs of 11 every single living entity as it has evolved over the millions of years of 12 existence. If only you could become aware of this glorious joy and glowing 13 LOVE as you walk in your garden or countryside. 14 15 If only you could enter into the consciousness of a magnificent tree as it 16 stands straight and tall, spreading its branches for the birds to alight upon it 17 and make their nest. If only you could enter into the consciousness of a bird 18 as it finds the best nesting place, experience its pleasure and feel its love for 19 the tree which provides a home and shade. 20 21 Everywhere, there is reciprocity of love flowing between living things – 22 plants, insects, birds, animals, fish –and their environment. Only the 23 predators put themselves outside this love consciousness. 24 25 Study the eyes of the predators, one and all, and compare their fierce 26 intensity with the eyes of the non-violent herb and grass eaters – there you 27 will see the ferocity of the one and the tranquility of the other. 28 29 As I said when I lived on your earth: ‘The eyes are the lamp of the 30 soul.’ And what you have not realised is that all eyes radiate to the world 31 the inner quality of being. They radiate the inner consciousness which 32 blesses what it sees – or shrivels it up with its own bad temper. 33 34 When you live entirely in your human consciousness – your thoughts, 35 habitual modes of speech, your continual assessment of people and 36 externals – you are unable to partake in this JOY of EXISTENCE which 37 38 Article 15 - The True Kingdom of Heaven on Earth 426 spontaneously wells up in the consciousness of all nonviolent living things – 1 felt by all peaceful living things, – unless denied sustenance by drought. 2 3 You cannot feel it because your minds have developed along the lines of 4 logic and reason and you act according to your will, imagination, desires 5 and ego – and all of this mental activity blocks your spiritual mind at the 6 top of your head; it prevents sixth sense contact with the beautiful world in 7 which you live and which you do not remotely understand at all. You can 8 see the bodies and the activities of insects, birds and animals, but you 9 cannot enter into the consciousness of their mostly innocent, 10 uncontaminated vitalizing life force. 11 12 You may think their consciousness is possibly like yours. But you would be 13 wrong – because all living things other than humans live by intuition – and 14 communicate in a way which is impossible to humans. 15 16 Yes, they communicate very clearly – over long distances. Yes, they 17 communicate and rejoice together, more than you’ll ever know. 18 19 It is the Hermit who sits with his begging bowl and meditates who may 20 soar into infinity and experience the joy and the glory of Divine 21 Consciousness in which WE, you and I – ALL – live and draw our eternal 22 life and being. The Hermit can experience it in the silence and stillness of 23 his mind, and can be uplifted into such ecstasy that he has no need of 24 worldly living – indeed, he runs away from it. 25 26 People will say: ‘How wonderful, he has given up his life for God’. But this 27 is an erroneous perception. 28 29 He gives up normal daily living to find the TRUE LIFE of GLORY out of 30 which all creation has taken its form and being. There can be no greater 31 experience of a glowing radiance and spiritual ecstasy than this. 32 33 But – it is escapism – offering great rewards and also defeating the purposes 34 of existence in your world. 35 36 It is marvellous and wonderfully uplifting to rest in the effulgence of 37 absolute Love and Tranquillity, for a while, and possess knowledge of this 38 Article 15 - The True Kingdom of Heaven on Earth 427 wonderful dimension of eternity for yourself. Here your mind may enter 1 into transcendent facets of universal knowledge. 2 3 YOUR HUMAN LIFE TAKES ON NEW LUSTRE, LIGHT AND JOY 4 AND GREATER MEANING. 5 6 But it is not your true purpose in life. 7 8 Your true purpose on earth is to EXPRESS in thoughts, words, deeds and 9 desires the DIVINITY in which you have your being. 10 11 You can do this through meditation, through cleansing your mind of 12 negative thoughts, by reaching out to others during the day to offer them a 13 smile of friendliness, recognition of their being – that they too are ALIVE 14 and are therefore important – co-existent with yourself, no matter what 15 their status is in life. 16 17 What a tremendous joy it is to be able to love the man who has come down 18 to rags, possessing nothing of material things, forced to live by begging – 19 just as much as you may be able to love the man who has made untold 20 wealth, prestige, and lives a life envied by others. This ability to love each 21 and every one without reservations is indeed DIVINE LOVE – pure 22 unconditional love. It is a quality of mind and heart where all sense of 23 superiority or inferiority no longer exists. 24 25 ‘Why should this bring one so much joy?’, you may ask. 26 27 It gives you joy beyond all imagining because you have risen high above the 28 demands and critical senses of the self which judge and demean others. 29 30 What tremendous liberation of spirit you will experience when you can, at 31 last, be insulted or defrauded by another but can still look through his 32 words and actions and perceive his basic divinity. You now rest in a state of 33 pure tranquil acceptance of what the human world may try to do to you, 34 and you never cease smiling – because yours is a world of sunshine and 35 spiritual light created by the Divine – and you are aware that those who try 36 to hurt you have not yet managed to find this sacred world conceived and 37 fashioned by Pure Love. 38 Article 15 - The True Kingdom of Heaven on Earth 428 Knowing this so surely, so clearly, how can you NOT have only the deepest 1 compassion and concern for them as they struggle, sometimes bravely, with 2 their enmeshing ego? 3 4 As you learn to love all states of human being equally, you will come to 5 intuit the actual state of earthly being of each person and will be able to 6 perceive for yourselves what is valuable in life and what is mere ego 7 ‘frosting’ for comfort and prestige. 8 9 You will no longer be led astray – or even moved – by outward show. 10 11 If you study Letter 5 and Letter 6, you will be able to clearly see exactly 12 why I say the world is made by LOVE, IN LOVE and sustained by LOVE. 13 14 When you fully understand why this is so, it is possible that you will go 15 further in realisation and will see that to entertain any thoughts contrary to 16 LOVE shuts you out of the basic Reality of Existence – it places you in a 17 shadowy world where you can no longer see the world created by Divine 18 Consciousness after the Big Bang – you can only see the IMAGES of that 19 living world and cannot feel their joy. 20 21 Dwell for a moment on your world as it is today – the average mentality of 22 men and women governed by ego – and then think of the joy and beauty of 23 WHAT REALLY IS just beyond your normal vision – out of sight because 24 of human thought – and HUMAN BEHAVIOUR. 25 26 All of my Letters are directed only at helping you lift yourselves out of any 27 present misery you may be enduring and to make genuine contact with 28 Divine Consciousness which will immediately set about rebuilding your 29 health, strength and inner direction towards higher goals of existence. You 30 can come out of your hell – but only YOU can do it for yourself. 31 32 YOU must do the work initially, but you can invite Divine 33 Consciousness to enter your mind and heart and give you added 34 strength to ensure you succeed. 35 36 As more and more people of a like-spirituality and spiritual perception 37 bond together to seek the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, so will there be 38 Article 15 - The True Kingdom of Heaven on Earth 429 little pockets of spirit luminescence lighting up that dark world of yours, 1 inviting more and more of its members to join you in your happiness. 2 3 How do you cleanse your consciousness? Remember that if you rely ONLY 4 on your own human consciousness, you are calling up your ego to drive 5 away your ego thoughts – and this is impossible. Ego cannot overcome ego. 6 You have to wake up to the realisation that above the human consciousness, 7 is the Superconsciousness of Divine Consciousness described in Letter 5, 8 Letter 6, Letter 7 and Letter 8. 9 10 You will never be able to enter into the consciousness of plant and insect 11 life, because yours is a world of logical thought. But you can enter into 12 Heaven on earth by learning how to get in touch with Divine 13 Consciousness and inviting It to fill your mind and heart, giving new 14 direction to your thought life – and then to your future life and activities as 15 well. 16 17 I long for you to find true freedom from the ego and enter into the 18 transcendent joy of Divinity whilst still on earth. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Article 15 - The True Kingdom of Heaven on Earth 430 16 - The Latter Days 1 2 3 I, the CHRIST, known as ‘Jesus’ in Palestine, more than 2000 years ago, 4 have returned at this most critical time in world history, to speak to you. 5 6 As I descend in consciousness vibrations to make contact with your earth 7 vibrations, I see a world of light and shade, of spiritual upliftment and 8 despair … and, most terribly, I see the degradation of the human spirit. 9 10 THE WORLD IS MOSTLY IN A STATE OF DARKNESS. 11 12 The average person reading my words may feel that this statement is an 13 exaggeration of your modern life, but to understand the full enormity of 14 what is happening on earth, a person must first experience a moment of 15 Light. 16 17 First of all, I am compelled to speak about what is happening to your 18 children worldwide. 19 20 Do you realise to what extent that DARKNESS HAS SPREAD RIGHT 21 THROUGH THE VARIOUS STAGES AND CONDITIONS OF 22 CHILDHOOD? 23 24 CHILDREN, – THEIR NATURALLY EAGER, CURIOUS MINDS, 25 ALWAYS LOOKING OUT FOR SOMETHING EXCITING AND NEW 26 T O G R I P T H E I R I N T E R E S T , E N T E R I N G I N T O E A R L Y 27 ADOLESCENCE, – and by nature, – OBSESSED BY SEXUAL 28 CURIOSITY, – ARE STIMULATED AND FED BY YOUR 29 WORLDWIDE BOOKS, RADIO AND TV ENTERTAINMENTS. 30 31 ‘Yes’, you say, ‘we know this’. I say, but you still allow this to happen. 32 33 If you were Children of Light, you would be so filled with compassion you 34 would rise up as one voice and say to those who are growing rich at the 35 expense of YOUR minds and your CHILDREN’S minds: 36 37 38 Article 16 - The Latter Days 431 ‘Enough, we will not allow you to do this to us anymore. We will refuse 1 to watch and listen to what you enjoy imagining in your own gross 2 minds – violence, perversions, explicit sex, continual fighting and 3 arguments. We long to return to the PEACE and JOY from which our 4 souls have descended’. 5 6 TODAY, UNKNOWINGLY, INNOCENTLY, THE CHILDREN ARE 7 ENTICED BY PEOPLE WITH SELFISH AND SEXUALLY GREEDY 8 INTENT, INTO THEIR WEBS OF SEXUAL PERVERSIONS. 9 10 If you were Children of Light, you could not sleep at night, knowing that 11 these innocent little children are being used to satisfy grown men’s sexual 12 fantasies and urges. 13 14 THESE CHILDREN ARE PLUNGED, EVENTUALLY, INTO 15 EXCESSES THEY DID NOT SEEK, AND INTO HEARTBROKEN 16 DESPAIR BECAUSE THEY DO NOT KNOW THE WAY BACK TO 17 THEIR ORIGINAL INNOCENCE. THEIR CHILDHOOD IS TAKEN 18 F R O M T H E M A N D T H E Y A R E D E P R I V E D O F T H O S E 19 IMPORTANT YEARS OF NORMAL, EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT. 20 21 If you were Children of Light, you would feel their pain as though it were 22 your own. Your conscience would give you no rest until you had risen up 23 together and asserted with all your influence and heart and soul that this 24 terrible encroachment on the weakness and innocence of children must 25 stop! 26 27 ‘Innocent? Our modern children?’ – you on the earth may ask. If you were 28 Children of Light you would know they are innocent until they learn the 29 things of darkness which have been spawned by the human mind on earth. 30 31 You of the earth say the world is not in DARKNESS – that I exaggerate? 32 33 You have become so accustomed to DARKNESS, you no longer recognize 34 it. 35 36 Your world is rife with war-wracked nations. It is heavy, heavy, heavy with 37 gross mental and emotional vibrational frequencies of selfishness and a total 38 Article 16 - The Latter Days 432 disregard for life. Your streets are now thoroughfares of danger, of road 1 rage, of jealous muggers envious of the possessions of others, of stalking 2 predators eager to conquer and control others through use of sexual force. 3 4 The numbers of these predators may be fewer than the numbers of your 5 Average Citizens but if you were Children of the Light, such people would 6 never be allowed to prosper. But they do prosper in your midst because 7 your own minds are filled with such events from watching your 8 entertainment. You have become hard and desensitized to these horrors and 9 so they are allowed to multiply in your midst like a deadly virus. 10 11 AS I DESCEND and enter empathetically INTO THIS MIASMA of 12 deadly thought and destructive feelings, I feel the pain experienced by the 13 innocent who fall prey to those who find a thrill and a feeling of power 14 when they terrorize the weak. 15 16 These are indeed the ‘latter days’ as your world calls the time when life on 17 earth has become so universally gross and separated from the underlying 18 Laws of Existence, that ONLY A FEW of the billions on earth pause for a 19 moment to question: 20 21 ‘What lies beyond the darkness? Is there Light? Where is the Light? Why 22 does it not reveal Itself to us?’ 23 24 In response to the urgent, most ardent questioning by A FEW people 25 traumatized by the powerful predatory emotions of others, how could I 26 NOT return at this time, to reach those who question, those who are 27 sincerely longing for a sure way out of the darkness which now saturates 28 every facet of the majority of people’s lives? 29 30 Do you recognize that this is indeed ME, the CHRIST who has come to 31 teach and show you the way out of darkness into LIGHT? How could I 32 NOT come in response to your pain? 33 34 Do you not know that I AM LOVE and it is the nature of pure LOVE to 35 fulfill the needs of loved ones. 36 37 38 Article 16 - The Latter Days 433 Christ’s October 20, 2007 Message 2007 Message 434 Introduction to the 20-10-2007 Message 1 2 3 4 I have again descended in fullness of CONSCIOUSNESS to imprint 5 within the mind of my Recorder, yet another message to the world. 6 7 Before I could take this new step forward, it was necessary to bring you my 8 Letters in handbook form because I would have you realise that your world 9 itself is truly UNIVERSAL LOVE made visible. 10 11 How each person perceives it, is born of personal attitudes to the world and 12 life generally. Your view of it is entirely personal and is not the absolute 13 Truth because you do not yet fully understand the processes of creation. 14 You can only fleetingly glimpse them. 15 16 Now that you have my Letters as a foundation for future spiritual 17 upliftment, I have come to bring greater clarity to your present 18 understanding of them. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2007 Message - Introduction 435 1 - True Nature of Pure Love 1 2 3 I WANT TO SPEAK BRIEFLY TO YOU ABOUT THE TRUE NATURE 4 OF PURE LOVE of the highest realms of Consciousness and your 5 perception of love in the lower frequencies of your world. 6 7 I want you to understand that even though I speak to you with all my 8 transcendent Being of LOVE, I must still speak within the framework of 9 your world thought in order to enlighten you. 10 11 Where I reside in the Consciousness of I AM – is PURE LOVE. As I 12 descend in consciousness, my compassion grows and grows and forces me to 13 move down in consciousness frequencies to enter into the consciousness of 14 your plight in your modern world. 15 16 How can I help you understand this? Consider how it would be for you if 17 you moved into a place of carnage, would not your loving concern be 18 deeply compassionate? Would you not be passionate in your rejection of the 19 scenes of suffering? Even so am I, although I know it is all part of the 20 evolutionary process of transcending the ego individuality. 21 22 Only through the lessons of suffering will the journeying soul gain self-23 knowledge to retain individuality after it has discarded the ego. 24 25 I am LOVE – unconditional Love pure and simple, and in my words there 26 is no judgement. 27 28 Therefore, if my words seem harsh when you do not expect harshness from 29 me, since I claim to be LOVE personified, please understand that I have 30 not descended at this time to have a loving visit with you, to give you words 31 of comfort to lift your spirit, to tell you how blest you are in Reality but do 32 not yet realise it. I have come to render you a loving service. I have come 33 expressly to give you the worldly facts which cause you pain, illusory as they 34 really are, to show you what you are all helping to create for yourselves. 35 36 Just as no loving and successful teacher enjoys the words he must use to 37 help aggressive pupils see and acknowledge the harm they do in the 38 2007 Message: True Nature of Pure Love 436 classroom, so must I speak about your present condition in worldly words 1 you may understand to enable you to work to rise above it. But I do not 2 speak the words to condemn the action or the doer of the action. I am 3 LOVE, the embodiment of PURE LOVE, but I speak as the situation 4 demands to people who have not yet managed to overcome their ego 5 frailties. I love all people – for I am all LOVE – but LOVE dons many 6 masks in its loving attempt to reach out and help those who are seeking 7 relief from present distress. 8 9 I speak to you with the words of logic because you have created your world 10 to fit what you deem logical and therefore believable. If I were to approach 11 you with the ‘meaning’ expressed by Love, you would be ‘all at sea’ because 12 ‘the meaning’ would not conform to your logic and you would still refuse 13 to believe that I have spoken. 14 15 LOVE transcends and eliminates the need for the Ten Commandments, 16 but there are few in your world who can truly understand this. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2007 Message: True Nature of Pure Love 437 2 - True Nature of Consciousness 1 2 3 I WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU ABOUT THE TRUE NATURE OF 4 CONSCIOUSNESS – of the difference between UNIVERSAL 5 CONSCIOUSNESS, Divine Consciousness, and human consciousness. 6 You truly need to understand these differences to enable you to live 7 spiritually pro-active lives within your world. Which is what I have come to 8 help you do. 9 10 CONSCIOUSNESS Transcendent and human consciousness! 11 12 Consciousness is now a word used widely, even lightly, but is not fully 13 understood by many dear seekers of Truth. 14 15 You have drawn your being from Universal Consciousness split into Divine 16 Consciousness at the time of the Big Bang. (See Letter 5) 17 18 This is the perfect Consciousness of Loving Intelligence and Intelligent 19 Love. IT is IMPULSES. These IMPULSES are the very basic energy, the 20 MAINSPRING of all existence. This Consciousness is indeed within you, 21 surrounds you, transcends you and can lift you in ever higher strata of 22 spiritual ecstasy and ephemeral perception. This Consciousness is what 23 many call 'God'. 24 25 It is within you and transcends you. 26 27 But what humankind must fully realise is: that it is of such a high frequency 28 of vibration, – so spiritually refined in meaning – that it cannot be drawn 29 into your own human consciousness to make Itself known to you, until you 30 begin to overcome your ego and ascend in spiritual perception of Truth. 31 32 Your ego is the barrier to Superconsciousness. 33 34 Only the most systematic and persistent daily attempt to cleanse your 35 consciousness of ego thoughts and behaviour, will make it possible for 36 Divine Consciousness to SEEP into your human consciousness bringing 37 38 2007 Message: True Nature of Consciousness 438 you new insight and perceptions. Illumined by new insight and perceptions, 1 your thoughts, words, actions will begin to change. 2 3 When you SEE things differently, you will begin to ACT differently. 4 5 Your human consciousness is imperfect. It is fabricated out of selfish 6 egotistical drives. Let not your ego resist this valid statement. You are in no 7 way to be blamed for this, because the ego is divinely created in order to 8 separate Divine Consciousness into individual people. You need the Ego. 9 It defends you and it draws to you what you need to survive BUT it can 10 overwhelmingly force an individual into behaviour which is sick – 11 psychologically speaking. You know that Ego is the impulse behind all the 12 crime in the world. 13 14 I would have you know it impels people into such deep-seated narcissism 15 and self-interest that anyone trying to arouse in such a mind any empathy 16 or sympathy, is sadly blocked. No matter what topic may be raised, 17 inevitably, such egotistical, narcissistic people draw the topic back to 18 themselves, how it affects them, how it concerns them exclusively, 19 positively or negatively. Absorbed self-interest is like a thick dense fabric of 20 consciousness energies sealing off the minds of people of every strata of 21 society in every part of the world. 22 23 The degree of narcissism varies. I have come expressly to make you aware of 24 it because such narcissistic people cannot live in harmony with other people 25 as they are incapable of hearing the messages from others. This, as much as 26 your crime, causes your misery on earth. 27 28 Here is a parable for you. Behold the little child playing in a sticky mud pit, 29 making pies, covering itself with mud, enjoying every minute. Mother 30 comes, exhorting the child to come and bath and get ready to go to a party. 31 The child fiercely resists, crying. Eventually, mother has her way and the 32 child, freshly groomed with hair shining and clad in smart party clothes 33 enters the hall where the party is being held. It stares in astonishment. The 34 glorious lights! The brilliant shrubs and flowers! The tables loaded with 35 delicacies, cakes and jellies. And all the presents and games and fun the 36 other children are having. The heart of this child is filled with radiant joy. 37 Laughter begins to well-up and fill its entire being. This is so much better 38 2007 Message: True Nature of Consciousness 439 than its mud pit! All the washing and the scrubbing was worth it. How glad 1 the child is that it listened. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2007 Message: True Nature of Consciousness 440 3 - Evolution 1 2 3 4 I WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU ABOUT EVOLUTION. 5 6 About how a study of evolution will enlarge your understanding of the 7 activity of Divine Consciousness within creation. I touched on this in my 8 Letter 1, but you should study the subject yourself and you will be amazed 9 at your discoveries concerning Divine Consciousness in action. 10 11 You will discover that whatever evolutionary adaptation takes place in the 12 body is exactly suited to the body’s new requirements. This is not a universe 13 created arbitrarily or without the deepest loving concern for the living 14 entities which inhabit it. In every case, a study of evolution will reveal an 15 IMPULSE at work within creation which displays knowledge of the entirety 16 of creation, knowledge of the needs of the least entity and how to perfectly 17 fulfill them. 18 19 Therefore, if you can only grasp that you are maintained and supported by 20 this Divine Consciousness, which I also term LIFE, and can realise that it 21 KNOWS YOUR NEEDS, and that IT is geared to answering, fulfilling 22 your needs in the very best way to bring you into a stress-free state 23 physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually – then you can let go your 24 fears and anxieties – and you can trust IT implicitly. 25 26 If only you could begin to realise this perfectly, absolutely, completely, 27 comprehensively, compellingly and could stop thinking that your own little 28 finite, limited minds can plan your futures. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2007 Message: Evolution 441 4 - Your Belief in Your Own 1 2 Self-Sufficiency 3 4 5 I WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU ABOUT YOUR BELIEF IN YOUR 6 OWN SELF-SUFFICIENCY which is holding you back from achieving 7 true self-surrender and the eventual ascent to Christ Consciousness. 8 9 How can you plan anything at all when you do not really know what 10 tomorrow will bring? You don’t know! You can only hope! 11 12 Have you ever truly realised this about your mind power? You can only 13 HOPE you know what tomorrow will bring. 14 15 You are trapped in today, thinking you have stable access to all your 16 environment but, in fact, through sheer lack of knowledge of where you 17 really stand in relation to the world, you know nothing, you only hope! 18 19 So why do you cling to your belief and trust in your limited knowledge, 20 and assert that your limited mind ALONE can make the best plans for your 21 tomorrows when you have within you, DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS 22 Which is Itself ALL KNOWLEDGE of your tomorrows... and the next ten 23 years... and even eternity? 24 25 IT knows your true purpose on earth, do you? 26 27 IT knows what will truly make you happy, what will truly make you 28 healthy, what will truly help you ascend the spiritual ladder of ecstatic 29 spiritual consciousness. So why can you not let go of self-will and seek the 30 supreme Love Guidance of THAT which created your world for you to 31 enjoy? 32 33 When will you rid your minds of all the old tales of Jehovah’s vengeance 34 told to you in the Bible? – and discover for yourself that the Will of the 35 ‘Father’ is only JOY, Health, Happiness, Fulfilment of your every need. 36 37 38 2007 Message: Your Belief in Your Own Self-Sufficiency 442 5 - Your Self-Will and Its Created 1 2 Self-Delusions 3 4 5 I WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU ABOUT YOUR SELF-WILL AND ITS 6 CREATED SELF-DELUSIONS. 7 8 Earthly Consciousness is a fabric you spin with your thoughts and feelings. 9 If only you had heightened perceptions, you would see it as a kind of dense 10 fog. This is released into the air around you. When it is not ignited with the 11 powerful drive of desire, intention, purpose, it lies around you like so much 12 waste. But when your thoughts and feelings unite in thought patterns of 13 desire, or intention or purpose, you have created a life-form. That life-form 14 is a blueprint, an electrical outline of your intention and the corresponding 15 magnetic field of emotion draws particles of energy together to bring this 16 driving intention into visible manifestation. 17 18 Please realise that this creation in the unseen around you is YOURS. 19 20 Out of your limited knowledge of yourself – yes, your very limited 21 knowledge of yourself, what you really believe, how you really react in 22 certain circumstances, how you really impinge upon your environment and 23 affect other people, how truly honest you are in all circumstances – out of 24 this very limited knowledge, you contrive to build these consciousness 25 forms – the blueprints of your desires, intentions and purposes to be 26 experienced in the future. 27 28 You do this unknowingly until you realise what you are doing. Then you 29 will possibly join a class where you will be taught to do it deliberately. 30 31 Believe me, these are spurious creations. Do not do it. You see with limited 32 vision. You do not know how you can actually distort the paths of others by 33 this belief that you know what is best for yourself or others. This is true 34 error – this is a true trap for the unknowing. Created by the ego-drive. 35 36 Hundreds of thousands – probably millions – believe that because they 37 say: ‘It is so’ ... in faith... that statement will make it so. But they have no 38 2007 Message: Your Self-Will and Its Created Self-Delusions 443 idea of what really lies in wait for them because of the various cosmic 1 influences which play a huge part in their daily experience. They do not 2 know what lies in wait as a result of their thinking and behaviour in the 3 past. 4 5 You cannot create the perfect life for yourselves – until you, yourself, are 6 absolutely perfect within your mind, heart and actions and have worked 7 through a kind of recompense for past hurts you have inflicted. 8 9 And yet millions of your financial currency are being spent on acquiring the 10 knowledge of how to potently form such consciousness forms as will 11 override all the energy blueprints surrounding you and make them null and 12 void. You are all going in the wrong direction. 13 14 All that you seek in harmony and health will elude you until you fully 15 understand that EGO cannot create PERFECTION, until you wake up to 16 the beautiful all-giving nature of Divine Consciousness which is your true 17 Source of Being, the true Source of health, achievement, and inspiration. 18 19 You are like children in a playground, playing together, making up stories 20 of make-believe and wondering why the make-believe does not work. The 21 children are excited and energised by the imaginative and happy stories they 22 tell each other, but when they go home, they have to face the realities of life 23 as their parents live it. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2007 Message: Your Self-Will and Its Created Self-Delusions 444 6 - Healing and Sending Healing 1 to Others 2 3 4 5 I WANT TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT HEALING AND SENDING 6 HEALING TO OTHERS. 7 8 To send any LIFE of lasting value, not just a flash in the pan of physical 9 energy which may uplift another person for a short while, you must first 10 draw IT from Divine Consciousness during deep meditation, and as you do 11 so, redirect it towards the object of your good intentions. 12 13 There is nothing in your personal energies which will open the doors of 14 another person’s mind to Truth. Only Truth itself can open the doors, can 15 bring insight, can bring healing. The little ‘i’ mind is nothing but human 16 and finite electromagnetic consciousness, human opinions, prejudices, 17 negative reactions, logical arguments and rationalisation born of previous 18 experiences. Until the little ‘i’ of ego is able to see the Divine and open 19 itself to receive the Divine in as great a quantity as it is prepared to give 20 time to receiving, it will remain impervious to any Truth which may be 21 presented to it. Indeed, it will vehemently reject it. 22 23 So many millions love to pray, love to ask, and hope they will be heard. So 24 many people resist giving time to meditation. Why? Because they do not 25 truly believe they will be in contact with Divine Consciousness. If they 26 believed, meditation would surely be their most fulfilling time of peace and 27 joy during the day. When stresses arise, unhappiness presses down, misery 28 weeps, how blest and wonderful it should be for you to say: ‘I will take this 29 to my ‘Father’ in Whom is all loving comfort and fulfilment of my present 30 needs’. 31 32 This is what I did on earth, when perplexed, when happy – I took time to 33 rest my mind and invite my beloved ‘Father’ to enter in fullness of power to 34 take over and bring me deep peace and the strength and inspiration to 35 continue my mission. 36 37 38 2007 Message: Healing and Sending Healing to Others 445 7 - The Era of Love and Peace 1 2 3 I cannot truly explain why I am here with you today if you have not fully 4 understood my Letters. Until you understand them you cannot become the 5 loving creative individual who is needed to bring about the Era of Peace so 6 passionately longed for by people on earth, and yet so passionately 7 withstood by people on earth. 8 9 I know well that this statement will be passionately resisted by many who 10 will say: ‘God is accessible by all’. And they speak truly. But I repeat what I 11 said on earth, and I mean it – and I speak the Truth although it may arouse 12 in your hearts, rebellion: 13 14 ‘The path you must walk to reach the longed for Era of Love and Peace 15 is indeed narrow and absolutely straight.’ 16 17 You may jump the path, but when your travels have eventually shown you 18 that you have made a serious, even bitter mistake, you will find that your 19 only sensible way forward is to get on the path again. Since your 20 wanderings may have led you to create many, many blueprints of agony and 21 sorrow, these will await manifestation in many ways, even as you struggle to 22 master your consciousness anew to regain the path. But they will also cause 23 you to seek Reality with greater fervour than before. Therefore, there is no 24 wrongdoing in jumping your path, – no judgement of your choices of your 25 actions, only timely lessons bringing you back to your path. This is 26 followed by the most blessed relief as again you become the recipient of 27 what seems to be heaven-sent blessings and new joy in living. 28 29 Believe me, my beloved souls on earth, as you are now, you are not ready to 30 bring about an era of peace. There is much talk about it, longing for it, 31 belief that spiritual evolution has lifted you into a mindset capable of 32 bringing you into an era of love and peace. But a great deal of this thinking 33 is self-illusion, self-delusion. You forgive yourselves your mindsets, your 34 thoughts, words, actions because you are in the world, fettered, blinded by 35 your ego. You struggle bravely to adopt a more loving way to think, feel, 36 respond to every experience, but whilst you remain the single moving force 37 within your consciousness, the ego will eventually win. 38 2007 Message: The Era of Love and Peace 446 How will you respond if someone enters your home and wrecks it? Will you 1 forgive them instantly because of your deep compassion for their enormous 2 insecurities in life? – because you know that there is no loss when you can 3 draw abundantly from the ‘Father’ again. You will be able to do this when 4 you have become fully at one with Divine Consciousness. 5 6 How will you respond if someone should slander you in public and try to 7 destroy your good name? Will you be able to smile lovingly, peacefully and 8 sincerely bless that person? You will when you enter the ERA of LOVE and 9 PEACE because there will no longer be any ego in you to resist any 10 denigration. You will see the denigrator clearly and will understand the 11 impulse which impels him to harm another. Even more, your good name 12 will no longer matter. You will be joyously in harmony with your Source of 13 Being and that will open vistas of such ecstatic living which will reveal all 14 lesser things to be of no account – mere negative illusions. 15 16 Can you bear to have your little inadequacies pointed out to you and accept 17 them without needing to pull the cloak of protection around you – the 18 cloak of explanations and excuses? The more you can transcend your ego, 19 the less will your inadequacies bother you. You will accept correction with 20 grace and love and will make up your mind to do everything right in the 21 future. This is true spiritual evolution. 22 23 Only the mindset of one who has conscientiously worked through the full 24 process of cleansing of consciousness, and constantly called on Divine 25 Consciousness for help to become the embodiment of compassionate love, 26 will be able to co-create – yes – co-create the kind of existence you would 27 dearly love to experience on earth. 28 29 Do you realise how many people there are throughout your world who 30 imagine they have found and practise unconditional love and yet they are 31 ever on the look-out for other people who do not measure up to their 32 standards of behaviour and are exhilarated and happy to judge or chastise 33 them? How can such a mind create an era of love and peace? 34 35 A spider spins its web. You spin your environment, health and well being in 36 your minds with your desires, your intentions, your purposes. This is not a 37 process of judgement, you must understand – this is purely a statement of 38 2007 Message: The Era of Love and Peace 447 the reality within electromagnetic energies. This is your truth. Until you 1 fully acknowledge this and decide to seek conscious union with the Divine 2 at all times, – the Era of Love and Peace will escape you. 3 4 When you have embodied the transcendent glory of love and compassion 5 within your consciousness, when your consciousness is at rest, peaceful, 6 without the least stain of criticism and rejection of any kind of otherness, 7 you will indeed become a member of the Kingdom of God. 8 9 Until that time comes, I would have you KNOW that I am available, 10 accessible at all times, compassionately aware and compassionately 11 understanding of all you are having to endure at this moment. I am 12 available as your love, your comfort and your reassurance. I am your Life, I 13 am your Way, and I am your Truth. I love with deep compassion and an 14 urgent longing to relieve you of your present burdens. And I will relieve 15 you of them if you will but come to me and let me respond with the 16 warmth of my presence, and guidance and insight to help you rise above 17 your present frailties and sadness. 18 19 Therefore, to help all those on earth who are willing to listen and accept my 20 words and seek my comfort, I say to you what I said in my Letters: 21 22 It must be widely accepted that, in order to achieve a state of contented 23 peace on earth, there must be a HIGHER VISION to strive to implement 24 in your daily lives. Only by reaching for a higher vision will the physical 25 world be rescued from widespread annihilation when unenlightened people 26 will sadly reap of their present chaotic sowing. 27 28 This is not a judgement of criticism or condemnation, dear souls, but a 29 statement born of the Laws of your Existence. 30 31 Without the higher vision either for the self or for the world, there can be 32 no spiritual evolution or the achievement of that state of being when Divine 33 Consciousness Itself will be clearly evident in you, your lives, and your 34 circumstances. At that time, you will all have become transparencies of 35 Divine Consciousness and as such you will experience a quality of life 36 previously undreamed of. 37 38 2007 Message: The Era of Love and Peace 448 8 - The Vision 1 2 3 Your vision of a perfect world and a perfect life should be of LOVE 4 embracing all creation. A giving and receiving without stint. A shining 5 health and beauty radiating light from all that grows and from all living 6 beings. Ecstatic creativity of every kind. Ease of movement, travelling being 7 merely a matter of desire. Prosperous homes and joyous households. And 8 everywhere, a manifestation of Divine Consciousness in every atom. 9 10 I cannot coin a better term for such a vision than Kingdom of God... 11 Kingdom of Heaven... to describe the future earthly Quality of Being when 12 Divine Consciousness clearly pervades all living things and they 13 transparently manifest the nature of Divine Consciousness in their every 14 second of earthly existence. 15 16 Sadly, millions have not yet glimpsed the Light and they spend their lives in 17 seeking new spiritual experiences through new teachers and new knowledge, 18 whereas the search should be for the experience of Divine Consciousness 19 within and the spiritual vision arising therefrom. This can only be attained 20 through constant and regular meditation. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2007 Message: The Vision 449 9 - Meditation 1 2 3 Only through meditation will you be enabled to still and quieten your 4 mind completely. 5 6 Only then, can Divine Consciousness enter your brain cells bringing Its 7 own knowledge into your mind. Only then can the flaws of ego be slowly 8 dissolved from your brain cells and nervous systems. 9 10 I am seeking people who are willing to set aside their self-absorbed search 11 for spiritual felicity, seeking spiritual ways to live a better life, own more 12 possessions. 13 14 I am looking for people who will be willing to bond together in a mutual 15 support system to begin to rebuild themselves to become fit to join in 16 creating the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, when Divine Consciousness will 17 reign supreme in the consciousness of all Heaven’s people. 18 19 To achieve this purpose, I will set out clearly what true Members of the 20 Kingdom of Heaven on earth will be willing to accept. The rules that 21 Members must agree to try to implement in their lives daily, followed by 22 the reasons why the rule is so important, are outlined in the following topic 23 (10): Membership for the ‘Era of Love & Peace’ or ‘Kingdom of 24 Heaven’ on Earth. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2007 Message: Meditation 450 10 - Membership for the ‘Era of Love & Peace’ 1 or 2 3 ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ on Earth 4 5 6 This is an impassioned call from the CHRIST to join in the creation of an ERA 7 of LOVE and PEACE – the KINGDOM of HEAVEN on earth – both within 8 one’s self, and in the environment. 9 10 A Gift of Love from the Teacher of Love Himself 11 12 Summary of the Rules to be Followed Daily 13 14 15 Membership in these groups is for people who are deeply and sincerely 16 committed to ridding themselves of ego; and helping to build a world 17 community of equally committed members. 18 19 Membership is a commitment to Christ and to his teachings in his Letters, 20 Articles and Messages. 21 22 Membership will carry prestige since it demands: an understanding of and 23 commitment to Christ’s Letters and surrender of the ‘self’ in daily life. 24 25 The Rules to be followed daily are: 26 27 1 Daily reading of the Christ given Rules and Explanations ( see 28 below) of why he has made them into rules. 29 30 2 Daily Meditation. ( see Message 9 and “How to Meditate” in Letter 8) 31 32 3 Daily, I will reject all ego thoughts and replace them with thoughts 33 of compassionate love and unconditional love. 34 35 4 To make meaningful contact with other people I must LISTEN to 36 them and must stop bringing the subject back to myself. 37 38 2007 Message: Membership for the ‘Era of Love & Peace’ 451 5 I must be able to hear truths about myself without hiding behind a 1 cloak of excuses and indulging in retaliations. 2 3 6 I must, at all times, be truthful and straight forward, otherwise my 4 consciousness will be fragmented and I will lack conviction. 5 6 7 Daily, I must remember and affirm that in the Kingdom of Heaven – 7 tomorrow is always perfect. 8 9 8 I must avoid all alarmist talk. To build the Kingdom of Heaven 10 within and without myself, I must withdraw my consciousness from 11 everything which I do not want to see repeated or perpetuated in the 12 future. 13 14 9 I will listen carefully to all who seek my love and my comfort and 15 will ask Divine Consciousness to give me the words to heal their 16 hurt. 17 18 10 I will not give way to jealousy because I know that all the things 19 necessary for my care and happiness can be mine when I ask ‘Father-20 Mother-Love’. 21 22 11 Daily I will make the Affirmation ( see below) – visualising the full 23 meaning as I speak. 24 25 26 27 Detailed Rules and Explanations 28 29 Before setting out the rules for Membership, I will refresh your memories 30 concerning your own creative power within your minds. 31 32 ‘...when your thoughts and feelings unite in thought patterns of desire, 33 or intention or purpose, you have created a life-form. That life-form is a 34 blueprint, an electrical outline of your intention and the corresponding 35 magnetic field of emotion draws particles of energy together to bring 36 this driving intention into visible manifestation.’ 37 38 2007 Message: Membership for the ‘Era of Love & Peace’ 452 This is a manifestation of your own desires and because your knowledge of 1 yourself and your future is so limited, this manifestation will bring its 2 happy side and its dark side into your experience. 3 4 But when you first go to Divine Consciousness and seek the true solution 5 to your problem and take this solution back to Divine Consciousness for its 6 perfect manifestation on earth – then you have the perfect manifestation of 7 Light carrying within it no future disappointments. 8 9 Try to make it second nature to first seek guidance from Divine 10 Consciousness. Even though you may feel you have heard nothing from the 11 Divine, I tell you truly – if you remain steadfast in faith, in time to come, 12 you will find the answers in visible form returning to you. 13 14 Therefore: 15 16 1 As a Member of the Kingdom of Heaven of Earth I will meditate 17 daily, starting with ten minutes, and moving on to whatever time I 18 am comfortable with. I will set aside all thought as much as possible, 19 quieten and silence my mind. 20 21 I ask Divine Consciousness with heartfelt prayer to enter my 22 consciousness and take over, bringing me Divine Wisdom and Divine 23 Love that It may bless my own life and all I relate to in any way, and 24 the world generally. 25 26 I will use this time of union with Divine Consciousness to KNOW 27 that all matters I take to it for healing and solving will be duly healed 28 and solved. 29 30 I pray that Divine Consciousness will give me the grace to KNOW 31 that IT always answers the prayer of loving conviction. 32 33 2 As a Member helping to create the Kingdom of Heaven, I must set 34 aside every thought of envy. I must remember and affirm that as the 35 child of Divine Consciousness, the ‘Father’, I may ask for whatever is 36 needed or wanted and know that, in due time, it will surely be 37 manifested for me. 38 2007 Message: Membership for the ‘Era of Love & Peace’ 453 3 As a true Member of the Kingdom, daily I will reject all ego thoughts 1 and replace them with those of compassionate love and the 2 unconditional loving thoughts with which I will help build the 3 Kingdom. 4 5 Daily I will repeat to myself: ‘I have undertaken to help build an 6 Era of Love and Peace and my every loving thought is a 7 transforming influence on earth’. 8 9 4 I must remember that the Kingdom of Heaven is a place of joy and 10 laughter. Daily I pray that I may become more enlightened and lifted 11 into appropriate spontaneous joy and laughter to help lighten the 12 spirits of those around me. 13 14 5 Daily I must remember that to overcome ego and make deep 15 meaningful contact with other people, I must LISTEN! I must 16 control my ego-drive to talk about myself, and must listen, striving to 17 understand and empathise with what I am being told. 18 19 6 Daily I must remember that to overcome ego, I must be able to hear 20 any truth about myself without wanting to retaliate or find excuses. 21 In the Kingdom of Heaven there is no backbiting, vindictiveness, 22 resentment! By undertaking to help build the Kingdom of Heaven on 23 earth, I must transcend all these ego impulses – exchanging them for 24 unconditional love. 25 26 7 Daily I must remember that in the Kingdom of Heaven there is only 27 a KNOWING that tomorrow will be perfect because Divine 28 Consciousness fills the minds and hearts of every dweller in the 29 Kingdom. Therefore, I must avoid all alarmist talk. 30 31 8 I will not get caught up in retelling the faults of others. I will not 32 indulge my lower consciousness by contemplating the evils of the 33 governments and the world. To build the Kingdom of Heaven I must 34 withdraw from everything which I do not want to see perpetuated – 35 otherwise the Kingdom will never take shape, or others may build it 36 and I will be left behind. I will be shut out by the self-indulgent 37 consciousness I am building every day. 38 2007 Message: Membership for the ‘Era of Love & Peace’ 454 9 I will listen with love to all who seek my comfort and will ask Divine 1 Consciousness to give me the words to say to heal their hurt. 2 3 10 Daily, I will visualise and make the following Affirmation with love 4 for the world and for myself. I will affirm constantly that because 5 Divine Consciousness illumines my mind, my affirmations are 6 powerful and life giving. I visualise they are the seeds of future 7 events. 8 9 10 11 DAILY AFFIRMATION 12 13 Daily, I open my heart and mind to Divine Consciousness transcendent 14 to help me dissolve all present selfish ego-drives. 15 16 Daily, I open my soul to receive Divine Consciousness to assist me in 17 building a new ERA of LOVE & PEACE in the world. 18 19 In the KINGDOM of HEAVEN only Divine Love, Divine Compassion, 20 Joy and Laughter, and beauty of self-expression will be sublimely 21 manifested always. 22 23 Nature in every area of the world will flourish luxuriantly, 24 harmoniously, supplying fruits and food for every single person on 25 earth. All people will be well fed. All will be well clothed. All will be 26 uplifted in spirit and will manifest Divine Consciousness in every way, 27 every day. 28 29 I lift this Vision of Felicity to Divine Consciousness where it will be 30 ignited with DIVINE LIFE for its perfect manifestation on earth. I give 31 my loving thanks to my SOURCE that even now it is all beginning to 32 take shape in the unseen. 33 34 Thank you, Father. 35 36 37 38 2007 Message: Membership for the ‘Era of Love & Peace’ 455 My beloved souls, it is known that at this time there will be clear and 1 unmistakable divisions between the children who choose the Light and the 2 children who prefer the diversions and darkness of the worldly ego. For the 3 Light to lighten the world all must become the children of the Divine. 4 5 Lovingly, compassionately, even reluctantly I leave you, having spoken what 6 I would have you understand. My LOVE enfolds you in ardent longing for 7 you to receive my words as simply as a tiny child listens to its father’s well-8 loved voice, to ensure my urgent message may bear fruit in your lives and 9 the lives of those who surround you. 10 11 This is a true message of powerful creativity of your future. If you will 12 believe and act, you will see it come to pass. Most certainly within your 13 own lives you will find yourselves in your Kingdom of Heaven. 14 15 16 17 Rest in Love Divine. Rest in Peace. Rest in Light. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2007 Message: Membership for the ‘Era of Love & Peace’ 456 Christ’s 2014 Message - A Higher Vision 1 2 3 I HAVE SAID YOU NEED A HIGHER VISION IN ORDER TO BRING 4 ABOUT RADICAL CHANGES IN YOUR WORLD. 5 6 But I have not told you how to achieve a Higher Vision and how to bring it 7 into being. Without this more detailed knowledge, you will find this 8 commandment difficult to fulfill. I have seen the many hundreds of people who 9 have taken my words into their hearts, who have longed to bring them into 10 manifestation in their lives and for the benefit of the planet. 11 So much love is being expressed as a result of this call to create a Higher 12 Vision, that it is now essential that I come again to help you begin to work 13 consciously, intelligently and lovingly to create a new world. 14 15 If you look back over the last five thousand centuries of individual human 16 development on earth, with the assistance of your history books, and also the 17 writings of noted Writers and philosophers from different countries and 18 centuries, you can see that the changes in thought and style of living did not 19 just happen, they took place only because of the changing blueprints of 20 consciousness taking place in the highly intelligent minds of more advanced 21 thinkers. They presented their thoughts and ideas to the public and as these 22 were absorbed with respect by the public, so did the new ideas take different 23 shapes in the human mind of the populace. Thereafter, gradually, these new 24 ideas appeared manifested as a slightly new mode of behaviour, and also 25 affected national life generally in one form or another. Any and all changes have 26 taken place as a result of someone having a new idea which impacts strongly on 27 public sensitivities and is absorbed by them. You will say this is just common 28 sense. Yes, it is, but we have to build our new perceptions on the ground of 29 common sense, otherwise you will find yourselves rejecting them. 30 31 If you look back to what were, in England, the Victorian and Edwardian days, 32 and known by other terms in other countries, 1845 -1919, you may remember 33 that life in England was very disciplined by the strong traditional rules imposed 34 by laws from Parliament and by members of the aristocracy and Upper Classes. 35 All of these laws and rules were formulated by generations living comparatively 36 roughly, but gradually being smoothed and refined by the developing thoughts 37 of the Thinkers in the country. As a result of the visions of these Thinkers, the 38 2014 Message: ‘A Higher Vision’ 457 various appurtenances of civilisation were adopted: sanitation, paved streets, 1 places of refuge to help the underprivileged, MANNERS BECAME 2 STRICTLY STREAMLINED TO ENABLE PEOPLE TO LIVE 3 PEACEFULLY WITH EACH OTHER. And people went to church and 4 listened to what their preachers had to tell them about damnation and hellfire if 5 they committed sin. You will see that people were able to live tranquil lives as a 6 result of the disciplines voluntarily adopted by the nation on the whole, and 7 this continued until the hidden and subversive elements of human thought and 8 consciousness erupted in wars. All strong emotional thought must manifest 9 eventually. The conflict brought an opportunity to young men to express their 10 hidden aggressive tendencies which had remained hidden. That is why the men 11 and boys flocked to join up in 1914. 12 13 But when the war was over, the consciousness of the populace changed again 14 because it had experienced the pain and the anguish of the manifestation of 15 human subversive, aggressive, retributive impulses active in warfare conflict. 16 English people wanted no more war — they wanted fun! The Churches no 17 longer held the respect of the people as they had before the war. 18 19 However, the last war, 1939-1945, brought society itself into an upheaval. The 20 previously downtrodden masses, directed into the three Fighting Forces in the 21 war, had an opportunity to demonstrate hitherto unsuspected intelligence and 22 skills. As a result, the class barriers were largely broken down and the previously 23 underprivileged people were now given the opportunity to further their 24 education and move up into professional positions. 25 26 Sadly, as these opportunities took place, the consciousness, inherited from 27 babyhood in impoverished homes, were not replaced by life-giving thoughts. 28 The old feeling of life not being fair, of being hard done by, of being rejected 29 by the wealthy, remained, and produced a great deal of negative reaction — 30 Instead of the new opportunities afforded to people generally producing a high 31 degree of an elation of spirit, a belief in success, achievement and happiness, 32 there was also a very negative, life-undermining consciousness at work in the 33 minds of the population, destroying much of the well-being and joy that should 34 have been built up after the last war, with the advent of a huge amount of 35 Technical skills and discoveries, contributing to the general well-being of 36 human beings. 37 38 2014 Message: ‘A Higher Vision’ 458 But, in search of fun and frivolity, the rules for living decent lives were relaxed 1 and gradually cast aside, with the result that the ill-effects of such undisciplined 2 living imbued the consciousness of the masses. They began to experience high 3 levels of misery and despair as a result of emotional upheavals, these in turn led 4 to abnormal reactions of aggression and hatred. People burdened with these 5 impulses of negative reaction, endeavoured to relieve the pain through sexual 6 excesses. These increased as they were talked about and advertised in the media, 7 films, TV, Radio — the more they were talked about, the more they took hold 8 of people’s minds and flourished, leading to ever worsening crimes against each 9 other. 10 11 And this is where you are now. In addition to what has been going on in 12 people’s minds and externalizing in planetary behaviour and experiences, you 13 have the hugely negative effect of such aberrant thought and behaviour on the 14 ‘matter’ of the planet itself — because, as I told you in Letter 1, and you 15 probably did not believe me, but when I was in the desert, I was able to see how 16 a change in my consciousness did affect the vibration of motes around me — 17 speeded them up or slowed them down, and thus the appearance would change 18 so very slightly that an ordinary onlooker would never have noticed the 19 changes. 20 21 But I was just one man bringing my mind to bear on my environment — what 22 of whole cities, countries, reading newspapers, absorbing all the latest scandals 23 and crime and carrying that around during the day — what of that kind of 24 DESTRUCTIVE consciousness — how would that manifest in your world — 25 would it not go to the areas on your planet which have faults, areas where the 26 composition of rock and earth is fractured, made friable, less packed and stable? 27 28 What about the weather? There are those amongst you who are well aware that 29 consciousness does affect the nature of the weather. 30 31 Everything in your life is CONSCIOUSNESS. YOU CANNOT THINK TO 32 YOURSELVES THAT THIS IS CONSCIOUSNESS AND THAT IS 33 SOLID MATTER — 34 35 EVERY SINGLE THING IS ACTUALLY CONSCIOUSNESS MADE 36 VISIBLE and human minds are creating it minute by minute. 37 38 2014 Message: ‘A Higher Vision’ 459 Can you begin to see why I HAVE CALLED ON THOSE PEOPLE 1 WILLING TO HEAR, AND THERE HAVE BEEN SO MANY, MANY 2 GLORIOUS HUMAN BEINGS, WHO HAVE RESPONDED TO MY 3 CALL TO BEGIN TO CREATE A HIGHER VISION IN ORDER TO 4 BRING ABOUT CHANGES AND RESCUE YOUR PLANET? 5 6 So how do you set about it? 7 8 In the first place, each one of you must go to Divine Consciousness, in 9 meditation. 10 11 What do I mean by ‘meditation’? 12 13 I mean an emptying of yourselves of your Will to be in charge of your life. 14 15 I mean a reaching out in your minds to the vastness of space, seeking 16 contact with that which brought you into being. Close your eyes and keep 17 them lifted to the top of your forehead. Surrender your Will, ask to be 18 filled by Divine Consciousness in order to be inspired with new ideas of 19 what the world ought to be. If ideas come to you during your contact with 20 Divine Consciousness, the moment you come out of your meditation, write 21 down these ideas in your spiritual journal, which everyone should keep. 22 23 Begin to think about the reality of living in unconditional love with 24 everyone. What does that really mean? What will your lives be like? What 25 kinds of feelings are rising within you? Create such a place in your mind for 26 as long as you feel happy within it. Give little parties of unconditional love 27 only. What do you learn from them? Talk about your discoveries regarding 28 your present form of consciousness. 29 30 You are having to live in two dimensions at this moment. You are in the 31 world with all its mayhem and unpleasant consciousness — and also its 32 wonderful drive towards seeking spirituality in mind, emotions and body. 33 You must choose, or imagine, as consistently as possible, that you are 34 within the protection and well-being of Divine Consciousness. 35 36 This means that when you are brought into contact with the unpleasant 37 consciousness forces in life, you must continually pray to Divine 38 2014 Message: ‘A Higher Vision’ 460 Consciousness to help you ignore the hurt, the disgust, the rejection of 1 offenders which your humanity, your ego would have dragged you into, 2 and instead, rise into an awareness of Divine Consciousness as being the 3 only Reality in your lives. And therefore, you will enter and remain poised 4 in forgiveness, with a concerned caring for the erring person’s well-being 5 and happiness. 6 7 At the very beginning of your striving to live in this non-reactive and pro-8 active way — which requires you to consciously reject the state of ego 9 reaction and enter the second state of pro-activity — you will find it very 10 painful and annoying to have to let go, overcome, the old sense of having 11 been badly treated, but as you persist, joyfully, you find one day that you 12 are able to move immediately into a state of pro-active joy, forgiveness, 13 understanding and caring concern for whoever has, just that moment, 14 upset your equilibrium. 15 When you achieve this level of loving response to outer dark influences, 16 you have established a framework of Divine Consciousness on earth. 17 18 Pause here and try to fully understand that You have created an area of 19 wholeness on the earth and this does not dissolve. Each time, you can 20 retain love in your heart in the face of opposition, you have built a little 21 oasis of Divine Love in your environment. You will perceive that as more 22 and more people on earth strive to respond to darkness in this way, the 23 darkness itself will be affected — it cannot be otherwise, and so will the 24 ranks of those striving to create the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, begin to 25 increase and swell, and eventually the voices of the Divine will begin to 26 enlighten the responses of those who are still unenlightened. 27 28 And what will be happening on earth whilst individuals are creating their 29 own little oasis of Divine Love on earth? These oases will manifest as long-30 desired benefits in human society. They will enable human beings to rectify 31 the mistakes made in the past years since the last war. Public services will 32 begin to improve, humanity will begin to take on board new ethics 33 governing their behaviour which will ensure that they treat their fellowmen 34 with loving consideration and compassion. As this happens, prosperity will 35 begin to return, poverty will abate, health will become ever more 36 flourishing, arising from the new loving responses in people’s hearts and 37 minds. There will be benefits which at this moment you cannot even 38 2014 Message: ‘A Higher Vision’ 461 imagine because they will accrue from a high spiritual consciousness, 1 beyond your conception at the present moment. 2 3 This is how you will create the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. 4 5 I have just one word of warning. None of this will happen until people 6 become aware that their own human thinking only has power over the 7 ‘matter’ of the world — it is not spiritual. 8 The ‘I’ of each person is not the soul — the soul is hidden within the ego. 9 10 Please note well, all followers of Christ’s Letters, who have also followed 11 other spiritual leaders. 12 13 Your ego remains in control of your consciousness until you have, little by 14 little, drawn into your minds, the transcendent Divine Consciousness to 15 gradually spiritualise your mental processes. 16 17 Will you please note: I have to tell you that human seekers of spirit have 18 been misled by teachers who have only absorbed certain facets of my 19 message. 20 21 When water is poured into porridge, it softens the porridge but it is 22 absorbed into the porridge and takes on the consistency of the porridge. So 23 it is when spiritual inspiration flows into a receptive mind. It takes on the 24 nature of the human mind. Very rarely is the inspiration so powerful that it 25 can enter and flash its Truth into such a powerful awareness, that a 26 person’s beliefs are immediately changed. This is why inspired people teach 27 many versions of Truth. 28 The fatal version is when people are told that they are Divine because they 29 have drawn their being from Divinity. 30 31 The truth is, they can draw little streams of inspired consciousness into 32 their minds, and very little by little, the darkness of the human ego is 33 dissipated and is illumined by Divine Inspiration. Eventually, the 34 consciousness is fully illumined, and the ego is overcome. When this 35 happens to a person, that person becomes fully UNIVERSAL in 36 Consciousness and is no longer aware of any desires for the self at all. 37 38 2014 Message: ‘A Higher Vision’ 462 It focuses on otherness entirely and lives only to experience the rapture and 1 ecstasy of Divine Consciousness and to lovingly promote the wellbeing of 2 others. 3 4 This is CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. 5 6 This is why I descended to write this Letter for you. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2014 Message: ‘A Higher Vision’ 463 QUICK REFERENCES Quick References 464 Laws of Existence 1 2 3 The following are the LAWS OF EXISTENCE controlling the human 4 ability to create new circumstances and environment, relationships, 5 achievement or failure, prosperity or poverty. 6 7 Whatever man profoundly BELIEVES himself to be, good or bad, that will 8 he become. 9 10 Whatever man FEARS others will do to him, so will they do. 11 12 Whatever man HOPES that others will do to him, he must first do to 13 them, since he is then creating a ‘consciousness pattern’ which will return 14 to bless him to the extent he has blest others. 15 16 Whatever disease man DREADS so will he become prey to it for he will 17 have created a ‘consciousness pattern’ of the very thing he least wants to 18 experience. 19 20 Whatever is sent forth from man’s mind and heart – returns to him in due 21 course in some form or another, but remember that like always breeds like. 22 Strongly held emotional thoughts are ‘consciousness seeds’ planted within a 23 man’s own orbit of consciousness. These will grow, bearing a like harvest 24 for his reaping. 25 26 These are the fruits of free will. 27 28 There is no way that man may escape what he thinks, says or does – for 29 he is born of the Divine Creative Consciousness power and is likewise 30 creative in his imagining. 31 32 Those who long for good for themselves must first give it to others. Let 33 their very existence be a blessing to others. 34 35 When such people are in harmony with all others – they are then 36 perfectly attuned to the Universal Creative Consciousness power – 37 38 Laws of Existence 465 and they are brought into the flow of the Father ‘nature’ which is growth, 1 protection, nourishment (physical, mental, spiritual) healing, fulfilment of 2 need, within a system of law and order. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Laws of Existence 466 Laws - Principles of Creation 1 2 3 These LAWS are so much part of life that they are never questioned. They 4 are undeviating and consistent – but there would be no such laws if there 5 were no Creative Intelligent Power manifesting Itself through the 6 universe. These ‘principles’ of creation, the characteristics of the Creative 7 Power Itself, are as follows: 8 9 [ I am translating them into your present tense because these ‘principles’ are 10 eternal. ] 11 12 1. The ‘Nature’ of the ‘Creative Power’ is GROWTH. 13 14 Everything living always grows. 15 16 GROWTH is a universal characteristic, an undeviating principle of existence. 17 18 2. The ‘Nature’ of the ‘Creative Power’ is NUTRITION and 19 NOURISHMENT. Nutrition and Nourishment are a normal and 20 marvellously organized process within bodies which is evident to all who 21 take the trouble to consider them. Nutrition is provided for all living things 22 according to individual preferences and the food is digested to promote 23 health and well-being. When little creatures are born, milk is already 24 supplied within the mother, ready and waiting for the newborn. This too is 25 a mystifying principle of existence none can deny. 26 27 No science can explain why such a fortuitous function within the system, 28 ensuring survival of the species, should have originally come into being. 29 The actual function itself may be understood but not the ‘why’ and the 30 mainspring of the function. 31 32 3. The ‘Nature’ of the ‘Creative Power’ is HEALING. 33 34 Healing is a natural characteristic of existence and can be said to be a 35 natural ‘Perfecting Process’, which takes place to ensure individual comfort, 36 but none can explain what prompts the activity of healing. 37 38 Laws - Principles of Creation 467 4. The ‘Nature’ of the ‘Creative Power’ is PROTECTION. 1 2 Protection is an integral characteristic of Creative Power and all of Its 3 seeming ‘miraculous’ activity in the world is geared towards protection. 4 5 [ Today, your medical text books describe the various protective systems in your 6 body but when I was in the desert I ‘saw’ the characteristic of Protection 7 inherent in the Intelligent Creative Power in the following way. ] 8 9 As plants, birds and animals were presented to me for inspired observation, 10 I could see how every ‘need of protection’ in bodies has been lovingly 11 supplied, with the greatest attention to detail. 12 13 5. This characteristic of ‘Protection’ is combined with the other 14 dynamic characteristic of FULFILMENT OF NEED. 15 16 This was made clearly apparent in the provision of hair, fur and feathers to 17 protect the skin of living creatures and to provide warmth in the cold and 18 shelter in the heat. I saw that the tender endings of important and sensitive 19 fingers and toes were all provided with appropriate protection of hoof and 20 nail. Eyebrows protected eyes from sweat, eyelids and lashes protected eyes 21 from dust and damage. I realised that those animals which attracted flies 22 were equipped with the kind of tails which would most speedily get rid of 23 them. 24 25 What a happy, joyous kind of love and caring were expressed in these 26 small physical attributes which seemed so small and inconsequential 27 and yet had such a profound bearing on the comfort of all living things. 28 These physical luxuries, added to the basic physical design, were clearly 29 the product of an Intelligence which intended creation to be 30 comfortable and happy – free of the stress which would have been 31 experienced by man and beast if these ‘luxury items’ had not been given 32 them! 33 34 Even the natural functions were so intelligently and comfortably designed 35 as to call forth thanksgiving. Everything tucked so neatly out of sight. How 36 blest, how fortunate was mankind to be born into a life so wonderfully 37 provided for! Again my praises soared and I was lifted on an inner golden 38 Laws - Principles of Creation 468 light of rapturous wonder – for I now ‘saw’ that, in addition to freedom 1 from stress, living creatures were also meant to express the exuberant loving 2 NATURE of the Creative Power. For this reason, they were equipped with 3 limbs: arms, hands, legs and feet, fingers and toes, to enable them to move 4 about, run, leap and dance, to be able to express their inmost thoughts and 5 feelings. I even felt that if mankind longed to fly and grow wings and 6 believed with all their hearts they could do so; eventually they would begin 7 growing something additional to enable them to fly. 8 9 It was at this point of understanding of the NATURE of the ‘Creative 10 Power’ that I came into the full consciousness of the LOVE directing the 11 WORKS of the Universal Intelligent Creative Power. 12 13 As I pondered this LOVE, I realised that the ‘mother’ in creation, 14 nourishes, protects, fulfills the needs and tries to promote healing of 15 offspring; this is the activity of LOVE. 16 17 6. The innate characteristic of the LOVING INTELLIGENT 18 CREATIVE POWER which has given creation its individual form and 19 ‘being’ is WORK. 20 21 It works for us, in us, and through us. 22 23 Its ‘work’ is always, always, always, prompted by LOVE. 24 25 This cosmic revelation filled me with joy and astonishment. What a 26 wonderful world we lived in! It was the culminating point in my 27 enlightenment and my overall view of the TRUTH concerning the 28 SOURCE of ALL BEING. 29 I had already ‘seen’ the reality of the physical bodies composed of various 30 communities of identical ‘infinitely tiny entities’ working in a spirit of co-31 operation and harmony to produce the various components of the body – 32 flesh, bone, blood, to eyes and hair. 33 34 The only difference between these communities lay in the type of work 35 demanded by their common goals. Surely the DIVINE IMPULSE behind 36 all this intelligent, purposeful activity in the body, was both the inspiration 37 and foundation of man’s own conduct when people worked in unison to 38 Laws - Principles of Creation 469 produce a planned objective? They drew intelligence and purpose from the 1 Creative Power, yet how very different was man’s behaviour when 2 engaged in earthly construction or any other communal project for it 3 was inevitably characterized by arguments and dissension. 4 5 I was brought to a realisation of the INFINITE POWER of the 6 ‘Intelligent Creativity’ ever active within creation, maintaining order, co-7 operation, harmony, daily productivity, unequalled by man anywhere, at 8 any time. 9 10 7. SURVIVAL was a natural characteristic of the ‘Creative Power’. In 11 every case, the most wonderful provision had been made for all living things 12 to grow, be healed of illnesses and injury, nourished in order to keep the 13 body healthy, and to produce its own kind in order to ensure survival on 14 this earth. This was the only reality mankind could be absolutely sure of 15 and Its activity was consistent, year in and year out. The sun, moon, stars, 16 all remained in their places for millennia and it was recognized that they all 17 possessed their own paths of movement – this phenomena was all part of 18 the grand scheme for survival in creation. 19 20 If this was so, how could there not be survival of the eternal flame of: 21 22 Loving Intelligent Creative Power hidden within the created entities of 23 every kind in the universe? Therefore, this world was but a shadow and 24 image of the hidden worlds of Loving Intelligent Creative Power beyond 25 this dimension. The Reality of the entirety of creation lay beyond this 26 visible world. 27 28 8. The inherent characteristic of Loving Intelligent Creative Power was 29 RHYTHM. 30 31 I saw that there was a RHYTHM in operation in the world. 32 33 Everything was subject to seasons which gave a blossoming and burgeoning 34 of life, a growing season coming up to the ripening and harvest, and the 35 production of seeds which ensured the survival of plant life. Then there was 36 the gradual dying away and rest period of winter. But nothing created and 37 living was allowed to become extinct. The sun and moon expressed these 38 Laws - Principles of Creation 470 characteristics within the universe. This rhythm could even be seen in the 1 females of living things. 2 3 Therefore, everything in creation had its due time for appearance and 4 harvest. It followed that man himself was subject to tides of growth and 5 success and tides of dormancy. 6 7 9. The inherent characteristic of the Loving Intelligent Creative Power 8 was LAW AND ORDER. 9 10 The undeviating order and reliability apparent in creation, even governing 11 the tiny entities (‘cells’) within the body, were astonishing and far 12 transcended any human endeavor. Therefore, the entire universe was 13 operating under a system of perfect LAW and ORDER. 14 15 I realised on ever higher and higher levels of spiritual exaltation that the 16 ‘creative power’ exhibited intelligent purposefulness and loving concern for 17 all living things. I realised that life was not something nebulous or 18 amorphous but an intelligent loving creative power which I could actually 19 feel within myself as a tremendously heightened state of being, perception, 20 radiance, ecstasy, joy, love. I knew myself to be one with it – filled with it – 21 and I was one with everything around me and one with the sky and stars. 22 23 And – most wonderful and glorious of all – the very ‘Nature’ and 24 ‘Function’ of this ‘Father – Creative Power’ was to work in order to create 25 joy, beauty, and comfort to ensure mankind’s well-being, to work within 26 mankind to provide interior joy, health and comfort, and to work through 27 mankind, inspiring him with new realisation and understanding. 28 Wonderful vistas of glorious creativity came to mind. Once we became 29 truly ‘at one’, purified channels and instruments of the ‘Intelligent 30 Creative Power’, we could gradually ascend in consciousness until we truly 31 expressed through our minds and hearts the very ‘NATURE’ of the 32 ‘Universal Creative Power’. Then ‘life on earth’ would indeed become a 33 ‘state of heaven’ at all times and we would enter into a state of eternal life! 34 35 This must surely be the true goal behind creation, I thought. And it came 36 to me with a surge of elation and loving joy, that this was the purpose for 37 which man had been evolved and developed! 38 Laws - Principles of Creation 471 But – even at this present time, although mankind was so very imperfect in 1 his behaviour, absolutely nothing was impossible to him in the future, 2 since, despite his wrongdoing, he was one with the ‘Creative Power’ and the 3 ‘Creative Power’ was within him, giving him life, limb, and everything else 4 he needed. 5 6 All of this realisation lifted me to the heights of rapture, elation and 7 sublime ecstasy, so that I was scarcely able to bear it. I felt my body must 8 dissolve with the expansion of Power within me. I was irradiated with 9 LIGHT and could see IT all around me illuminating the desert scene. 10 11 My heart sang in praises. How wonderful and beautiful was the Loving 12 Creative Power which worked in, through and for us, unceasingly! 13 14 What a MIRACLE was creation! 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Laws - Principles of Creation 472 Cleansing Your Consciousness 1 2 3 I want you to realise fully that I have only come to help you rid your 4 self of the undesirable ego-driven thoughts and emotions presently 5 controlling your mind. I am also here expressly to encourage and ‘help 6 you’ – yes, ‘help you’ – develop within your mind and heart all the love-7 based thoughts and emotions which will bring you into harmony with 8 Divine Consciousness. It is my most urgent and loving purpose to bring 9 you out of the grey shades of existence which you presently inhabit – 10 into the ‘sunshine’ of spiritual enlightenment that awaits you when you 11 have conquered the ego-drives, become unified with your soul and 12 ‘Father-Mother-Life’ and moved into the harmony of unconditional 13 love for all. 14 15 Therefore, I will repeat the list of negative characteristics set out at the 16 beginning of this Letter 6. 17 18 I want you to read them carefully and watch your own reactions and 19 feelings as you go through them slowly. 20 21 Criticism, sarcasm, judgmentalism, rejection, denigration, enmity, 22 intolerance, hatred, jealousy, aggression, violent impulses, thieving, 23 falsehoods, double and devious dealings, slander – 24 25 How do you begin to get rid of any of those you know to be part of your 26 consciousness? 27 28 Do not be too ashamed to face up to them, since you are a human being 29 and have been born under the influence of these characteristics of the ego. 30 So do not be too afraid or too downcast to face up to them. 31 32 Take the first step in total honesty – and write them down. 33 34 The second step is to take the sheet of paper and lie down and place it on 35 your chest. Close your eyes and reach out in thought to the Divine Reality 36 – your Source of Being, which you should now realise is your Loving 37 Procreator – your true ‘Spiritual Father-Mother’ – which radiates 38 Cleansing Your Consciousness 473 unstintingly and continually and consistently – UNCONDITIONAL 1 PARENTING LOVE. 2 3 Give time to quietening your mind until you feel that you are moving 4 beyond your own consciousness. 5 6 Then ask, in perfect faith, and expect an immediate answer, since you are 7 operating in consciousness, for help in removing, dissolving, overcoming 8 the false and unnecessary rejection ego-drives in all the days to come. 9 10 Emotionally, you make it clear to your ‘Spiritual Father’ or ‘Divine 11 Reality’ – and therefore to yourself – that you want no more of these 12 ego-negatives in your consciousness. You ask for the inspiration and 13 strength to make every effort to avoid or deny them, from that day 14 forward. 15 16 By following this course of action, you are creating a NEW 17 CONSCIOUSNESS FORM which now begins to infiltrate and take over 18 your present consciousness. 19 20 YOUR INTENTION 21 now becomes your reality. 22 23 The former negative characteristics written on your piece of paper and 24 taken to your ‘Spiritual Father’ are now in a limbo of rejection in your 25 consciousness. This conscious rejection is also the means of drawing Divine 26 Power into your consciousness to help you strengthen your resolve and 27 remembrance to discard any impulses which may erupt from the rejected 28 characteristics. 29 30 Therefore, as you can probably see – the surrender and meditation have set 31 in motion unseen work in consciousness of which you will probably be 32 unaware until you later wake up to the fact that the characteristics have 33 disappeared. 34 35 I would earnestly urge you to take the paper of characteristics into 36 meditation several times. Each time you do so, you draw into your own 37 consciousness, a further injection of ‘Father-Mother-Consciousness Life’ 38 Cleansing Your Consciousness 474 power into your purpose of overcoming and ridding your consciousness of 1 unwanted consciousness forms and forces. 2 3 When they have been dissolved, they will no longer draw into your 4 circumstances the negative and unhappy shadows which plagued you 5 before. You will be travelling a higher path to freedom. 6 7 As you progress, you will come to perceive little faults of consciousness in 8 your mind and heart which never seemed to be wrong before, and when 9 this happens, you must go through the same procedure of writing them 10 down and taking them in utter faith to your ‘Spiritual Father’. 11 12 Now, there is one more thing you must do to complete this rebuilding of 13 your consciousness. 14 15 In place of – 16 17 criticism, sarcasm, judgementalism, rejection, denigration, enmity, 18 intolerance, hatred, jealousy, aggression, violent impulses, thieving, 19 falsehoods, double and devious dealings, slander – 20 21 you must write down on a piece of paper – in gold letters if possible, to 22 give you a sense of beauty and glow about the attributes – the golden 23 qualities of Divine Consciousness of which you want to be possessed by – 24 and to express – in future. 25 26 To be in perfect harmony with your ‘Divine Reality’ – your ‘Spiritual 27 Father’ – each attribute will be founded on unconditional love and will 28 promote the highest good of others. 29 30 For no longer will you seek to put others down in order to make yourself 31 feel greater and more self-confident. Your entire consciousness will be 32 directed to affirming other people and building up everything within your 33 orbit. You will seek to nourish, nurture, teach, protect, maintain, fulfill the 34 needs of others, and seek to lovingly establish order out of chaotic mindless 35 actions. 36 37 38 Cleansing Your Consciousness 475 Having written your golden aspirations on your sheet of paper, again lie 1 down and reach out to your ‘Divine Reality’ and ask that the beautiful 2 impulses – the nature of the Divine – may gradually spread through your 3 mind and heart and become your own consciousness. When this happens, 4 your soul will be like a baby chick pecking and pecking, breaking its shell to 5 emerge into the wonder of the great big world to be united with mother 6 hen, patiently waiting for her child to rejoin her. This is how it is with me 7 and all other Christed souls. We wait and watch and help the people who 8 long to find out the cause of their emptiness of spirit, who set their hearts 9 on transcending earthly occupations, whose minds are being drawn to 10 higher purposes in life, and who dream of coming into perfect attunement 11 with their own souls and their DIVINE SOURCE OF BEING. We yearn 12 with love over the spiritual travellers more than the travellers even suspect. 13 This means that we yearn with love over you who are reading this Letter. 14 15 When you are again united with your Source of Being, you will have 16 achieved your true purposes on earth. You will have accomplished your 17 true mission in eternity. And now – let your REAL LIFE begin! You will 18 have entered the Kingdom of Heaven! 19 20 I will not tell you what qualities to write for your new consciousness – these 21 must come out of your present perceptions of the highest and best. Again 22 study the Divine Nature of Divine Consciousness which I perceived so 23 clearly in the desert and described for you in Letter 1. 24 25 Let this Divine Nature become your own nature. 26 27 I want you to know that when you embark on this journey in true sincerity, 28 I will be at your side in every eventuality. It is my dearest wish that you will 29 come to know that I am with you and that I am sending you support and 30 strength in your quest to become unified with your ‘Divine Reality’. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Cleansing Your Consciousness 476 Meditation Prayer 1 2 3 FATHER-MOTHER-LIFE, you are my life, my constant support, my 4 health, my protection, my perfect fulfilment of every need and my highest 5 inspiration. 6 7 I ask you to reveal the true Reality of Yourself to me. I know it is your 8 WILL that I shall be fully illumined that I may better receive awareness of 9 Your Presence within and around me. I believe and know that this is 10 possible. I believe that you protect and maintain me within perfect LOVE. 11 I know that my eventual purpose is to EXPRESS YOU. 12 13 As I speak to you, I know that you are perfectly receptive of me, for you are 14 UNIVERSAL LOVING INTELLIGENCE which has so marvellously 15 designed this world and brought it into visible form. 16 17 I know, that as I ask YOU to speak to me, I am sending out a consciousness 18 searchlight into your Divine Consciousness and as I listen, YOU will be 19 penetrating my human consciousness and coming ever closer to my 20 increasingly receptive mind and heart. 21 22 I commit myself and my life into your care. 23 24 25 26 Each time you say and visualise this prayer, you create a spiritual 27 consciousness form which will become stronger and ever more elevated in 28 frequencies of vibration as the true meaning of the prayer deepens in your 29 mind and heart and your perceptions heighten. 30 31 After the prayer, relax ever deeper and let your mind go as blank as you can. 32 If thoughts intrude, gently recite ‘Divine Life’ or ‘Father-Mother-Life’ to 33 yourself and again quieten your mind. 34 35 At the end of your meditation, always give glad and grateful thanks. 36 37 38 Meditation Prayer 477 Rules to be Followed Daily 1 2 3 1 Daily reading of the Christ given Rules and Explanations ( see 4 Message 10 ) of why he has made them into rules. 5 6 2 Daily Meditation. ( see Message 9 and “How to Meditate” in Letter 8) 7 8 3 Daily, I will reject all ego thoughts and replace them with thoughts 9 of compassionate love and unconditional love. 10 11 4 To make meaningful contact with other people I must LISTEN to 12 them and must stop bringing the subject back to myself. 13 14 5 I must be able to hear truths about myself without hiding behind a 15 cloak of excuses and indulging in retaliations. 16 17 6 I must, at all times, be truthful and straight forward, otherwise my 18 consciousness will be fragmented and I will lack conviction. 19 20 7 Daily, I must remember and affirm that in the Kingdom of Heaven – 21 tomorrow is always perfect. 22 23 8 I must avoid all alarmist talk. To build the Kingdom of Heaven 24 within and without myself, I must withdraw my consciousness from 25 everything which I do not want to see repeated or perpetuated in the 26 future. 27 28 9 I will listen carefully to all who seek my love and my comfort and 29 will ask Divine Consciousness to give me the words to heal their 30 hurt. 31 32 10 I will not give way to jealousy because I know that all the things 33 necessary for my care and happiness can be mine when I ask ‘Father-34 Mother-Love’. 35 36 11 Daily I will make the Affirmation ( see next page) – visualising the 37 full meaning as I speak. 38 Rules to Be Followed Daily 478 Affirmation 1 2 3 Daily, I open my heart and mind to Divine Consciousness transcendent 4 to help me dissolve all present selfish ego-drives. 5 6 Daily, I open my soul to receive Divine Consciousness to assist me in 7 building a new ERA of LOVE & PEACE in the world. 8 9 In the KINGDOM of HEAVEN only Divine Love, Divine Compassion, 10 Joy and Laughter, and beauty of self-expression will be sublimely 11 manifested always. 12 13 Nature in every area of the world will flourish luxuriantly, 14 harmoniously, supplying fruits and food for every single person on 15 earth. All people will be well fed. All will be well clothed. All will be 16 uplifted in spirit and will manifest Divine Consciousness in every way, 17 every day. 18 19 I lift this Vision of Felicity to Divine Consciousness where it will be 20 ignited with DIVINE LIFE for its perfect manifestation on earth. I give 21 my loving thanks to my SOURCE that even now it is all beginning to 22 take shape in the unseen. 23 24 Thank you, Father. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Affirmation 479 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ADDITIONAL 10 11 12 RESOURCES 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Affirmation 480 The Great Invocation for Christ’s Way 1 2 3 My very Dear Friends in Christ, 4 5 A Prayer Chain is being formed and is already covering many countries. 6 7 Due to the very clear developments that are taking place worldwide, 8 everyone is invited to join in the 'chain' with the following prayer, adapted 9 by our Beloved Recorder for Christ's Way followers. 10 11 At 22:00 hours (10:00 p.m.), every evening, no matter wherever you are, 12 you will be joined by many souls who are also seeking the Higher Vision 13 that Christ has so lovingly promised us. 14 15 " Here is a very powerful prayer for you to use, dwelling on each word and 16 visualising its powerfully IMMENSE MEANING. ” 17 18 This prayer is the Recorder's adaptation of THE GREAT 19 INVOCATION for CHRIST'S WAY. 20 21 “From the radiant Universal Consciousness of Divinity 22 Let Light stream forth into the minds of men.” 23 24 “From the radiant Universal Consciousness of Divinity — Father 25 Let Light descend and irradiate all life on Earth.” 26 27 “From the radiant Universal Consciousness of Divinity — Mother 28 Let love stream forth and flood the hearts of men.” 29 30 “We rejoice that Christ is indeed with us,” 31 32 “Christ has returned to Earth — in deed!” 33 34 “From the Radiant Universal Consciousness of Divinity — 35 where is Divine Intent Let Divine Purpose sway the ego wills of men” 36 37 “That glorious Purpose known and served by Christ and Celestial Beings.” 38 The Great Invocation for Christ’s Way 481 The Recorder’s Short Prayer 1 2 3 Divine Consciousness, the Source of all Intelligence and Love in the world 4 — my LIFE, I open my mind and heart to receive your Wisdom, Love, 5 Strength. I ask that You may enhance and prosper me and my family, and 6 lead me into doing only what will enhance and bless everyone in my 7 environment. I thank you for your immense Power within me and my life. 8 9 _____________________ 10 11 Christ says: “I want you to move again into an inner state of conscious 12 equilibrium, where all thought is stilled and your mind resides in silence. 13 You are in interior control, your mind and emotions no longer divided into 14 activity and feeling. You may feel a build-up of power within you, strength, 15 peace, and contentment. This, expressed in you, in individual form, is the 16 State of Being out of which came creation…” ~ Letter 5 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 The Recorder’s Short Prayer 482 The Recorder’s Long Prayer 1 2 3 Beloved FATHER-MOTHER-LIFE, I am beginning to realize that when I 4 forget and live my life in forgetfulness of my true spiritual identity, I find 5 myself in times of difficulty and tension. I perceive that when I surrender 6 my self-will and yield to the protection and guidance of my Source of 7 Being, I am uplifted on to a higher level of spiritual consciousness and my 8 life flows, taking me into perfect conditions to achieve what is best for me 9 and my family and others connected to me. 10 11 I am making this plain as I pray to YOU, because, beloved Father, I want to 12 make my surrender genuine and real, I want it to affect - colour - my daily 13 thoughts and activities. I sincerely want to spontaneously wonder (when 14 doubtful), what is the Father’s purpose, what is the right, the loving way 15 which will be of benefit and a blessing for all concerned in this activity. 16 17 Beloved Father, I KNOW YOU have taken care of me up to this time of 18 true realization that my will lands me in trouble, and the right way lifts me 19 up from trouble, I pray you will accept my surrender and lift me on to the 20 true spiritual path as outlined in Christ’s Letters. 21 22 I thank you, Father, I know that you have received my prayer into your 23 Divine Self and that YOU are enfolding me in your loving consciousness of 24 spiritual wellbeing and spiritual growth. 25 26 I also pray, beloved Father, Source of all Being, that this prayer may uplift 27 all who have contact and meaning for me in my daily life. 28 29 I ask that this prayer may be amplified and radiated far and wide to reach 30 people who are lost in ego and long to find peace and harmony. I pray they 31 may find the Truth of Being and be lifted into a knowledge of Divine Love. 32 33 And, Beloved Father, please impress your Divine Love also within my heart 34 that I may respond and love You powerfully because loving you brings me 35 into closer and more perfect union with ALL that YOU are. 36 37 38 The Recorder’s Long Prayer 483 I thank you with gratitude and joy because I know that my words have been 1 fully received and understood and even now I am enfolded in your Divine 2 Self, we are united, I am part of You, my beloved FATHER. 3 4 ~ Recorder 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 The Recorder’s Long Prayer 484 General Guidelines for Group Discussion 1 2 Make it clear to your group members that everyone in the group should have a 3 chance to voice their thoughts, so each speaker should be allowed to speak 4 about three or four minutes. Tell your group that anyone who talks longer will 5 be holding up the work. 6 7 ➤ Tell them that the group has met to discuss the true meaning of important 8 passages of Christ’s Letters. Each person should give their interpretation. 9 10 ➤ It is permissible to share personal reactions – belief – disbelief, and why 11 they feel that way. 12 13 ➤ It is not permissible to introduce other beliefs from other teachings. 14 Nothing is ever gained from this and can irritate other group members. 15 Emphasize that focus must be on the script. 16 17 ➤ At the beginning of each session tell the group you will be concentrating 18 on a certain section of a Letter. Read the whole sequence first and then 19 return and study paragraphs in detail. 20 21 ➤ At the end of the session, tell your group what you will be studying next 22 time. 23 24 ➤ It will be made more interesting if you talk about any extended reading 25 you feel would be helpful which will fill out some of the statements made 26 by Christ. Some very instructive and interesting work can be done on the 27 section in Letter 1 where Jesus perceives that the nature of the Creator is 28 Growth, Nutrition, etc. The more deeply you study the dynamics of the 29 physical system, the more amazing do the physical processes become. 30 31 I am sure that other ideas will come to you as you start off with this ground 32 plan. 33 34 I would like to add that very interesting Group Meetings are in progress and 35 people are reporting a real deepening of their understanding of the Letters. 36 (This is true of Spain.) This is because there are distinct guidelines (see next 37 page) for conducting such Groups. 38 General Guidelines for Group Discussion 485 Christ Says 1 2 3 “I urge you to meet together on a Sunday to speak of your many blessings, 4 give sincere wholehearted thanks and raise your minds in praise of That 5 Which has given you Being. Meditate together to draw Divine 6 Consciousness through your minds into world consciousness that 7 the Nature of Divine may, more and more, imbue the nature of the world 8 psyche with Its own transcendent Love. 9 10 “Your groups will emit spiritual consciousness energy which will influence 11 mind energies around you.” – Extract from Letter 9 – 12 13 14 15 Group Meeting Guidelines 16 17 18 The meeting should be organized as follows: 19 20 Before entering the meditation/meeting room, please set apart at least five 21 minutes for an inner preparation, entering into a state of inner peace and 22 harmony, so that you can arrive to the meeting wearing a ‘dress’ of 23 Unconditional Love. 24 25 Please understand that it’s important to be aware that you are entering a “sacred 26 room”. In fact, we are about to celebrate our connection with the “Letters”, 27 giving thanks to Divine Consciousness, and gathering all together to live and 28 study “Christ’s Letters”, and to draw Divine Consciousness in our own 29 consciousness and on the earth. Inside the meeting room there should be a 30 coordinator. He/she is the person who has been chosen to guide the meeting 31 through their voice, nothing more. There may be more than one coordinator, if 32 necessary. 33 34 At the beginning of the meeting, the coordinator will read the text previously 35 chosen for the occasion. As it is being read, you can relax and let the words 36 enter your heart and illumine your being. 37 38 Group Meeting Guidelines 486 The coordinator will then guide you briefly into a meditative state and read the 1 ‘Father-Mother-Life’ prayer, as it was taught to us by Christ in Letter 8 ( see pg. 2 335). If you wish, you can read again what the Christ teaches about “How to 3 Meditate” ( see pg. 333). 4 5 During the meditation, reach out with passion from within, drawing Divine 6 Consciousness into your mind and heart so that the Nature of Divine 7 Consciousness may, more and more, imbue your consciousness and the nature 8 of the world psyche around you with its Transcendent Love. 9 10 The meditation will last about 20 minutes, during which there will be a deep 11 silence, and it will end with the reading of the Affirmation for the New Era of 12 Love and Peace. ( see pg. 479) 13 14 Then there is about 20 – 30 minutes for sharing. If you want to share, please 15 ‘raise’ your hand. 16 17 The coordinator will then open your microphones. This is the moment to share 18 your blessings, what was your experience, what did you receive or give, or some 19 insight you gained, even regarding the passage read during the meeting. 20 21 If you don’t have a microphone, or don’t feel like speaking, please use the chat 22 box. 23 24 Some brief yet important instructions: On a video conference it is important 25 to use a headset or earbuds to eliminate audio feedback. If you must use your 26 computer audio, have your microphone muted until you speak. 27 28 One simple, yet important, request: 29 30 We need volunteers. Each one of you can conduct a meeting to allow the 31 opportunity to have more people participating on Sunday. 32 33 We thank you for joining in! 34 35 With profound brotherly love, 36 The Coordinators of “Christ’s Way Meetings”, Christ’s Workers 37 38 Group Meeting Guidelines 487